Digital Literacy

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Daniel Cabrera, boy in viral FB post, graduates from Cebu grade school

1. How does this positive viral story highlight the potential for social media to shape
public perception and influence real-world outcomes?
- The story of Daniel Cabrera, a young boy studying under a fast-food
restaurant’s lights for lack of resources, perfectly illustrates the potential of
social media to shape public perception and influence real-world outcomes.
The photo of Daniel went viral, reaching a large audience and raising
awareness about his situation. This attention likely gathered empathy and
concern, shifting public insight towards the challenges faced by
underprivileged students. The viral story triggered real-world impact, with
Daniel receiving a scholarship and community support. Instances such as
Daniel’s viral posts demonstrate how social media can disseminate uplifting
content, gather support to online netizens, and aid people in reaching their
objectives. These narratives through social media, can reach a wide audience,
promoting a feeling of togetherness and motivating online communities to
perform acts of kindness, especially to help one another.

2. How can digital citizenship education promote responsible sharing and engagement
with upliting content while respecting the dignity and rights of those involved?
- Understanding digital citizenship is very crucial for creating a positive online
atmosphere. This involves critical thinking skills to assess information’s
accuracy and avoid spreading misinformation. Sharing content should be done
with a purpose, sparking discussion and inspiring positive action rather than
making information that lacks context and also could ruin a persons public
image. Additionally, it’s important to prioritize the dignity and privacy of
those involved. This means ensuring shared details and content about
individuals like Daniel don’t exploit their situation. The focus should be on
celebrating their determination and perseverance in the face of challenges, not
showing the public their situation making them as objects of pity.
- Additionally, we must always remember to approach our online interactions
with empathy and mindfulness. We must be careful that we don’t hurt or
offend someone’s feelings as this may affect their mental health. We must put
ourselves in their shoe before giving our comments and opinions, in short,
think before you click. Through these, it will make the internet a more
welcoming and inclusive place for us to scroll by.

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