Search Algorithms and Heuristics

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Uninformed Search

Uninformed search algorithms, also known as blind search algorithms, are

search algorithms that do not have any additional information about the
problem other than what is given in the problem definition. These
algorithms rely solely on the structure of the search space to find a solution.
Uninformed algorithm include

a)Breadth-first search
This algorithm explores all the nodes at the current depth level before moving to
the next depth level. It guarantees the shortest path to the goal if the path cost is

b)Depth-first search

It explores as far as possible along each branch before backtracking. It goes

deep into the search space before exploring other branches. It does not
guarantee an optimal solution but is memory-efficient compared to
breadth-first search

c)Uniform Cost Search(UCS)

Uniform-Cost Search expands the node with the lowest path cost g(n). It is
optimal when all step costs are identical.



- Uninformed search are straightforward and easy to implement .They don’t

require complex heuristics or domain specific knowledge, making them accessible
to both beginners and experienced AI practitioners.
- When applied correctly, uninformed search algorithms are guaranteed to find a
solution if one exists in the search space. For example, breadth-first search
(BFS) will provide a solution if any solution exists.If there are multiple solutions,
BFS will provide the minimal solution that require the least number of steps.

*Widely Applicable:

- These algorithms are applicable to various problem domains, such as route

planning, puzzle solving, and general pathfinding. Their versatility makes them
suitable for solving diverse real-world problems.

* Educational Value:

-Uninformed search algorithms are commonly used in educational settings to

introduce students to the fundamentals of AI and search algorithms. They serve as
a stepping stone for understanding more complex AI techniques.

*Initial Exploration:

-In some cases, uninformed search algorithms can serve as an initial exploration
step. They may help identify potential solution paths or narrow down the search
space before applying more advanced search methods.


a) Inability to Handle Complex Problems

Uninformed search algorithms are generally suited for simple problems with well-
defined search spaces. In complex problem domains with intricate structures or
constraints, uninformed search algorithms may struggle to efficiently explore the
search space and find optimal solutions. These algorithms may get lost in the
complexity of the problem domain and fail to reach a satisfactory solution.

b) Time and Space Complexity

Uninformed search algorithms can have high time and space complexity,
especially in large search spaces. These algorithms typically explore all possible
paths without considering which paths are more promising or likely to lead to a
solution. As a result, they may waste time and resources exploring irrelevant or
redundant paths, leading to inefficiencies in terms of time and memory usage.

c) Lack of Domain-Specific Knowledge

Uninformed search algorithms operate solely based on the problem structure

provided and do not take into account any domain-specific knowledge that could
help guide the search process. This lack of domain-specific knowledge can limit
the effectiveness of these algorithms in certain problem domains where additional
information could significantly improve their performance.

d) Lack of Optimality:

Uninformed search algorithms do not take into account any domain-specific

information or heuristics to guide the search. As a result, they may not always find
the optimal solution. In cases where an optimal solution is critical, using
uninformed search can lead to suboptimal

e) Exploration of Irrelevant Paths

Uninformed search algorithms explore all available paths equally, which can lead
to the exploration of irrelevant or unpromising paths. This can further contribute to
inefficiency in finding a solution.


Informed search algorithms, also known as heuristic search algorithms, are a class
of search algorithms that utilize problem-specific knowledge to guide the search
process towards the goal state more efficiently. Unlike uninformed search
algorithms, which explore the search space without any additional information,
informed search algorithms make use of heuristics to prioritize the most promising

Heuristics in Informed Search

Heuristics are rules or guidelines used to solve problems more efficiently. In the
context of informed search algorithms, heuristics provide an estimate of how close
a particular state is to the goal state. By using heuristics, informed search
algorithms can make informed decisions about which paths to explore first, leading
to faster and more effective problem-solving.

Types of Informed Search Algorithms

1. A* Algorithm: One of the most popular informed search algorithms is the

A algorithm. A combines the cost of reaching a certain state from the initial
state (known as g(n)) and an estimate of the cost to reach the goal state from
that state (known as h(n)). The algorithm selects nodes with the lowest f(n)
= g(n) + h(n) value for expansion, making it both optimal and efficient.
2. Greedy Best-First Search: Greedy best-first search is another type of
informed search algorithm that selects nodes based solely on the heuristic
value, h(n), without considering the cost to reach that node from the initial
state. While this approach can be fast, it may not always find the optimal
3. IDA* Algorithm: The Iterative Deepening A (IDA) algorithm is a memory-
efficient variant of A that combines depth-first search with A heuristic
search. It iteratively increases a threshold value until a solution is found,
making it suitable for large search spaces.

Advantages of Informed Search Algorithms

 Informed search algorithms are generally more efficient than uninformed

search algorithms as they use additional problem-specific information.
 By leveraging heuristics, informed search algorithms can focus on
promising paths, leading to faster convergence towards the goal state.
 These algorithms are particularly useful in complex problem-solving
scenarios where exploring all possible paths is not feasible due to
computational constraints.

Challenges of Informed Search Algorithms

 Designing effective heuristics can be challenging and may require domain-

specific knowledge.
 In some cases, heuristics may lead the algorithm down suboptimal paths if
they are not well-designed.
 The performance of informed search algorithms heavily relies on the quality
of the heuristic function used.

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