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Sagor Hossain

It is impressive to see how administrative aspects are evolving in today's industry. The
importance of administration has increased significantly, especially in the field of business.
The business industry increasingly requires professionals with administration abilities in
addition to merely industrial knowledge. Managerial abilities might be more valuable to
their organizations and help the company succeed. As someone who has been working as an
Office Management and Accountant for the past 1.5 years, I have understood that
administration abilities are necessary to succeed in the corporate sector. Project
administration, financial administration, and risk administration are all necessary skill sets to
grow in the industry. Hence I decided to advance my knowledge in the administration and
account's field. While researching, I came across the exciting course Master's in Business
Administration. It is a field that combines both technical knowledge with principles of
business administration. It mainly focuses on managing projects, leadership and
communication effectively. Consequently made the decision to apply for a Master's degree
in Business Administration from your prestigious university in order to simplify my career
path and advance my development.
As a highly motivated and dedicated student, I have always been focused on my education
and driven to acquire new skills and knowledge to advance my career. I did my bachelor's In
Accounting from the National University with an impressive 3.24 CGPA in 2020. After
graduating, I secured a position as an Accountant at National Ideal College, where I am
responsible for preparing financial statements, such as balance sheets, income statements,
and cash flow statements & Office based administrative work with managing projects,
cultivating business relationships, and handling customer feeing-roles. Over 1.5 years in this
role, I realized that I needed to enhance my skill set by pursuing a master's degree in
Business Administration. With my prior academic and professional experiences, I am
confident I can excel in my course work and achieve good marks in my master's program.

Pursuing an MBA in Accounting is not just about professional advancement; it also offers
significant personal growth opportunities. The rigorous academic curriculum, exposure to
diverse perspectives, and real-world business challenges can help my develop confidence,
resilience, and a broader understanding of the world . It typically emphasize leadership,
teamwork, and communication skills alongside technical expertise. These skills are
invaluable for advancing in my career, as they enable me to effectively manage teams,
communicate complex financial information to stakeholders, and drive organizational
success. MBA programs provide numerous networking opportunities with fellow students,
alumni, faculty members, and industry professionals. Building a strong professional network
can open doors to job opportunities, mentorship, and collaborations throughout my career.
Accounting is a fundamental aspect of nearly every business and industry. By obtaining an
MBA in Accounting, I gain a versatile skill set that is applicable across various sectors,
including finance, healthcare, technology, and manufacturing. This versatility opens up a
wide range of career opportunities and allows to explore different industries .

Upon completing my studies abroad, I am eager to return to Bangladesh and explore the
exciting opportunities available in my hometown. In the short term, my goal is to secure a
position that will allow me to utilize my business administration skills and my experience. I
desire to work as a project head in the Huawei Company. This will enable me to gain
practical experience while building my network and further developing my business&
Accounts acumen. As I progress in my career, my long-term goal is to work with renowned
Company as an Chief Financial Officer (CFO), utilizing the knowledge and skills gained
from my educational and professional experiences.
This University is the best University in the country for studies in MBA in Accounting .The
University has an impressive track record and some of the best facilities for students to learn.
During my stay at the University, I will be instructed by knowledgeable faculty members.
The University provides academic programs with an emphasis on real-world application.
The institution allows its students to participate in co-op work experiences and provides
extensive research facilities. I do not doubt that if I earn a degree from this University, I will
be able to seize exciting opportunities when they present themselves to me. Because of my
association with the University, I will get the opportunity to climb the corporate ladder more

China is a popular choice for postgraduate study. It's rapid economic growth and increasing
influence in global business make it an attractive location for individuals seeking a broader
understanding of international business dynamics. It is not only a major player in the global
economy but also a hub for emerging markets in Asia. Studying in China can provide
firsthand exposure to these markets, offering valuable insights and experiences for future
business endeavors. With its booming economy and growing number of multinational
corporations, China offers abundant career opportunities for MBA graduates, both within the
country and internationally. A degree from China would undoubtedly help me to further
flourish in my career.

A Master's in Business Administration would help me discover new administration

perspectives in business, moving me one step closer to my aspirations and objectives. I will
be able to improve my administration abilities. My primary education and professional skills
will help me succeed in my area. Therefore, I sincerely ask that the authorities consider my
application for admission to your University.

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