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Sessional Test 2

Program:B.Tech Semester: III

Session: 2023-24 Section: All
Subject: Universal Human Values & Profess Ethics Subject Code: BVE 301
Max. Marks: 50 Time: 2 Hours

OBE Remarks:
Q.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
CO No. CO3 CO3 CO3 CO4 CO4 CO3 CO3 CO3 CO4 CO4 CO3 CO4
Bloom’s Level* L2 L2 L2 L5 L1 L5 L3 L5 L2 L3 L4 L4
(L1 to L6)
Weightage CO3: 28.5 Weightage CO4: 21.5
*Bloom’s Level: L1: Remember, L2: Understand, L3: Apply, L4: Analyze, L5: Evaluate, L6: Create
Note: Answer all the sections with all the questions.

Section-A (2*5=10)

1. How feeling of Care is different from Self-regulation (Sanyam)?

ममता का भाव संयम से ककस प्रकार कभन्न है ?
Care Self-regulation (Sanyam)
Care is the feeling of responsibility and The feeling of self-regulation means the feeling of
commitment for nurturing and protection of the responsibility toward the Body for nurturing,
Body of my relative. protecting and the right utilization of the Body.
For other’s body For my body
Right utilization of the body will be ‘others’ Right utilization of body included.

2. Mention three aspects of preservation.

सुरक्षा के तीन पहलुओं का उल्लेख करें ।
Ans. The three aspects of the preservation of Nature are-
• Enrichment
• Protection
• Right Utilization

3. What is the complete content of ‘Respect’?

'सम्मान' की संपूर्ण वस्तु क्या होगी?
Ans. Complete Content of Respect – We are Complementary to Each Other
Being able to see that ‘the other is similar to me and we are complementary’ is the complete content
of respect.
. In this way, the difference in competence does not lead to discrimination, but rather it leads to mutual
fulfilment. Looking into the details of complementarity:
• If the other has more understanding, is more responsible than me, I’m committed to understand
from the other.
• If I have more understanding than the other, I’m more responsible than the other, I live with the
responsibility with the other, unconditionally, unperturbed by the behavior of the other. I am
committed to facilitate the understanding in the other, once the other is assured in relationship and
not before that.

4. What will be the expected outcome of harmony with the whole of nature/existence?
संपूर्ण प्रकृकत/अस्तस्तत्व के साथ व्यवस्था का अपेकित पररर्ाम क्या होगा?
Ans. The outcome of harmony with the whole of nature/existence is understanding the coexistence that
leads to continuity of happiness.

5. Mention two issues and their root causes related to nature's disharmony.
प्रकृकत में अव्यवस्था से संबंकित दो मुद्ों और उनके मूल कारर्ों का उल्लेख करें ।
Ans. Following are two issues with reasons, related to nature's disharmony -
• Resource Depletion – The resource is used at a rate that is faster than the rate at which it is produced
in nature
• Pollution – The product is such that
i. It does not return to the cycle in nature or
ii. It is produced at a rate that is faster than the rate at which it can return to the cycle in nature

Section-B (5*5=25)

6. Describe the proposal of Trust as given in the course. Critically evaluate the statement - ‘I can not
trust any stranger because I don’t know his/her intention’.
पाठ्यक्रम में बताये गए कवश्वास के प्रस्ताव का वर्णन करें । इस कथन का आलोचनात्मक मूल्ांकन करें - 'मैं
ककसी अंजान व्यस्ति पर भरोसा नहीं कर सकता क्योंकक मैं उसकी चाहना के बारे में नहीं जानता।'
Ans. Trust- Trust is to be assured that the other intends to make me happy and prosperous.
Since our basic aspiration is happiness, prosperity and its continuity, so if we are clear that the other
person wants to make us happy and prosperous, we feel assured of him – that’s what is meant by
having a feeling of trust.

Strangers can’t be trusted – Every human being, including strangers, have the same natural
acceptance. However, the competence may or may not be present. For a stranger, we may need time
to evaluate their competence (but not to know their natural acceptance).
When we are able to understand our own natural acceptance, we can conclude about the natural
acceptance of the other. We want to be happy and make the other happy, but we may have lack of
competence. The other also has the same natural acceptance and (s)he also may be lacking in
competence, just like me. For instance:
• Our natural acceptance (intention) is to be happy and make others happy, but we may have a
desire to take revenge!
• We keep getting hurt by the behavior of others and we keep hurting others with our behaviour.
We don’t have a natural acceptance of it, but it is a part of our desire!
Competence includes all the desires, thoughts and expectations (from all three sources). The intention
(natural acceptance), on the other hand, is always– to be happy and make the other happy.

If I can evaluate myself based on my natural acceptance (intention) and I can evaluate the other based
on his natural acceptance (intention), I will have trust on intention of every human being. Because,
deep down everyone wants to be happy and make others happy. Trust on intention is founded on
the understanding of human being and the natural acceptance of the human being; it would be definite,
unconditional and continuous for every human being.

7. What are the minimum requirements to ensure fearlessness in society? Where would you wish to live,
in a fearful or fearless society? Analyze and explain your participation in ensuring a fearless society.
समाज में अभय सुकनकित करने के कलए न्यूनतम आवश्यकताएँ क्या हैं ? आप भययुि या भयमुि समाज में से
कहां रहना चाहेंगे? भयमुि समाज सुकनकित करने मेंअपनी भागीदारी का कवश्लेषर् एवं व्याख्या करें ।
Ans. In light of comprehensive human goals the minimum requirements to ensure fearlessness in
society are-
1. Right Understanding and Right feeling in every individual
2. Prosperity in every family
3. Trust in the society

Since the individual human being is a basic building block for the family which is the basic building
block of society, ensuring right understanding and right feeling in every individual is the first thing
to do. Families of such individuals only can identify their need for the physical facility, produce more
than that and ensure prosperity in the family. Prosperous families living together in a relationship of
mutual fulfilment can ensure fearlessness based on trust amongst themselves. Such a society can
ensure mutual enrichment with the rest of nature and it can lead to co-existence in nature/existence.
This is the kind of society is desired.
‘I want to live in such a fearless society.’

The correct sequence in which fearlessness can be ensured

The first and foremost is the right understanding and right feeling, because it ensures happiness in the
individual and also prepares the base for the other three. Without right understanding and right
feeling, it is not possible to identify the need for the physical facility, therefore, right understanding
and right feeling have to come before prosperity. Similarly, fearlessness can take place only with the
acceptance of the relationship, with right feeling in the relationship and prosperity in every family.
The fourth goal is a natural outcome of the first three. Only with the right understanding can mutual
fulfilment be realized.

These goals can be achieved by the following system-

➢ Education-Sanskar
➢ Health-Self regulation
➢ Production-Work
➢ Justice-Preservation
➢ Exchange-Storage
8. Explain the dimension of ‘production-work’ to achieve a comprehensive human goal. Explain two
important issues related to production-work. Recommend criteria of ‘how to produce’ ensuring
complementarity of Nature.
समाज में मानव लक्ष्य को प्राप्त करने के कलए 'उत्पादन-कायण' के आयाम की व्याख्या करें । उत्पादन-कायण से
सम्बंकित दो महत्वपूर्ण मुद्े समझाइये। प्रकृकत की संपूरकता सुकनकित करते हुए 'उत्पादन कैसे करें ' के मानदं ड
को बताइये।
Ans. Production-Work- Work is the effort a human being does on the rest of nature and Production is
the physical facility derived from work.

In the production of wheat, a field with fertile soil, water, air and wheat seeds are required. All these
are units in the rest of nature. In addition to these, human effort is required to till the soil, to sow the
seeds, to water the field, to remove the weeds, to harvest the wheat, to thrash it, to remove the husk,
to clean it and so on. All this work is required.

For any production to take place, two things are required – rest of nature (natural resource) is required
and human effort (work) is required.

There are two important issues related to production-work. These are:

1. What to produce?
2. How to produce?

Regarding what to produce, we have already discussed while exploring the proposals about
prosperity, health and self-regulation – we have to produce physical facility required for nurturing,
protection and right utilisation of the Body.

Regarding how to produce there are two criteria:

1. The process must be cyclic and mutually enriching – it must be eco-friendly
2. Justice must be ensured in relationship with human being – it must be people-friendly

A process is cyclic when it is in accordance with the cycle in nature. In such a process, the resources
utilised can return to their original state in due course of their lifecycle. In such a process, there is no
waste – everything produced is either in the form of a finished product, a by-product or co-product
which is used in some other process.

For example, the production of jaggery is a cyclic process. Sugarcane is pressed to extract the juice.
The leftover husk is dried and used as fuel to heat the sugarcane juice. The juice reduces to a thick
sweet syrup and then dries to form jaggery. The emitted carbon dioxide is absorbed by the leaves of
the trees around. The released water vapour mixes with the air. The ash from the fired husk fertilizes
the soil of the surrounding fields.

A process is mutually enriching when every unit that is participating in the process is being enriched.
In the jaggery production process, the soil is enriched when the ash of the fired husk is mixed with it,
the air is enriched by the water vapour and so on. Jaggery, with its various natural minerals and
vitamins, is nurturing for the human body. It is used in many traditional medicines in India.

Of course, justice is essential amongst the people involved in the work.

So, for a production process to be sustainable, eco-friendly and human-friendly, it has to be:
1. Cyclic
2. Mutually enriching
3. Justice is ensured with human being
9. What do you understand by the term Natural Characteristics? With clarity of Natural Characteristics,
how would you interact with the units of four orders?
स्वभाव से आप क्या समझते हैं? स्वभाव की स्पष्टता के साथ आप चार अवस्थाओं की इकाइय ं के साथ कैसे
ननर्ााह करें गे?
Ans. Natural Characteristic of the Four Orders- Natural characteristic of a unit refers to its natural
participation in the larger order. Larger order means a larger unit of which this unit is a part of. In
the table below, we can see the details of Natural Characteristics and innateness of the four orders-

Physical Plant/Bio
Orders Animal Order Human Order
Order Order
(Composition/ (Composition/
Natural Decomposition, Decomposition,
Composition/ Decomposition
Character Nurture/Worsen) in Nurture/Worsen) in Body
Decomposition +Nurture/
istics Body, + (Noncruelty, + (Perseverance, Bravery,
Cruelty) in 'I' Generosity) in 'I'

The natural characteristic of the physical order is composition-decomposition. Units of the physical
order participate with units of the physical order or any of the other orders by way of composition or
The bio order participates with the bio order in terms of nurturing or worsening the other. It is easy
to see that the apple fruit (a unit of the bio order) nurtures the human body (a unit of the bio order).
The belladonna plant (in sufficient quantity) worsens the human body. The belladonna plant nurtures
the Body of a goat. Like this, the units of the bio order participate by nurturing or worsening other
units of bio order.
When it comes to the animal order, we have to see the natural characteristic of both, the Body of the
animal as well as the Self of the animal. The Body is a unit of the bio order, so it participates like it
is described above – it is in terms of nurturing or worsening other units of bio order.
The Self of the animal participates by way of cruelty or non-cruelty with other units of animal
order. Animals like lions, tigers, hyenas, etc. participate by way of cruelty. It means they fulfil their
needs by eating the Body of other animals. Animals like cows and sheep participate with non-cruelty;
they fulfil their needs without force and violence. The natural characteristic of animal order is cruelty
and non-cruelty.
In the human order, the human being is the co-existence of Self and Body. The Body belongs to the
bio order, and hence has the natural characteristic of the bio order.
The natural characteristics of the Self of the human being is perseverance, bravery, generosity,
kindness, beneficence and compassion. As we observed earlier, a human being in harmony will
exhibit this natural characteristic, i.e. if a human being is living with human consciousness, it will
exhibit this natural characteristic. However, a human being who is not living in harmony, is not living
with human consciousness, will not be able to live by this natural characteristic.
10. Illustrate the innateness and inheritance of all four orders with examples. How does this
understanding facilitate definite human conduct?
सभी चार अवस्थाओं की िारर्ा एवं अनुषंकगता को उदाहरर् सकहत स्पष्ट करें । यह समझ ककस प्रकार कनकित
मानव आचरर् को सुगम बनाती है
Ans. Innateness of the Four Orders-
Innateness is the definite self-organization of a unit. By virtue of its definite self-organization, the
unit exhibits a definite conduct/property. A unit and its innateness are inseparable. Each order has a
definite innateness which is the distinguishing property of that order. In other words, every unit is
bound to have innateness specific to the order that it belongs to. In the table shown below, we can see
the details of the Natural Characteristics and innateness of the four orders-

Physical Plant/Bio
Orders Animal Order Human Order
Order Order
Existence Existence + Growth in Existence + Growth in
Innateness Existence + Growth Body Body
Will to live in Self Will to live with
continuous happiness in
the Self
Inheritance Constitution Seed Based Breed Based Education- Sanskar Based

The innateness of the physical order is ‘existence’. Every unit of the physical order has this
innateness – it exists in a definite order with a definite conduct.
For example, a piece of iron is a unit of the physical order. It remains as a piece of iron unless it gets
converted into something else by way of formation and deformation, the activity that characterizes
the physical order. Even after the formation-deformation, every atom continues to exist.

A plant has the innateness (self-organisation) of existence as well as growth. Thus, a plant exists
as a plant and it also grows. A mango tree that is 1 kg now may become 10 kg after one year – it will
continue to be a mango tree and it will grow. Any unit of the bio-order, like a plant, a tree, an animal
body and a human body, all of them exhibit their innateness to exist and to grow.

When we look at the animal order, we can observe the Self and the Body separately because a unit
of the animal order is the co-existence of both Self and Body. The animal body has the innateness of
existence and growth just like plants and trees.
The Self of the animal has an innate will to live. The Self of every animal and bird, every unit of
the animal order has a will to live – it wants to live. That is its innateness.

Now, coming to the human order, the human being is also a co-existence of Self and Body. At the
level of the Body (a unit of the bio-order), the innateness is existence and growth.
At the level of the Self, however, the human being has the will to live with continuous happiness. The
will to live with continuous happiness is an integral part of the Self of the human being and cannot
be separated from it. As we have seen, the need for continuous happiness is fulfilled by the right
understanding and right feeling, so the innateness of the human order may be restated as the will to
live with right understanding and right feeling in the Self.

Inheritance of the Four Orders-

Inheritance refers to the method by which the units ensure the continuity of their definite conduct
generation after generation.

Inheritance of the Units of the Physical Order

Units of the physical order maintain their conduct by way of the constitution. For example, a piece
of iron will show the definite conduct of iron, as long as its constitution remains unchanged.

Inheritance of the Units of the Bio Order

When it comes to the bio-order, the continuity of the conduct is maintained by way of seed. As long
as the seed is preserved, the conduct of the plant is preserved. Thus, we can say that the inheritance
of the bio-order is seed-based.
Inheritance of the Units of the Animal Order
The continuity of the conduct of a unit of the animal order is ensured by way of its breed. As long
as the breed of an animal is preserved, its conduct is maintained. The calf of a cow is bound to be a
cow and its conduct will be like that of a cow. It will eat grass.
Thus, the inheritance of the animal order is breed-based – as long as its breed is preserved, its conduct
is ensured.

Inheritance of the Unit of the Human Order

The conduct of a human being is ensured by way of education and sanskar. A human being given
human education and sanskar will live with definite human conduct. On the other hand, inhuman
education and sanskar gives rise to indefinite, unhuman conduct. We can conclude that the inheritance
of the human order is education- sanskar.

Significance of Education-Sanskar for Human Order

Through human education and sanskar, we can ensure right understanding in us; this, in turn, will
ensure the right feeling in us. With right understanding and right feeling in the Self, we will be able
to ensure the continuity of harmony and happiness in ourselves and live accordingly. Then, we can
be a source of human education-sanskar for the next generation. Once this happens, the cycle is
complete. Once complete, the cycle can then be continued generation after generation.

Section-C (7.5*2=15)

11. Define Reverence. Differentiate between competition and acquiring excellence with the help of one
example. Explain how excellence is different from ‘to be special’ and leads toward a harmonious
श्रद्धा को पररभाकषत करें । एक उदाहरर् की सहायता से प्रकतस्पिाण और श्रेष्ठता के बीच अंतर स्पष्ट करें । बताएं
कक श्रेष्ठता 'कवशेष होने' से कैसे कभन्न है और यह एक व्यवस्तस्थत समाज की ओर ले जाती है।
Ans. Reverence-
The feeling of acceptance of excellence in the other is called reverence (shraddha). We understand
that we aspire for continuous happiness and to realize it, we have to understand harmony at all the
levels of our living, and live accordingly. When we see that the other has achieved this Excellence-
which means to understand and to live in harmony at all levels of living ensuring continuity of
happiness, we have a feeling of reverence for him/her. This feeling of accepting the excellence in the
other is called reverence.

Excellence: It is to Understanding Harmony and Living in Harmony at all four levels-

✓ In the Self, as an Individual
✓ In Family
✓ In Society
✓ In Nature/Existence

Excellence and competition are not similar. In excellence, one helps to bring the other to his level. In
competition, he hinders the others from reaching his level.
For example in a class if there is competition among students, each one wants to top in the class,
students do not want to share notes, books etc even with friends, they do not cooperate each other and
it results disharmony in the form of jealousy. On the other hand, every individual in the class can
understand the course content, everyone understands right living in relationship and with cooperation
they can achieve excellence and help each other to reach excellence. This cooperation leads mutual
happiness and harmony.
Difference between ‘Excellence’ and ‘To Be Special’

Excellence To Be Special

• The other is like me– we are • Not other – me

complementary I am different from the other

• Helps others to come to his level • Stops the other to come to his level - effort to
accentuate the difference, to dominate,
manipulate, exploit
• Operates based on his Natural • Operates based on his preconditioning (that
Acceptance (that is definite)– swatantra, changes) – driven by others based on
self-driven by clarity of human purpose reward/fear of punishment

• Trust, Respect, Affection, Care...Love in • Conditional relationship, over-evaluation of

relationship self & under-evaluation of other

• Is Prosperous – Rightly Utilizes, Shares, • Is Deprived– Hoards, Accumulates, Exploits

• Relative (no definite completion point)
• Absolute (definite completion point)

12. Critically analyze four orders in Nature and demonstrate their interconnectedness and mutual
fulfillment. Explain problems emanating from human order due to the lack of the right understanding.
प्रकृकत में चार अवस्थाओं का आलोचनात्मक कवश्लेषर् करें और उनकी परस्पर संबद्धता और पारस्पररक
पूरकता को प्रदकशणत करें । सही समझ के अभाव के कारर् मानव व्यवस्था में उत्पन्न होने वाली समस्याओं की
व्याख्या करें ।
Ans. Four orders of Nature are-
a. Physical order – this includes units like air, water, metal and so on.
b. Bio order – this includes grass, plants, trees, etc.
c. Animal order – this includes animals and birds.
d. Human order – this includes human beings.

Interconnectedness and Mutual Fulfillment among the Four Orders-

Let us look at the first three orders namely the Material, Plant/Bio (pranic) and Animal Order. We can easily
see that they are interconnected. Each order is connected to the other orders. And the relationship between
these orders is in such a way that they all fulfill each other and coexist with each other.

Physical Order, Bio Order and Animal Order one of mutual fulfillment. None of these orders
The Physical Order provides the basis for the denies the other.
movement of all animals, birds and fishes. Water,
Oxygen and other gases are necessities for both
plants and animals. At the same time, the Animal
Order helps enrich the soil with its excreta and this
excreta helps the plants with nutrients. The
Plant/Bio Order provides food for animals, birds
and fishes. The Animal Order helps in the
pollination of the flowers of the Pranic order. The
relationship across all three orders is– naturally
Present state of participation of human order
However, we as humans have not yet understood and learnt to live in relationship of mutual fulfilment with
these three other orders. This is because we have not understood the harmony that exists between these
orders. We have not even understood our own needs properly, nor have we understood harmonious ways to
fulfil our needs. Consequently, we have disturbed ourselves and also the balance amongst the other three
orders. This is evident when we see that we have pretty much plundered the body of the earth of all the heat
absorbing materials like coal and oil and burnt these fossil fuels in our atmosphere causing a significant
deterioration in the temperature regulation of our planet. We have significantly deforested huge forest masses
and through it, altered the weather system of our planet. Our burgeoning cities and industries have spilled
huge amounts of industrial and human waste into the water bodies and even drinking water has to be now
chemically treated before it can be consumed by humans. The air we breathe has become polluted; the food
we grow has become chemically affected. The effect of this disharmony is now affecting our lives in the
form of diseases and maladies.

On the other hand, if we explore our natural acceptance, we find that we want to live harmoniously with
nature. This is important for our happiness. This is an undeniable and very significant relationship for each
one of us. This is a relationship we need to properly understand.
The figure shown above is a picture of harmony in nature, with the human order also living by its natural
acceptance for mutual fulfillment. By its very design, nature is in harmony – interrelatedness and mutual
fulfillment are inherent rather than struggle, survival of the fittest, opposition or chaos. There is all the
provision in nature for us human beings to live in harmony, and ensure mutual fulfilment with the rest of

Signature of the faculty member Signature of the HOD

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