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Week One - Day Five

Crafting A Unique Value Proposition

Here’s the deal. We live in a world where general products don’t have a ton
of perceived value. But the good thing is that we are selling in a niche that
has lots of pain points and we can angle our products however we choose

Right now we’re going to build a unique value proposition based around our

So instead of selling a Beginners breathwork PDF we’re selling something

that really catches the attention of our market and generates curiosity.

We need to make our product more valuable, so that we can charge more.

It’s also proven that the more a customer spends on something the more
committed they are to actually getting use out of it.

If you pay $100 for a nice steak you’re going to enjoy that thing. Compared
to a hamburger from McDonalds you may just slam down the hatch and call
it a day.

It’s a three step process we’re going to use to find our value proposition.

Step #1: List out specifically who we plan is going to be buying our

Example for my breathwork guide: John is a 22 year old college student

who’s also figuring out how to trade stocks. He often catches himself
thinking negatively when he knows that’s not really what he wants. He is
subconsciously looking for a solution to give him clarity on his decision
Step #2: Figure out what type of online audience they fall into

John likely finds interest in the MMO space. Follows some traders on
Instagram, and has lots of lamborghinis on his TikTok for you page. He’s
tried other business ventures before. Always keeps an open mind for ways
to become better.

Step #3: Rebrand with relatability

Here’s where we turn our general product idea into a profitable path.

This is what we started with: “Beginners breathwork PDF guide”

Now we have our content for it and know who it’s for.

Time for more brain power! List five UVP’s for your business.

1. Make your best decisions with less decisions

2. Get clear on your path to profitability
3. Save time with just minutes of breathwork
4. Get ahead by doing less
5. Revealing your natural path to profitability

Then choose one that reaches your target demo, hits a pain point, and
makes you stand out.

I’m going to choose #2. With the intention of angling my brand as one that
targets up & coming entrepreneurs, salespeople, and traders. We teach
natural solutions that help you become more clear on your purpose and

In the next video we’re going to turn this into a ready to sell product.

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