Examination GEN - Math Second Quarter

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Home Economics Strand

Monthly Examination For Second Quarter


Directions: Read and understand each items carefully and write the correct answer on the separate
sheet of paper.
I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the letter that corresponds to the answer.

1. In mathematics, this is a function that reverses another function.

a. logarithmic function c. inverse function
b. exponential function d. linear function
2. It is the inverse function of exponentiation.
a. reverse function c. exponential function
b. logarithmic function d. rational function
3. It is a function whose value is a constant raised to the power of the argument, especially the function where
the constant is e.
a. reverse function c. exponential function
b. logarithmic function d. rational function
4. Why studying exponential function is very important?
a. because it is widely used in mathematics
b. because of its distinct features
c. because of its many applications in contemporary life
d. because of its various uses in the field of science and technology
5. The following are example of exponential function, EXCEPT?
a. 2x b. 3x+4 c. 5x2 d. 5-x
6. An exponential equation is an equation of the form f(x)= ax where a is
a. greater than one c. not equal to zero
b. lesser than one d. greater than zero
7-15. Choose what laws of exponents are presented in each item.
a. power of a product d. multiplication property
b. division property e. power of a quotient
c. power of a power f. definition of negative exponents
x y x+y
7. 2 ●2 = 2

8. 1 = 4-2
9. ( ab)4 = a4b4
10. (ax)y = axy
11. (a/b)3 = a3/b3
12. 2x/2y = 2x-y
13. ( xz)3 = x3z3
14. 5s●5t= 5s+t
15. 1 = 5-2
16. The logarithm of a product of two positive numbers is the ______ of the logarithms of two numbers
logaPQ= logaP+logaQ.
a. difference c. product
b. sum d. quotient
17. The logarithm of a quotient of two positive numbers is the ______ of the logarithms of two numbers
logaP/Q= logaP-logaQ.
a. difference c. product
b. sum d. quotient
18. The logarithm of nth power of a positive number is n times the logarithm of the _______.
a. base b. exponent c. power d. number
19. The functions f and f have the effect of _________.
a. redoing each other c. undoing each other
b. interchanging each other d. combining each other
20. Two functions f and g are inverses of each other if f(g(x)) =x for all x in the ____ of f.
a. range b. domain c. function d. set


A. Identify whether the following function tells an exponential function. Write EF for exponential function
and NOT if it is not an exponential function.
21. f(x)= -3x 24. f(x)= 2x+1
22. f(x)= 3x 25. f(x)= 5x
23. f(x)= 4 26. f(x)= 7-x

B. Identify whether the following function shows an exponential change. Write EC for exponential change and
NOT if it does not shows an exponential change.
27. The value of the land appreciating 10% annually.
28. The value of a car depreciating at 5% per year.
29. The net sales of Jinky’s Convenience Store remains stable after 2 months.
30. 10,000 Php invested at 7% compounded annually.


A. Find the inverse function of the following:
31. f(x)= 6x
32. f(x)= 3x-4
33. f(x)= √
34. f(x)=
35. f(x)= 2x3+4
B. Find the value of X in exponential function
36. 72x= 49
37. 2x+1= 2
38. 5x+4= 125
C. Applying the laws of logarithm
39. log2 4+log2 3=_______________
40. log3 8- log3 4= ______________
41. log5 36= ___________________
D. Finding the values of x in logarithmic function
42. log2 x+1= 3
43. log3 2x+7= log3 13
44. 2log2 x= 4
45. log7 5x2= log7 125
E. Find the logarithm of the following: ( good for 5 points) numbers 46-50.
Given that log2= 0.301 and log3= 0.477
Find: log
BONUS POINTS. Fill in the blank the appropriate word.
(1987 Philippine Constitution “ The Preamble”)
We the______ Filipino people imploring the aid of Almighty God in order to build a just and humane society,
and establish a________ that shall embody our ideals and aspirations, promote the common good, conserve
and develop our patrimony and secure to ourselves and our ________, the blessings of independence and
democracy under the rule of law and regime of ____, justice _____, freedom, _______, equality and ______,
do ordain and promulgate this _______.

“Mathematics expresses values that reflect the cosmos, including

Orderliness, balance, harmony, logic and abstract

Deepak Chopra

Prepared by :
Strand Head – H.E. General Math Teacher

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