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Today, I‘d like to talk about life stages. Life is a continuous progress. We all grow, develop.
We move from one stage in life to the next one. Our bodies, thinking, behavior changes. These stages are
experienced by all humans. So, I chose late childhood and youth and I will tell their advantadges,

Middle Childhood is from 6– 8. One person said: Childhood means simplicity. Look at the
world with the child‘s eye – it is very beautiful. So, children are real, honest, live without stress, worries,
they don‘t lie and it‘s one of the greatest think in them, which every adult must learn. Then, I think that
middle childhood is careless stage of life. Because parents don‘t require much from children. When they
come back home from school, they turn on TV, play with computer or smart phone, sometimes do their
homework. In the evening, parents make dinner, they just eat and go sleep. Parents do almost everything
for them. I have a little sister and she is so free and easy. Every adult are jealous for children for those
things. But children are also dependent on parents, they can‘t do everyting they want, they must listen.
And it‘s the hardest part for parents, because children follow in family members‘ footsteps, which will
occur in the future. So, childhood is the most beautiful stage of life.

A teenager‘s life is difficult but at the same time it is fun. You have to deal and cope with the
most changes, in your whole life. A teenager every day has a lot of problem. We‘re growing and a little bit
getting older. Then, we have to be very responsible, because if we do a small mistake, we will get blamed,
unlike before when we were a children. Teenagers‘ life is very stresfull, their emotions are stronger then
was before, so they take everything to heart. They can‘t control theirselfes. Everyone telling them what to
do, what not to do. And there are so many situations, when you don‘t know where is good and where is
bad. And it‘s one of the hardest parts in adolescence, because teenagers usually listen their friends, who
can influence them so much. But if you are clever enough, you think your head. A teengager‘s life is very
fun. In this stage of life, you do the most craziest things, you don‘t have so much fears that have adults.
You want to try everything and it‘s very good, because in the future, when you have work, family, you
aren‘t be able to do those things. It‘s nice going out places and meeting people that you‘ve only talked to
over social media. A teenager is much more independent and can go out without parents worrying.

Therefore, I think that every stage of life is in their own way good. There is no rainbow
withou rain. We must be patient and „survive“ the bad days in our life.

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