Analyse The Rise of The Global South in The World Assignment 3rd

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Subject: International Relations and World

Assignment – 03

Topic: Analyse the rise of the global south in the world

Name: Ismail Shah

Program: BA (Hons) Political Science (SY)
Prn: 1172220235
The rise of the global south in the world

Introduction :
The term "Global South" refers to developing, less
developed, or underdeveloped countries primarily located
in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. These nations typically
experience higher levels of poverty, income inequality, and
challenging living conditions in comparison to the richer
nations located mostly in North America and Europe, with
some additions in Oceania and elsewhere, known as the
"Global North."

The term "Global South" was first coined in 1969 by political

activist Carl Oglesby and gained momentum after the
dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, which marked the
end of the "Second World." Previously, developing nations
were commonly referred to as the "Third World," a term
coined by Alfred Sauvy in 1952. However, this term became
associated with poverty, instability, and negative
stereotypes propagated by Western media. As a result, the
term "Global South" emerged as a more neutral alternative.

The term "Global South" does not have a strict geographical

definition. It signifies a combination of political,
geopolitical, and economic similarities among nations.
Many countries in the Global South have a history of
imperialism and colonial rule, particularly evident in
African countries. This history has shaped their
perspectives on the relationship between the global center
(Global North) and periphery (Global South) within the
world's economic and political structures.

The rise of the Global South is a significant development in

the global landscape. Several factors have contributed to the
rise of the Global South. Firstly, many of these countries have
experienced rapid economic growth in recent years, leading
to a growing middle class and increased consumer demand.
Secondly, the Global South is home to a young and growing
population, which provides a large pool of labour and a
growing market for goods and services. Thirdly, the Global
South is rich in natural resources, giving these countries a
strategic advantage in the global economy.

The rise of the Global South has several implications for the
world. Firstly, it is leading to a shift in the global balance of
power, with the Global South becoming a major economic and
political force in the world. Secondly, the rise of the Global
South is leading to a more multipolar world, with the United
States no longer being the only superpower. Thirdly, the rise
of the Global South is leading to a more interconnected world,
with these countries becoming more integrated into the global
economy and political system than ever before.
The rise of the Global South is a positive development for the
world. It is leading to a more just and equitable world order,
as well as a more sustainable world. The Global South is more
likely to adopt sustainable development practices than the
developed countries of the world.

However, the rise of the Global South is also a challenge for

the developed countries of the world. They need to adapt to
the changing global order and find ways to cooperate with the
Global South on issues of mutual interest. The developed
countries also need to do more to help the Global South
develop its economies and reduce poverty.

The rise of the Global South is an opportunity for the world to

create a more just and equitable world order, as well as a more
sustainable world. The developed countries and the Global
South need to work together to seize this opportunity.

The Global South has been on the rise, and there are several
examples to illustrate this fact. China has become the second-
largest economy in the world, while India follows closely as
the third-largest. Brazil, Mexico, and Indonesia also feature in
the list of the largest economies in the world, ranking seventh,
eleventh, and sixteenth respectively. All of these countries are
members of the G20, the leading forum for international
economic cooperation. It is worth noting that the G20 is now
dominated by countries from the Global South.
This trend has led to significant changes in the global balance
of power and a more interconnected and multipolar world.
The rise of the Global South presents a challenge for the
developed countries, but it also offers an opportunity to create
a more equitable and just world order. To seize this
opportunity, the developed countries and the Global South
must work together.

 Significance of Global South Today:

The Global South has experienced a significant shift in

wealth and political visibility in recent decades. The World
Bank has acknowledged a "shift in wealth" from the North
Atlantic to the Asia-Pacific region, challenging conventional
notions of economic power distribution. Projections
indicate that by 2030, three of the four largest economies
will belong to Global South countries, with China and India
leading the way. The combined GDP (Gross Domestic
Product) of the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China,
and South Africa) already surpasses that of the G-7 nations.
Moreover, political actors from the Global South, such as
China, Saudi Arabia, and Brazil, are increasingly playing
influential roles in global affairs.

The growing economic and political power of the Global

South has important implications for global geopolitics.
Asian nations are predicted to play a significant role in what
experts call the "Asian Century." Additionally, there is talk
of a "post-Western world" as the influence of the Global
South challenges the historical dominance of the Global
North. These shifts signify the increasing assertiveness and
influence of the Global South on the world stage.
 Challenges faced by the Global South in its development:

One of the challenges is related to the issue of the Green

Energy Fund. Even though the Global North countries are
responsible for higher contributions towards global
emissions, they are neglecting to pay for funding green
energy. The ultimate sufferers of this neglect are the least
emitters – the less developed countries.

The Russia-Ukraine war is another challenge, which

severely affected the least-developed countries (Ldcs) and
aggravated concerns related to food, energy, and finance,
thereby threatening the development prospects of ldcs.

China's interference in the Global South through the Belt

and Road Initiative (BRI) for developing infrastructure is
also challenging. However, it is still questionable whether
BRI will be a win-win situation for both parties or it will
focus only on China's profit.

US hegemony is another challenge. Although the world is

now considered to be multipolar by many, it is still the US
alone that dominates international affairs. The US
possesses the largest economy globally, with substantial
influence over global financial markets. The US dollar
remains the dominant currency for international trade and
is used as a reserve currency by many countries.
Inadequate access to resources is another challenge. Global
North-South divergences have been historically
characterized by major gaps in the access to resources
required for crucial developmental outcomes.
Industrialization, for example, has been skewed in favour
of advanced economies since the early 1960s, and no major
evidence of global convergence was found in this regard.

The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the already

existing divides. Not only have the countries faced
different challenges in dealing with the initial phases of the
pandemic, but the social and macroeconomic implications
today have been far worse for the Global South. The
vulnerability of the domestic economies is far more
apparent now in countries ranging from Argentina and
Egypt to Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

 Various initiatives for the development of the global

Several initiatives have been launched to support the
development of the Global South, including:

 South-South Cooperation: This refers to the collaboration

between developing countries to share knowledge,
expertise, and resources. South-South cooperation can
include initiatives such as technical assistance, capacity
building, and investment.
 Official Development Assistance (ODA): This refers to
financial assistance provided by developed countries to
support the development of developing countries. ODA
can include grants, loans, and technical assistance, and is
often used to support projects in areas such as education,
health, and infrastructure development.
 Climate Finance: This refers to financial assistance
provided by developed countries to support developing
countries in their efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate
change. Climate finance can include funding for renewable
energy projects, climate-resilient infrastructure, and other
initiatives that support sustainable development.
 Multilateral Development Banks: These are international
financial institutions that provide loans, grants, and
technical assistance to support the development of
developing countries. Examples of multilateral
development banks include the World Bank, the Asian
Development Bank, and the African Development Bank.

 Conclusion:

The rise of the Global South as an economic and political

force has challenged traditional power dynamics and
brought attention to the changing global order.
As the Global South continues to assert itself, it reshapes
geopolitics, heralding a new era where nations from
Africa, Asia, and Latin America play increasingly
significant roles in shaping the future of international

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