Psychotherapy - MCQs

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Chapter 15

1. Which of the following is essential for psychotherapy to proceed?
A. Acting out
B. Therapeutic alliance
C. Splitting
D. Idealization
E. Repression

2. All of the following are examples of reconstructive psychotherapy except

A. Freudian analysis
B. Psychodrama
C. Kleinian analysis
D. Brief dynamic therapy
E. Alderian therapy

3. Interpersonal psychotherapy differs from psychodynamic psychotherapy in

that it does not use
A. Empathy
B. Transference analysis
C. The “here and now” approach
D. An attempt to improve social relationships
E. Practical procedures

4. Interpersonal psychotherapy is very effective for the treatment of

A. Depression
B. Schizophrenia
C. Anxiety disorders
E. Borderline personality disorder

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288 Chapter 15 Psychotherapy

5. Who popularized Gestalt therapy?

A. Freud
B. Winnicott
C. Jung
D. Fritz Perls
E. Eric Berne

6. Which of the following does Gestalt therapy involve?

A. Gestalt psychology
B. Psychodrama
C. Existentialism
D. Psychoanalysis
E. All of the above

7. Which of the following includes the concept of auxiliary egos?

A. Gestalt therapy
B. Behavioral therapy
C. Psychodrama
D. Emotive relapse therapy
E. Psychoanalysis

8. Which of the following is true for transactional analysis?

A. It can be carried out only in individual therapy.
B. Trust is established to facilitate the replacement of the child state by
the adult state.
C. People settle for no if they cannot obtain positive strokes rather
than settle for negative strokes.
D. It employs the gentle, understanding approach.
E. It was founded by Moreno.

9. What do reconstructive psychotherapies aim to root out?

A. Irrational impulses
B. Transference
C. Bio energy
D. Ego
E. Positive strokes
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Chapter 15 Psychotherapy 289

10. In which of the following is free association the key concept?

A. Client-centered therapy
B. Interpersonal therapy
C. Psychodrama
D. Transactional therapy
E. Freudian psychoanalysis

11. Which of the following best describes the id?

A. Self-critical
B. Rational
C. Unorganized
D. Modified by external influences
E. Self-loathing

12. Which of the following is true regarding interpretation in psychoanalysis?

A. It should be done early in therapy.
B. Its main function is to keep the patient happy.
C. The analyst may interpret latent meanings.
D. It should never be painful to the patient.
E. The patient should agree with the analyst’s interpretation.

13. Which of the following is a defense mechanism involved in the develop-

ment of obsessive-compulsive disorder?
A. Isolation
B. Undoing
C. Reaction formation
D. Ambivalence
E. All of the above

14. Which of the following is the means by which psychoanalysis achieves reso-
lution of conflicts rooted in the past?
A. Regression
B. Denial
C. Projection
D. Projective identification
E. Magical undoing
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290 Chapter 15 Psychotherapy

15. All of the following are seen in psychoanalysis except

A. Remembering unconscious conflicts
B. Developing transference to the analyst
C. Developing countertransference to the analyst
D. A single intense abreactive experience that results in cure
E. Idealization of the analyst

16. All of the following are predictors of a poor response to psychotherapy except
A. Poor impulse control
B. Inability to tolerate frustration
C. Patient on antidepressants
D. Impaired social judgment
E. Substance use

17. Behavior therapy has been shown to be useful in all of the following except
A. Panic disorder
B. Psychotic depression
C. Specific phobia
E. Bulimia nervosa

18. For which of the following has biofeedback been used as treatment?
A. Multiple sclerosis
B. Hypertension
C. Brain tumors
D. Parkinsonism
E. Diabetes insipidus

19. Systematic desensitization involves all of the following except

A. Relaxation techniques
B. Imagination of scenes
C. Homework
D. Hierarchical evaluation of a problem
E. Resolution of childhood conflicts
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Chapter 15 Psychotherapy 291

20. How does the technique known as flooding expose patients to their phobic
A. Gradually
B. In symbolic form
C. Along with benzodiazepines to allay anxiety
D. In massive amounts
E. Along with an interpretation of conflicts

21. All of the following are therapeutic factors in group therapy except
A. Altruism
B. Empathy
C. Acting out
D. Transference
E. Ventilation

22. Which of the following was pioneered by Maxwell Jones?

A. Couple therapy
B. Therapeutic community
C. Systemic approaches to couple therapy
D. Crisis intervention
E. None of the above

23. All of the following are examples of cognitive distortions except

A. Arbitrary inference
B. Depersonalization
C. Selective abstraction
D. Overgeneralization
E. Magnification

24. Which of the following is true regarding cognitive-behavioral therapy?

A. It is contraindicated in depressed in patients.
B. It can be effective in outpatients with depression.
C. It is more effective than antidepressants in severe depression.
D. It has faster onset of action than antidepressants in inpatients.
E. It should always be tried before medication.
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292 Chapter 15 Psychotherapy

25. Cognitive distortions are prominent in all of the following except

A. Specific phobia
D. Eating disorders
E. Depression

26. According to cognitive-behavioral therapy, which of the following is true re-

garding depression?
A. Activity scheduling is discouraged.
B. Thought diaries are not of much use.
C. Cognitive content is a threat or danger.
D. Depression can improve with correction of cognitive distortions.
E. The therapy can be carried out by the passive therapist.

27. All of the following are true regarding cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
A. It can be employed by a therapist without full CBT training.
B. It is useful in depression secondary to life problems.
C. It can be used in patients with dementia.
D. It includes the three-column technique.
E. It may need to be modified in the elderly.

28. Who originated dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)?

A. Aaron Beck
B. Sigmund Freud
C. Isaac Marks
D. Marsha Linehan
E. Anthony Ryle

29. Which of the following is a component of dialectical behavior therapy?

A. Admission to hospital
B. Keeping a behavioral diary
C. Daily skills training groups
D. 24-hour telephone contact with the therapist
E. Exploration of childhood traumas
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Chapter 15 Psychotherapy 293

30. Which of the following techniques is frequently used in DBT?

A. Therapy sessions twice a week
B. Total lack of communication with other professionals
C. Transference interpretation
D. Exploring alternative solutions to high risk suicidal behaviors
E. Addressing life-threatening behaviors at the end of the session

31. Which of the following is true regarding systemic therapy?

A. Systemic therapy often is used to refer to the Milan model of family
therapy anxiety.
B. It uses a cybernetic concept regarding family relationships.
C. A special interview technique called circular questioning is used.
D. Therapists maintain an attitude of neutrality.
E. All of the above

32. All of the following are associated with structural family therapy except
A. Challenging absent boundaries
B. Challenging rigid boundaries
C. Breaking down hierarchies
D. Homework tasks
E. Semipermeable boundaries

33. Which of the following effects has been found in family therapy for patients
with schizophrenia?
A. Reduced rates of relapse
B. Decreased levels of expressed emotion
C. Improved compliance
D. Reduced overall cost of treatment
E. All of the above

34. Which of the following is true regarding the technique called brief dynamic
A. It was pioneered by Sandor Ferenczi.
B. It has time limits.
C. Therapists maintain neutrality.
D. It is based on principles of psychoanalytical therapy.
E. All of the above
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294 Chapter 15 Psychotherapy

35. Which of the following is a function of ego?

A. Primary desires
B. Reality testing
C. Object relationships
D. Defense mechanisms
E. All of the above

36. Which of the following is a defense mechanism associated with paranoia?

A. Projection
B. Magic undoing
C. Turning against the self
D. Denial
E. Identification

37. Which of the following is a defense mechanism associated with depression?

A. Isolation
B. Regression
C. Reaction formation
D. Identification
E. Turning against the self

38. Which of the following is a defense mechanism associated with obsessions?

A. Reaction formation
B. Splitting
C. Denial
D. Projective identification
E. Projection

39. All of the following are true of institutional defense mechanisms except
A. Splitting between staff
B. Projection by staff onto patients
C. Oedipal in nature
D. Can decrease anxiety in staff
E. Can cause anxiety in staff
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Chapter 15 Psychotherapy 295

40. All of the following are true regarding therapeutic milieu except
A. Utilizes the total environment to promote change
B. Is relevant only in therapeutic communities
C. Is relevant in inpatient units
D. Integrates physical, psychological, and social treatments
E. Includes groups

41. The following are true about countertransference except

A. Should be interpreted to the patient
B. May be clarified with the supervisor
C. Can be useful in understanding the patient
D. May be stressful for the doctor
E. Better understood by therapist having personal therapy

42. For which of the following is hypnosis a treatment?

A. Smoking cessation
B. Weight control
C. Phobias
D. Recall of memories
E. All of the above

43. Which of the following is true regarding transference?

A. It can assist treatment.
B. It can impede treatment.
C. It may lead to excessive dependency on the therapist.
D. Transference becomes stronger as the treatment progresses.
E. All of the above

44. Which of the following is an ego function according to Jung?

A. Thinking
B. Feeling
C. Sensation
D. Intuition
E. All of the above
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296 Chapter 15 Psychotherapy

45. What was the real name of Freud’s famous patient “Anna O.”?
A. Martha Bernays
B. Bertha Pappenheim
C. Hippolyte Bernheim
D. Frau Emmy von N.
E. Fräulein Oesterlin

46. Which of the following was written by Sigmund Freud?

A. Man and Woman
B. Studies in the Psychology of Sex
C. Sexual Inversion
D. Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality
E. The Erotic Rights of Women

47. Which of the following is not a mature defense mechanism?

A. Humor
B. Sublimation
C. Rationalization
D. Anticipation
E. Suppression

48. Which of the following is not a narcissistic defense mechanism?

A. Denial
B. Blocking
C. Distortion
D. Projection
E. None of the above

49. Which of the following terms was coined by Melanie Klein?

A. Paranoid-schizoid position
B. Good-enough mothering
C. Basic fault
D. Transitional object
E. True self and false self
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Chapter 15 Psychotherapy 297

50. Which of the following is not one of the eight stages of the life cycle de-
scribed by Erikson?
A. Identity vs. role confusion
B. Generativity vs. despair
C. Industry vs. inferiority
D. Initiative vs. guilt
E. Trust vs. mistrust

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