A55 Quadratic Equation Solving and Algebra Questions

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1 (a) Factorise completely 2tv + t – 10v – 5. [2]

(b) Make k the subject of the formula

= 3.
k [2]

(c) Solve the equation x 2 – 23x + 81 = 0, giving both answers correct to two decimal places. [4]
n(a + l )
2 (a) It is given that S=

(i) Find the value of S when n = 20, a = –5 and l = 17. [1]

(ii) Express l in terms of S, n and a. [2]

(b) Solve the equations

(i) 5t 2 = 12t, [2]

y–1 2
(ii) = . [3]
8 y–1

(c) Solve the equation 3x2 + 9x + 5 = 0, giving both answers correct to two decimal places. [4]
3 (a) Remove the brackets and simplify

(i) 4(3 – 2p) – 3(1 – p), [1]

(ii) (3q – r)(q + 2r). [2]

(b) Factorise completely 18t 2 – 2. [2]

(c) Given that y = 18 + 3x 2,

(i) find the value of y when x = –2, [1]

(ii) find the values of x when y = 93, [2]
(iii) express x in terms of y. [2]
4 (a) Solve the equation 3t + 1 = 4. [2]

(b) Solve the simultaneous equations

2x + y = 12,
3y – 2x = 56. [2]

3y 2 + 8y + 4
(c) Simplify . [3]
y2 – 4

(d) Given that 3h + 2x = 2f – gx, express x in terms of f, g and h. [3]

5 (a) Solve the equation 3x2 – 4x – 5 = 0, giving your answers correct to two decimal places. [4]

(b) Remove the brackets and simplify (3a – 4b)2. [2]

(c) Factorise completely 12 + 8t – 3y – 2ty. [2]

6 (a) (i) Factorise completely 5x 2 – 20. [2]
5x2 – 20 .
(ii) Simplify [2]
10x2 + 10x – 20

(b) Express as a single fraction in its simplest form

4 3 .

y–3 y+5 [3]
(c) Given that T = 2π ,
express g in terms of π, T and L. [3]
7 (a) Express as a single fraction in its simplest form 7 – 5 . [2]
6a 9a
(b) Simplify 3b(b – 1) – 2(b – 2)(b + 2). [2]
3x2 – 12
8 It is given that y =

(a) Find y when x = –3. [1]

(b) Find the values of x when y = 0. [2]

(c) For values of x in the range –3 ⭐ x ⭐ 2, write down

(i) the largest value of y, [1]

(ii) the smallest value of y. [1]

(d) Express x in terms of y. [2]

(e) It is also given that y = when x = t.
(i) Show that t satisfies the equation 6t 2 – 5t – 9 = 0. [1]
(ii) Solve the equation 6t2 – 5t – 9 = 0, giving each answer correct to two significant figures. [4]

2p + 1 p–3
9 (a) Solve the equation =1+ .
3 2 [3]

2v – 6 .
(b) Simplify 2
v – 2v – 3 [3]

(c) The tens digit of a number is x and the units digit is y.

Hence the value of the number is 10x + y.
For example, if x = 5 and y = 6, the number would be 10 × 5 + 6 = 56.
(i) When the digits x and y are reversed, the value of the number is increased by 63.
Show that y – x = 7. [2]
(ii) The sum of the original number and the number with reversed digits is 99.
(a) Show that x + y = 9. [1]
(b) Hence find the value of x and the value of y. [2]
10 (a) Express as a single fraction in its simplest form 2a + 3 . [1]
3 2a
(b) Factorise completely 5b2 − 10b. [1]

(c) The points P and Q are ( 4, 7 ) and ( 8, −3 ) respectively.


(i) the midpoint of PQ, [1]

(ii) the length of PQ. [2]

(d) Solve the equation 3x2 + 11x − 7 = 0 , giving each answer correct to 2 decimal places. [4]
11 Solve the equations

(a) 2y = 8, [1]

(b) 3p + 4 = 8 – 2( p – 3), [2]

(c) 18 – 16 = 1, [3]
q q+2

(d) 5x2 + x – 7 = 0, giving each solution correct to 2 decimal places. [4]

12 (a) Express as a single fraction in its simplest form – 3 . [3]
x + 3 2x – 1

(b) It is given that k = 2lm + 3n .

Express m in terms of k, l and n. [2]

(c) Solve the equation 3x2 – 4x – 16 = 0.

Give your answers correct to 2 decimal places. [4]
13 (a) P = 4 + 15

(i) Find P when Q = – 40. [1]

(ii) Express Q in terms of P. [2]

(b) Factorise completely

(i) 7c2 – 28d 2, [2]

(ii) 3x2 – 7x – 6. [2]

(c) Solve the equation 4 = 5. [2]

14 (a) Simplify
(i) , [1]
8x + 8y
(ii) x(3x – 2) – (3x2 – 5). [2]

(b) Solve the equation 3t – 4 = 7 + 2(t + 3). [2]

(c) Factorise 5px – 7qx + 10py – 14qy. [2]

(d) (i) When x = –2, which of the two expressions, 3x + 4 and 2 – x, has the greater value?
You must show your working. [2]

(ii) Solve the inequality 3x + 4 < 2 – x. [2]

15 Express as a single fraction in its simplest form

(i) 1 – 2 ,
2x 5x

Answer ........................................ [1]

4 7 .
(ii) +
x x–3

Answer ........................................ [2]

16 (a) Solve 5t(3t + 7) = 0 .

Answer t = .................... or .................... [2]

(b) Solve the simultaneous equations.

3x + 4y = 1
5x – 8y = 9

Answer x = ..................................

y = .................................. [3]

(c) Express as a single fraction 5 – 4 .

p–2 2p + 3

Answer ........................................ [3]

q2 – 1
(d) Simplify .
2q2 – 3q + 1

Answer ........................................ [3]

17 (a) A = h(4m + h)

Express m in terms of A and h.

Answer ....................................... [3]

(b) Factorise completely 3ax + 5bx – 6ay –10by .

Answer ....................................... [2]

5x – 1 9
(c) Solve the equation = .
9 5x – 1

Answer x = .................... or .................... [3]

18 (a) Factorise 9x2 – 64y2.

Answer ......................................... [1]

(b) The product of three numbers 4, x and (x + 3) is 55.

Form an equation in x and solve it to find the possible values of x.

Answer x = ............... or ...............[3]

x–1 5
(c) (i) Given that – =1 show that x2 – 2x – 23 = 0.
3 x+2


(ii) Solve x2 – 2x – 23 = 0.
Give your answers correct to one decimal place.

Answer x = ............... or ...............[3]

7x + 1 x
19 (a) Solve the equation – = 1.
4 2

Answer x = .................................. [2]

(b) Solve the equation y2 – 81 = 0.

Answer y = .............. or .............. [1]


The length of the base of a parallelogram is 6 cm more than its perpendicular height, h cm.
The area of this parallelogram is 33.25 cm2.

(i) Show that h satisfies the equation 4h2 + 24h – 133 = 0.


(ii) Solve the equation 4h2 + 24h – 133 = 0.

Answer h = .............. or .............. [3]

(iii) Find the length of the base of the parallelogram.

Answer ................................. cm [1]

20 (a) (i) Simplify 5p – (1 – 5p) + 2.

Answer ..................................... [2]

(ii) Solve the inequality 3 – 2x > 5.

Answer ..................................... [2]

A + 2x
(b) y = x .
(i) Find y when x = A.

Answer y = ............................... [1]

(ii) Rearrange the formula to make x the subject.

Answer x = ............................... [3]

21 (a) Factorise 4x 2 – 1.

Answer ..................................... [1]

2Q + R
(b) P =
(i) Find P when R = Q.

Answer P = ............................. [1]

(ii) Rearrange the formula to make R the subject.

Answer R = .............................. [3]

(c) Solve the simultaneous equations.

3x + 4y = 17
2x – 5y = 19

Answer x = ..............................

y = ............................... [3]
22 (a) Solve4(x–2)=7–x.

Answer x=......................................... [2]

(b) Solvethesimultaneousequations.

Answer  x=......................................... 

 y=......................................... [3]

(c) (i) Writedowntheintegervaluesthatsatisfy–1<n <2.

Answer  ............................................... [1]

(ii) Solve2–3y<8.

Answer  ............................................... [2]

23 (a) Solve 3(x – 5) = 5x – 7.

Answer x = .......................................... [2]

4y - 3
(b) (i) Solve G 7.

Answer ................................................ [2]

4y - 3
(ii) State the integers that satisfy both G 7 and y 2 2 .

Answer ................................................ [1]

(c) Solve the simultaneous equations.

2x – y = 6
4x + 3y = –3

Answer x = ..........................................

y = .......................................... [3]
24 (a) Solve = 1.
3- x

Answer  ............................................... [1]

(b) Factorise

(i) 5x + 5y ,

Answer  ............................................... [1]

(ii) 9x 2 - 16 .

Answer  ............................................... [1]

(c) (i) Factorise 2x 2 + 5x - 12 .

Answer  ............................................... [1]

(ii) Useyouranswertopart (c)(i)tosolvetheequation 2x 2 + 5x - 12 = 0 .

Answer x=.................or.................[1]
(d) Asourceoflightisobservedfromadistanceofdmetres.
Theamountoflightreceived, Lunits,isinverselyproportionaltothesquareofthedistance.


Answer ............................................... [2]

a + a2 + b2
25 (a) Find the value of when a = - 4 and b = - 3.
a 2 - 2ab
Give your answer as a fraction.

Answer ................................................ [2]

(b) Expand the brackets and simplify ^3x 2 - 1h^2x + 3h - x ^9x - 2h.

Answer ................................................ [2]

(c) (i) Factorise 9x 2 + 5x - 4 .

Answer ................................................ [1]

(ii) Use your answer to part (c)(i) to solve the equation 9x 2 + 5x - 4 = 0 .

Answer x = .................. or ................. [1]

(d) The sum of three consecutive integers is 84.

Find these three integers.

Answer ............. , ............. , ............. [2]

7 4
26 (a) Express as a single fraction, in its simplest form, - .
p + 2 2p - 3

Answer ................................................ [3]

(b) The distance between London and York is 320 km .

A train takes x hours to travel between London and York.

(i) Write down an expression, in terms of x, for the average speed of the train.

Answer .......................................km/h [1]

(ii) A car takes 2 21 hours longer than a train to travel between London and York.
The average speed of the train is 80 km/h greater than the average speed of the car.

Form an equation in x and show that it simplifies to 2x 2 + 5x - 20 = 0 .

(iii) Solve the equation 2x 2 + 5x - 20 = 0 , giving your answers correct to 2 decimal places.

Answer x = ................. or ................. [3]

(iv) Hence find the average speed of the car correct to the nearest km/h.

Answer .......................................km/h [2]

x 2
27 (a) Express as a single fraction in its simplest form - .
^x - 4h2 x-4

Answer .................................................... [2]

(b) Solve the simultaneous equations.

2x - 3y = 14
6x + 4y = 3

Answer x = ..............................................

y = .............................................. [3]
(c) Solve x ^x - 4h = 6 + x .

Answer x = .................... or ..................... [3]

y2 - 9
(d) Simplify .
2y 2 - y - 15

Answer .................................................... [3]

6c 2 - d
28 (a) f=
(i) Find f when c = 8 and d =- 4 .

Answer .................................................... [1]

(ii) Express c in terms of d and f.

Answer .................................................... [2]

(b) Solve 17 - 5x G 2x + 3 .

Answer .................................................... [2]

(c) Factorise 9 - 25x 2 .

Answer .................................................... [1]

(d) Factorise completely 8px + 6qy - 3qx - 16py .

Answer .................................................... [2]

(e) Solve 5x 2 + 6x - 13 = 0 .

Give your answers correct to two decimal places.

Answer x = ..................... or .................... [4]

29 (a) Solve
(i) =1,

Answer x = ..................................... [1]

(ii) 4y - 3 (2y + 1) = 5 .

Answer y = .................................... [2]

15w 2 - 30w
(b) Simplify .
5w 2 - 20

Answer .......................................... [3]

30 (a) T = 2π
(i) Find T when h = 125 and g = 981.

Answer T = ....................................... [1]

(ii) Make h the subject of the formula.

Answer h = ....................................... [3]

(b) Solve the equation 45 – ( p + 3) = 2p.

Answer p = ....................................... [2]

2x - 3 5 - x
(c) Solve the equation + = 0.
4 3

Answer x = ....................................... [3]

(d) Solve the equation 3y2 + 11y + 4 = 0 .

Give your answers correct to 2 decimal places.

Answer y = ................ or ................ [3]

31 (a) Expandthebracketsandsimplify  (x–1)(x2+x+1).

Answer ............................................ [2]

3x 4
(b) Solvetheequation  - = 3.
x+2 x-2

Answer ............................................ [3]

(c) Solvethesesimultaneousequations.

Answer x = ......................................

  y=...................................... [4]

32 (a) Factorise completely

(i) 4x 3 - 10xy ,

Answer ............................................ [1]

(ii) 9a 2 - b 2 .

Answer ............................................ [1]

(b) Solve = 4.
3 - 2m

Answer ............................................ [2]


33 (a) Factorisecompletely 6x2y3–15x3y.

Answer ............................................ [2]

4 2
(b) Solve  + = 3.
x x +2

Answer x=................ or................[3]

7 5
34 (a) (i) Solve the equation ` x + j = ! .
2 2
Give both answers correct to 2 decimal places.

Answer x = ................ or ................ [2]

7 5
(ii) The solutions of ` x + j = ! are also the solutions of x 2 + Bx + C = 0 ,
2 2
where B and C are integers.

Find B and C.

Answer B = .............. C = ............... [3]

(b) Solve the inequality 7 – 3x > 13.

Answer x ....................................... [2]

(c) Factorise 6x – 3yt + 18y – xt .

Answer .............................................. [2]

(d) Solve these simultaneous equations.

3a + 4b = –13
5a + 6b = –11

Answer a = ...................................

b = ................................... [4]
35 (a) Solvetheequation = 5.

Answer ........................................... [2]

J9ab 6N2
(b) Simplify K 3 2 O .
La b P

Answer ........................................... [2]

q2 - q3
(c) Simplify .
3 - 3q

Answer ........................................... [2]

(d) (i) Factorise 4t 2 + 35t - 9 .

Answer ........................................... [2]

(ii) Hencesolvetheequation 4t 2 + 35t - 9 = 0 .

Answer ........................................... [1]

36 (a) Factorise fully 8x2y − 12x5 .

Answer .......................................... [1]

(b) Solve 4x − 2(x + 5) = 3 .

Answer .......................................... [2]

(c) Solve 7 − 5y < 20 .

Answer y ........................................ [2]

(d) A rectangle has length 2x cm, perimeter 18 cm and area 10 cm2.

(i) Show that 2x2 − 9x + 5 = 0.



(ii) Solve 2x2 − 9x + 5 = 0 , giving your answers correct to 2 decimal places.

Answer x = .................... or .................... [3]

(iii) Find the difference between the length and the width of the rectangle.

Answer .................................... cm [1]

37 (a) Evaluate 3 543 .
28. 6 - 1 35

Answer .......................................... [1]

(b) Factorise completely 9p 2 - 6pq .

Answer .......................................... [1]

(c) Expand the brackets and simplify (3a + b)2 .

Answer .......................................... [1]

4 3
(d) Express as a single fraction in its simplest form - .
2t + 1 3t + 1

Answer .......................................... [3]

(e) Find the integer values of n such that

4(2 – n) 2 17 and

n 2 -6.

Answer .......................................... [2]

(f) Abebi, Bella and Chuku share $112.

Abebi receives $x.

Bella receives $12 less than Abebi.
Chuku receives twice as much as Bella.

Form an equation in x and solve it to find how much Chuku receives.

Answer $ ....................................... [3]

3a 2 9a
38 (a) Simplify ' .
10bc 5b 2 c

Answer .......................................... [2]

(b) Simplify .
5h - 5k

Answer .......................................... [2]

(c) Factorise 9m 2 - 4n 2 .

Answer .......................................... [1]

(d) Factorise q ( p - 2 ) + 3 (2 - p ) .

Answer .......................................... [2]

(e) (i) Find the two solutions of 5x - 1 = ! 9 .

Answer x = ................. or .................. [2]

(ii) The solutions of 5x - 1 = ! 9 are also the solutions of 5x 2 + Bx + C = 0 , where B and C

are integers.

Find B and C.

Answer B = ................. , C = ................. [2]

39 (a) Factorise completely 12a2 b - 15ab3 .

Answer ........................................... [1]

(b) (i) Write 4x 2 + 12x + 9 in the form ^cx + d h2 .

Answer ........................................... [1]

(ii) Hence solve 4x 2 + 12x + 9 = 49 .

Answer x = ............... or ................ [2]

^ p + 1h ^ p - 3h
(c) Express as a single fraction in its simplest form - .
2 4

Answer ........................................... [3]

(d) Solve 2 ^3m + 4h 1 3 .

Answer ........................................... [2]

1 2
40 (a) Express as a single fraction, as simply as possible, + .
2x 5x

Answer ............................................. [1]

(b) Simplify 4 ^3x - 2y + 1h - ^5x - 3y + 1h .

Answer ............................................. [2]

(c) Solve 3x 2 - x - 5 = 0 , giving your answers correct to 2 decimal places.

Answer x = .................. or .................. [3]

y 2
41 (a) Solve = .
2y + 3 y + 5

Answer y = ................. or ................. [3]

4t + 1
(b) Make t the subject of the formula p = .

Answer ........................................... [3]

3x - 14x + 8
(c) Simplify fully .
x 2 - 16

Answer ........................................... [3]

4 5
42 (a) Express as a single fraction in its simplest form - .
x-2 x+1

Answer ........................................... [2]

(b) Solve 2x(x + 1) = 3(4 - x) .

Answer x = ................. or ................. [3]

43 (a) Solve 4 ^ p - 3h = 2p + 7 .

Answer p = .................................... [2]

(b) Solve these simultaneous equations.

2x - y = 5
7x + 2y = 1

Show your working.

Answer x = ..........................................

y = .................................... [3]
m 2 + 3m
(c) Simplify .
2m 2 + 5m - 3

Answer .......................................... [3]

(d) b is directly proportional to the cube of a.

Given that b = 4 when a = 2 , find b when a = 5.

Answer b = .................................... [3]

44 (a) Solve 3(x + 10) = 12 - 7x .

Answer x = ..................................... [2]

(b) Solve the simultaneous equations.

Show your working.

4x - 3y = 28
6x + y = 9

Answer x = .....................................

y = ..................................... [3]
v - 8v
(c) Simplify .
2v 2 - 13v - 24

Answer ........................................... [3]

4 3
45 (a) Express as a single fraction in its simplest form - .
2x - 3 x - 2

Answer ........................................... [3]

4x 2 - 9
(b) Simplify 2 .
2x - 7x - 15

Answer ........................................... [3]

3 5
46 (a) Express as a single fraction in its simplest form - .
y-1 y+6

Answer ������������������������������������������� [3]

2v 2 - 5v - 12
(b) Simplify .
v 2 - 16

Answer ������������������������������������������� [3]

(c) Solve 3 ^x 2 + 3h = 11x .

Show your working and give your answers correct to 3 significant figures.

Answer x = ................... or x = ................... [4]

47 (a) Express as a fraction in its simplest form.
6y 10y 2
(i) '
35 7

.................................................... [2]
k 2 - 16
(ii) 2
k - 2k - 8

.................................................... [3]

(b) Solve 3 (x - 4) + 5 = 7 .

x = ................................................... [2]
(c) Solve 3t 2 + 5t - 4 = 0 .
Show all your working and give your answers correct to 2 decimal places.

t = .................. or t = .................. [3]

48 (a) Express as a single fraction, in its simplest form.
3a a
(i) -
4b 6b

.................................................... [2]
b -9 2
(ii) #
6 b-3

.................................................... [2]

(b) Solve 3x = 1 - 5 (x + 4) .

x = ................................................... [2]



A rectangular card has dimensions (2y) cm by (y + 3) cm.

A square of side y cm is cut from this rectangle.
The card remaining, shown shaded in the diagram, has an area of 55 cm2.

Form an equation in y and solve it to find the dimensions of the rectangular card.
Show all your working.

................. cm by ................. cm [5]

49 (a) (i) x 2 + 7x - 13 = `x + aj + b

Find the value of a and the value of b.

a = ...................................................

b = ................................................... [2]

(ii) Hence solve the equation x 2 + 7x - 13 = 0 .

Show your working and give your answers correct to 3 significant figures.

x = .................... or x = .................... [2]

4x 2 - 9
(b) Simplify 2 .
2x - 11x + 12

.................................................... [3]
2x 6
(c) Solve + = 2.
x+4 x-1

x = ................................................... [4]
50 (a) Rearrange the formula v = to make p the subject.

p = ................................................... [2]
x 3
(b) Express as a single fraction in its simplest form + .
2x - 5 x - 6

.................................................... [3]
4x + 5
(c) Solve = 2.
1 - 3x

x = ................................................... [3]
(d) Solve 5 (x + 3) = 2x (2x - 1) .
Show your working.

x = .................... or x = .................... [4]

51 (a) Rearrange m = 4 n- 3 to make n the subject.

n = ................................................ [2]

(b) Solve these simultaneous equations.

Show your working.

10x + 7y =- 3
5x - y = 3

x = ................................................

y = ................................................ [3]

(c) Solve the equation 5x 2 + 3x - 1 = 0 .

Show all your working and give your answers correct to 2 decimal places.

x = ...................... or x = ...................... [3]

52 (a) Solve these simultaneous equations.
Show your working.

2x - 4y = 11
3x + 3y =- 6

x = ................................................

y = ................................................ [4]

(b) Solve the equation 2x 2 = 3 (8 - x) .

Show all your working and give your answers correct to 2 decimal places.

x = ................... or x = .................. [4]

(c) h is inversely proportional to the cube of g.
h = 4.5 when g = 2.

(i) Find the formula for h in terms of g.

h = ................................................ [2]
(ii) Find the value of g when h = 3 .

g = ................................................ [2]


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