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Exercise 1. Complete the sentences with modal verbs (can, could, be able).
( 5 балів)

1. You needn’t have hurried. I ___ wait. (was able; could; could to)
2. Harry ___ to win a chess game playing against his father. (can; was able; could)
3. I ___ help with repairing your car if you want to. (could; was able to; can)
4. He ___ play chess well when he was young. (were able to; can; could)
5. We are sorry we won’t ___ come to the party tomorrow. (can; be able to; could)
6. Tim might ___ visit us tomorrow. (can; could; be able to)
7. I ___ speak English but I can’t speak Arabic. (could; can; was able to)
8. Mary is really talented. She ___ draw beautiful landscapes. (can; were able to; could)
9. Mari has got a sweet voice. She ___ sing lovely romances. (could; can to; can)
10. Nick ___ ski when he was young. (couldn’t; can’t; is not able to)
11.When we came into the house we ___ hear strange sounds. (can; could to; could)
12. Mark is very strong. He ___ lift heavy weights. (was able to; can; could)
13. Sue has got lots of money with her and she ___ spend it all. (can to; is able; can)
14. I ___ memorize long poems when I was at school. (could to; could; can)
15. My granny ___ knit when she was little. (couldn’t; wasn’t able; can)
16. My nephew is a musician. He ___ play the piano well. (could; was able to; can)
17. I ___ stay up all night when I was young. (could; could to; can)
18. I’m sure Sue ___ to solve the problem. (is able; are able; can)
19. Jack has never ___ skate well. (can; been able to; could)
20. I haven’t been ___ speak to Jill recently. (could; able to; able)
21. Sandra ___ to pass the exam as she was very well prepared. (was able; could;
22. Jack ___ run away from a big angry dog when he was ten. (can; could; was able
23. Greg ___ read and write when he was 5. (could; was able; can)
24. There was a fire in the house but all the people ___ escape. (was able to; can; were able
25. Although it wasn’t evident, I ___ spot the difference. (was able to; could to; can)

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with modal verbs (must, have to, need).
( 5 балів)

1. I ___ visit my sister tonight. I haven’t seen her for ages. (must; must to; have)
2. You ___ always pay the bills on time. (must to; must; needn’t to)
3. My brother has fallen ill. I ___ take him to the hospital. (have to; needn’t; must to)
4. You ___ worry about the children. They’ll be OK. (must to; have to; needn’t)
5. Passengers ___ take too much luggage with them on the plane. (needn’t to; must;
must not)
6. You ___ tell lies. It’s not nice of you. (have to; mustn’t; mustn’t to)
7. Wait! I ___ check whether I locked the door. (must; must to; needn’t)
8. You ___ wash the floors. I did yesterday. (needn’t; mustn’t to; needn’t to)
9. I ___ study well in order to get scholarship. (have; must; mustn’t)
10. I ___take part in this conference. It’s obligatory. (have to; mustn’t to; needn’t)
11. Students ___ cheat in the test. (have to; must; mustn’t)
12. You ___ attend the lectures in order to pass the exams. (have; needn’t to; have
13. I ___ tell anyone what happened. (have to; mustn’t to; mustn’t)
14. You ___ wear a uniform to school. (must to; needn’t to; needn’t)
15. You ___ wash your face every morning. (need; mustn’t; must)
16. You ___cross the road when the red light is on. (have to; must; mustn’t)
17. Jack lives far from the office, so he ___ to take a bus every day to get there. (has; must;
18. You ___ burn fires in the forest. (mustn’t; must; have to)
19. You ___ make your bed. I’ll do it for you. (have to; needn’t; needn’t to)
20. You ___ stay in an expensive hotel. Book a cheaper one. (must; needn’t; needn’t to)
21. You ___ keep silence in the library. (needn’t; have; must)
22. I think you ___ to thank your dad for your birthday present. (have to; must;
23. I ___ go home now. My dog needs walking and feeding. (have; mustn’t; have to)
24. We ___ respect our parents. (must; must to; needn’t)

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences with verbs (should, ought to, shall, will, may, could).
( 5 балів)

1. You ___ book tickets in advance. You’ll buy them before the match. (needn’t; have; must to)
2. There aren’t any free tables. We ___ one in advance. (should have reserved; ought
reserve; should reserved)
3. There’s a good film on TV tonight. ___ it? (Ought we to watch; Shall we watch;
Could we watched)
4. Your jeans are dirty. You ___ wash them. (should to; will; should)
5. We arrived late in the evening. You ___ us at the airport. (will meet; could have
met; should meet)
6. I ___ spend my holidays in Italy. I’m not sure yet. (might to; may; ought to)
7. You ___ us about your delay. (will inform; should to inform; should have
8. It’s late already. ___ you see me home, please? (Will; Ought; Will to)
9. ___ you a cup of coffee? (Shall I make; Will I make; Ought I make)
10. Where’s Dina? She ___ be having a rest in the garden. (ought; will; might)
11. Let’s ask Jenny. She ___ know what happened. (ought; might; might be)
12. Ken didn’t pass the test. He ___ have studied better. (shall; will; ought to)
13. The match was extremely exciting. You ___ it. (ought to see; should seen, should
have seen)
14. You ___ of your health. (ought to take care; ought take care; may to take care)
15. Mary eats too much. She ___ taking exercises. (ought start; could to start; ought to start)
16. Sarah ___ her bag in the shop. (could left; shall left; might have left)
17. Jack ___ aggressive at times when he was a little boy. (should be; could be; may be)
18. Everyone ___ wash their hands before eating. (ought to; ought; could)
19. You ___ be asked all sorts of questions. Be ready to answer! (might to; ought; might)
20. My car is broken. Don’t worry, you ___ mine. (might to take; ought take; may take)
21. I don’t like this hotel. We ___ a better one. (may have find; could have found; will
have found)
22. The weather promises to be fine. We ___ skiing in the forest. (may have gone;
may go; shall to go)
23.___ the TV, please? (Could you have turned off; Ought you to turn off; Will you turn off)
24. I’m free tomorrow morning. I ___ you the city. (may have shown; could show; shall to
25.___ you pick up the phone, please? (Might have; Will; Ought)

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences with prepositions of time.

( 5 балів)

1. Nancy is in Spain ___ the moment. (in; on; at)

2. I love having picnics ___ a warm summer day. (at; in; on)
3. George and Jill got married ___ June. (on; at; in)
4. My father first went abroad ___ 2017. (at; in; on)
5. Would you like to live ___ the 18th century? (on; at; in)
6. I last saw Claire ___ Wednesday. (in; at; on)
7. We always have school vacations ___ Christmas. (in; at; on)
8. Our final exams start ___ five days. (at; in; on)
9. The Smiths have a special dinner ___ their wedding anniversary. (in; at; on)
10. Your dress will be finished ___ a couple of hours. (at; in; on)
11. We don’t have driving lessons ___ Sundays. (on; at; in)
12. Everyone gives and gets presents ___ New Year’s Day. (at; in; on)
13. Fred is getting ready for the competition ___ the moment. (on; at; in)
14. I’ll be back to work ___ noon. (at; in; on)
15. Sam and John are playing squash ___ 5 this evening. (at; on; in)
16. There is always lots of snow ___ January. (in; on; at)
17. I came back from my trip ___ Friday night. (on; in; at)
18. Henry doesn’t feel well ___ present. (at; on; in)
19. I hope to live in a detached house ___ the future. (on; in; at)
20. Our train leaves ___ 9 o’clock in the evening. (on; at; in)
21. The nature is really beautiful ___ autumn. (in; on; at)
22. I’ve got no desire to go out ___ a rainy day. (on; in; at)
23. My aunt’s birthday is ___ 15 April. (at; in; on)
24. My mother doesn’t let me stay up late ___ night. (in; at; on)
25. Mike doesn’t usually have breakfast ___ the morning. (at; on; in)

Exercise 5. Complete the sentence with prepositions of place and moving.

( 5 балів)

1. There has been an argument ___ Sandra and Lisa. (under; between; among)
2. Put your money and documents ___ the cash desk. (onto; in; round)
3. We are lucky to have a garage right ___ the house. (among; near; inside)
4. The company is sitting ___ the table. (into; onto; round)
5. Let’s have a walk ___ the coast. (over; along; onto)
6. Todd is lying ___ bed with fever. (near; onto; in)
7. Let’s drive ___ the field. It’s the shortest way. (from; through; on)
8. The ships are carrying their cargos ___ the river. (into; down; behind)
9. We are flying ___ Europe at the moment. (into; over; on)
10. Are there many passengers ___ the plane? (at; on; in)
11. What are you hiding ___ your back? (in front of; behind; among)
12. I think your slippers are ___ the bed. (under; through; between)
13. The parrot is ___ the cage. (between; at; inside)
14. A young man jumped ___ his window last night. (under; along; out of)
15. We spent a few days ___ Florence last week. (at; in;across)
16. The reception desk is ___ the centre of the hall. (in; at; on)
17. This train stops ___ every station. (at; in; on)
18. I’m sure Lena is ___ college now. (at; into; in)
19. Go ___ the path until you see a high rock. (up; out of; from)
20. We are going to travel ___ the sea. (out of; across; inside)
21. Look! The shopping center is ___. (near; on the left; at the left)
22. Put the frozen pizza ___ the oven for ten minutes. (across; out of; into)
23. She’s got freckles ___ her nose. (on; along; at)
24. The bus stopped ___ the traffic lights. (in front; in front of; up)
25.The title of the article is ___ the page. (on the top of; in the top of; at the top of)
Exercise 6. Complete the sentences with Conjunction.
( 5 балів)

1. He would like to become ___ an engineer or sailor. (Nor, neither, either)

2. We haven’t seen each other ___ we left school. (in case, since, as if)
3. Jack is very tired. He looks ___ he needs a good rest. (before, so, as if)
4. Turn off the light! ___, you’ll be able to go to sleep. (either, thus, as if)
5. Nancy took so many dresses to Egypt ___ she was going to stay there forever. (as
though; in case, whether)
6. Finish your homework ___ you go out. (as well, as that, before)
7. You won’t get this suit cheaper ___ you have a discount. (unless, that, as well as)
8. We’ll call an emergency ___ she feels worse. (if, but, as if)
9. She enjoys ___ singing and dancing. (both, neither, either)
10. Can you tell us ___ the bank is? (that, when, where)
11. It sounds ___ you had a nice time. (so that, as if, because)
12. The red dress is ___ the black one. (as beautiful, beautiful as, as beautiful as)
13. Do you prefer tea with milk ___ without it? (and, or, but)
14. I like summer ___ it’s not too hot. (provided, thus, or)
15. You won’t pass the exam ___ you study hard. (as, before, unless)
16. Andy got his first job ___ he was 20. (that, when, as)
17. We see them quite often ___ they’re our neighbours. (that, when, as)
18. Don’t eat any mushrooms ___ you know they’re safe. (as if, until, as well as)
19.___ Sandra nor Eric likes jogging. (Neither, Either, Both)
20. I would like some bread ___ butter for breakfast. (but, but also, and)
21. I wanted to help him ___ he refused. (since, but, and)
22. Sean runs every morning ___ he wants to win a championship. (as well as, because,
23. I wonder ___ it’s going to rain the whole day. (that, so that, whether)
24. You should put some salt and sugar ___ the porridge is tasty. (that, so that,
25. Sally reads books every day ___ she has got free time. (as long as, unless,
Всього 30 балів.

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