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Parang, Maguindanao del Norte

A.Y. 2023-2024



Name: ______________________________________ Score: ______________________

Section: _____________________________________ Subject Teacher: ____________________

GENERAL DIRECTIONS: You are given forty minutes to answer all the test items. Read each instruction
very carefully before answering. Write your answers clearly and neatly. You may start now. Good luck!

I. Fill in the Blank: Complete the statement by writing the correct word or phrase in the space provided
after each test item.
1. The process of building power by involving a constituent or 1. __________________________
community members in identifying the problems is ___________.
2. A participatory process that enables communities to manage their 2. __________________________
own resources is ___________.
3. The conscious efforts of members of the community to develop their 3. __________________________
skill and capabilities is ____________.
4. The use of external actors and experts to address community issues is 4. __________________________
5. A process that encourages community members to work together, 5. __________________________
collaborate, and formulate decisions and actions is ____________.
6. The deliberation and confrontation of those occupying positions of 6. __________________________
authority and professional officials is _____________.
7. A measurable equal representation of women and men is 7. __________________________
8. The increase in participation by marginalized or community sectors 8. __________________________
is ____________.
9. The kind of development that aims to directly involve local 9. __________________________
communities in development projects is ____________.
10. The humanization of laws and the equalization of social and 10. _________________________
economic forces by the state is ____________.
11. The development perspective that is characterized by the progressive 11. _________________________
actions of communities in fighting injustices and inequalities in the
distribution of political and economic powers is _____________.
12. The development perspective that defines participatory development 12. _________________________
as the scope of gathering inputs by various parties from
conceptualization to concretization is _____________.

II. True or False: Write TRUE if the statement is true and FALSE if it is false. Write it on the space

13. Participatory development involves engaging community members in decision-making 13.________

14. Human rights encompass the belief that every individual deserves dignity and respect. 14.________
15. Social equity aims to address disparities in income, education, and healthcare. 15.________
16. Gender equality involves promoting equal opportunities and treatment regardless of 16.________
17. Participatory development excludes the input of community members in project planning. 17.________
18. Human rights include the right to freedom of speech and expression. 18.________
19. Social equity seeks to eradicate discrimination based on race, ethnicity, or religion. 19.________
20. Gender equality advocates for equal pay for equal work. 20.________
21. Participatory development prioritizes top-down decision-making by government officials. 21.________
22. Human rights encompass the right to education and healthcare. 22.________
23. Social equity aims to dismantle systemic barriers that perpetuate inequality. 23.________
24. Gender equality recognizes and addresses the different needs and experiences of women, 24.________
men, and non-binary individuals in society.

III. Multiple Choice: Read each question carefully. Write the letter of the best answer on the space
provided at the right side of the paper.
25. What is a primary goal of empowerment strategies within community action initiatives? 25._____
A) Maintaining the status quo
B) Fostering dependency among community members
C) Enhancing individuals' and groups' ability to participate in decision-making
D) Limiting access to resources and opportunities
26. Which advocacy approach focuses on raising awareness of systemic injustices and 26._____
promoting policy changes at the macro level?
A) Individual advocacy C) Community organizing
B) Group advocacy D) Legislative advocacy
27. What is a key principle of asset-based community development (ABCD) as a strategy for
empowerment? 27._____
A) Identifying and building upon community strengths and resources
B) Exclusively relying on external resources and interventions
C) Emphasizing deficits and weaknesses within the community
D) Undermining local leadership and expertise
28. Which of the following is an example of a grassroots advocacy strategy? 28.____
A) Lobbying policymakers at the state level
B) Hosting community forums to discuss pressing issues
C) Employing public relations firms to promote a cause
D) Distributing informational brochures to local businesses
29. In community organizing efforts, what is the purpose of building coalitions? 29._____
A) Excluding diverse voices from the decision-making process
B) Strengthening collective power and amplifying community voices
C) Promoting competition among local organizations
D) Maintaining hierarchical structures within the community
30. What role does education play in empowerment and advocacy initiatives?
A) Limiting access to information to maintain power differentials 30._____
B) Empowering community members with knowledge and skills
C) Silencing dissenting voices within the community
D) Undermining the importance of informed decision-making
31. Which of the following best describes the concept of participatory decision-making? 31._____
A) Centralizing decision-making power in the hands of a few individuals
B) Excluding community members from the decision-making process
C) Involving community members in identifying priorities and solutions
D) Imposing decisions without input from those affected
32. What is a fundamental aspect of strengths-based advocacy? 32._____
A) Focusing solely on deficits and challenges within the community
B) Highlighting community assets and leveraging strengths for change
C) Undermining community leadership and expertise
D) Relying solely on external resources and interventions
33. Which advocacy approach emphasizes the importance of working collaboratively with 33._____
diverse stakeholders to achieve common goals?
A) Individual advocacy B) Group advocacy C) Coalition advocacy D) Legislative advocacy
34. Which of the following community-action initiatives aligns most closely with the principle 34._____
of social justice?
A) A program providing exclusive services to affluent neighborhoods
B) An initiative advocating for affordable housing for low-income families
C) A project promoting segregation and exclusion of marginalized groups
D) A campaign endorsing discriminatory hiring practices
35. What core value is exemplified by a community-action initiative that prioritizes inclusivity 35._____
and diversity?
A) Integrity B) Advocacy C) Social Justice D) Respect for Diversity
36. Which principle is upheld by a community-action initiative that emphasizes empowerment 36._____
and self-determination of community members?
A) Collaboration B) Non-discrimination C) Competence D) Self-Determination
37. Which core value is demonstrated by a community-action initiative that fosters collaboration 37._____
among diverse stakeholders?
A) Integrity B) Competence C) Collaboration D) Advocacy
38. What principle guides a community-action initiative focused on addressing systemic
inequalities and advocating for policy changes? 38._____
A) Non-discrimination B) Social Justice C) Respect for Diversity D) Self-Determination
39. Which core value guides a community-action initiative that ensures equitable access to 39._____
resources and opportunities for all community members?
A) Advocacy B) Collaboration C) Social Justice D) Integrity
40. What principle is demonstrated by a community-action initiative that actively challenges 40._____
oppressive systems and practices?
A) Self-Determination B) Non-discrimination C) Social Justice D) Respect for Diversity
41. Which core value is exemplified by a community-action initiative that prioritizes ethical 41._____
conduct and upholds professional standards?
A) Integrity B) Collaboration C) Advocacy D) Competence
42. Which of the following best describes the participatory approach in community action? 42._____
A) Imposing solutions on the community from external sources
B) Empowering community members to actively participate in decision-making processes
C) Excluding community members from the planning and implementation of initiatives
D) Ignoring the needs and concerns of community stakeholders
43. What is a key characteristic of asset-based community development (ABCD) as a
methodology? 43._____
A) Focusing solely on addressing community deficits and weaknesses
B) Identifying and mobilizing existing community assets and resources
C) Outsourcing solutions to external organizations and agencies
D) Implementing top-down interventions without community input
44. What is a central feature of the strengths-based approach in community action? 44._____
A) Highlighting community deficits and weaknesses
B) Fostering dependency among community members
C) Leveraging community assets and strengths to drive change
D) Exclusively relying on external resources and interventions
45. In community action, what does the term "capacity building" refer to? 45._____
A) Depleting community resources for short-term gains
B) Strengthening the skills, knowledge, and resources of community members and
C) Undermining local leadership and expertise
D) Prioritizing external expertise over local knowledge 46._____
46. What distinguishes the bottom-up approach in community action?
A) Imposing solutions on the community without their input
B) Empowering community members to initiate and lead change from within
C) Excluding community members from decision-making processes
D) Relying solely on external funding and support 47._____
47. Which methodology in community action involves conducting thorough assessments of
community needs and assets?
A) Asset-based community development (ABCD)
B) Top-down approach
C) Grassroots approach
D) Participatory approach
48. What is a fundamental principle of the ecological systems approach in community action? 48._____
A) Ignoring the interconnectedness of social, economic, and environmental factors
B) Focusing solely on individual-level interventions
C) Acknowledging the influence of multiple systems on community well-being
D) Promoting monoculturalism and homogeneity within communities
49. What is the primary purpose of conducting a community needs assessment? 49._____
A) To impose solutions on the community
B) To identify community strengths and assets
C) To exclude community members from decision-making processes
D) To understand the challenges and resources within a community
50. Which step is typically included in the process of conducting a community assessment? 50._____
A) Implementing intervention strategies immediately
B) Ignoring community input and feedback
C) Engaging community stakeholders in data collection
D) Relying solely on secondary data sources
51. In community action, what does the term "asset-based assessment" focus on?
A) Identifying community deficits and weaknesses 51._____
B) Building on existing community strengths and resources
C) Excluding community members from the assessment process
D) Prioritizing external solutions over local expertise

52. What is a common outcome of conducting a SWOT analysis in community action? 52._____
A) Identifying community strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats
B) Imposing solutions on the community without their input
C) Ignoring community feedback and input
D) Excluding certain community members from participation
53. What is a primary benefit of using participatory methods in community assessments? 53._____
A) Excluding diverse voices from the decision-making process
B) Empowering community members to actively participate in data collection and analysis
C) Fostering dependency among community members
D) Ignoring community strengths and assets 54._____
54. What is a key consideration when selecting participants for community assessments?
A) Excluding diverse voices to streamline the process
B) Including only individuals with similar backgrounds and perspectives
C) Ensuring representation from diverse segments of the community
D) Ignoring the concerns and priorities of marginalized groups
55. What is the importance of ongoing evaluation and monitoring in community action
initiatives? 55._____
A) To ignore the effectiveness of interventions
B) To perpetuate ineffective strategies
C) To ensure accountability and adaptability
D) To prioritize external solutions over local expertise
56. What is the initial step in formulating a community action plan?
A) Implementing interventions immediately
B) Assessing community needs and assets 56._____
C) Excluding community members from decision-making processes
D) Relying solely on external solutions
57. What is a primary goal of setting SMART objectives in community action planning?
A) Maintaining the status quo
B) Providing vague and ambiguous goals 57._____
C) Ensuring goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound
D) Excluding community input from goal-setting processes
58. Which factor should be considered when selecting intervention strategies for a community
action plan? A) Ignoring community feedback and preferences B) Relying solely on external 58._____
expertise C) Aligning strategies with identified community needs and strengths D)
Excluding diverse voices from the decision-making process
59. What is the importance of engaging community stakeholders in the formulation of a
community action plan? 59._____
A) Excluding community members to streamline the planning process
B) Fostering dependency among community members
C) Ensuring that interventions are responsive to community needs and priorities
D) Ignoring community strengths and assets
60. In community action planning, what does the term "resource mobilization" refer to? 60._____
A) Limiting access to resources and opportunities
B) Mobilizing community members to advocate for external funding
C) Building partnerships and leveraging existing resources to support interventions
D) Ignoring community assets and relying solely on external solutions

-end of the test-

Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher School Principal

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