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Review unit 5.


1. Listen and write the name.

1. Leanne
2. Jim
3. Patrick
4. Janet
5. Simon

2. Look and complete the predictions about the future

1. Won’t have
2. Will drive
3. Will go
4. Will have
5. Won’t be
6. Will do

2. Order the questions. Then, look at Activity 1 and match.

1. What will robots do? - 6

2. How will people travel? – 2
3. Will people still have pets? – 4
4. Will children have robot teachers? – 1
5. Will there be pollution? – 5
6. What will babies do? – 3

3. Read and match the parts of the sentences

1. e
2. d
3. f
4. b
5. a
6. c

4. Read choose and complete


5. Read and complete

1. Nothing
2. Fed up
3. Banged, head
4. Was
5. Waving
6. Read, choose and complete.

8. Complete this form

Base form Past simple Past participle Meaning

swim swam swam nadar

sleep slept slept dormir

teach taught taught enseñar

loose lost lost perder

have had had tener

9. Write in the correct tense

1. George brushes (brush) his teeth twice a day.

2. When I grow up I won’t be (not be) a journalist, I will (be) a scientist.

3. Tonight we are going to watch (to watch) the new movie.

4. I’m driving (drive) right now, see you later.

5. If you freeze water, It turns (turn) into ice.

6. I’m so hungry because this morning I didn’t have (not have) breakfast.

7. Ana was having a walk, when she found (find) a coin on the pavement.

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