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Lesson 12

Edgar Dale's Cone of

At the end of the lesson, the students should have:

1. Familiarized with Dale's Cone of Experience and provided

classroom processes or practices that exemplify each strat
the Cone of Experience

2. Provided examples of the various instructional materials

appropriate for given instructional contexts
In preparing to become a teacher, there are elements that should be
taken into consideration. One way of putting it is the 8M's of teaching
and each element contributes to ensuring effective instruction.

The Eight M's of Teaching

1. Milieu - the learning environment

Learning environment

Picture A Picture B
In preparing to become a teacher, there are elements that should be
taken into consideration. One way of putting it is the 8M's of teaching
and each element contributes to ensuring effective instruction.

The Eight M's of Teaching

2. Matter - the content of learning

In preparing to become a teacher, there are elements that should be
taken into consideration. One way of putting it is the 8M's of teaching
and each element contributes to ensuring effective instruction.

The Eight M's of Teaching

3. Method - teaching
and learning activities
In preparing to become a teacher, there are elements that should be
taken into consideration. One way of putting it is the 8M's of teaching
and each element contributes to ensuring effective instruction.

The Eight M's of Teaching

4. Material - the resources

of learning
In preparing to become a teacher, there are elements that should be
taken into consideration. One way of putting it is the 8M's of teaching
and each element contributes to ensuring effective instruction.

The Eight M's of Teaching

5. Media - communication system

In preparing to become a teacher, there are elements that should be
taken into consideration. One way of putting it is the 8M's of teaching
and each element contributes to ensuring effective instruction.

The Eight M's of Teaching

6. Motivation - arousing and
sustaining interest in learning
In preparing to become a teacher, there are elements that should be
taken into consideration. One way of putting it is the 8M's of teaching
and each element contributes to ensuring effective instruction.

The Eight M's of Teaching

7. Mastery - internalization
of learning
In preparing to become a teacher, there are elements that should be
taken into consideration. One way of putting it is the 8M's of teaching
and each element contributes to ensuring effective instruction.

The Eight M's of Teaching

8. Measurement - evidence that

learning took place
Direct evidence of learning is the observable demonstration of the
knowledge and skills that students have acquired as a result of their
learning experiences.

-homework -reports
- quizzes -essays
-exams -research projects
-case study analysis -and rubrics for oral and
other performances.
Indirect evidence of learning is the perception or self-report of the
learning that students have achieved or the conditions that facilitated
their learning.

-course evaluations -focus groups

-and reflective essays
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Dr. Edgar Dale
Apri 27, 1900 - March 8, 1985

He received a B.A and M.A. from the

university of North Dakota

In 1920 He graduated with a Ph.D. from

the University of Chicago
Dr. Edgar Dale
Apri 27, 1900 - March 8, 1985

He developed the Cone Of Experience, also

known as the Learning Pyramid

The Father of Modern Media in Education

Edgar Dale's Cone of Experience
After 2 weeks, we tend to remember....... Involvement

10% of what we READ READING P

20% of what we HEAR HEARING WORDS S
30% of what we SEE SEEING
50%of what we WATCH A MOVIE
70% of what we SAY GIVING A TALK
The Cone of Experience is a visual model that shows a continuum
of learning; a pictorial device that presents bands of experience. It
does not strictly define the bands to be mutually exclusive
but allows the fluid movement across the levels. In fact, the sensory
aids may overlap and evenblend into one another.

For example, viewing a play is far different from being a part of it. It is
far different listening to somebody explaining the architectural design from
actually executing the plan.
Dale (1969) asserts that:
The pattern of arrangement of the bands experience is not difficulty
but degree of abstraction that is involved. A still photograph of a
tree is not understand than a dramatization of Hamlet. lt is simply
in itself a less concrete teaching material than the dramatization..
In our teaching, then, we do not always begin with direct experience at the base
of the Cone. Rather, we begin with the kind of experience that is most
appropriate to the needs and abilities of particular learning situation. Then, of
course, we vary this experience with many other types of learning activities.
(Dale, 1969 as cited in B. Corpuz & P. Lucido, 2012).
The Bands in Dale's Cone of Experience

Direct purposeful

- These refer to foundation of experiencing learning.

Using the senses, meaningful knowledge and understanding
established. This is experiential learning where one learns by doing.
The Bands in Dale's Cone of Experience

Contrived experiences

- It is in this category that representations such as models,

miniatures, or mock ups are used. There are things or events that
may be beyond the learners grasp and so contrived experiences can
provide a substitute.
The Bands in Dale's Cone of Experience


- These are commonly used as activities that allows students

to actively participate in a reconstructed experience through
role-playing or dramatization.
The Bands in Dale's Cone of Experience


-When one decides to show how things are done, a

demonstration is the most appropriate experience. It is an actual
execution of a procedure or a process. A demonstration of how to
bake a cake or how to execute the dance step is an appropriate
way of making the learning experience meaningful.
The Bands in Dale's Cone of Experience

Study trips

-These are actual visits to certain locations to observe a situation

or a case which may not be available inside the classroom.
The Bands in Dale's Cone of Experience


-These are displays of models such as pictures, artifacts, posters,

among others that provide the message or information. These are
basically viewed, however, there are currently exhibits that allow
the viewers to manipulate or interact with the display and as a
result, the exhibit becomes more engaging and fun.
The Bands in Dale's Cone of Experience

Television and
motion pictures

-These technology equipment provide a two-dimensional

reconstruction of a reality. These allow learners to experience the
situation being communicated through the mediated tools. They
provide a feeling of realism as viewers try to understand the
message portrayed by actors in the films.
The Bands in Dale's Cone of Experience

Still pictures,
Recordings, Radio

Still pictures, Recordings, Radio

The Bands in Dale's Cone of Experience

Visual symbols

- These are more abstract representations of the concept or the

Examples of these are information presented through a graph or
a chart.
For example, a process can be presented using a flow chart.
The Bands in Dale's Cone of Experience

Verbal symbols

- This category appears to be the most abstract because they may

not exactly look like the concept or object they represent but are
symbols, words, codes or formulae.
In addition, Bruner 's three-tiered model of learning
points out that every area of knowledge can be
presented and learned in three distinct steps.

1. Enactive - a series of actions

(birth to 3 years)

2. Iconic - a series of illustrations or icons

( 3 to 8 years)

3. Symbolic- a series of symbols

( from 8 years)

Jerome Seymour Bruner

In addition, Brunner 's three-tiered model of learning
points out that every area of knowledge can be
presented and learned in three distinct steps.
In the last edition of Audiovisual Methods in Teaching (1969), Dale
integrated Bruner’s (1966) three modes of learning into the Cone by
categorizing learning experiences into three modes: enactive (i.e., learning
by doing), iconic (i.e., learning through observation), and symbolic
experience (i.e., learning through abstraction).

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