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**Title: World War I: The Great War that Shaped the Modern World**

World War I, occurring from 1914 to 1918, was a transformative event in global history, leading to profound
political, social, and economic changes. This research paper explores the causes, major events,
consequences, and lasting impact of World War I on the world stage.

**1. Introduction:**
- Overview of the geopolitical landscape leading up to World War I.
- Thesis statement emphasizing the significance of World War I as a catalyst for modern geopolitical shifts.

**2. Causes of World War I:**

- Alliance systems and the balance of power in Europe.
- Imperialism and competition for colonies.
- Nationalism and ethnic tensions in the Balkans.
- Militarism and arms race among European powers.

**3. Major Events of World War I:**

- Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and the outbreak of war.
- Western Front: trench warfare, Battle of the Somme, and Battle of Verdun.
- Eastern Front: battles between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Russia.
- Gallipoli Campaign and the Middle Eastern theater.
- United States entry into the war and the impact of American troops.
- End of the war: Armistice of 1918 and Treaty of Versailles.

**4. Consequences of World War I:**

- Human cost: millions of military and civilian casualties.
- Economic impact: war debts, inflation, and economic instability.
- Political changes: collapse of empires (Austro-Hungarian, Ottoman, Russian, and German), rise of new
- Social upheaval: disillusionment, women's suffrage movements, and changes in societal norms.

**5. Lasting Impact and Legacy:**

- Redrawing of national borders and the creation of new nation-states.
- League of Nations and the quest for international cooperation.
- Technological advancements: military innovations and medical progress.
- Psychological impact: trauma and the "lost generation" of post-war literature.

**6. Conclusion:**
- Recap of key points highlighting World War I as a pivotal moment in modern history.
- Reflection on the lessons learned and the ongoing relevance of World War I's legacy.

**7. References:**
- Cite scholarly works, primary sources, and historical analyses supporting the research paper's arguments
and insights.

This research paper offers a comprehensive examination of World War I, elucidating its causes, major events,
consequences, and enduring legacy. By delving into the complexities of this global conflict, the paper
contributes to a deeper understanding of the factors that shaped the modern world in the aftermath of the
Great War.

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