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International Journal of Islamic Communication and Journalism

Dormitory Teacher Teacher Communication Strategy in

Developing Student Morals

Nora Santika1, Dafrizal1, Ario Bimo Pangestu1

Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam-Yayasan Dakwah Islam, Lubuk Sikaping, Indonesia.*

Communication strategy is a method used in the world of
da'wah so that what is conveyed can run smoothly so that the
message can be conveyed. This research is motivated by the
problem, there are still many female dormitory students who
violate dormitory rules, such as not praying on time, when it is
Article Information: time for prayer it is still many of the students are slacking off,
Received February 5, 2024 and there are still many of the female dormitory students who
Revised March 8, 2024 still don't understand what it means to straighten rows or tidy
Accepted April 8, 2024 up the shaf, and there are still many female dormitory students
who don't know the importance of character, respecting
guests, good habits, when eating. there are those who like to
stand up, the author formulates the problem as follows (1)
What are the communication strategies used by the female
Keywords: Strategy, dormitory supervisor teacher in developing student morals at
communication, coaching, SMP IT Ruhama Baina Annas, South Rao District, Pasaman
morals, students Regency? (2) What factors hinder communication strategies in
developing the morals of female boarding school students at
SMP IT Ruhama Baina Annas, South Rao District, Pasaman
This research uses descriptive qualitative field research
methods. Using two sources, namely primary data, namely
dormitory supervisors and female dormitory students, and
secondary data, namely school principals and foundation
heads. In collecting research data using interview, observation
and documentation methods so that the data obtained is
reduced and then analyzed and conclusions are drawn.
The results of this research produced several conclusions that
the strategy used by the female dormitory teacher at SMP IT
Ruhama Baina Annas was the first strategy, example,
habituation, training and punishment. and the factors that
hinder the communication strategy for developing student
morals are internal factors and external factors, namely the
family's educational background is still minimal, especially in
the field of religion and the strong habits of dormitory
students when they are with their families, the students' low
level of awareness in complying with dormitory regulations,
the existence of influences from outside the dormitory. ,
students study formally which results in female students often
breaking the rules set by factors from the surrounding
community and their friends.

How to cite: Santika, N.,Dafrizal.,Pangestu, Bimo, A. Dormitory Teacher Teacher Communication

Strategy in Developing Student MoralsInternational Journal of Islamic Communication and
Journalism, 1(1), 1-8.

E-ISSN: xxxx-xxxxx
Published by: The Institute for Research and Community Service
Santika,N., Dafrizal., Pangestu, Bimo A

Strategy is the achievement of the goal of arranging learning steps, utilization, and
learning resources all directed in an effort to achieve the goal. Every activity that
demands abilities and demands for those abilities is a learning strategy activity. The
ability to motivate students to want to learn and change is a learning strategy (Hasan,
2012). The term strategy is widespread in various aspects of community life, including in
the field of communication and preaching.
Communication must at least contain the same meaning between the two parties
involved (Armstrong, 1971). Among the meanings of communication is a process of
exchanging information between individuals through a system of symbols, signs or
behavior. Communication is also defined as a way to communicate ideas with other
parties, either by chatting, writing or conducting correspondence by communicating,
humans also try to carry out their obligations. It needs to be based on the fact that the role
of communication is very necessary in social life, even in the teaching and learning
process, because the teaching and learning process is essentially a communication
process, namely the process of conveying messages from the source of the message
(teacher/coach) through certain channels or media to the recipient of the message
(students/students)(Horwitz, 1992).
The communication strategy in moral development learning is also a combination of
the sequence of activities in the dormitory, equipment, materials and time used by
participants, namely how to organize the lesson material and how the coaching teacher
organizes the sequence of activities in a dormitory (Smith, 1997). Communication in the
dormitory has a very important role in the process of socializing and learning, apart from
that, schools are also formal educational institutions which essentially aim to change
students' behavior, politeness, morals and speech. The process of changing behavior and
speech is changed through the communication strategies used by the dormitory instructor
(Rivers, 1998).
Characteristics in student coaching are determined by the coaches involved in it
(Ross, 1992). what the coach conveys, how it is delivered and what the students'
responses are like. It is important to know that changing students to become better is a big
challenge for coaches within the School Dormitory. Coaches will face many challenges,
especially those caused by differences in background which will influence how to coach
students, such as differences in culture, language, habits, and also the reasons why
students enter the dormitory (Kenttä et al., 2020).
Based on initial studies, it was found that there were still many female students
who violated dormitory rules, such as praying on time, when the prayer was about to
start, many of them were still slacking off, and when the prayer was about to start, they
were reprimanded by the supervisor first to hurry up and pray together. And some female
students still don't understand what it means to straighten rows or tidy up shaf, and there
are still many obstacles experienced by coaches in developing morals, such as there are
still many students who don't know the importance of politeness, respecting elders, good
habits, such as eating well. some like to stand. That is why it is important to carry out this

International Journal of Islamic Communication and Journalism

Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 14-19, 2024 15
Dormitory Teacher Teacher Communication Strategy in Developing Student

This research uses descriptive qualitative field research methods. Using two sources,
namely primary data, namely dormitory supervisors and female dormitory students, and
secondary data, namely school principals and foundation heads. In collecting research
data using interview, observation and documentation methods so that the data obtained is
reduced and then analyzed and conclusions are drawn.
A. Communication Strategy used by builders in building Akhlak
Communication between coaching teachers and students in the dormitory is small
group communication (Almendingen et al., 2021). But coaches can turn it into
interpersonal communication by using a two-way communication or dialogue method,
namely the coaching teacher becomes the communicator (speaker) and the students as
communicants (message recipients).
1. he method used by the dormitory supervisor teacher is to use the advice
method, where this advice method is a method that is quite effective in forming a
child's faith (Crandall et al., 1965), as well as preparing his morals, soul and
social feelings. Giving advice can have a big influence in opening a child's heart
to the nature of things, pushing him towards good and positive things with noble
morals and making him aware of Islamic principles in his soul if used by
knocking on the recesses of his soul through the right door.
2. part from that, the mentoring teacher gives the example method to students by
making himself a role model first and giving a good example to his students, both
in behavior, words and deeds (Fairbanks et al., 2000). This method is the most
convincing for the success of the moral, spiritual and social ethos aspects of
boarding school students. The lack of role models from educators in practicing
Islamic values is one of the factors causing the moral crisis. The implementation
of the exemplary method in education is seen as a method that must be applied by
an educator as a figure to be emulated by his students (Khafidah et al., 2020). M.
Ngalim Purwanto, said that in various matters in education, exemplary education
is very important, even the most important, such as that found in psychology
(Warsah et al., 2022), it can be seen that since childhood, humans, especially
children, have had the urge to imitate and like to identify themselves with others.
other people, especially parents and teachers.
3. The habituation method is one of the tools for conveying da'wah messages
which is very important as a basis for good communication , it is important for
the formation of children's character and will also continue to influence the child
until his old age. Instilling habits in children is difficult and sometimes takes a
long time. However, everything that has become a habit is difficult for us to
change, therefore, it is better than having bad habits (Kusmanto et al., 2021).
4. This training method is where students continue to be trained with religious
activities in the form of extracurricular activities. strategies used by Dormitory
Supervisor teachers in forming students' morals and skills through extracurricular
activities such as tahfidz, tahsiin, independent murojaah, learning Arabic, English
and skills such as Qasidah and Drumbend (Aryati & Khoiri, 2022).
5. This punishment strategy is about applying punishment to something that
affects morals (Binder, 2002). Punishment is not in the form of corporal
punishment, but punishment has a good impact. that if a punishment like this is
given, students will be more disciplined, polite and responsible for their actions.

B. Factors that support communication strategies in developing student morals

1. Student attendance book. By having a student attendance book, it is easier for
supervisors to monitor students' morals and what methods will be used next to
guide students so that the efforts made by dormitory supervisors are efficient
(Saputro & Soeharto, 2015).

International Journal of Islamic Communication and Journalism

Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 14-19, 2024 16
Santika,N., Dafrizal., Pangestu, Bimo A

2. Adequate infrastructure. With the existence of facilities and infrastructure to

make it easier for coaching teachers to develop students' morals (Mokaya,
n.d.), in order to improve the coaching of students' morals, as well as making
it easier for coaches to convey information in the form of da'wah
communication, so that it runs smoothly.
3. Support from parents. Support from parents of student coaches makes it even
easier to develop students' morals so that students have good personalities
(Monaco & Martin, n.d.). Seeing the current situation, there are many
teenagers who have free association, there are also some parents who want
their children not to enter into this free association, to avoid this happening,
the parents of the children put their children into an Islamic-based school
environment which has a boarding school or dormitory (Ismala et al., n.d.).

C. Factors that hinder communication strategies in developing student morals.

1. Social environment. is one of the factors that causes students to have bad
morals and it is difficult for coaches to instill good moral values in students
due to the influence of the social environment (Higham et al., n.d.).
2. Low religious education. Resulting in teachers experiencing difficulties
resulting in difficulties for coaches in conveying preaching messages in the
form of moral messages so that it is difficult to form a good personality
(Hannam et al., 2020)
3. Lack of awareness of students participating in activities. The inhibiting
factor is still students' lack of interest in participating in activities. To take
part in these activities, students are first reminded not of their own
awareness, such as not praying on time (Wayment & Dickson, 2008).
D. Coaching teachers' efforts to overcome obstacles in the formation of student
1. Provides a new atmosphere and instills discipline. One of the obstacles for
supervisory teachers is the lack of awareness of students in participating in
activities, so they are reminded first to carry out activities, by changing the
delivery pattern using dialogue and discussion methods (Carayannis &
Campbell, 2010). The efforts made by the dormitory supervisor teacher in
dealing with obstacles or lack of awareness of students in participating in
activities, so that they are first reminded to carry out activities that are
influenced by play activities, namely by referring to religious activities such
as tahfidz activities (Stachowski & Mahan, 1998), Al-Qur'an tadarus or other
activities. cultural activities and so on, so that they participate more and
focus on learning rather than playing.
2. Increase cooperation with parents. Through family and dormitory education,
it is hoped that the two will have close collaboration to educate students
studying at the two institutions (Mäenpää & Åstedt‐Kurki, 2008). parents get
information about their students' progress in the hostel. The efforts made by
coaches to increase cooperation with parents is a challenge for coaches to
pay more attention to all students' learning morals regarding speaking
procedures, manners, and how to respect fellow creatures of Allah SWT
(Keegan et al., 2009).
3. Give punishment if you break the rules. To overcome the large number of
people who violate the regulations, the supervisor collaborates with the
dormitory to form student morals and discipline in the dormitory (Bregant et
al., 2019). Every day the supervisor gives good advice, in the form of a short
lecture, by giving advice about the discipline of Muslim dress and obeying
all the rules, if there are students. Those who violate the student dormitory
rules will be given punishment in the form of cleaning the prayer room, and
memorizing a short letter and then submitting it to the dormitory supervisor
in order to educate them to have discipline and no longer violate the
established rules. And students who violate the rules will be given
punishment and sanctions.

International Journal of Islamic Communication and Journalism

Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 14-19, 2024 17
Dormitory Teacher Teacher Communication Strategy in Developing Student

The strategy used by the female dormitory teacher at SMP IT Ruhama Baina
Annas is the first strategy, example, habituation, practice and punishment. and the factors
that hinder the communication strategy for developing student morals are internal factors
and external factors, namely the family's educational background is still minimal,
especially in the field of religion and the strong habits of dormitory students when they
are with their families, the students' low level of awareness in complying with dormitory
regulations, the existence of influences from outside the dormitory. students study
formally which results in female students often breaking the established rules. factors
from the surrounding community and friends.At least this research can be used as a basis
and reference for future researchers to research this problem in different contexts and

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Pangestu, Bimo, A .
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International Journal of Islamic Communication and Journalism

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International Journal of Islamic Communication and Journalism

Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 14-19, 2024 20

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