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This question paper consists of 6 pages

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Grade 4
English FAL Baseline Assessment FS/Jan 2024
Grade 4


1. This question paper consists of TWO QUESTIONS:

▪ QUESTION 1: Reading Comprehension (10 marks)
▪ QUESTION 2: Language Structures and Conventions in context (10 marks)

2. Read all the instructions carefully.

3. Answer ALL the questions.

4. Pay special attention to spelling and sentence construction.

5. Write neatly and legibly

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English FAL Baseline Assessment FS/Jan 2024
Grade 4

QUESTION 1: Response to text

Read the story and answer the question that follow.

Camping Sounds

1 Bob, Bill and Ben are in the woods. They just set up their tent. They love to camp. The
three boys are boy scouts. Ben’s parents let the boys camp in the woods. They are across
the small river in their trailer.

2 It is dark at night. The boys sit next to the fire. They feel the heat. The boys are talking.
Then they hear a noise. “What was that?” Ben asks. Bob and Bill shrug. They start talking
again. Then the boys hear a roar. The boys look at each other. “That was a bear!” Bob
says. “We should go. Bears can kill.”

“Where do we go?” Bill asks. The animal roars again. All the boys jump up. “Let’s swim
across the river.” Ben says. All three boys swim across the river. They get to Ben’s parents.

“Why are you here?” Ben’s dad asks. Then they all look across the river. We heard a bear,
it sounded mad. The bear tore up the tent. The boys and Ben’s parents feel good, the boys
did the right thing.

1.1 What is the title of the text? (1)

Circle the letter of the correct answer.

Copyright reserved
English FAL Baseline Assessment FS/Jan 2024
Grade 4

1.2 What characters are introduced in the beginning of the story? (1)
A The boy scout troop.
B Bob, Bill and Ben.
C Bob’s parents.
D Ben’s parents.

1.3 Where are the characters at the beginning of the story? They are … (1)
A camping in the woods.
B swimming in a river.
C with Ben’s parents.
D at the zoo.

1.4 What are the characters doing at the beginning of the story? They are (1)
A listening to a roaring noise.
B meeting Ben’s parents.
C swimming in the river.
D setting up their tent.

1.5 What was the boys' initial reaction when they heard the noise in the woods? (1)
They …
A ignored it and continued talking.
B immediately packed up and left.
C thought it was just the wind.
D decided to investigate.

1.6 Where are the parents? (1)

A Next to the boys’ tent.
B Across the river.
C At their home.
D At a hotel.

Copyright reserved
English FAL Baseline Assessment FS/Jan 2024
Grade 4

1.7 How did the boys eventually reach safety when they heard the bear? They … (1)
A built a barricade around their campsite.
B ran deeper into the woods.
C swam across the river.
D climbed up a tree.

1.8 What does the word "roar" mean in the context of the story? (1)
A The sound of wind blowing through the trees.
B A musical tune played by birds.
C A loud noise made by a bear.
D A gentle rustling of leaves.

1.9 Why do Ben’s parents feel good at the end of the story? They feel good (1)
because the boys …
A were great at swimming.
B made the right decision.
C caught a lot of fish.
D were very nice.

1.10 Write down a word from paragraph ONE that proves the boys enjoyed camping. (1)
QUESTION 2: Language Structures and conventions

2.1 A noun is a naming word. Underline one noun in the following sentence. (1)
They just set up their tent.

2.2 An adjective describes a noun. Underline one adjective in the following sentence. (1)
Their tent is next to a small river.

Copyright reserved
English FAL Baseline Assessment FS/Jan 2024
Grade 4

2.3 Bob, Bill and Ben are …

A Collective nouns (1)
B Common nouns
C Abstract nouns
D Proper nouns

2.4 Rewrite the sentence in the simple past tense. (1)

The boys sit next to the fire.

2.5 Rewrite the sentence in the future tense. (1)

The boys swim across the river.

2.6 Rewrite the sentence using the correct punctuation.

2.6.1 Boy scouts are taught about safety teamwork and survival (1)

2.6.2 did you hear something (1)


2.7 Underline the correct word in brackets.

The boys (were/ was) very scared. (1)

2.8 Circle the letter of the correct answer. (1)

The opposite of ‘friend’ is…
A brother
B enemy
C partner
D scout

2.9 Write down a word that means the same as ‘angry’ (paragraph 4) (1)

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