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Futia Marsela,M.Pd

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‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Segala puji bagi Allah SWT yang telah memberikan kami kemudahan
sehingga kami dapat menyelesaikan makalah ini dengan tepat waktu. Tanpa
pertolongan-Nya tentunya kami tidak akan sanggup untuk menyelesaikan makalah
ini dengan baik. Shalawat serta salam semoga terlimpah curahkan kepada baginda
tercinta kita yaitu Nabi Muhammad SAW yang kita nanti-natikan syafa’atnya di
akhirat nanti.

Penulis mengucapkan syukur kepada Allah SWT atas limpahan nikmat

sehat-Nya, baik itu berupa sehat fisik maupun akal pikiran, sehingga penulis
mampu untuk menyelesaikan pembuatan makalah ini.

Penulis tentu menyadari bahwa makalah ini masih jauh dari kata sempurna
dan masih banyak terdapat kesalahan serta kekurangan di dalamnya. Untuk itu,
penulis mengharapkan kritik serta saran dari pembaca untuk makalah ini, supaya
makalah ini nantinya dapat menjadi makalah yang lebih baik lagi. Kemudian
apabila terdapat banyak kesalahan pada makalah ini penulis mohon maaf yang
sebesar-besarnya. Penulis juga mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua pihak.
yang telah membimbing dalam menulis makalah ini. Demikian, semoga makalah
ini dapat bermanfaat. Terima kasih. Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi

Bengkulu, September 2023



KATA PENGANTAR.........................................................................................ii
DAFTAR ISI........................................................................................................iii
BAB l PENDAHULUAN.....................................................................................4
A. Latar Belakang...............................................................................................4
B. Rumusan Masalah..........................................................................................5
C. Tujuan.............................................................................................................5
BAB ll PEMBAHASAN......................................................................................6
A. Understanding and Functions of Financial Management...............................6
B. Sources of Company Funds............................................................................6
C. History of the Development of Financial Management.................................8
D. The Role of the Financial Manager................................................................9
E. The value of the company..............................................................................10
F. Parties Who Require Financial Reports.........................................................11
BAB lll PENUTUP...............................................................................................14
A. Kesimpulan.....................................................................................................14
DAFTAR PUSTAKA..........................................................................................15


A. Latar Belakang
Every individual must have management in carrying out their life
activities. With management, it is hoped that all activities can be carried out
systematically or sequentially, maximally so as to get good results. An
organization or company certainly needs management to regulate the
performance of its members in order to achieve the desired goals and get good
work results. One important aspect of management is financial management in
an organization or company.
The meaning of financial management has developed from an
understanding of management that only prioritizes the activity of obtaining
funds to one that prioritizes the activity of obtaining and using funds as well as
managing assets. In particular, analyzing sources of funds and their use to
realize maximum profits for the company. A financial manager must
understand the flow of money, both external and internal.

B. Rumusan Masalah
1. What is the meaning and function of financial management?
2. What is the role of a financial manager?
3. What is the history of the development of financial management?
4. Where does the company's funds come from?
C. Tujuan
1. Describe the meaning and function of financial management.
2. Describe the company's sources of funds.
3. Describe the history of the development of financial management.
4. Describe the role of financial managers.


A. Understanding and Functions of Financial Management

Financial management is defined as fund management, both related to
allocating funds in various forms of investment effectively, collecting funds
for investment financing efficiently, and managing assets with comprehensive
objectives. Thus, the decision-making function of financial management can
be divided into three main areas, namely investment decisions or use of funds,
funding decisions or obtaining funds and asset management decisions,
including arranging profit sharing.
The function of financial management is to plan the acquisition and
use of funds to maximize company value. Activities include financial resource
planning, financial allocation planning, as well as determining the company's
asset, financial and capital structure.
B. Sources of Company Funds
So that a company can carry out economic activities smoothly, the
financial manager must be able to think hard to find where the company's
funds come from.
The source of funds themselves are forms of funds that the company
can utilize, either from other companies or the company itself by providing
certain rewards. Company funding sources can generally be grouped into
short-term funding sources, medium-term funding sources and long-term
funding sources.
1. Short Term Fund Sources
Short-term funding sources are funding that must be repaid in one year
or less. Companies usually use short-term funding sources for working capital
because these funding sources must be paid immediately within a year or less.
Examples of short-term sources of funds are trade credit, short-term bank
loans, commercial securities, and receivables and inventory funding.
2. Sources of Medium Term Funds

Medium-term sources of funds are sources of funds or financing that

have a term of more than one year and less than five years. Medium-term
needs are necessary because there are needs that cannot be met with short-
term funding sources on one side and are also difficult to fulfill with long-term
funding sources on the other side. Examples of medium-term funding sources
are Term Loans, Equipment Loans, Leasing.
3. Long Term Fund Sources
Long-term funding generally indicates funding with a maturity period
of more than five years. Long-term funding mainly consists of bonds. Long-
term funding is often used to finance assets that have a long-term lifespan
such as land, machinery, factories or construction projects.
The sources of funds in terms of origin are basically divided into:
a. Internal Source
Funds originating from internal sources are funds or capital that is
formed or generated by oneself within the company, such as retained
earnings and depreciation. The amount of retained earnings/reserves is
influenced by the amount of profit earned during a certain period, the
dividend policy and the plowing back policy implemented by the
company. Even though the amount of profit earned during a certain period
is large, because the company has adopted a policy that most of the profit
is distributed as dividends, the portion of retained profit will be small, and
conversely, retained profit will tend to be large if the company adopts a
policy of reinvesting within the company. the big one.
Internal sources apart from retained earnings/reserves also come
from depreciation. The amount of depreciation each year depends on the
depreciation method used by the company concerned. Meanwhile, before
the depreciation is used to replace the fixed assets that will be replaced, it
can be used to finance the company even though the time is limited until
the fixed assets are replaced. During that time, depreciation was a source
of funds or capital within the company itself.
b. External Sources

External sources are sources of funds that come from outside the
company. Funds originating from external sources are funds originating
from creditors and owners, participants or shareholders in the company.
Funds or capital originating from creditors constitute debt for the company
concerned and capital originating from creditors is referred to as foreign
Funds or capital originating from owners, participants or share
takers in the company are funds that will remain invested in the company
concerned, and these funds will become the company's own capital. The
method of spending using funds originating from the owner or prospective
owner is called equity financing. Thus, funds originating from external
sources consist of foreign capital and own capital.
C. History of the Development of Financial Management
In its development, financial management has undergone many
changes. Financial management was first introduced around the 1900s. At that
time, financial management was known as expenditure management, because
the orientation of financial management emphasized how to obtain funds.
By the 1920s, not much change had occurred, financial management
still focused on securities. Accounting reports and financial records are not yet
reliable, so many companies experience difficulties in recording their finances.
At that time, the existing reports or records only met the regulations that
required companies to have them.
In the 1930s, very radical changes occurred. Failures in the business
world at that time forced discussions regarding expenditure management. At
that time, financial management was still descriptive and focused on legal
issues, but the emphasis changed from expansion efforts to efforts to maintain
the company's survival.
During the 1940s to the early 1950s, financial management was taught
as a descriptive and institutional subject that emphasized the point of view of
parties outside the company rather than managers. In the 1950s, financial
management experienced changes, especially regarding the emphasis on the

financial management function of "Business- Efforts to Obtain Funds” shifts

to “Efforts to Use Funds”, or from a spending function to an investment
In 1952, Harry Markowitz formulated portfolio theory, which was then
developed by Sharpe, Litner, Treynor in the 1950s with his "Capital Asset
Pricing Mode" CAPM. This theory and model were used to formulate relevant
risk management for investment.
In the 1970s, "Arbitrage Pricing Theory" and "Option Pricing Theory"
appeared. Arbitrage Pricing Theory provides an alternative for estimating
asset prices, apart from CAPM. Meanwhile, Option Pricing Theory explains
an option whose value is estimated. An option is a right to sell or buy an asset
at a certain price for a certain period of time. In the 1980s the emergence of
innovative financing techniques. For example, markets for high-risk, high-
yield bonds developed to finance mergers and management efforts to purchase
their own companies. In the 1990s, the focus of financial management was
emphasized on managerial decisions in selecting assets and liabilities, with the
aim of maximizing company value and shareholder prosperity. However, in
recent years, the globalization of business and the increased use of information
technology have become very important. It seems that these problems will
continue in the future.
D. The Role of the Financial Manager
Financial managers here are meant as company managers who are
responsible for making important decisions regarding investment and funding.
In connection with making investment decisions, the financial manager will be
directly involved in planning and controlling the use of funds.
Currently, financial managers not only focus on financial management
but are also involved in management in general. A combination of
increasingly strong competition between companies with ever-increasing
inflation, technological advances that require large capital, environmental,
energy, social issues, government regulations, and the involvement of
company operations. Internationally, all of this causes financial managers to

need flexibility for general management to anticipate developments that occur.

Two main functions of financial managers' attention are the main
focus, namely; (1) obtaining funds in the most profitable way, and (2)
allocating funds efficiently within the company. These two functions are
suggestions for achieving wealth targets for shareholders.
In order to achieve the two things above, the responsibility of financial
managers in business organizations is very large in determining the policies
that will be taken by the company, because it has an impact on all areas of the
company, such as marketing, operations, accounting, research & development,
and personnel. . In this regard, there are four main responsibilities of financial
managers, namely:
1. Forecasting and planning. Financial managers must interact with other
executives in the company and together plan the future shape of the
2. Investment and capital decisions. On the basis of long-term planning,
financial managers must raise the capital funds needed to support company
growth. A successful company can usually achieve high growth rates in
sales and this requires increased investment in plant, equipment and assets.
3. Coordination and supervision. Financial managers must interact with other
executives in the company so that company operations can be as efficient as
4. Connect with financial markets. Every company will be very dependent on
the general financial market, where funds are collected, company securities
are traded and investors receive rewards or remuneration.
E. The value of the company
In carrying out their role, financial managers who are in a position
between company operations and the capital market are guided by normative
goals. The normative objective in financial management is to maximize
company value or the prosperity of shareholders. To make this happen,
financial managers must carry out investment decisions, funding decisions and
dividend policies based on efficiency rationality. In order to be able to carry

out its role well, it is necessary to understand the company's values correctly.
We can say that an increase in company value also means an increase in share
prices, in this case the actual meaning of company value is not the same as
share price.
The company value is the same as the share price, that is, if the number
of shares is multiplied by the market value per share plus the market value of
debt, where if we consider the debt value constant, then every increase in
share price will automatically increase the value of the company. The real
value is why we say an increase in company value is the same as an increase
in share price. Financial managers who want their company to progress not
only pay attention to the interests of shareholders but also the interests of
workers, management, creditors, providers and customers.
F. Parties Who Require Financial Reports
Referring to the opinions of Munawir and IAI, parties with an interest
in financial reports can be broadly categorized into two groups, namely:
1. Internal Users
a. Company owner
Company owners are very interested in their company's financial
reports, especially for companies whose leadership is handed over to other
people such as companies, because with these reports the company owner will
be able to assess whether the manager is successful or not in leading the
company and a manager's success is usually assessed by the profits earned by
the company. Apart from that, financial reports are needed by company
owners to assess the results that have been achieved, and to assess the
possibility of results that will be achieved in the future so that they can
estimate the share of profits they will receive and the development of the share
price they own.
b. Manager or company leader
The most important thing for management is that financial reports are
a tool to be accountable to company owners for the trust that has been given to
them. By knowing the company's financial position in the recent period, you

will be able to develop better plans, improve your monitoring system and
determine more appropriate policies. Besides that, financial reports can be
used by managers to:
 Measuring the level of costs of various company activities
 To measure the efficiency of each part, process or production and to
determine the degree of profit that can be achieved by the company
 To assess and measure the work results of each individual who has been
entrusted with authority and responsibility
 To determine whether or not new policies or procedures need to be used to
achieve better results.
c. Employee
Employees and the groups that represent them are interested in
information regarding a company's stability and profitability. They are also
interested in information that allows them to assess a company's ability to
provide compensation, retirement benefits, and employment opportunities.
2. External Users
a. Investors
Risk investors and their advisors are concerned with the inherent risks
and developmental outcomes of the investments they make. They need
information to help determine whether to buy, hold or sell the investment.
Shareholders are also interested in information that allows them to assess a
company's ability to pay dividends
b. Lender
Lenders are interested in financial information that allows them to
decide whether the loan and its interest can be paid when due.
c. Suppliers and other business creditors
Suppliers and other business creditors are interested in information that
enables them to decide whether amounts owed will be paid when due.
Business creditors have an interest in the company for a shorter period of time
than lenders unless as primary customers they depend on the survival of the

d. Customer
Customers have an interest in information about a company's survival,
especially if they are involved in long-term agreements with, or dependent on,
the company.
e. Government
The government and the various agencies under its control have an
interest in the allocation of resources and therefore an interest in corporate
activities. They also need information to regulate corporate activities, set tax
policy and as a basis for compiling national income statistics and other
f. Public
Companies influence members of society in various ways. For
example, companies can make significant contributions to the national
economy, including the number of people employed and protection for
domestic investors. Financial reports can help the public by providing
information on trends and recent developments in a company's prosperity and
its series of activities.


A. Kesimpulan
Management is really needed, especially in an organization or
company. With good management, planning activities, implementation, and
even the production of a goal or item will be achieved well and maximally,
and with management funds, the company will be able to achieve the desired
goals with the right steps.
Financial management is an activity of planning, budgeting, auditing,
managing, controlling, searching and storing funds owned by an organization
or company to obtain the cheapest possible source of capital and use it as
effectively as possible, as productively as possible to generate profits.
In practice, financial management is actions taken to maintain the
financial health of an organization/company. For this reason, in building a
good financial management system, we need to identify the principles of good
financial management.


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