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2.1: M225084


Question 1
Technopreneurs are born not made, discuss. [20]

Technopreneurs are individuals who combine technological skills with

commercial skills to develop and commercialize advanced products or
services. They are often seen as the driving force behind innovation in
the technology sector, and their contributions have played a major role
in shaping the world we live in today.
On the one hand, there is a strong argument to be made that
technopreneurs are born, not made. Many of the most successful
technopreneurs in history, such as Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and Elon Musk,
have demonstrated a remarkable ability for technology and business
from a very young age. Elon Musk said, "I think entrepreneurs are born,
not made. You can't teach someone to be an entrepreneur." They seem
to have a natural understanding of how to identify and exploit new
opportunities, and they are driven by a passion to create and innovate.
"I think you're born an entrepreneur. You can't learn it.", said Richard

Some examples of technopreneurs who may be considered to be born

include Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla and SpaceX, who has been
described as a "natural born entrepreneur" by many people. He has a
strong drive to solve problems and to create innovative new products
and services, Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple, was also known for
his creativity and his passion for technology. He had a unique vision for
the future of computing, and he was able to execute that vision with
great success Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft, is another
example of a technopreneur who may be considered to be born. He has

a brilliant mind and a deep understanding of technology. He was also

able to build a successful business from scratch.

On the other hand, there is also evidence to suggest that

technopreneur-ship can be learned and developed. Many successful
technopreneurs have come from backgrounds that did not provide
them with any formal training in either technology or business. Instead,
they have learned the necessary skills through experience and self-
education. "I've always been an entrepreneur. I've always been like this.
I've always been driven by ideas.", said Mark Zuckerberg.
Some examples of technopreneurs who may be considered to be made
include Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, did not come from an
entrepreneurial background. He worked as a financial analyst before
starting Amazon. However, he was able to leverage his skills and
experience to build one of the most successful companies in the world,
Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, was also a relative unknown
before starting his company. He was a student at Harvard University
when he launched Facebook. However, he was able to quickly grow the
company into a global powerhouse and Susan Wojcicki, the CEO of
YouTube, is another example of a technopreneur who may be
considered to be made. She started her career as a management
consultant before joining Google. She was eventually appointed CEO of
YouTube, where she has overseen the company's continued growth and

While anyone can become an entrepreneur, there are certain qualities

that seem to be more common among technopreneurs.
Technopreneurs are always eager to learn about new technologies and

how they can be used to improve the world around them. They are also
able to quickly grasp complex technical concepts. They are constantly
identifying and solving problems. They are also able to think outside the
box and come up with creative solutions. Technopreneurs are not afraid
to take risks, even if it means failing. They understand that failure is a
natural part of the learning process and that it is essential for

In the end, whether or not technopreneurs are born or made is a

complex question. There is no doubt that some people have a natural
ability for technology and entrepreneurship. However, it is also possible
to learn the skills and knowledge necessary to be a successful
technopreneur. The most important factor in determining success in a
technopreneur-ship is the individual's drive and determination.
Technopreneurs are willing to take risks, innovate, and persevere in the
face of challenges. They are also passionate about their work and have
a strong desire to succeed. If one has the innate qualities and the drive
to succeed, then they have the potential to become a successful

Question 2
Explain 5 reasons used by most technopreneurs to gain competitive
advantage in the business jungle.[20]

1. Innovation and Technology Utilization

"Innovation is not for the faint of heart. It requires a willingness to
take risks, to challenge the status quo, and to fail. But it is also the
key to success in the business jungle." Jeff Bezos, founder of
Amazon. Technopreneurs often influence new technology and
innovative solutions to differentiate their products or services.
They are constantly innovating, developing new products and
services that meet the needs of their customers. This allows them
to stay ahead of the competition and attract new customers. This
can create a market commotion, forcing competitors to catch up.
For example, Apple was one of the first companies to develop a
smartphone with a touchscreen interface. This innovation gave
Apple a significant competitive advantage in the early days of the
smartphone market

2. Speed and Agility


"The world is changing faster than ever before. Technopreneurs

need to be able to adapt quickly to changing market conditions."
Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook. A key advantage for
technopreneurs often lies in their ability to be flexible and adapt
more quickly to changes or opportunities in the marketplace. They
can pivot and adjust strategies at a faster pace than larger, more
traditional businesses. They are able to adapt quickly to changing
market conditions. For example, Airbnb quickly pivoted to focus
on long-term stays during the COVID-19 pandemic. This allowed
Airbnb to continue to grow even as the travel industry was hit
hard by the pandemic.

3. Customer-Centric Approach

"The customer is always right. Technopreneurs need to be

obsessed with their customers and with meeting their needs."
Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple. Technopreneurs often excel in
understanding their customers’ needs and behaviors, primarily
through data analysis. This enables them to deliver personalized,
competitive solutions. They are constantly listening to their
feedback and improving their products and services to meet their
needs. For example, Netflix uses data analytics to understand
what its customers like to watch and to recommend new content
to them. This has helped Netflix to become one of the most
popular streaming services in the world.

4. Talent and Skill Acquisition

"No entrepreneur can succeed on their own. Technopreneurs
need to build strong teams of talented and passionate people."

Susan Wojcicki, CEO of YouTube. Technopreneurs can attract top

tech talent who are attracted to innovation and the
entrepreneurial spirit. They build strong teams of talented and
passionate people. They know that their team is their most
important asset. For example, Google is known for its strong
culture and its commitment to hiring the best talent. This has
helped Google to become one of the most successful technology
companies in the world.

5. Strategic Partnerships and Networks

Forming strategic alliances, partnerships, or exploiting
professional networks can help technopreneurs gain market
access, boost their product offerings, or secure resources more
effectively than their competitors. This can help technopreneurs to
expand their reach, offer new products and services, and gain
access to new markets.


The Entrepreneurial Spirit: A Review of the Entrepreneurship Literature

by David L. Sexton and Nancy L. Smilor
Born Entrepreneurs: How Your Genes Predispose You to Success in
Business by Jeffrey A. Timmons and Joseph L. Shane

"Born to be an entrepreneur? The role of heredity in entrepreneurial

success" by David J. Audretsch and Michelle Hisrich (2010)
"The entrepreneur's personality: A meta-analytic review" by John A.
Miner (1997)
"The role of education and training in entrepreneurial success" by
Candida G. Brush, Nancy M. Carter, and George R. W

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