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Exam Practice: Morphology

1. The oil company was accused of gross _______________ after the oil spillage in the
Mexican Gulf. competent
2. Due to its wonderful beaches and abundant wildlife, Belize’s tourism industry risks
being _____________ , damaging its delicate ecosystem. develop
3. American Express has decided to _____________ its monthly magazine as
advertising revenues for the printed version have dropped. digital
4. Italy’s _______________ figures are likely to rise due to the effects of the Covid
pandemic on the economy. employ
5. There are plenty of new ______________ apps, such as Duolingo, that can help you
pick up a new language. learn
6. Governments are hoping for a speedy ____________ to the current global crisis.
7. Despite his efforts to break into the tech industry, he remained _____________ .
8. Sarah was always top of the class in school, and she tries to be number one at any
new activity or job she takes on. She’s a real _______________ . achieve
9. Our company has an excellent _____________ programme that places all interns
alongside an experienced manager. mentor
10. A closer _____________ of the markets shows that there is a risk of a prolonged
recession. analyse
11. My friends and I all made ______________ about the Oscars, but none of the
nominees I chose won! predict
12. All of the new graduate _____________ who have just started working in this office
have to do a health and safety course. train
13. Our company’s latest product is a major ___________ in the manufacturing industry.
14. I hated my previous job and felt really ____________ to do anything positive.
15. It was a very ____________ moment when I was awarded my degree. emote

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