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Lipids Profile includes

1. Total cholesterol (TChol)

2. HDL-cholesterol high density lipoprotein (often called good
3. LDL-cholesterol low density lipoprotein (often called bad
4. Triglycerides (TGs)
5. Sometimes the report will include additional calculated values
called atherogenic indexes such as
2. TChol / HDL
3. TG / HDL
4. Log (TG / HDL)
Measurement of the serum lipids profile (lipids and
lipoproteins) is useful in
a. characterizing an individual’s risk of developing
cardiovascular diseases (CVD)
b. monitoring therapeutic interventions.
Total Cholesterol
Cholesterol is fat-like substances that can synthesis in the
body (mainly by the liver and intestinal mucosa) and
comes from the diet.
 Cholesterol plays an important role in making some
hormones and is a part of the cell membrane.
Hypercholesterolemia can lead to fatty deposits inside
the blood vessels, which can cause cardiovascular
Hypocholesterolemia that sometimes seen in critically
ill patients (e.g. septicemia and cancer), can be life
threatening as very high levels.
 Total serum cholesterol (TChol) measured to quantify
the total amount of lipoproteins.

Is by cholesterol esterase (CE) and

cholesterol oxidase
Triglycerides (TGs)
Triglycerides are a combination of three fatty acids
and one glycerol molecule.
 Excess TGs are stored in adipose tissue.
Can provide the raw materials needed for
gluconeogenesis or for direct use as an energy
Enzymatic hydrolysis by lipase
High density lipoproteins(HDL):
 The smallest of the lipoprotein particles and the densest.
 Its function is to remove cholesterol from cells to the liver for
hepatic excretion, so circulating HDL reduce the risk of coronary
heart disease (anti-atherogenic), also has anti-inflammatory role
Very low density lipoprotein (VLDL):
This lipoprotein originates in the liver.
Its function is to carry endogenously synthesized
cholesterol and triglycerides from the liver to other
The concentration of Serum VLDL calculated according to
the following formula:
Low density lipoproteins

 (LDLs) are proteins that are cholesterol rich. derived

from IDL by the removal of almost all the triglycerides.
 LDLs carry cholesterol into the tissues where it can
 High LDL levels are a risk factor for cardiovascular
 T.chol concentration reflects LDL concentration because 70 %
TChol is corporate in LDL and only 20 % in HDL concentration.

 Plasma TGs reflect VLDL concentrations.

 Plasma from a fasting subject contains only LDL ,VLDL, and


Appearance of plasma or serum in the

laboratory may provide the first impression
that a patient has hyperlipidemia as the
A.In healthy individuals:
 In fasting state, plasma or serum are
Following meals, it often becomes
specular due to light- scattering properties
of Chylomicrons and VLDL.

B.When TGs concentration 4 mmol /L,

plasma or serum become turbid.
C.In severe hypertriglyceridemia , the
plasma or serum appear milky (lipaemic).
 LDL do not scatter light and even at high
plasma cholesterol the plasma remains

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