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Topic Related to Animal Farm or any Other Literary Work You Are Reading:

The unexplored ability of artificial intelligence in creating a possible Orwell 1984.

Research Questions Related to the Topic Suggested (Two are enough):

RQ One:

How can an artificial revolution shift the dynamics of regular life to a totalitarian dystopia?

RQ Two:

How can totalitarianism be useful for a certain group of people, and how come that the

masses never notice the little shifts towards it?

RQ Three:

Is Orwell’s 1984 truly that far?

One or Two Hypotheses:

Hypothesis One:

It is hypothesized that an artificial revolution will have similar effects to the industrial one.

Shifting every aspect of human life including self, identity and privacy.

Hypothesis Two:

It is hypothesized that a certain group people gain tremendous benefit of totalitarian regimes.

The same group who are subtly pushing a liquid form of such regime.

Hypothesis Three:

It is hypothesized that the very first seeds of totalitarianism are being planted.

Insert Your Rough Outline Here:

The model below is just to inspire you. You can erase the Topic and the different items

for every chapter but keep the main Titles in bold characters:

Topic: Historical Depiction and Psychoanalytic Criticism in Golding’s Lord of the Flies.

Chapter 1: Totalitarianism

1.1 A recap on the different totalitarian regimes.

1.2 Comparison between old fascist regimes and the assumed “non-fascist” world regime


1.3 Orwellian model of totalitarianism

Chapter 2: Artificial intelligence

2.1 What is expected from A.I. in the future and how far can it go.

2.2 How ideology is pushed through seemingly A.I. in George Orwell’s 1984.

Chapter 3: Artificial revolution vs. industrial revolution

3.1 Reshaping economy by the industrial evolution.

3.2 The machine and the end of agrarian economy / A.I. and the end of capitalism.

3.3 How politics are governed by economy only.

3.4 The end of self; identity and privacy in George Orwell’s 1984 and its real life


Chapter 4: Conclusion

4.1 The double-edged nature of A.I.

4.2 fascist regimes, technology and propaganda.

4.3 The possibility of a fascist world under the still explored technology of A.I.

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