4TH Quarter Mapeh DLL Week 1

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Daily Lesson Log School PALAWAN NATIONAL SCHOOL Grade Level GRADE 8

MAPEH Teacher
Grade and Section/Time
CACTUS 9:21 - 10:57
Learning Area
BUTTERCUP 11:57 - 1:33


Day and Date April 1, 2024 April 2, 2024 April 3, 2024 April 4, 2024 April 5, 2024
Catch up Friday
A. Content Standard demonstrates understanding and The learner.. The learner demonstrates demonstrates understanding
application of musical skills related 1.how theatrical elements (sound, understanding of guidelines and of factors that influence cigarette
to selected traditional Asian music, gesture, movement, and principles in exercise program and alcohol use and strategies for
theater. costume) affect the creation and design to achieve fitness prevention and control.
communication of meaning in Asian
Festivals and Theatrical Forms as
influenced by history and
2. theater and performance as a
synthesis of arts and a significant
expression of the celebration of life
in various Asian communities.
B. Performance Standard performs excerpts from traditional The learner… The learner modifies a demonstrates personal
Asian theater with appropriate 1. create appropriate festival physical activity program for the responsibility in the prevention of
pitch, rhythm, expression, and style. attire with accessories based on family/school peers to achieve cigarette and alcohol use through
authentic festival costumes. fitness the promotion of a healthy
2. create/improvise appropriate lifestyle.
sound, music, gesture,
movements, and costume for a
chosen theatrical composition
3. take part in a chosen festival or
in a performance in a
theatrical play.
C. Learning identifies musical characteristics of identifies selected festivals and Describes the examine the implications of
Competencies/Objectives selected Asian musical theater theatrical forms celebrated all over nature and background of the cigarette smoking H8S-IVb-c-29
through video films or live the Asian region. dance PE8RD IVc-1
performances. MU8TH-IVa-g-1 Objectives
Japanese Theater Learning Objectives: Objectives:  describe the harmful short-
1. Identify the festival and  Relearn the meaning of folk and long-term effects of
Objectives: theatrical form of China dance/s and folk dances with cigarette smoking on the
 identify musical characteristics 2. Discuss the roles and characters Asian Influence. various parts of the body;
of Japanese theater through of peking Opera  Discuss the origin and location  discuss the dangers of
video films and live 3. Draw a simple mask design of BINISLAKAN through it’s mainstream, side stream
performances; inspired by the peking opera costume and music. second-hand and thirdhand
 discuss the instruments that theatrical form of China.  Identify the meaning of the smoke;
accompany Kabuki; gestures and hand movements  Create an awareness slogan
 create a short story line of the dance BINISLAKAN. about the cigarette’s effect
communicated through music to human health.
inspired by Japanese theater;
Japanese Theater: -CHINA [Peking Opera and Chinese BINISLIKAN GATEAWAY DRUGS:
KABUKI New Year] BASIC STEPS, HAND MOVEMENTS Cigarette Smoking’s Harmful Effects
A. References Music and Arts 8(LM)
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages Music and Arts 8 of Asia LM pg. 147 Pages 347-352 Page 153-14,of grade 8 music and PE & Health 8 Learning Materials
arts learners guide
3. Textbook pages Music and Arts 8 of Asia LM pg. 147 Pages 347-352 PE & Health 8 Learning Materials
4. Additional Materials from Music and Arts of Asia LM, Grade 8 Google , Laptop, Youtube CLAS, Laptop (PPT), Speaker,
Learning Resources (LR) CLAS, Laptop (PPT), Speaker, Visual Visual aids, other materials
portal aids, other materials
B. Other Learning www.google.com Peking Opera Performance Sample - PowerPoint Presentation, Videos https://www.youtube.com/
Resources www.youtube.com YouTube, How Is Chinese New Year and Audios watch?v=y5rita8a9_E
Celebrated? - YouTube 44https:youtu.be/vU272liLwGA
Opening Prayer - Prayer Opening Prayer
Greetings - Greetings using a different Greetings
Checking of Attendance  Prayer Checking of Attendance
language (Cuyuno, Bisaya)
Energizer/Community Singing  Greetings of the teacher to her Energizer/Community Singing
- Checking of attendance
- Posting of Rules inside the
 Checking of attendance
 House rules (verbal and non-
- To energize the students, the
teacher will play a short ice
Energizer/Community Singing
breaker activity

A. Reviewing Previous Guide Questions: Guide Questions: Guide Questions:

Lesson or Presenting the  What were the Asian countries -Who can recall your last topic in Who can recall our last lesson in  Do you still remember our
New Lesson we have tackled last time? Arts from the previous grading? PE last quarter? lesson last meeting?
 What are the folksongs and -Have you enjoyed creating your Which of the studied indoor game  Who can give the meaning of
instruments present in these craft? did you enjoyed the most and gateway drugs
countries? why?  Who can give an example of a
gateway drug?

B. Establishing A Purpose Activity 1: Match the Pictures Activity 1: (Picture Analysis) Presentation of objectives Activity: What lies behind???
for the Lesson Japan is rich in culture & tradition. Directions: Name the title of the Individual activity:
Name the following pictures. following pictures.  Relearn the meaning of folk The class will be asked to prepare
dance/s and folk dances with 1/8 sheet of paper and choose
Asian Influence. and write the words that are
 Discuss the origin and related to cigarette, after writing,
location of BINISLAKAN roll your 1/8 like a cigarette.
through it’s costume and
Guide Questions:  Identify the meaning of the
-What have you noticed about the gestures and hand
picture being presented? movements of the dance
-Did you see differences from BINISLAKAN.
them? Guide Questions:
-Can you describe each picture? Video presentation of FOLK DANCE  What is your basis in
Guide Question: and BINISLAKAN dance. choosing the words that you
 Are you familiar in these words? wrote in your paper?
Guide questions:  Are the given choices familiar
 What did you observe in the to you?
video?  What do you think is our
 Have you ever watched or topic today?
experienced dancing the same
steps as seen in the video?
C. Presenting (Presenting of Objectives) Objectives… Directions: The teacher will ask Objectives
examples/Instances of the the student’s idea about folk Video watching
New Lesson Activity 2: Let Us Define Activity 2: Video Watching dance. The discussion of the lesson https://www.youtube.com/
Theater Peking Opera Performance Sample - will start from the gathered idea watch?v=y5rita8a9_E
 the activity or profession of YouTube by the students.
acting in, producing, directing, How Is Chinese New Year Guided questions:
or writing plays. Celebrated? - YouTube 1. Based on the video, what do
Let the students share their you think is the main theme of
Traditional Japanese theatre the clip?
insights/thoughts about the video The Philippines is rich in folk songs, dances and has
 is among the oldest theatre historic origins and
2. Can you give at least 3 human
traditions in the world. presented to them. characteristics. With the effect of acculturation, organs that can be seen in the
indigenous dances of our country may
have been modified because of the cultural influence of video?
Guide questions:
Traditional theatre includes: other countries. Along with this
are the influences of our Asian neighbors that have
3. Who can give the definition of
 Noh- a spiritual drama, and its -Are you familiar with the things enriched our national dances to a Cigarette?
large extent. It is for this reason why there is a need for
comic accompaniment kyōgen; you to understand our culture In
being presented from the video? this module, you will be provided with activities that will
 Kabuki- a dance and music motivate you to learn and
theatrical tradition; bunraku, -What are the festival and theatrical understand the important characteristics of the dance
Sakuting and Binislakan. The
puppetry; and yose, a spoken form of china? historical background and context of the dance literature
of Sakuting and Binislakan
drama. (book page 147) would give you a clear picture of the nature of these
-What is peking opera? regional and national folk dances.
This lesson will help you understand their significance and
cultural value, including the
-How they celebrated the Chinese beauty of their costumes, traditions, and complexity of
New Year? the people living in those places.
Thus, you will realize that learning the characteristics and
background of the dances
can be a means to understand our cultural roots and
D. Discussing New Concepts Musical characteristics: Class Discussion: Activity: Look for It! Discussion
and practicing New skills #1 Video Analysis Directions: Students will be divided Directions: In your notebook, What is Cigarette Smoking?
into two groups. Each group will write the place of origin of the Cigarette smoking is the practice of smoking
tobacco and inhaling tobacco
have their topics to be discuss dances in the pictures by smoke (consisting of particles and gaseous
about the characters in Peking recognizing the costumes, props, phases).
Opera and the visual performance dance steps and body posture of
Impacts of Cigarette Smoking
elements and the and have their the performers. Below are the 1. Body Odor – the absorption of nicotine into the body,
Guide question: own styles of presentation. choices of your answer. Answer both into the lungs and the skin affects the sweat
glands. Consuming nicotine causes a person to
 What have you observed about These are the names of each group: also the sweat more and affects the way it smells. If the person
sweat extensively, the skin will start to smell like rancid
the musical characteristics of Nihao group – Role and characters questions below. smoke.

Japanese theater? Wan shang hao group- Visual 2. Bad Breath and Tooth Decay – Tobacco is one of the
sources causing bad breath. Moreover, cigarettes as a
Performance Elements product of tobacco can cause several oral
health problems. Smoking can stain your teeth and put
Vocal pattern and technique: Note: The teacher will give a you in danger of several health issues.

 Ipponchoshi, Nori, Yakuharai supplementary discussion as

enrichment to the students’
responses on the activity

Guided questions:
1. What are the costumes used in
the dances presented above?
2. Looking at their costumes and
movements, can you identify the
dance culture
of the dances above? Justify your

E. Discussing new concept Instrumental Music Activity 4: Face paint Discussion Activity : ROLL a CALL TO Describe
and practicing new skills #2 Video Analysis Directions: Create a Me
simple design of Each pair must write their
observation on the picture posted in
peking opera mask.
front and must answer the questions
Apply the different
that might be given to them by their
visual elements. class mates.
Creativity - 35 % Types of Smoking
Craftsmanship- 30 % 1. Mainstream Smoke – refers specifically to
Guide question: Uniqueness - 15 % the smoke that a smoker directly inhales.
2. Sidestream Smoke – the smoke that
What are the instruments that Neatness - 20 % comes out of the lighted end of the
accompany Kabuki? Total- Lingayen in Pangasinan means having to cigarette or pipe. This can be also called
look backward and upward. It was “Secondhand Smoke (SHS)” or
derived from “Li-King-Tung”, a Chinese “Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS)”. This
Vocal and instrumental pattern: is often more dangerous than mainstream
word given to the name Lingayen, the
 Shamisen- Gagaku, Kagura, No, capital of
smoke because it’s not filtered and is
Nagauta absorbed by body cells.
Pangasinan, by the Chinese settlers of this 3. Third-Hand Smoke – smoke left for a
place a long time ago. The barrio folks who protracted time on sofa, beddings,
lived at Almazin, a small place between pillow, and other objects. This smoke also
barrio Pangasinan (Pulong) and Maniboc called residual tobacco smoke (RTS)
danced this to commemorate the stay of settles together with dust and might last for
Limahong, a Chinese pirate who built his months.
kingdom here.
The dancers look backward or upward in
some of the movements; hence, the
name Lingayen. They also use two sticks to
produce rhythms imitating the chopsticks
used by the Chinese in eating, so the dance
is also called Binislakan, which in
Pangasinan means, with the use of sticks.
Dance Properties:
Siesgo and kimono with loose and long
sleeves and soft panuelo
Camisa de Chino and red pants
²₄ composed of two parts: A and B
One, two, one and two, and one and two
Partners stand about six feet apart. One or
more pairs in a
set can take part in the dance, in any
formation desired.

Basic dance terminologies used in


Padyak: to Stamp or tap with one foot and

the weight of the body is on the other foot
Saludo: to bow
Arms in Lateral Position: both arms are in
oneside at shoulder level, either left or
Set:a dance formation of two or more
Bend: to move the body or part of the body
around the wide axis
Leap: To spring one foot and land on the
other foot.
F. Developing Mastery Activity: KABUKI TIME!  - What are the elements and ACTIVITY: Let’s do the move Activity:
(Leads to formative The class will be divided in four. Each group principles of arts that usually Directions: Identify the diseases and
will bring out materials for the activity (or effects of cigarette smoking in the body.
assessment used in mask design of peking Group Activity
any improvised). By using common materials Write
gathered, each will present a rhythmic opera? Directions: The students will be your answer in your notebok
accompaniment to a kabuki presentation given 3 minutes time to practice
following the rhythmic pattern. the 5 basic dance terminologies
Rhythm Patterns for a and must interpret the meaning of
Kabuki Accompaniment
each terminology. The group that
Plastic bottles
presents the accurate
Bamboo sticks
movement/step will receive a plus
Spoon and
Empty sodacan

Guided questions:
1. How did you find the activity?
2. How did your group interpreted
the terminologies given?
3. What is the importance of
learning the Binislakan dance?
G. Finding Practical Perform the Task: Kabuki Time! -Based on your activity, what are Guide question: Activity: Slogan making
Application of Concepts and The class will perform the assigned your bases or inspiration to create  As a grade 8 student, in what Directions: Create a slogan that
Skills In daily Living activity per group. 5 minutes will be your own face paint design? way can you show your shows awareness about the
the allotted time per performance.  -As a student, what do you appreciation in the lesson harmful effect of cigar in human
Rubrics: think are the benefits that you being discussed today? body.
demonstrates understanding of appropriate
physical appearance for performing and
can get from learning the
connecting with the audience to convey festival and theatrical form of
message. China?
Excellent Always
Good Usually
Fair Sometimes
Needs improvement Rarely
H. Making generalizations Guide Questions: Guide questions: Guide questions:
and  What was our topic all about? -Summing up the topic, ask the Directions: Complete the sentences
abstractions about the  What have you learned and student about their learning and by filling up your ideas.
I have learned that folk dance
lesson realized? realization about the topic.
is________________________. Smoking cigarettes can affect
 How important is learning the -How could the festival of china ___________________________________
unique from the festival in the If you are a slave to cigarettes,
Kabuki theater?
I have learned that Binislakan is ___________________________________
 What is the implication of this Philippines? Everyone can quit smoking
lesson to Philippine Music? -As a Grade 8 students, how will you ___________________________________
If you are able to quit smoking, you
appreciates the festival and ___________________________________
theatrical form of china?
I. Evaluating Learning Test I. Enumeration Answer the following questions. Direction: Directions: Identify the following statements
1. a spiritual drama, and its comic below
1. Who is the main role in peking Read each item carefully, choose your
accompaniment kyōgen; Noh opera? answer from the list of choices written 1. A group of diseases which make body cells
2. a dance and music theatrical tradition; grow uncontrollably.
2. It reflects the traditional belief on the board. 2. A chronic disease which affects the airways.
bunraku, puppetry; and yose, a spoken 1. What is the other term of Binislakan
drama. Kabuki that the clown’s combination of 3. Foul smell exhaled from the mouth
2. Where did Binislakan originated? 4. A thin cylinder containing a narcotic, herbs, or
3. Dances and movements are ugliness and laughter. a medicated substance
accompanied by what Japanese Music? 3. What are the costumes used in the
3. It symbolize roughness and for smoking.
Shamisen Binislakan dance? 5. A practice in which a substance is burned, and
fierceness 4. In what country did the Binislakan
4. Give one vocal pattern and technique. the resulting smoke breathed in to be tasted
Ipponchoshi, Nori, Yakuharai 4. It is a theatrical play that dance got its influence? and absorbed into the bloodstream.
5. Give one vocal and instrumental combines music, vocal If you are to create the materials used
pattern of Shamisen. Gagaku, Kagura, performance, pantomime, dance in Binislakan dance, how will you apply
No, Nagauta
and acrobats. your new learning in doing one?
5. It refers to female role in peking

J. Additional Activities for Have an advance reading on Music Have an advance study about the
application or remediation and Arts Learning Material pg. 148. festival and theatrical form of
K. Assignment Have an advance reading about Practice the fundamental hand Have an advance study about the
Chinese Theater. and feet movements next lesson.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the

B. No. of learners who

require additional activities
for remediation who scored
below 80%

C. Did the remedial lesson


D. No. of learners who

continue to require
E. which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
why did these work/
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
Principal or Supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover, which I wish
to share with other

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:


Teacher IIc Master Teacher I, MAPEH Head Teacher VI, MAPEH

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