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Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to express my disappointment at the council’s recent decision not to give out under 18s
cheap travel on buses. Since I am a student under eighteen, who does not own a car, I travel around
town by bus, so this is a very drastic change for me.

My main reason for objecting to the decision is that cheap travel opportunities attract every teenager
around town and it makes people to want to travel. Due to this change, more people will choose to
stay at home, because not everyone has the funds to travel by the full price as most teenagers do not
have a monthly salary.

I realise that public transport is not a profitable branch and the council has to make a change towards
losing less money. However I think this is not a rightful decision. Pollution is a problem and this
change is bad for the environment, because even though more people will choose to travel by bicycle
or by walking than before, the bus still has to go on the same lines which results in underutilization.

All in all I believe this decision was a bad one. Unless the council reconsiders, there will be a negative
effect on travellers and also on the transportation.

Yours faithfully,

Milán Csomor

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