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Argumentative Essay Students

Should Wear Uniforms

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Argumentative Essay Students Should Wear Uniforms Argumentative Essay Students Should Wear Uniforms
Family Practitioner Personal Statement

As I stepped off the plane for the first time at Maurice Bishop International Airport on the small
island of Grenada I had no idea where the next four years would take me. I was just a young man
from a small town in rural Iowa who had never lived outside of the United States, setting out on an
adventure to pursue a degree in medicine. While working at a number of local healthfairs on the
island, I was able to spend a lot of time interacting with members of the community discussing their
personal struggles with health. For many of my patients it was a poor understanding of how to
maintain a healthy lifestyle or a lack of resources, while others were afraid of the stigma associated
with disease and mental health. Though my time in Grenada was short, it was interactions such as
these that continue to motivate me to focus on primary care, preventative medicine, and decreasing
disparities in healthcare.
Entering my clinical years brought along with it an entirely new set of challenges, but I was
pleasantly surprised to find my niche while ... Show more content on ...
Formerly a student athlete, I am well accustomed to working as a member of a team and
understanding that each individual has an important role to play when working towards a
common goal. My background in public health has helped me discern that an individual s health
involves much more than their genetic and physiologic profile. Moreover, it has given me the
skills necessary to reach not only my patients, but also the community as a whole. Furthermore, as
a graduate of St. George s University I ve had the unique privilege to work alongside students and
faculty from over 140 countries around the world. This experience has allowed me to cultivate a
much broader worldview, and to develop the skills necessary to practice medicine in the ever
diversifying communities of

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What Representativeness Heuristic Is Inappropriately...

I remember and incident that the representativeness heuristic was inappropriately applied in
judging me. I was playing pickup basketball while visiting family away from my home state of
Kentucky at the time, and I was wearing a University of Kentucky tee shirt. As I walked up a
team was forming and one of the players looked at me and said, I ll take the guy from Kentucky,
presumably basing his decision on the popularity of the sport in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
As play progressed, my lack of excellence in the game demonstrated clearly that fandom and
stardom work quite independently of one another.
I have made inappropriate judgments based on availability heuristic many times over the years. I
can recall one case in particular from my childhood during the early days of AIDS coming into
public view. Around the age of 10, I remember watching a particularly disturbing news report on
AIDS, and although the details of the report are lost to me now, at the time they were fighting. I
had a very limited understanding of the disease and how it was contracted, and coincidentally I
woke up the next morning not feeling well, convinced that I somehow had been infected with the
dreaded disease.

Given the discussion on adolescence in our text, the standards for adult activities do somewhat
coincide with what we know about human development (Cacioppo Fregberg, 2013 ). Limiting
access to many activities based on age is advisable considering the cognitive development of

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Bus Boycott

When Rosa was just two years old her parents had split up so she went on with her mother to Pine
Lever, Alabama, to live with her grandparents. During her many experiences she had in Pine Level,
her grandfather stood in front of their house while the Ku Klux Klan members walked down the
Rosa was taught by her mother to read at a young age, she then went on to go to a one roomed
school in Pine Level. African American students had to walk to the 1st 6th grade school house,
while white students had bus transportation and a new school built for them. Through the rest of
her education she went to segregated schools in Montgomery, Alabama (including the Industrial
School For Girls, starting at eleven). In 1929, when she was in 11th grade ... Show more content on ...
Award. On September 9, 1996, President Bill Clinton awarded Parks the Presidential Medal of
Freedom, the highest honor given by the United States executive branch. The next year she was
awarded the Congressional Gold Metal, the highest award given by the United States legislative
branch. In 1999, TIME Magazine listed Rosa Parks on The 20 most influential People of the
20th Century. On October 24, 2005, at the age of 92, Rosa died quietly in her apartment in
Detroit, Michigan. The previous year she was diagnosed with progressive dementia. Her death
was marked by several memorial services; one of them was the lying in state at the Capitol
Rotunda in Washington, D.D., where an estimated 50,000 people viewed her casket. Rosa was laid
between her husband and mother at Detroit s Woodlawn Cemetery, in the chapel s mausoleum.
Shortly after her death the chapel was renamed to the Rosa L. Parks Freedom

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Regulatory Requirements Of The Pharmaceutical Industry Us,...

In order for biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies to market their biologics and drugs,
companies must receive approval from their respective regulatory authority. The three global
leaders in the pharmaceutical industry US, EU, and Japan all have their own regulatory
authorities. Each have their advantages and disadvantages and as a regulatory representative.
Though there is a push to harmonize regulatory requirements at a global scale for the past 20
years development and approval of global guidelines has had drawbacks in approving drugs at a
globally. The high regulatory uncertainty is considered as a major barrier for efficient
development of safe and effective biological therapies, hence deterring entry for large
multinational pharmaceutical companies to develop innovative biological products at a global
level.1 For a biotechnology company it can be difficult to chose which market to seek the
regulatory approval for first and many questions come to mind for which country will be
beneficial for market approval. Personally as a regulatory affairs professional I would seek
approval in the US due to the comprehensive history and development of the food and drug
administration and the acceptance of the regulatory pathway at a global scale. Also the EU and US
regulatory systems are more similar than different, and due to recent steps in harmonization from
both regulatory regimes in scientific testing standards and clinical trials, it can make it more
efficient to

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Realism In Stephen King s The Boogeyman

Stephen King s short story The Boogeyman is a thrilling adventure that incorporates an urban
legend that has many names throughout the world, and therefore makes any reader able to
identify with this story. It pulls you in, making you question whether the stories your parents,
cousins, or siblings you had finally deemed as unrealistic and fake were fictional at all. Why is
King s story so eerie? Is it the realism in the story, or the fact that the creature being described may
have always been a small weakness for you? The scientific article The Bogeymanin which we are
explained the origin and purpose for the monster may have the answers to these questions. After
all, how probable is it that an unidentified creature will happen to appear in sight tonight? In the
scientific article, it is explained that the purpose of the boogeyman is to frighten people in order
for them to fit the norm in society. King s article also uses the boogeyman in order to frighten
people, but does it so that the man, Lester Billings seems crazed, and yet in a sense, believable. For
example, in the short story, Billings is present in a psychiatrist s office and is telling his story to
the therapist. This plays into the realism within the story, as many people have therapists and
believe in supernatural forces such as: ghosts, vampires, demons, etc (not everyone goes to therapy
for these reasons, but it is safe to assume some people do suffer from paranoia within this particular
topic). The

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The Theme Of Death In The Book Thief

The unification of reality and narration displays the vast elaboration of humanity s understandings
and knowledge. The post colonial criticism, against certain characters of the text, The Book Thief
set in 1939 war periods with the power of Adolf Hitler, applies a diaspora lens upon our
perceptions towards this horrific event of our history. The narrator portrayed as Death in the
context, can be seen as a major theme in both the narration and the reality in our understanding of
humanity. Adding to the idea of themes depicted in the text, the human capacity for both kindness
and cruelty is also shown through the contrast between two distinct faces of human race described
in the novel. This which leads to the complex and varied human experiences, which we may
consider as friendship or on the other hand, the loss of a persona in the context. It is within certain
texts like these in which we may be inspired to realisation referring to the vast elaboration of
humanity s existence. Eventually, we come to a full worth of recognition upon the reasonfor how the
complexity of humanity s existence may be emphasised as, through themes in both textual and the
factual references in our human experiences.

The theme Death in the context of The Book Thief could be considered, both a ... Show more
content on ...
Predominantly Death is constantly lingering around us, particularly in the periods of war, like the
setting in the text. With the references of relation from the book s narrator Death and the factual
reality of death upon our daily lives, we can visualise the vast elaboration, simultaneously occurring
from the unification of reality and narration upon our human

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The Benefits and Impications of Using Fertilisers for...

The Benefits and Impications of Using Fertilisers for Improving Plant Productivity To the

In my point of view I think that fertilizers are of use to the environment in some ways but can also
be potentially damaging in others. The term fertilisers is stated as A substance usually added to soil
to increase its ability to support plant growth by Encarta. This shows that fertilisers are needed to
keep soil in good conditions to allow the maximum productivity for plant growth. This is why they
are important to the agricultural industry because they allow maximum productivity and higher
yields, meaning more money for the farmer. But fertilisers can also be potentially hazardous to the
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Nitrogen is the most important nutrient it is needed for the making of amino acids and proteins,
which is needed for growth, but nitrogen can easily be leached out of the soil. Nitrates are
negatively charged and do not stick to the negatively charged clay particles, this means they can
easily leach out of the soil and cause harm to the environment. This could lead to eutrophication
(explained later on). Also ammonia on the other hand is NH4+ ,which means that it is held by the
negative charges in the clay and cannot be directly used, so fertilisers are not always very useful.

Phosphorus (P), is also needed by plants for ATP, nucleic acid and phospholipid s. This is not
held in the soil for very long so is often added when the seeds are sewn called banding this is to
ensure that the nutrient is in the soil when it is needed for growth. This element can become fixed
in the soil it is not freely moving allowing problems with uptake from the plant. And potassium,
which is mainly, lastly needed in large quantities from the plant the role of opening and closing the
stomata in the leaves. There is often a lack of it in the soil.

So fertilisers add these vital nutrients in the soil, to allow the plant to be in a healthy condition and
have maximum productivity for

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Filter Water Evaporation Essay

Section 1: Gather the following information from field research while in the Phase 3 lab
environment. Notice that each site you visit has a distinctly different surface, which could affect
runoff. One Inch of RainfallShallow water infiltrationDeep water infiltrationRunoff
waterEvaporation water Vegetation 25%25%10%40% Mountain10%5%60%25% Bare soil
20%15%35%40% Section 2: One inch of rainfall deposits 144 cubic inches (0.623 gallons) of water
per square foot of surface area. Use the following formula to calculate the amount of water after one
inch of rainfall (in gallons) for each section: (0.623) x (square feet of surface area) x (% from lab
demo*) = gallons of water *Remember 40% is written as 0.40 in an equation.... Show more content
on ...
Use this Phase s activities and resources to assist you in answering. 1.How does the vegetation
surface type affect the amount of runoff? Speculate why this happens. The vegetation surface type
affects runoff since it is in contact with the soil. Once the soil absorbs all the water it can hold, the
rest undergoes runoff. Through force of gravity, it moves downslope to other areas, carrying soil
particles and sediments along. However, more vegetation cover results in less runoff while less
cover results in more soil erosion. 2.How does the smooth mountain rock surface type affect the
amount of runoff? Speculate why this happens. A smooth mountain rock surface enhances runoff
because it is freeway passage without any chance of retaining any sediments. Other rough rock
surfaces alternatively hinder runoff by retaining materials thus less runoff. 3.How does the bare soil
surface type affect the amount of runoff? Speculate why this

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Essay on Week 3 Quiz

Question 1.Question :(TCO B) Good project cost estimations are critical to a successful project.
With that in mind, compare and contrast parametric estimating and vendor bid analysis as cost
estimation techniques on a project. Please provide an example of each. Instructor Explanation:Both
are project estimating tools. Parametric estimating looks at a cost per some metric, such as cost per
square foot. Vendor bid analysis evaluates responses to RFP bids to determine the cost estimations
for the project. This technique is typically used on projects in which the buyer does not have the
time or expertise to determine cost and duration estimates on the project. Students must provide an
estimate of each. Question 2.... Show more content on ...
Instructor Explanation:WBS Code / Activity 0.0 Environmental clean up project 1.0 or 1.1
Design 1.1 or 1.1.1 Alternative evaluation 1.2 or 1.1.2 Conceptual design 1.3 or 1.1.3 Pilot test
1.4 or 1.1.4 Final design 2.0 or 1.2 Subcontracting 2.1 or 1.2.1 Specifications 2.3 or 1.2.3
Contractor selection 2.4 or 1.2.4 Contract execution 3.0 or 1.3 Installation 3.1 or 1.3.1 Recovery
well 3.2 or 1.3.2 Piping 3.3 or 1.3.3 Treatment equipment 3.4 or 1.3.4 Start up 4.0 or 1.4
Performance monitoring 4.1 or 1.4.1 Discharge sampling 4.2 or 1.4.2 Monitoring well sampling
WBS numbering on the left is traditional. Numbering the right is MS Project WBS numbering.
The students can use either system. Question 3.Question :(TCO E) You are assisting on a project
for your organization. An RACI has been created for your project. Your project manager has
asked you to interpret the below RACI. Project Name: New marketing campaign RACI Activity
PMITMarket Test Group Marketing SponsorAccount Manager 1.1.1 Create new layoutARRC
2.1.1 Design campaign AR3.1.1 Test market RA 4.1.1 Roll out campaign RIA Instructor
Explanation:For activity 1.1.1: Marketing and IT are to do the work, and the PM is accountable
for the results. The account manager is to be consulted. For activity 2.1.1: Marketing is to do the
work and the PM is

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Compare and Contrast of the Army and the Marines Essay...

Compare and Contrast of the Army and the Marine Corps

Gary W. McCoy
ENG 121
Julie Alfaro
November 1, 2010

Compare and Contrast of the Army and the Marine Corps The United States Armed Forces are the
military forces of the United States. They consist of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, and
the Coast Guard. Although the United States Army and Marine Corps are both primarily ground
based forces and offer many similar career fields, the two branches are different in some very
crucial areas. To accurately compare and contrast the services, it is important to look at their
overall missions and career fields. The Army has its roots in the Continental Army which was
formed on 14 June 1775 to meet the demands of the American ... Show more content on ...
Both the Army and the Marine Corps offers similar career opportunities in areas such as infantry,
armor, aviation, administration. However, due to the Marine Corps attachment with the Navy, it
does not directly employ health care professionals such as nurses, doctors, dentists or
psychologists like the Army. Instead, it receives these services from commissioned Navy
medical officers. The Marines are a highly mobile amphibious attack force. Marines are trained
to attack from the water and establish a beach head, an area of control on foreign soil. After the
Marines take territory, other armed forces such as the US Army move in to maintain control,
while the Marines move on. Marines are mobile, lightweight, and very rapid. I would compare
the Marines to the head of the spear, wedging in to get a foothold and racing ahead once the land
has been secured. In addition to acting as a lightweight attack force from the ocean, Marines are
also perfectly capable of taking territory on land. Marines are trained for rapid deployment, and
are often the first US military personnel on site. Marines also guard American embassies
overseas, providing embassy security and safety. In volatile areas, being a Marine embassy guard
is a very risky job. The US Army, on the other hand, is the primary ground based military forces. As
such, the US Army captures and holds

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Oscar Show Research Paper

Imagine four cute, cuddly, crime fighting penguins going on various adventures and completing
missions in order to protect their beloved home. They narrowly escape death and act as if they
are immortal. This is reality on the Penguins of Madagascar show, but not all penguins can be
like these special four, moreover be immortal. Penguins have different lifespans, and do not stay
alive forever. Throughout their lives, they give birth, but also see some of their closest friends
pass away. For example, the Falkland Islands started with 1000 penguins, but with the births and
deaths each year, the population is becoming hard to keep track of. This is where math comes in
handy. A formula can be used to calculate the population each year. If each couple has a chick
every spring, and the penguins only die due to natural causes, a formula to keep track of the
population is 1000 multiplied by the quantity of 1.2 raised to the power x.... Show more content on ...
If each of the 1000 penguins mate, 500 chicks will be born. Adding 1000 and 500 will get 1500,
the total number of penguins after birth. It is known that 0.2 of the penguins die, or 0.8 of them
stay alive. If 0.8 is multiplied by 1500, the total is 1200. This represents the penguin population for
the first year after the births and deaths are accounted for. Going through one more year can
make the formula clearer. The next year starts with a population of 1200. After mating, 600
chicks are born. Adding 1200 and 600 will get 1800. Multiplying this by 0.8 will get 1440
penguins, the population for the second year. Taking a closer look, one can see that 1440 is 1200
multiplied by 1.2, and 1200 is 1000 multiplied by 1.2. Cleaning this up, one can conclude that
1440 is 1000 multiplied by 1.2 squared, and 1200 is 1000 multiplied by

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Urinary Tract Disease Research Paper

Diet Changes for FLUTD

Feline lower urinary tract disease is a general term used when there is a condition affecting a cat s
bladder or urethra. These problems can consist of: urinary stones or crystals that form in the urine
and irritate the lining of the bladder, urethral plugs that form in the male cats urethra, causing a
physical obstruction, spasm of the muscle in the wall of the urethra, stress and behavioral problems,
and bacterial infections in the bladder (Understanding). Clinical signs of feline lower urinary tract
disease include: straining to urinate, urinating small amounts, frequent and/or prolonged attempts to
urinate, crying out while urinating, excessive licking of the genital area, urinating outside the litter
box, and blood ... Show more content on ...
It is possible to make a homemade diet for your cat but these following things must be followed to
ensure a healthy urinary tract. Diluting the urine is extremely important to decrease the number of
possible irritants in the bladder causing inflammation in the bladder mucosa. One way to
accomplish dilution is to feed a canned food by increasing water intake. Another way to increase
water intake is to add a sodium supplementation, however this can be a problem in some cats
especially ones with renal failure. Highly acidic diets are not recommended because acidic diets
can increase pain perception in the bladder by stimulating the bladders nerves (Sanderson).
Ensuring the diet is also low in magnesium will help alleviate the chances of forming crystals,
some of which are made up of magnesium, therefore a low magnesium diet will prevent their
formation. Also, ensuring the diet is high in protein will bring the urine pH to an optimum level
(pH 5.9 6.3) as well as a low fat content, which is a contributing factor to feline lower urinary tract
disease. (Understanding). Usually dietary management will depend of the type of crystal present
in the urine. A veterinary diagnosis with a microscopic analysis of the urine is necessary to
properly treat feline lower urinary tract disease. A cat s diet that had an increased level of sodium
needs to have regular checkups to monitor blood

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Default Pneumothoraxes Case Study

Background: Occult Pneumothoraxes (OPTX) represents air within the pleural space that is not
visible on conventional chest radiographs, but ultimately detected with CT . In a study comparing
differences in pneumothoraces, while similar in size, patients significantly underwent tube
thoracostomy compared with patients who had overt pneumothoraces1. While optimal management
of occult pneumothoraxes has not been identified, the increased use of computed tomography has
led to a rise in detection. Occult OPTX Extended focused assessment with sonography for Trauma,
also known as eFAST, is screening test that has been shown to useful in identifying OPTX. Our
aim of the present study is to identify if there are any differences in OPTX detections between

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Puritan Faith In William Bradford s Of Plymouth Plantation

William Bradford s writing displays his Puritan faith by including many of their ideals throughout
Of Plymouth Plantation. Bradford s beliefs give his writing a simple and unembellished style, like
that of Puritan dress. Furthermore, He demonstrates his faith by including the Puritan concept of
election. Foremost, Bradford displays his faith by incorporating providence into his writing. For
example, he infers that their trip across the Atlantic ended safely only through God s intervention.
Throughout Of Plymouth Plantation, William Bradford exhibits these aspects of his Puritanfaith and
lifestyle through his simplistic writing style. The plainness of Puritan life and of Bradford s style
exemplifies the effects that his religionhas on his writing. The Puritans removed anything that
might distract them from their life s devotion to God. For instance, they imposed strict dress
codes upon their people, allowing only soft, muted colors, and they did not allow their children to
play with toys. Instead, the children attended school their education was focused primarily on
theology and worked from a young age. These practices compare to Bradford s unornamented
writing: But to omit other things (that I may be brief) after long beating at sea they fell with that
land which is called Cape Cod; the which being made... Show more content on ...
After their arrival at Plymouth, half of the Pilgrims died, while many others suffered from scurvy.
Regarding this, Bradford states, In a word, [the healthy Pilgrims] did all the homely and necessary
offices ... which dainty and queasy stomachs cannot endure to hear named; and all this willingly
and cheerfully, ... showing herein their true love unto their friends and brethren ... (105). Here,
Bradford explains that the healthy Pilgrims cared for the others. They symbolize the few people
whom God selected to go to heaven by

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The Enlightenment And Ideas Of The Enlightenment

The Enlightenment was a time of mathematical, scientific, and philosophical advancement. The
thoughts of philosophers like Voltaire, Montesquieu, and Locke inspired many, such as the
Americans. Their ideas about freedom of religion, civil liberties, free trade, and social reforms
became the basis that the Americans built their new country upon and impacted politics and
culture. Due to the advanced ideas that were emerging from Europe, religious views of the colonists
started to alter. Before enlightenment beliefs spread, the universally accepted theory was that
human suffering was inevitable. However, the new conjecture stated God set the universe in motion
and gave humans the power of reason to enable them to comprehend the orderly and complex

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Similarities And Differences Between The Primordialist And...

Orianne Sagrada
IS 680
Prof. Woldemikael
14 October 2014
Midterm 1

1.Compare and contrast the primordialist with the instrumentalist/circumstantialist approaches that
provide an understanding of the concept of Ethnicity? What is the constructionist perspective?
According to constructionism, how do the elites view ethnicity? (Use Introduction from Hutchinson
and Smith book Ethnicity and the excerpt of chapters from Cornell and Hartmann that will be
posted on blackboard. NB: I used Cornell and Hartmann s book Ethnicity and Race for my class
lecture on approaches to ethnicity.)
In Ethnicity by John Hutchinson and Anthony Smith identify two existing camps of ethnicity:
primordialist and instrumentalist/circumstantialist. The term priomordialist in terms of ethnicity
was fathered by Edward Shils, a notable sociologist. Shils sought to differentiate various social
bonds personal, primordial, sacred and civil ties and to demonstrate how even in contemporary,
civic societies other types of social bonding existed (Hutchinson and Smith ). After Shils coined the
concept of primordialist, late anthropologist, Clifford Greetz advanced the subject and spoke of the
overpowering and ineffable quality attaching to certain kinds of tie, which the participants tended to
see as exterior, coercive, and given. Greetz further emphasized that the catalyst to an effective and
successful modern state is the drive for personal identity a fundamental basis of primordial ties. By

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Strict Deadlines And Organizational Performance

Strict Deadlines
Sixty one percent (61%) of the respondents observed strict deadlines as a serious hazard with
regards to matters of health. 39% did not consider it as a hazard that affects organizational
performance. Conversely, only twenty six percent (26%) of the respondents reported that they ever
give instructions to employees in ways that related to strict deadlines. Most organizations are still
not cognisant that employees may be suffering from this serious health hazard in a way that affects
their performance in a negative way. It is important to note that the management of organizations
can, in a number of ways, prevent operating with strict deadlines for the employees on a regular
basis. Again the issue of strict deadlines ... Show more content on ...
There was also the issue of provision of instructions regarding preventive measures or strategies to
the employees, a factor that seemed to be disregarded or not well emphasised in most
organizations; only 35% of the respondents reported to do so on a regular basis.

In as much as the physical preventive measures tend to offer the employees the feeling that the
organization cares for them, disregards or lack of emphasis on information of preventive
strategies somehow shows that organizations only focus on protecting their properties. Offers of
such information serves to ensure the employees are well prepared in dealing with buglers and
terrorist. Them would know the correct times of raising alarm and cooperating; they would also be
better positioned in identifying robbers or terrorists, and avoid possibilities of being injured or
killed in attacks.
Chemical Exposure and other Pollutants
Common elements that bring about chemical exposure in most of the organizations include
cleaning materials with potential of harmful implications, chemicals in currency notes and the ones
used in machinery and equipment like photocopiers and printers. Special focus ought to be given to
organizations that deal with manufacturing and processing that involves first hand use of chemical
materials. Otherwise and in commonplace office settings, most respondents failed to consider
chemical exposure as a health and safety hazard that

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Alternative Healthcare Options Or Alternative Medicine


Alternative healthcare options or alternative medicine is any of various systems of healing or

treating disease (such as acupuncture, chiropractic, homeopathy, or faith healing) that is not
included under traditional medical practice in the United States and Britain (Webster dictionary).
Alternative medicine is the term used for medical products and practices that are not part of the
standard of care. Standard of care is what medical doctors, doctors of traditional medicine, and
allied health professionals, such as nurses and physical therapists, practice. Alternative medicine is
used in place of standard medical care. Examples of alternative practices that do not include
traditional medicine are aroma therapy, diet therapy, herbalism, homeopathy, massage therapy,
reflexology, chiropractic therapy, cannabis, faith or spiritual healing and acupuncture amongst
others ( Alternative medical systems are built upon complete systems of theory and
practice sometimes these systems develop into something substantial; some if these systems have
even developed in western cultures. Examples of alternative medical systems that have developed
in Western cultures are homeopathic medicine and naturopathic medicine. Examples of systems
that have developed in non Western cultures include traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda
( There are more than a hundred different types of alternative medicine but there are
five key types of alternative

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Navy Narrative Report

January 5th 2017 will mark the 30 year anniversary of my military career. I spent 16 years as an
enlisted Sailor in the Navy and the key transformational experience for me was when my Chief
suggested that I submit for the Navy Reserve Direct Commission Program. This is a program that
will take an enlisted Sailor and grant them a military officercommission with a swipe of pen.
Officer Candidate School, Reserve Officers Training Corps or attendance in a Service academy is
not required. Simply said, one day you are an E 6 Petty Officer and the next you are an O 1 Ensign.
I knew nothing about the program and was surprised to learn that my Chief was recommending me
for it. I was surprised because I had been selected as an E 7 Navy Reserve Chief... Show more
content on ...
Numerous schools, seminars, training conferences have supplied me with data and formulas to
work through situations and scenarios. Working with great leaders I emulated their
mannerisms. The poor leaders I have encountered over the years have showed me how not to
lead like them. However, what cannot be taught in my opinion, is judgement, character, core
values and moral principles. It is my belief that if a leader truly relies on his moral compass for
direction and code of conduct there must absolutely be full accountability and responsibility for
personal actions. This obligation will transcend across all other facets of the leader s life and
influence his behavior and the behavior of his subordinates and peers. Leaders must make
decisions on a daily basis that affect others, and in the case of a decision during war, this could
mean the difference between life and death. Accountability and responsibility for personal actions
forces a leader to really dig deep and make decisions they are willing to defend. There is no one to
blame, no one to pass the buck to and no way to evade responsibility. Accountability forces honesty,
because if you cannot be accountable and responsibility for your own actions it is inherently
dishonest. This is tough part of leadership that has challenged me. It is easy to direct others to do
your will and be an

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The Efficacy Of Whole Body Vibration

Olama, K.A., Thabit, N.S. (2010) performed a randomized controlled trial to determine the
efficacy of whole body vibration (WBV) and a designed physical therapy program versus
suspension therapy and the same designed physical therapy intervention in balance control in
children with hemiparetic CP. Criteria for inclusion for the study were children with hemiparesis
cerebral palsy from both sexes ages 8 to 10 years old, able to understand commands given to them,
able to stand and walk independently with frequent falling, and balance problems ( as confirmed
by the Tilt Board Balance Test). The exclusion criteria consisted of presence of any medical
condition such as vision and hearing loss, cardiac abnormalities, and musculoskeletal disorders.
Children who met the criteria (n=30) were recruited from the outpatient clinic, College of Physical
Therapy, Cairo University The randomization was done according to the Gross Motor Function
Classification System (GMFCS). Treatment allocations were done by the selection of a closed
envelope randomly selected. Parents and children were informed of the treatment allocation after
the selection, procedures were explained to both of them and signed assent and consent were
Participants attended sessions six (6) times per week for six (6) consecutive months. Each session
consisted of 15 minutes devoted to a test session and 60 minutes of a practice session. The hour
session was divided in two 30 minutes. Study group # 1 received 30

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Essay Ethics Case Study

Brock Mason Brokerage firm had a number of noticeable issues that played close to fraudulent
practices. The firm has an explicit strategy of selling their products first and all the other available
products second. Such practice along with not spending a lot of time talking with customers, selling
stock that is not in the best interest of the customers, false advertising, finding ways to elude
disclosure of commissions, and withholding pertinent information from customers before selling
the product sends the message of untrustworthiness and dismay to the customer. Most people search
for a brokerage firm with the intent of building a strategic partnership to assist in making good
financial decisions. Whether they need advice for... Show more content on ...
In order to accomplish this, the firm must provide all the pertinent information at the time of
decision making, not after the fact such as Brock Mason did in mailing the prospectus to its
clients after a purchase. I feel that most of the time, when money is a part of the equation there is
a high level of risk involved. I believe it s true that it is not the money that is evil but the love
there of. Possessing, making, and spending money are a way of life; combine that with a company
whose sole interest is making money can lead to cheaters and thieves. Who s really going to
represent the customer when the business relationship turns vicious and volatile? It has to be the
justice system.
I can t imagine a world without justice, but the utilitarian principle fails to supports the need for a
justice system. In an attempt to identify what is morally right for a society it ignores justice a
criteria. The underlying idea is that if you seek the greatest output (i.e., selling stock) with the least
amount of cost (to Brock Mason) it will promote the greatest happiness over the less efficient act
(underselling the customer). With all of the efforts put forth in promoting happiness, the majority
(Brock Mason) in this case, spend much of the time eluding justice and what is right; while laws
and regulations attempt to reduce

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The Church Of Columbus By Alice Lavern Riles

Pastored in 1952 by Alice Lavern Riles, known as Mother Sheppard, The Church of Columbus
remains today within the city of Columbus, Georgia. From a tiny building on 49th Street, to the
over a million dollar facility today, The Church of Columbus has gone through its share of change.
Growing up, the church was called the First United Pentecostal Church, but once the church moved
locations, Pastor renamed it The Church of Columbus. Located on 2001 Double Churches Road,
there lies my second home, with its grand 36,000 square feet structure. Growing up, I was always
at the church, whether it was for practice, or just to play sports such as volleyball and football with
my lifelong friends that I had made throughout my attendance at the church. According the church s
website, the church has grown from a Sunday morning attendance of sixty one in 1985, to a
consistent attendance of over 400 in 2013 (The Church of Columbus). The church s motto is Loving
all to Christ . The motto refers to the church s ultimate goal of reaching the 290,000 souls of the
Columbus, Phenix City, Fort Benningarea (The Church of Columbus). A church member, Lisa Gail
Stringer Johnson described the church; The first thing you feel when you walk through the doors
is an outpouring of Love and God s presence. I am extremely grateful that I have such a
tremendous place to call my second home. Filled with different shades of blue, red, and cream, the
church was particularly constructed with careful

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The Logic Of English Land Law

As it has been a substantial part of the Land Registration Act 2002, I would like to look into the
process of electronic conveyancing and how it supports my argument that the logic of English land
law had been changed through the Act to a more rational, market efficient way. The Land Register
was empowered to set up a Land Registry Network , this network could go beyond the legal aspect
of the transaction and could cover the whole transaction from the point when a propertyis put on
sale . The formalities of electronic dispositions were also introduced in the Act. The electronic
document now had to stipulate its effective time and date, as well as to include electronic
signatures of all the parties by whom it purports to be authenticated plus every electronic
signature has to be certified. If an electric document complied with these formalities, it was to be
regarded by law as a written deed, signed by each individual and sealed by each corporation .
Another important concept development was network access agreement where the lawyers would
be allowed to make changes to the title or the cautions register without involving the land registry
officers. There were rules imposed on regulation of the network and in order to enter into a network
access agreement an applicant had to fulfill criteria. The Act has also set out that whenever there
was a conflict, the overriding nature of the obligation owed under the network access agreement,
such obligation would

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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart s Requiem

It is evident that most composers have made an attempt to stand against the test of time. Alas,
most have failed to accomplish feat and their works have faded in the wind. However, there are
those who stood against time and won. One famous composer, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart has
accomplished this feat and his works are still remembered in today s ominous society. One of his
most famous work s, Requiem, is still honored and heard throughout the entire world. Despite
having partially completing it, Requiem is heavily influenced by Mozart s musical style and can be
compared to most of his famous works (Service). Although Requiem can be played in many
different keys, I chose to listen to it in D minor, thus, attaining a darker, melancholic tone, which...
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This part is fluttered with strings, winds, and, more importantly, high pitched notes that the choir
must sign. Throughout the section, crescendos often happen, the dropping into soft melodies. The
tempo for this section is adagio, similar to that of Introitus. Like Introitus, Lacrimosa shares the
same meter signature as well as the same tone throughout. The singers build up into a fortissimo
volume, and then drop into a piano tone. However, there are some differences to notice, such as the
increased use of winds in Lacrimosa and the decreased use of brass instruments. Instead of focusing
more on making a bold statement or emitting tones of melancholy, like Introitus, Lacrimosa
provides a sense of conclusion to the symphony as well as to the theme of Requiem. This is what it
succeeds in, thus, emitting a passive tone, despite the various crescendos. Although there are no
diminuendos featured in Lacrimosa, the audience gets a sense of piano by the sudden drop in note.
Without a doubt, Lacrimosa concludes the symphony in a way that sounds pleasing to the audience
as well as ending the journey that the conductor

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School Bullying And High Schools

All across the United States children in schools are going through an unescapable problem
presented as bullying found in elementary, middle, and high schools. This issue can affect
everyone, those who are bullied, those who bully, and those who witness bullying. School
bullying can be taken in two different ways direct and indirect; including name calling, teasing,
malicious rumor spreading, and physical violence. Once thought of a normal part of growing up
is now recognized as a serious problem that must be stop at an early age. Among all age groups
children between 7 and 12 most often are the main target. Sadly most every kid experiences bullying
and as children mature the types of bullies tends to change into more physical aggression. In
order to reduce bullying knowing the signs such as torn cloths, missing possessions, requests for
extra lunch money, dropping grades, and refusing to go to school can all be indications that a
child is being bullied. To prevent children from being harmed by school bullying, professional
educators and parents have a duty to understand the complexity of bullying in U.S. schools and
take action. Besides disrupting classroom activities, school bullying generally harms children s
ability to learn at school, and has been shown to contribute to truancy and dropout rates. As I look
at resources pertaining to this issue the only way to improve bullying is to successfully use a
method to form a bullying prevention program. The planning model that

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Medical Malpractice Lawsuits

In recent decades, health care expenditures for the average American citizen have escalated. In
the 1980s, the total cost of care came to two hundred fifty three billion dollars. In 1990, the value
skyrocketed to seven hundred fourteen billion. Today, the United States healthcare cost averages
to two and a half trillion dollars, which is more than three times the amount of the 1990 value. In
other terms, an average American pays about seventy seven hundred dollars a year for the price of
healthcare. As one of the highest rates in the world, this figure accounts for about sixteen percent
of the nation s gross domestic product (Auerbach). In addition, the costs associated for healthcare
are high for medical professionals as well. Every hospital... Show more content on
These cases tend to appear as an abuse and injustice to the legal system. Thus, the people then
believe that all malpractice suits are meritless and unfair to doctors and patients and victims
deserving of extensive compensation (DiLascio). Or the suffering patients file more claims in
the hope to receiving a bigger payout for themselves. However, most medical malpractice cases
are not ridiculous at all. As a matter of fact, while seventy percent of patients could file a claim,
most choose not to do so. For those that do choose to pursue, they abide to all rules and do not
plead for more than what they deserve. These startling and exaggerated lawsuits are blown out of
proportion and do not depict an accurate representation of the process to file a claim

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Veterans Affairs Essay

Running Head: Veteran Affairs Benefits

Veteran Affairs Benefits

Veteran Affair Benefits

The U.S Department Veteran s Affairs (VA) provides a wide range of benefits for our service
members, veterans and their families. Some of these benefits include but are not limited to include
compensation, disability, education, and home loans. Throughout this paper I will discuss these
benefits and the eligibility required to receive them. Eligibility for most VA benefits is based on
type of discharge received through the military which is normally all discharges under other than
dishonorable conditions.

The VA website has an array of everything and anything needed to understand
benefits that are available. The ... Show more content on ...
The additional amount depends on the disability rating and the number of dependents. It is also
paid to certain veterans disabled from VA health care. These benefits are tax free. Those members
that retire and are eligible for these benefits get an additional check in addition to their retirement

The greatest part of the education benefits is that you can use them while still on active duty. The
Montgomery GI Bill and Post 9/11 GI Bill, The Montgomery GI Bill eligibility normally upon
enlisting into the services, the member selects this option and contributes $100 per month for first
12 months and has 36 months of benefits which is currently worth $50,000. Educational benefits
may be used while the service member is on active duty or after the service member s separation
from active duty with a fully honorable military discharge.

While on active duty Tuition Assistance (TA) is a benefit paid to eligible members of the Army,
Navy, Marines, Air Force, and Coast Guard. Congress has given each service the ability to pay up
to 100% for the tuition expenses of its members. Each service has its own criteria for eligibility,
obligated service, application processes and

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Feminist Analysis Of Medea

Classical Greek society placed great emphasis on it citizens fulfilling their social and moral
obligations on the principle of sophrosyne, that is finding the balance between their reason and
passions. Controversially, the eponymous protagonist in Euripides tragedy, Medea, challenges all
beliefs of balance seeking instead to exact her retribution on Jason. In the process, Euripides
explores the characters rationalisations and motives behind their decisions and its repercussions.
Jason leaves Medea for fortune and prestige ultimately being the catalyst behind Medea s
determination to seek vengeance. In doing so, Jason describes her as a lioness not a woman,
highlighting the potential forces that women are capable of unleashing, accentuating... Show more
content on ...
After Medea is betrayed, she epitomises perfectly the proverbial woman scorned determined to
ensure a bloodbath as she sinks into abysmal hopelessness and despair. At each stage of her
scheme, Medea exercises careful judgement, knowing exactly what to say at the right time to the
right person. She is able to manipulate Creon, Aegus and ultimately Jason to formulate
circumstances and opportunities to seek retribution and to reciprocate the injustices that befall her.
Medea s meticulously cunning revenge, cursing her children of a bewitched mother is judiciously
complemented by a pathological lack of remorse for her husband and children. Although the
ancient and modern audience may agree in Jason deserving punishment to some extent, it is
Medea s act of infanticide is where the line is drawn. However, in leaving Medea unpunished,
Euripides disposes the traditional theatrical rational resolution for the villain but instead invokes a
masterstroke of divine intervention using the device deus ex machina allowing her to have good
fortune and help from Helios and divine protection on her side. This not only leaves the ancient
and modern audience querying at society s obsession with morality in the face of such an abjectly
irrational denouement but simultaneously forces the audience to question their own sense
perception and justice. Medea s actions are Dionysian guided. Her emotions are liberated,
shattering all sense of society s moral boundaries that confines her. The dichotomy between a
lioness and a woman aims to highlight Medea as a powerful and regal creature. As a lioness, she is
able to truly be a mistress of the systematic dysfunctional Greek society that subjugates its

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Witchcraft Essay

Witchcraft is a fascinating subject that comes out of many regions of the world. There have been
time periods in which witchcraft was a prominent feature in society, and there has been times
when it has died down. One of the most interesting things about witchcraft is how it has
physically changed, how the concept of witchcraft has changed, and how people perceive and
view it has changed over centuries.What many people do not know is that witchcraft is actually
still practiced today in the US and all over the world. After a Religious Identification Survey by
the City University of New York in 2001, it was found that Wicca, which is what current day
witches call themselves, was the country s fastest growing religion, with 134,000 people,... Show
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This was largely meant to discourage people for practicing these villainous acts of treachery. The
bible even goes as straightforward as to say Do not practice divination or sorcery (Leviticus 19:26).
Many other primary and secondary sources cite the bible for their argument, in fact arguments are
largely based around them.
An example of using a bible to prove a point is on a website called Harry Potter Power. It is about
witchcraft in terms modern era literature. Many authors such as JK Rowling have written using
heavily influenced witchcraft in their work, and it is essential to the plot of the book. C.S. Lewis
has similar magical stories, but he does not think witchcraft to be good, or valid. He says, People
all across America are being deluged with books on witchcraft. And the situation is going to get
worse, not better. For witchcraft brings you into contact with demons (Harry Potter Power/destroy).
One might think that a website with the name, Harry Potter Power would talk of the power a
fantastic book can imbue someone with, but in reality, the website talks about how books such as

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The Social Hierarchy Of Julius Caesar

In every sense of life, there is a hierarchy. Every single being is constantly being compared to one
another until either or comes out on top. In the play, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, there is no
denying the clear social hierarchy presented in the Roman Empire. Undoubtedly, the dictator of
Rome, Julius Caesar, sits at the very top of the social hierarchy at this time. Similarly to Caesar,
Jean Paul Marat, a politician during the French Revolution of 1789, is also considered on the more
elite half of the social hierarchy during that time. The social status of these two men didn t make
them any less susceptible to very real problems, including physical disabilities, murder and incontrol
of what happens after death. No matter what a... Show more content on ...
On the other hand, Marat was stabbed only once by a woman named Charlotte Corday. In The
Death Of Marat, a single puncture can be seen on his chest, with a scarce amount of blood running
down his torso, not nearly enough to be bathed in like Caesar was (David). Both of these men died
at the hands of another human by the act of getting stabbed.
After the murder of Caesar and Marat, the two would come to be portrayed in a certain manner.
Because of their status, these portrayals had long lasting effects when compared to the death of
someone lower in the social hierarchy. In The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Brutus allows Marc
Antony to speak on Caesar s behalf in front of the citizens of Rome. Marc Antony says He was my
friend, faithful and just to me [...]When that the poor have cried, Caesar hath wept (Shakespeare.
III. ii. 85, 91). The word choice, such as faithful and wept , portray Caesar as kind and
vulnerable. Antony also adds Here is the will, and under Caesar s seal./ To every Roman citizen
he gives, /To every several man, seventy five drachmas. (Shakespeare III. ii. 240 243). After these
statements made by Antony, the people of Rome see Caesar as a once worthy human being who
cared about them. Marc Antony paints Caesar in a way that influences the Romans to mourn,
instead of celebrate, his death. This change of opinion causes the Romans to hate the

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Bruce Kevin Lee Research Paper

In this paper, I will discuss the tragedy incident of Bruce Kevin Lee. First, I will state his
background and his journey to the Sheriff s Department. Next, I will present his expertise in
collision diagram/accident reconstruction. Then, I will analyze his final call that lead to his end
of watch. Lastly, I will diagnose the call, and point out what went right, and what went wrong.
My purpose on this paper is to remember Bruce Kevin Lee and to honor not just him but all the
officers who are willing to go out on the streets to protect our community. Bruce Kevin Lee, a
forty five year old Deputy lost his life in the line of duty on May 13, 2003. Deputy Lee was a
twenty year old vet, from the Riverside CountySheriffDepartment. He was stationed at the La
Quinta Station, and was under the contract, for the city of La Quinta. First all, Deputy Bruce
Kevin Lee was born on May 19, 1956. Lee was born and raised in Los Angeles. According to La
Quinta City PoliceDepartment, Deputy Lee received his Associates in Administration of Justice,
from West Los Angeles Junior College. If I m not mistaken, Mr. Lee also joined the military right
after high school and served for four years. In 1980, Bruce Lee... Show more content on ...
Upon arrival, Deputy Lee was confronted by a 24 year old Kevin Diablo, who was known to
have had prior difficulties with the law. As specified by the report, a physical encounter ensued.
Diablo was then able to secure Lee s baton and beat him. A few moments later, a backup deputy
arrived and found Deputy Lee unconscious. Kevin Diablo then approached the backup deputy,
and he refused to drop Lee s baton. The backup deputy then discharged his service weapon and
mortally wounded diablo. Deputy Lee was transported to Desert Regional Medical Center, where
he passed away at approximately 0100. As for Kevin Diablo, Diablo was pronounced dead at the

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The Crucible By William Shakespeare

singer of this song and Abigail both share the same type of jealousy due to love.
March of the Witch Hunters
This song is about the citizens of the Emerald City accusing a character of being a witch. They
blame all of their problems on her, even though she did nothing wrong. This character is not
actually a witch, but she is falsely accused by the other characters who eventually set out to kill
her. In The Crucible, there were many accusations towards the people of Salem of being a witch
or wizard. None of them were true because witches and wizards are not real and therefore, all the
accused people, were innocent. They share the same relationship as the victim of this song.
I will always love you
This song is about how the singer will always love another character no matter what they put them
through. In The Crucible, Abigail displays this same trait when she protects her husband John
Proctor by lying to the court on his behalf even though she knows he has cheated on her in the past.
This song is about one man who writes letters to the opera expressing his views on how an opera
should be run. The entire opera disagrees with him and as a result, he seems like the bad guy. In
The Crucible, John Proctor opposes the church s belief of the existence of witches and wizards,
but because more people sided with the church, John Proctor looked like the bad guy and that
costed him his life.
Who am I?
This song is about a man (Jean Valjean AKA Prisoner 24601) who confesses to the

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Hamlet Polonius Meddling

The character Polonius in William Shakespeare s play Hamlet meddles in all affairs from his
family to the royal family. Polonius is always interfering in other people s lives when he shouldn t
be very involved at all. The Author shows Polonius s meddling in the quote, Observe his
inclinations in yourself (2:1). In this quote, we see that Poloniusis meddling in his son s life when
he is heading off to college. Polonius sends his servant to spy on his son while he is in college
and to spread rumors about his son that would give him a bad name. Polonius then justifies doing
this by stating that it would help his son grow stronger by learning how to deal with people who
look at you differently. This demonstrates meddling by Polonius

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Speech On Refugees

The issue of refugees has a long history from a lot of countries around the world starting back in
1940s. Some people are either fleeing from their country that is at war or natural disaster or is a
countries that are letting refugees into their own country and don t know when it is the time to
say no to any more refugees that are trying to come into their countries. Imagine if all of the
countries just gave up on helping the refugees and thousand by thousand they all start to die, just
because we would not let them come to a safe place to life. How would you feel if all that was on
the news was them saying thousand by thousand refugees are dies because countries are not
letting them in. So I think that the U.S should let refugees into the U.S because they have been
letting them in for over 200 years and why should they stop now, the U.S could be saving the lives
of the people in the countries that are in need, and the U.S is a big super power in the world and
other countries could benefit off of them and then go out and help other countries.

The first reason why the U.S should let refugees in is because the U.S has been letting refugees in
for over 200 years and why should they stop now. At the same time when other countries are having
the worst wars in that country s history. The first piece of evidence comes from the article The
refugees Americans have fought against for over 200 years by Anna Swanson. She is a reliable
source because she has interviewed people that were

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Testing And Experimentation Isn t A Buzz Term

Introduction Testing and experimentation isn t a buzz term, a lot of astute marketing and
designs are incorporating it to step up the conversion rate and also gain insights into customer s
behavior [3]. The advantage the web has over other channels is the capability to test and fail at a
reduced cost [7]. A test is defined as a procedure for critical evaluation carried out to achieve
good, measurable results in a short time frame [10]. Most people think of experiments as
restricted to chemistry lab or by cross breeding plants in the name of biology, but marketing
experiment has been around for a long time, from testing concept stores in various geographies
before the product is launched to showing different television curriculum in a particular state at
different time for different audience [10]. In order for the business to scale through magnificent
height, a testing program should be adopted for every business regardless of its size [7]. The
following are the benefits of experimenting and testing for every organization: Guess work is
eliminated; you no longer have to presume what will work on the website [7]. The website goals
can be easily identified and measured [7]. The web analyst is less concerned about analytics for
reporting or building multivariate or regression platforms, every testing tool comes with various
analytics reports [7]. Experimenting can be conducted for free using tools such as Google website
optimizer [7]. The customers can participate in

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The Biography Of Samantha Smith Essay

The Biography of Samantha Smith Samantha Nicole Smith was born into a small family on April
21st 1998, in Indianapolis, Indiana, the daughter of Chief Prosecutor Christine Smith and Part
Owner/Superintendent Brian Smith, sister of high school graduate and future freshman of Butler
University Nathan Smith. Samantha came from a hardworking, familyoriented, working class of
community involved family members on her father s side. Her paternal grandmother, Joanne Smith,
pushed her four sons to be respectful, always work for what you want to receive, and always
remember where you came from, therefore, Samantha s father Brian decided to get his associates
degree in architecture with a full time job at Glenmark Construction to attain a career and pursue to
be a part owner of the business. Samantha also came from an east coast, working class, intelligent,
Norwegian based family on her mother s side. Her maternal grandmother, Elizabeth Bensen, worked
at a bank while her grandfather, Kenneth Bensen, worked in a laboratory that manufactured
mechanical circulatory support for the heart and lungs called cardiopulmonary bypass. Kenneth and
Elizabeth pushed their two children to achieve a higher education, never give up, and never
disbelieve in the talent that is given to you, thus, Samantha s mother Christine went to Indiana
University for undergraduate and graduate school, receiving her Doctorate in Law to pursue a
career in criminal justice as a chief prosecutor in the state of

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Ordinary People Sparknotes

In the book Ordinary People by Judith Guest the person I relate with most is going to be Conrad
Jarrett. Conrad is the son of Calvin and Beth. In the story Conrad was in a boating accident with
his brother which caused his brother s death and Conrad blamed himself for his death. Then
Conrad a year later tried to commit suicide and it forced him to have to spend time in a hospital
to get better. When Conrad gets out he still feels little purpose in life and no motivation. He
starts to see Dr. Berger to help him recover from everything he has been through. My relation
with his problems isn t exactly the same but I can relate in a way. My stepdad had a car accident
and the car accident caused his death. Me and my familywere devastated when we found out. It can
really change a lot when a family member dies.
In chapter 13 Conrad gets into an argument with his mother. Beth hears from Lazenby s mother
that Conrad quit the swim team. Beth is mad because he quit and didn t tell them about it. Conrad
says that he just spends his time at the library, Conrad is getting angry and says that he would have
told them if he thought they cared. Then Conrad ends up telling Beth to go to hell. I can relate to
Conrad in this chapter because of him getting in arguments with his parents because I seem to do it
every now and then. ... Show more content on ...
I can relate because I do the same I wake up then I just think of everything I have to do and
whatever is on my mind. Conrad also had a passion for a sport that he liked but didn t have fun
because he didn t like his friends but he said he wanted to be better so he decided to do swim. I can
relate because I used to have a passion for basketball and I always wanted to be better but I didn t
like the people I played with but I just played through that so I could do what I loved so that s how
Conrad s situation relates to

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The Impact of the Tuberculosis Vaccine Essay

The Impact of the Tuberculosis Vaccine

Tuberculosis is one of the most infectious diseases in the world. With almost one third of the world
infected with this virus, people are striving to help prevent the spread of this disease (NIAID,
2001). One prevention technique for tuberculosis is the BCG (Bacillus of Calmette and Guerin)
vaccine. In the early twentieth century Calmette and Guerin worked together to isolate a strain of
the disease creating the first BCG vaccine. Throughout the century the scientists improved the BCG
vaccine and today there are several different strains of the vaccine available. However, even today
its full effects on the disease are unknown. The exploration of the effects of the vaccine, the best ...
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When the body is finally faced with the
Tuberculosis Vaccine Page 2 organism, it will hopefully have adapted enough to the strain of
Mycobacterium bovis to immediately contain the Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The goal of the
vaccine is to keep the body functioning normally, even after contact with Mycobacterium
The BCG vaccine was first created in the early twentieth century. In 1906, in Paris, scientists
Calmette and Guerin began experimenting with the vaccine for tuberculosis (NIAID, 2001).
They isolated a strain of Mycobacterium bovis from a cow and began their experimentation on
the living organism. After running tests on animals for over a decade, genetic changes began
occurring in the original strain; this new strain was called the BCG vaccine. In Europe, in 1921,
Calmette and Guerin introduced their vaccine to their first human subjects (WHO, 5). They fed
the vaccine to baby patients orally. By 1928, the Health Committee of the League of Nations
admitted it into use (Pediatric Research, 2002). Tuberculosis got off to a rocky start when it was
first administered. In Lubeck, Germany, almost a quarter of the babies given the BCG vaccine got
the tuberculosis disease or infection from the vaccine itself. The scandal caused general public to
be skeptical of the vaccine. Following the outbreak, it was discovered that the vaccine had been

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The Battle Of The Roman Republic

As the Roman Republic found its way into the third and second centuries BC, it could not have
anticipated its level of military engagement nor the number of conflicts it would find itself in
over the next two hundred years. A series of wars allowed the Roman Republic to consolidate
power on the Italian peninsula, emerge as a major force in the Mediterranean area, and lay the
groundwork for what eventually would become the Empire. The series of wars Rome fought
had profound impacts on the political, economic, social and cultural areas of Roman life.
Ultimately Rome would emerge as a powerhouse city with a thriving political system within it,
dominate the economic situation in the region before extending further, and saw the dramatic
change of Roman society as it experienced a cultural influx from foreigners. The series of wars in
response to Pyrrhus invasion and the rebellion of Italian tribes would ultimately lead to the
unification of the Republic on the peninsula, as well as secure a period of reprieve from foreign
invasion forces. The recently defeated Samnite tribe in central Italy resented Roman control and
when tensions between the Tarentines and Romans escalated, they would play a major role in the
civil unrest and eventual war. The Romans decision to develop a navy was met with harsh and
immediate response from Tarentum, who also called upon King Pyrrhus of Epirus to help them
engage the Roman forces. Despite his superb and fairly large invasion force, the

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The Maurya Empire And The Mughal Empire

The two most expansive empires to exist on the subcontinent of India are the Maurya Empire
which dominated ancient India from 322 BCE to 187 BCE and the Mughal Empire which had
control from 1526 to 1857 until the British Raj took over. Although these empires existed almost
two thousand years apart, they have a great deal in common including what made them such
successful and far reaching political forces, and maintain differences like what succeeded them
after their downfalls. The Mauryan Empire is considered to be one of the most successful of its
time. At its zenith it spanned nearly 2 million square miles and boasted a population of about 60
million, making it the largest Indian empire in history and one of the most populated empires of
Antiquity. This was not unlike the Mughal Empire, whose reach was upwards of 1.5 million square
miles with a population of over 158 million in 1700. When viewed on a map, the kingdoms are
nearly identical in geographical span, occupying the vast majority of what is now Indiaand
Afghanistan. While both dynasties expanded their empires, the Mauryan dynasty s expansion was
far more significant than that of the Mughal which is better known for unifying kingdoms within
the Indian subcontinent after taking control from the Delhi Sultanate. The most famed ruler of the
Maurya Empire was Ashoka who took over the empire in 272 BCE after the death of his father,
Bindusara. He was noted for being a young, powerful king whose military prowess was

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Global Warming Is A Problem Essay

Abstract Global warming is a dilemma; it is a debatable issue between a fact and a theory, between
approval and disapproval and between having advantages and disadvantages. Endless questions that
have indefinite answers arise to a man s mind when just tackling the idea of the global warming.
Many people do not take in consideration the environmental issues, their main interests lie behind
thinking about their personal lives and needs. Only few who think about the environment they re
living in.
Is it a real growing problem having evidence? , or by looking at the history of the climate change,
is it just an environmental condition that will pass by causing some dramatic changes to the climate?
Keywords Climate Change, Existence and Non Existence of Global Warming, Greenhouse Effect,
Sea Level Rise,
Global Temperature Rise, Global Warming Consequences, Environmental Skepticism, Global
Warming Solutions.
1. Introduction
Does global warming issue worth our attention?,
Scientists worked hard to reach an answer, amazingly all of the answers were found in nature as
Albert Arnold Al Gore,
Jr. said, The ice has stories to tell us referring to analyzing pole s ice layers process.
In 1824, The French physicist Joseph Fourier showed the relation between earth s atmosphere and
its temperature.
Moreover, the US scientist Wallace Broecker firstly introduced the term global warming in a
scientific paper.
Although effects of climatic changes are strongly noticed around us, some people

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