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Dear Admissions Committee,

I am writing to express my keen interest in pursuing a Master's degree in Basic Mathematics at

Southwest University. With a solid academic background and a genuine passion for
mathematics, I am eager to further my knowledge and skills in this field and contribute
meaningfully to the academic community.

My journey with mathematics began at an early age, where I developed a fascination for its
elegance and applicability in solving real-world problems. Although I have completed my
graduation in Accounting, but it had some mathematical related subject, where I have
consistently demonstrated a strong aptitude for mathematical concepts and excelled in related
coursework. My CGPA of 3.24 is a testament to my dedication and commitment to academic

The prospect of delving deeper into the fundamental principles of mathematics excites me
greatly. I am particularly drawn to the program at Southwest University due to its renowned
faculty, comprehensive curriculum, and state-of-the-art facilities. I am confident that the
program's interdisciplinary approach and emphasis on practical applications will provide me
with a well-rounded education and prepare me for a successful career in academia or industry.

During my undergraduate studies, I actively participated in extracurricular activities and

academic projects that enhanced my mathematical skills and critical thinking abilities. I
collaborated with peers on research projects, attended workshops and seminars, and engaged in
independent study to broaden my understanding of advanced mathematical concepts.

Furthermore, I am eager to contribute to the vibrant academic community at Southwest

University by actively participating in research endeavors, seminars, and other scholarly
activities. I am particularly interested in exploring topics such as mathematical modeling,
numerical analysis, and mathematical education, and I am excited about the prospect of working
closely with faculty members to pursue research opportunities aligned with my interests.

Beyond academics, I am confident that my strong work ethic, problem-solving skills, and
collaborative nature will enable me to thrive in the rigorous academic environment at Southwest
University. I am eager to immerse myself in the rich cultural experience offered by the
university and contribute positively to campus life through volunteering, mentoring, and
participating in student organizations.

In conclusion, I am deeply passionate about mathematics and eager to embark on this

transformative journey towards a Master's degree at Southwest University. I am confident that
my academic background, combined with my enthusiasm for learning and dedication to
excellence, make me a strong candidate for your esteemed program. I look forward to the
opportunity to contribute to the academic community and make meaningful contributions to the
field of mathematics.

Thank you for considering my application. I am eager to begin this next chapter of my academic
journey at Southwest University.


Md Sagor Hossain

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