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1) Find the resultant vector magnitude and it’s direction (33.22N, 112.4°or 67.6° N of W)

2) A stretched wire of length, l and cross-sectional area, A extends by an amount of x. The elastic
energy, W stored in the wire is given by the equation below;
(Hint: 𝑊 = 𝐹𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒 × 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡)


Determine the dimensional expression for E ( [ 𝐸] = [𝑀][𝐿]−1 [𝑇]−2 )

3) If the density of an object is 2.87 x 10−4 lb/in3, what is its density in g/ml? (Given 1𝑙𝑏 =
454 𝑔, 1 𝑖𝑛 = 2.54𝑐𝑚, 1𝑐𝑚3 = 1 𝑚𝑙 ) (7.95x10-3 g/ml)

4) A car goes 5 km east 3 km south, 2 km west and 1 km north. Find the resultant displacement
by using algebraic method. (R=3.61km, Ɵ = -33.69°)

5) An investigator arrives at the scene of a car crash. From the skid marks he deduces that it
took the car a distance x = 55 meters to come to a halt. Assume full braking (a = -10 m/s²).
Was the car initially above the speed limit of 30 m/s? (Vo = 33.17m/s, so above speed limit)

6) An object with an initial velocity of 4 𝑚/𝑠 moves in a straight line under a constant
acceleration. Three seconds later, its velocity is 14 𝑚/𝑠 .
(a) How far did the object travel during this time? 27m
(b) What was the acceleration of the object? 3.33m/s

7) Husain is riding the Giant Drop at Great America. If Husain free falls for 2.60 seconds,

i. what will be his final velocity? -25.48m/s

ii. how far will he fall? -33.12m

8) A stone is thrown upward with a speed of 12 m/s.

i. Determine the maximum height reaches by the stone. 7.35m
ii. Calculate the time taken for the object to reach the maximum height. 1.22s
iii. Find the velocity of the stone after 1.5 s. -2.7m/s
iv. Explain your answer in part (iii). The velocity is negative because the stone is falling
9) A stone is thrown downward with a speed of 10m/s into a deep well. Determine
i. the velocity of the stone after 1.2 s. -21.76 m/s
ii. ii. The distance travelled by the stone after 1.2 s. Δy = -19m (the distance travelled is

10) A mountain climber encounters a crevasse in an ice field. The opposite side of the crevasse is
2.75 m lower, and the horizontal gap is 4.10 m. To cross the crevasse, the climber gets a
running start and jumps horizontally.
(a) What is the minimum speed v0 needed for the climber to cross the crevasse?
(b) Suppose the climber jumps at 6.0 m/s, where does he land? 4.5m
(c) What is his speed on landing? -9.16m/s (for Vo = 5.47m/s)
-9.48m/s (for Vo = 6m/s)

11) A police officer chases a master jewel thief across city rooftops. They are both running when
they come to a gap between buildings that is 4.0 m wide and has a drop of 3.0 m. The thief
having studied a little physics, leaps at 5.0 m/s at an angle of 45° above the horizontal and
clears the gap easily. The police officer did not study physics and thinks he should maximize his
horizontal velocity, so he leaps horizontally at 5.0 m/s.

(a) Does he clear the gap? (Δx for police is 3.9m, so he does not clear the gap.)
(b) By how much does the thief clear the gap? ( Δx for thief is 4.3m, so he clears the gap
by 0.3m.)

12) An object is launched at a velocity of 20 m/s in a direction making an angle of 25° above the

a) What is the maximum height reached by the object? 3.65m

b) What is the total flight time (between launch and touching the ground) of the
object? 1.72s
c) What is the horizontal range (maximum x above ground) of the object? 31.2m
d) What is the magnitude of the velocity of the object just before it hits the ground?

13) A ball is thrown upwards with an initial vertical velocity of 24 m/s and an initial horizontal
velocity of 10 m/s. The ball lands on a rooftop of a 20m building. Ignore air resistance
a) What is the initial velocity of the ball? 26m/s
b) What is the launching angle of the ball? 67.38°
c) How long does the ball take to land on the rooftop. 3.83s
d) What is the magnitude and direction of the velocity of the ball just before it lands on
the rooftop? (V = 16.82m/s, Ɵ = -54°)
14) Consider the skier on a slope shown in Figure. Her mass including equipment is 60.0 kg.
(a) What is her acceleration if friction is negligible? (a= -4.14m/s2 (direction to the left))
(b) What is her acceleration if friction is known to be 45.0 N? (-3.39m/s2)

15) The force of 6.4 N pulls horizontally on the 1.5kg block that is connected by a string to the
second block of mass 0.93 kg. Assuming a smooth frictionless surface, find
i. acceleration of the blocks (a = 2.63m/s2)
ii. tension in the string. (T=2.45N)
iii. If there is friction, what happens to the tension in the string? (increase, decrease,
stay the same? T will increase

16) Find the magnitude of acceleration of the system. (µ=0.4) a=0.675m/s2

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