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12-PrevMed, PH 70% New/ Common sense Qs, 20% Compre Lecture, 10% Hiliusa

Year 4 - Compre Drs: Berlin, Noble, Almonte, Jan 8, 2023

# Question Choices Rationale/ Reference


2. The Academe may use the results of this A. Background of the Study A. Background of the Study- is the first section of the
specific study as a basis for policy-making. B. Review of Related paper and establishes the context underlying the
The statement is an example of Literature research. It contains the rationale, the key problem
C. Significance of the Study statement, and a brief overview of research questions
D. Recommendation and that are addressed in the rest of the paper.
Conclusion B. Review of Related Literature- is a detailed review of
existing literature related to the topic of a thesis or
C. Significance of the Study- It refers to the
contribution(s) to and impact of the study on a
research field. The significance also signals who
benefits from the research findings and how.
D. Recommendation and Conclusion- The
interpretations given by the researcher of the
significance of the findings of a research project, along
with recommendations for action.
3. Which of the following case is an ethical A. Consent states voluntary A physician shall obtain voluntary informed consent
study protocol? participation and risks prior to performing any procedure or treatment. The
explained patient's decision must be based on his/her free will and
choice.The physician shall provide all relevant
B. Research conduction did
information in a simple and understandable manner
not seek approval from the leading patients to either accept or refuse a proposed
institutional review board action. The physician shall inform the patient about the
C. Private and personal data consequences of his/her choices.When a patient is
leaked into the social media incompetent to decide, the consent must be given by the
platforms next of kin, or his/her legally authorized representative.
D. Unfilled boxes in the
survey form was completed by
the researcher without the
consent of the subject Code%20of%20Ethics.pdf
4. what is a smart objective? A. to know how they cope with
B. to determine the mental
health of senior population
in region 6
C. to determin the
pharmacologic effect of
moringa oleifera rattus
norvegicus in terms of
physiology, biochemical
and pathologic effects
D. to identify the nutrition
status of the pediatric
5. Sources of data in health research should be A. Questionnaire answered Citing or referencing recent articles in the research
factual and recent. Medical students of SY by the mother paper assures reviewers that an extensive literature
2022-2023 are going to conduct a study on B. Data collected from 20 review was undertaken while writing the paper and
information in the paper is up to date. This builds
the knowledge of fathers on family years ago
trust between the authors of the paper and the
planning concepts. This type of study C. Tiktok and youtube reviewers, which may influence peer review reports. In
needs: information this study, a face to face interview is needed to allow
D. Face to face interview for more in-depth data collection and comprehensive
with the father understanding.
# Question Choices Rationale/ Reference

6. The most important goal in doing research A. To communicate and The ultimate aims of research are to generate
share data with the measurable and testable data, gradually adding to the
public accumulation of human knowledge.
B. To store and keep
results in the library
C. To brag the number
of published
D. To submit
7. R in SMART objective is realistic. What is A. A simple survey on stress
the realistic study for students in IDCM? level among 4th year
clinical clerks
B. A 5-year longitudinal study
in effect of low salt fat diet
among diabetic patients of
the visayas region
C. A 10-year follow-up study
on happiness level of taxi
D. An experimental study on
the new vaccine for
8. Alovera, Klarence R. A.

9. Proportionate Mortality Rate is the number A. deaths from all causes Proportionate mortality describes the proportion of
of deaths due to a specific cause over whichB. total number of live births deaths in a specified population over a period of time
denominator C. midyear population attributable to different causes. (
D. midyear population of
specific group

10. Andrada, Tina Anne Marie A.

11. Antioquia, Patricia Kaye, R. A.

12. There are certain diseases that are required A. Civil registry of vital
by law to be notified or reported to health events
authorities. This is required for the purpose B. Notifiable disease reports
C. Census
of surveillance and monitoring of important
D. Regional health unit
communicable diseases. records
13. A health survey is a planned study to A. Retrospective cohort study A. Retrospective cohort - are also 'longitudinal,'
investigate the health characteristics of a B. Prospective Cohort study because they examine health outcomes over a
population. The health survey makes use of C. Cross sectional study span of time. The distinction is that in
a question form. This is an example of a ? D. Case control study retrospective cohort studies some or all of the
cases of disease have already occurred before
the investigators initiate the study. In contrast,
exposure information is collected at the
beginning of prospective cohort studies before
any subjects have developed any of the

# Question Choices Rationale/ Reference
outcomes or interest, and the 'at risk' period
begins after baseline exposure data is collected
and extends into the future.
B. Prospective cohort - longitudinal cohort study
that follows over time a group of similar
individuals (cohorts) who differ with respect to
certain factors under study, to determine how
these factors affect rates of a certain outcome.
C. Cross-sectional - involves looking at data from
a population at one specific point in time. The
participants in this type of study are selected
based on particular variables of interest.
D. Case control - observational because no
intervention is attempted and no attempt is
made to alter the course of the disease.
14. Dr. Apple wanted to measure the A. Midyear population
reproductive capacity of the population. B. Number of registered live
She will need the following data except births
C. Midyear population of 15-
44-year-old women
D. None of the above
15. The Ebola virus has infected a local A. 50/250
community infecting 50 of its population of B. 10/250
250. There were 10 who died from the C. 10/50
D. 10%
virus. In computing for the Case Fatality
CFR = (10/50) x 100
Rate. = 0.2 x 100
= 20
16. Dr. Almonte wants to measure the A. Old cases INCIDENCE: Refers to the occurrence of new
incidence of scabies in the community. She B. New cases cases of disease or injury in a population over a
needs to gather C. Old + New Cases specified period of time.
PREVALENCE: The proportion of persons in a
population who have a particular disease or
attribute at a specified point in time or over a
specified period of time. Prevalence differs from
incidence in that prevalence includes all cases,
both new and pre existing, in the population at
the specified time, whereas incidence is limited to
new cases only.
17. DDr. Kris is going to study the prevalence of A. Previously diagnosed cases
rhypertension in the faculty of WVSU. WhatB. Newly diagnosed cases
. information will she need? C. Previously and newly
diagnosed cases
18. Chickenpox in university of 20 A. 1350/5000
departments. 5000 people were surveyed. B. 20/1350
1350 people were affected. What is the C. 20/5000
D. 5000/1350
cumulative index?
19. An expression of the relative frequency of A. Proportion Proportion is the equality of two values while ratio is
occurrence of an event compared to some B. Rate the comparison between 2 values
other event C. Ratio
20. Measures the probability of occurrence of A. Proportion Rate - Measured probability of occurrence of some
some particular event B. Rate particular event.
C. Ratio
Ratio - an expression of the relative frequency of
occurrence of an event compared to some other event.

# Question Choices Rationale/ Reference
Proportion - Special kind of ratio wherein the numerator
is part of the denominator and where K is 100.

Trans 1.3: Epidemiology-Measurements and Errors of

21. Death rate of Thailand fell greatly from 9.7 A. available diagnostic The factors affecting death are age, sex, diseases,
per 1000 people in 1971 to 7.9 per 1000 machines heredity, nutritional level, health facility and services
people in 2020. The possible factors B. influx of tourists visiting and health education. Influx of tourists visiting a
the country country is least likely correlated to death rate whereas
affecting this decrease are the following
C. improved data recording the other choices were pertaining to available health
except D. access to proper healthcare facilities and services. (
22. Maternal mortality ratio of the philippines A. The midyear population
fell gradually from 156 deaths per 100,000 was higher in 2017
live births in 2003 to 121 deaths per B. Implementation of the
reproductive health law in
100,000 live births in 2017. The possible
factors affecting this decrease are the C. Better programs of DOH
following except: like the safe motherhood
program in 2013
D. Increased awareness among
pregnant women on
importance of prenatal care
23. Schistosomiasis in the Philippines: A. Epidemic Schistosomiasis is endemic in the Philippines affecting
B. Endemic 1,599 barangays (villages), in 189 municipalities
C. Sporadic (towns) and 15 cities, in 28 endemic provinces, in 12
D. Hyperendemic regions. The total population at risk is approximately
12 million with 2.5 million individuals directly exposed
to the disease.

(Schistosomiasis Control and Elimination Program -

DOH Philippines)
24. Philippines was declared polio free in the A. Emerging Disease
year 2000, in 2019, an outbreak was B. New World Disease
declared by the DOH. Polio is classified as: C. Reemerging disease
D. Sporadic outbreak
25. A fundamental requirement in disease A. Screening
prevention and control is the ongoing B. Surveillance
systematic control, collation, analysis and C. Epidemiology
interpretation of data, dissemination of data D. Community medicine
(information) to those who need to know it?
26. Which is not a principle of screening A. Choice of the disease to
B. Nature of the disease
C. Availability of the drug
D. The more expensive the
more on population
27. In the Family APGAR, which of the A. Highly functional family
following corresponds to the score of 8-10? B. Moderately functional
C. Severely dysfunctional
28. For a surveillance system to work, the A. Highly Motivated staff Usefulness may be affected by all the attributes of
following are essential except: and leaders surveillance. Increased sensitivity may afford a greater
B. Efficient Communication opportunity for identifying epidemics and
System understanding the natural course of an adverse health
C. Knowledge on basic event in a community. Improved timeliness allows
epidemiology control and prevention activities to be initiated earlier.
# Question Choices Rationale/ Reference
D. Modern Laboratories that Increased predictive value positive enables public
can provide accurate results health officials to focus on productive activities. A
representative surveillance system will better
characterize the epidemiologic characteristics of a
health event in a defined population. Systems that are
simple, flexible, and acceptable also tend to be more

It may be useful to think of the simplicity of a

surveillance system from two perspectives: the design
of the system and the size of the system. An example of
a system that is simple in design is one whose case
definition is easy to apply and in which the person
identifying the case will also be the one analyzing and
using the information. A more complex system might
involve some of the following:

1. Special laboratory tests to confirm the case

2. Telephone contact or a home visit by a public
health nurse to collect detailed information
3. Multiple levels of reporting (e.g., with the
Notifiable Diseases Reporting System, case
reports may start with the doctor who makes
the diagnosis and pass through county and
state health departments before going to the
Centers for Disease Control)

29. In the acronym of COME, “C” stands for: A. Community

B. Collaboration
C. Communication
D. Constitution
30. Evangelista, Danika Mae Q. A.

31. Franz Richard G. Luis A.

32. Most effective communication method for A. text messaging

community organizing B. snail mail
C. phone calls
D. face to face meetings
33. Fuentes, Von Shantal B. A.

34. The importance of a community diagnosis A. Health Project Means of Verification (MOVs): These statements
is to use the data as a basis for the creation B. Logical Framework specify source of the information for the measurements
of data-based health programs. The plan is C. Strategic Planning or verification specified in the indicators column. For
D. Decision Matrix example, will statistics from an external source be used
also called
for the verification or will project resources be used to
gather the statistics.
35. MoV or Means of verification A. 50% increase in knowledge Means of Verification are the tools used and
among audience processes followed to collect the data necessary
B. Attendance sheet with to measure progress.
signatures and specific
module attended and-evaluate/means-verificationdata-

# Question Choices Rationale/ Reference
C. 20% decrease in morbidity 0are%20the,other%20qualitative%20data%20collec
rate of hypertension tion%20methods.
D. 10 lbs weight loss Verification is the process of checking, confirming,
making sure, and being certain. In qualitative research,
verification refers to the mechanisms used during the
process of research to incrementally contribute to
ensuring reliability and validity and, thus, the rigor of a
36. What kind of research study would A. Descriptive Descriptive studies are observational studies which
community diagnosis be? B. Observational describe the patterns of disease occurrence in relation to
C. Experimental variables such as person, place and time. They are often
D. Clinical trial the first step or initial enquiry into a new topic, event,
disease or condition. Descriptive studies can be divided
into two roles - those studies that emphasize features of
a new condition and those which describe the health
status of communities or populations.
37. What is the essence of COME as a course A. giving of free hygiene pack COMMUNITY ORGANIZING, MOBILIZING,
in the 2nd year of Medical School to the people EMPOWERING
B. Community Health Survey
C. a means to entretnain
(dance and sing) to the
38. Recognizing which community you want to work
D. Helping people identify and
solve health issues
39. Gaining entry into the community
40. Organizing the people (ex. brgy. captain, councilor,
41. Assessing the community
42. Determining the priorities and setting goals (ex.
prevalent diseases in the community)
43. Arriving at a solution and selecting intervention
44. Implementing the plan
45. Evaluating the outcomes of the plan of action
46. Maintaining the outcomes in the community
47. Looping back

48. As a 4th year medical student, you can A. True

implement a program for the community B. False
anytime you want
49. IDCM medical students are internal A. True
stakeholders of Zarraga RHU B. False

50. community organizing, communication is A. True A.

the most important characteristic you must B. False
hone to bring people together?

# Question Choices Rationale/ Reference
51. Which of the following most likely A. Emphasizes cost and the
describes Cost minimisation analysis? cheapest option is always
B. Compares the relative costs
and outcomes of different
clinical management for a
common goal
C. The most common type of
D. Uses cost and benefits of
intervention but no common
goal or interest
52. [SUPPLY AND DEMAND GRAPH] A. supply is inversely
proportional to demand LAW OF DEMAND - there is an inverse relationship
B. supply is directly between the price of a good and the quantity demanded
proportional to demand by consumers. In other words, holding other things
C. price is high when demand constant, if we raise the price of a good, consumers will
is low take fewer units off the market; and if we lower the
D. price is low when demand is price of the good, consumers will take more of the good
high off the market.


54. Health information management which A. Medical coding and billing The EMR is an electronic record of health-related data
most likely utilized by Philhealth B. Ensuring compliance with or information of an individual done in a primary care
government regulations setting. Its functions include patient registration and
C. Handling customer requests recording, medical record management, doctor’s order
for personal health and management, laboratory/ diagnostics request and
information results entry, e-prescription, drug dispensing, schedule
D. Medical records retention of next visits/appointments, notification through short
messaging system (SMS) and RxBox integration.

55. Of the 4 main streams of info management, A. Health informatics Information management is the process of collecting,
which of the following is most likely B. Health data analysis storing, and organizing data in a way that allows for
utilized in research? C. Clinical classification efficient retrieval and use. Its purpose is to ensure that
the right information is available to the right people at
D. Management
the right time, in order to facilitate decision-making and
support the efficient operation of an organization.
The main goal of Information management is to make
sure that all the relevant data are stored in a structured
way so they can be accessed when needed and used for
decision-making purposes.


56. The availability and access of computers A. State of resources

and internet connection belong to which B. Indicators
element of the Health Information System? C. Data sources
D. Data management
57. The health system is always “input, output, A. Data generated from the Both outputs and outcomes are the result of
and outcomes”. Which of the following is patient’s records the project. Therefore, we usually use these
most likely an “outcome”? B. Transformation of data to
information words interchangeably. However, there are

# Question Choices Rationale/ Reference
C. Dissemination of distinct differences between output and
transformed data outcome.
D. Re-admissions of patients or

# Question Choices Rationale/ Reference
58. Which of the following is least included in A. Civil reg
population base data B. Census
C. Population surveys
D. Individual and population
health records
59. Hortillas, Jacqueline Marie A. A.

60. Which of the following is most likely to A. relates the cost and benefits Health economics is important because it focuses on
describe the role of a health economist of alternative ways for how the economic behavior of stakeholders and
health services to reach recipients affects the quality and cost of medical care. It
consumers includes how people pay for care, how those payments
B. considers factors that are processed, and how health systems around the world
influence the need for can be restructured and improved.
patients to seek consultation
as irrelevant B,C,D choices were negative, but are important factors
C. places less value on health as a health economist
but concentrates more on the
kind of health services
provided to the patients
D. how doctors treat the
instructions to their patients
is not necessary

61. In delivering health care, predictive A. Preventing readmission

analytics is least likely in the ff: B. Predict cost of medication in
the pharmacy
C. Speed up submission of the
insurance claims
D. forecasting no show
62. Jardeleza brian o A.

63. Treatment used in the maintenance phase ofA. 2 HR

Type 1 TB patient B. 1 HRZE
C. 4 HR
D. 4 HRZ
64. There are Basic Elements in responding to A. Availability of quality- Enhance the political stewardship through a high-level
the TB problems. Which of the following assured sputum microscopy political commitment of national government
elements is most likely affected by the B. Adequate supply of Anti-TB agencies and LGUs to implement localized TB
drugs elimination.
C. Supervising treatment
D. Political will (National TB Control Program - DOH)
65. Ledonio, Dana Loise Abbe, G. A.

66. Locsin, Kim A. A.

67. Lopez, Quirico III, V. A.

68. Losaria, Ellen Dominique C. A.

69. Luching, Jol Christer, N. A. Highly Functional 8-10: Highly Functional

B. Moderately Dysfunctional 4-7: Moderately Dysfunctional
The result of the Family Apgar is 8 to 10 C. Severely Dysfunctional 0-3: Severely Dysfunctional
D. Malfunctional
points . This means that the family is:

# Question Choices Rationale/ Reference
70. Lusaya, Starah Crisel H. A.

71. What family assessment tool is important inA. SCREEM A. SCREEM- An important tool to assess a family’s
the assessment of the family as to how to B. Family APGAR capacity to participate in the provision of health care or
identify index case? C. Family Circle Technique to cope with crisis.
D. Family Genogram B. Family APGAR-Five item questionnaire designed to
elicit the patient’s perception of the current state of his
family relationships
C. Family Circle Technique-often used on individuals
and in some small groups. Instructions are given to the
patient to look at the circle as if it is his family and then
draw small circles to represent the patient and those
people who are important to him.
D. Family Genogram-Quick overview of the
interrelationships between family members as a way of
looking at the family medical and psychosocial
problems tool for understanding the multigenerational
family systems. The index patient is indicated by
putting an arrow.
72. jk A. Multifactorial cause
of illness
B. Disease oriented
C. Organ system
D. Biological orientation
73. What stage of the family life cycle begins A. Family with young children Family with young children - stage in the family cycle
when the first child leaves home? B. Family with adolescents which starts with pregnancy of the first child to the
C. Launching family emergence of adolescents
D. Family in the later life Family with adolescents - this stage starts when the first
child reaches adolescent stage
Launching family - this stage begins when the first
child leaves home
Family in the later life - begins with departure of last
child and continues through retirement and death

74. The responsibility of the physician in the A. Help the patient and his
Stage V of the illness trajectory is to: family deal with the
immediate effects of trauma
B. Offer alternative
interprelations of proposed
treatment or intervention
C. Discuss explanatory models
and fear of the patient
D. Aid the patient and the Topnotch genesis prevmed flashcard
family in efficient and
functional readjustment
75. Masangya, Christian James, D. A.

76. The most important single examination of A. Physical Bacteriological water quality is defined in terms of the
water is B. Chemical absence or presence of indicator organisms. Drinking
C. Bacteriologic water does not cause an infectious disease if it is free
D. Biological from indicator organisms. Access to safe drinking water
is one of the basic human rights and is extremely
important for health
77. Mediavilla, Joshua Ivan M A.

78. Start of the family life cycle A. newly married couple STAGES OF THE FAMILY LIFE CYCLE
1. Unattached Young Adult
B. family with young children
• “Between Families”
C. unattached young adult • It is the start of the family life cycle wherein
D. family with adolescents the unattached young adult has come to terms

# Question Choices Rationale/ Reference
with the family of origin.
• At this stage the young adult formulate
personal goals and develop as individual
including forming a new family.
2. The Newly Married Couple
• “The Joining of Families through Marriage” is
very true in the Philippines, thus Filipino
families are bilaterally extended.
• This is the transition stage of the couple from
their lives as an individual to life as couple.
3. The Family with Young Children
• This stage starts with pregnancy for the first
child to emergence of adolescents.
• The coming of children defines a new family
status, as the wife becomes the mother, and
the husband becomes the father.
• Child starts going to school, which is his first
significant contact with people outside of the
• Conflict with practices in the home and
school regulations may occur during this
4. The Family with Adolescents
A family with adolescents has generally
reached a stage when the parents are
approaching a middle life stage and the
grandparents are in the later stage.
it is not only teenagers but also their parents
who are undergoing crisis
(i.e. identity) at this stage.
5. Family in Later Years
This begins with departure of last child and
continues through retirement of one or both of
the couple and ends when both are dead.

79. True of a family genogram A. Represents at least 3 A genogram is a visual representation of a family system,
generations incorporating at least three generations of the system. Its
B. Includes deceased family purpose is to help the members of the system see their context
in visual form, so that pivotal moments and notable patterns
can be acknowledged and recorded (Kerr & Bowen, 1988).It
C. Depicts family functioning is a graphic representation of a family tree that displays
D. All of the above detailed data on relationships among individuals. It goes
beyond a traditional family tree by allowing the user to
analyze hereditary patterns and psychological factors that
punctuate relationships.
80. True about family assessment A. Should be done for Comprehensive family assessment is the ongoing
conscious patients and omitted practice of informing decision-making by identifying,
in comatose ones considering, and weighing factors that impact children,
B. All forms of assessment youth, and their families.
tools should be used
C. Interviewing one family
member is adequate
D. None of the above
81. Pacheco, Diadem Anne G. A. Family APGAR Family APGAR (Adaptability, Partnership, Growth,
B. Family Genogram Affection, and Resolve) - a tool that measures important
Family assessment tool to determine family C. SCREEM elements of a family system that can be helpful in
D. None of the above
anatomy. assessing a family’s resources and functionality in
responding to challenges in their lives.

Family Genogram (Family Anatomy) - Essential tool

to recall information about family member’s names,
relationships, and overall structure.

SCREEM Family Resources Survey (Social,

Cultural, Religious, Economic, Educational and

# Question Choices Rationale/ Reference
Medical) - assess family's capacity to participate in the
provision of health care or to cope with crisis.

82. Family assessment tool used in A. Family life cycle family life cycle purpose is to identify developmental
B. Family genogram tasks and changes common to various stages in the life
assessment of family development
C. SCREEM of family
D. Nota
83. Palomero, Ruel Ross

84. True about the illness trajectory A. It is the pathologic process Illness trajectories can provide a framework for
of coping with illness addressing patient and family expectations of what
B. Knowledge of the will happen with regards to their anticipated
trajectory allows the health.
physician to predict and
anticipate family response to
C. It is the normal course of trajectories-description-and-clinical-use/
the psychosocial aspect of q
D. B and C
85. 5 stages of Family Illness Trajectory A. Recovery phase Stage 1: Onset of Illness to Diagnosis
except: B. Onset of exposure Stage 2: Reaction To Diagnosis
C. Termination phase Stage 3: Major Therapeutic Efforts
Stage 4: Recovery Phase or Early Adjustment to
D. Therapeutic phase
Stage 5: Adjustment to Permanency of Outcome
Quizlet (

86. What stage in the illness trajectory A. Onset of illness

experienced by the patient and family B. Impact phase
members prior to contact with medical care C. Major therapeutic efforts
providers? D. Early adjustment to
outcomes source: Topnotch Prevmed Genesis
87. A family cycle where parents and A. Launching family Launching family - this stage begins when the first
grandparents experience crisis as well B. Family in later years child leaves home
C. Family with young children Family with young children - stage in the family cycle
D. Family with adolescents which starts with pregnancy of the first child to the
emergence of adolescents.
Family with adolescents - this stage starts when the first
child reaches adolescent stage.

source: Topnotch Genesis Prev med and public health

flashcards handout
88. All are true regarding health economics, A. The distribution and A. The distribution and consumption of health
except consumption of consumers depend on income and prices. Access to
health consumers health care depends upon prices of services and
depend on income income or the capacity to buy of the consumer or
and prices. users.
B. If the demand is B. If the demand is low, the supply will be high. If
low, the supply will the demand is low, the supply should be low.
be high. C. Healthcare is a commodity and patients are
C. Healthcare is a consumers. Health and health care services are
commodity and considered as a commodity, each service comes
with a price. Patients are consumers.

# Question Choices Rationale/ Reference
patients are D. If price is higher than demand, the prices will be
consumers. lowered to incite more demand. Since health is a
D. If price is higher than commodity it goes with different rules followed in
demand, the prices economics. One of these is the law of supply and
will be lowered to demand. If price is higher than demand, the prices
incite more demand. will be lowered to generate more demand.

89. To measure satisfaction of male consumer
on the service of lazda, which of the ff is A. T Square
used B. Chi Square
C. Fischer
90. Which disease is correctly paired with A. Water borne: Typhoons and heavy rains may cause flooding which,
water transmission? leptospirosis in turn, can potentially increase the transmission of
B. Water based: scabies water-borne diseases, or diseases transmitted through
C. Water washed: dengue water contaminated with human or animal waste. These
D. Water related: malaria include typhoid fever, cholera, leptospirosis, and
hepatitis A.
91. What component of Family Health Care A. Diagnostic Rationale:
Plan is immunization and Nutrition B. Preventative Diagnostic- includes various labs and ancillary
Education? C. Curative procedures in the management of the px and their fam
D. Rehabilitative members.
Preventative-includes health promotion and
maintenance for each fam members
Curative- includes pharmacologic and non-
pharmacologic management of the px illness as well as
that of their fam.
Rehabilitative- this includes the various exercises and
rehabilitation measures
(the Filipino Physician of today by Maglonzo)

92. A TB isolate was found to be resistant to A.Mild

both Ethambutol and Pyrazinamide. What B. Poly resistant
is the classification of TB according to drug C. Extensively resistant
D. Multidrug resistant

# Question Choices Rationale/ Reference
93. Letting clinical clerks go on duty for 12 A. Administrative
hours only to avoid COVID exposure is B. Elimination
what type of hazard control? C. Engineering
D. Substitution

A. Administrative - Administrative controls

establish work practices that reduce the
duration, frequency, or intensity of
exposure to hazards. This may include: work
process training, job rotation, ensuring
adequate rest breaks, limiting access to
hazardous areas or machinery, adjusting line
B. Elimination - Elimination removes the hazard
at the source. This could include changing the
work process to stop using a toxic chemical,
heavy object, or sharp tool. It is the preferred
solution to protect workers because no
exposure can occur.
C. Engineering - Engineering controls reduce or
prevent hazards from coming into contact with
workers. Engineering controls can include
modifying equipment or the workspace, using
protective barriers, ventilation, and more.
D. Substitution - Substitution is using a safer
alternative to the source of the hazard. An
example is using plant-based printing inks as a
substitute for solvent-based inks.

94. Corazon went for a pre employment A. Class A
Laboratory exam. The results was good, but B. Class B
upon PE, she has mild hearing impairment. C. Class C
D. Class D
what is her classification as a patient?

ASA (American Society of Anesthesiologists)

grade of physical status

# Question Choices Rationale/ Reference
95. Level of involvement when the physician A. level 1
calls for a family conference to discuss B. level 2
possible treatment options for the patient? C. level 3
D. level 4

96. Ana, an accountant, was exposed to an A. No because she was

officemate who was positive to COVID. asymptomatic
If you had no symptoms, Day 0 is the day you were
She tested positive on RAT. At least how B. 10 days from time of
exposure tested (not the day you received your positive test
many days is the recommended isolation
C. 10 days from RAT result). Day 1 is the first full day following the day you
period? positive
were tested. If you develop symptoms within 10 days of
D. 10 days from when she will
develop symptoms when you were tested, the clock restarts at day 0 on the
day of symptom onset.

97. The hospital appointed a nurse to monitor A. Action

duration of antibiotic treatment. What is the B. Leadership
core of AMS? C. Performance
D. Surveillance of
antibiotic use and
98. The mandatory food fortification requires A. Rice Rice - iron;
all of the following to contain vitamin A, B. Wheat flour Wheat flour - vitamin A and iron; Cooking oil and
except: C. Refined sugar refined sugar - vitamin A
D. Cookin oil
99. A fully immunized child is .. 3doses of A. HEPA B A Fully Immunized Child is
pentavax. 3 doses of Opv 1 dose of BCG B. Influenza defined as an infant who received
and 1 dose of C. Measles the following:
D. Varicella 1 dose of BCG
3 doses of Pentavax
3 doses of OPV
1 dose of Measles

Topnotch Preventive Medicine Flashcards 2022-2023

100. Mario was diagnosed to have TB 4 months A. Neww
ago and took his medications for only 2
weeks. He presented to your clinic for

# Question Choices Rationale/ Reference
treatment. How would classify him? B. Patients with
unknown previous
TB treatment ihistory
C. Retreatment
D. Treatment after lost
to follow-up
101. Which factor in disease causation is A. Predisposing factors Predisposing factors are the factors which create a
involved with the immediate reaction to the B. Enabling factors state of susceptibility, making the host vulnerable to the
disease entity C. Precipitating factors agent. These are age, sex and previous illnesses.
D. Risk factors Enabling factors are those which assist in the
development of (or in recovery from) the disease; e.g.
housing conditions, socio-economic status.
Precipitating factors are those which are associated
with immediate exposure to the disease agent or onset
of disease, e.g. drinking contaminated water, close
contact with a case of pulmonary TB.
Reinforcing factors are those which aggravate an
already existing disease, e.g. malnutrition, repeated
Risk factors are the conditions, quality or attributes,
the presence of which increases the chances of an
individual to have, develop or be adversely affected by
a disease process. The risk factor need not necessarily
cause the disease but does increase the probability that
the person exposed to the factor may get the disease
102. The goal of secondary prevention of a A. Disability
disease is to decrease B. Emergence of risk factors
C. Incidence
D. Prevalence

Topnotch Prevmed Flashcard 2022, p.8

103. Tinsay,
2 Carl Francis R. A. Case studies
Which among the informationi s the most B. Journals 59/
reliable? C. Randomized controlled
D. Systematic review

105. Bawang (Allium sativum) is a recognized A. Anti-diabetes

Philippine herbal medical plantto the use of B. Asthma
which of the following condition C. Lowers cholesterol levels
D. Urolithiasis
106. Quantity of colliform/100ml water needed A. <50B.
standard water treatment B. 50- 5000
C. 500- 50000
D. . >50 000

# Question Choices Rationale/ Reference

108. What specialized care for people with A. Bereavement

serious illness focuses on providing relief B. Curative
from the symptoms? C. Hospice
D. Palliative

Topnotch Prevmed Flashcard 2022, p.8

109. Long term follows up with patients A. After confirmation of
confirmed positive for newborn errors of suspected disorder and The Newborn Screening Center – NIH, being the first
metabolism begins initiation of treatment Department of Health (DOH) accredited Newborn
B. At birth Screening Center in the country, screens for 29+
C. Right after the newborn metabolic and other congenital disorders to prevent
screening has been mental retardation and death. The center not only
performed functions as a screening laboratory but also has a
D. Right after the signs and Follow Up Section responsible for short term recall and
symptoms appear follow up of positive screened cases until confirmation
and management of the disorders. Soon as confirmed,
the center endorses the cases to the Continuity
Clinics for long term follow up care. Currently, NSC-
NIH receives samples from all birthing facilities in the
National Capital Region (NCR), Region IV-B
(MIMAROPA) and Region V (BICOL). Beginning
January 2019, ENBS is included in the Newborn Care
Package of PhilHealth

110. The following mortality and morbidity rates A. Cerebrovascular diseases Top 10 global causes of death
are least likely exacerbated by elements B. Cancer
within the built environment C. Injuries 1. Ischaemic heart disease
D. Diabetes Mellitus 2. Stroke
3. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
4. Lower respiratory infections
5. Neonatal conditions
6. Trachea, bronchus, lung cancers
7. Alzheimer disease and other dementias
8. Diarrhoeal diseases
9. Diabetes mellitus
10. Kidney diseases
Mortality and global health estimates (

Format: Arial, 10, single space,

|Batch 2022

Multiple Choice

The MHO gathered only new cases of COVID in the

municipality of Tigbuan. What ratio will he/she

A. Prevalence
B. Incidence

C. Prevalence and incidence


Rationale: )

There is a persistent problem of dengue among school Rationale:

aged children in the municipality of Miagao. You are an
intern rotating in the RHU and the Mayor heard you are A. A decision matrix evaluates and prioritizes a list
well versed in epidemiology. He tasked you to make a of options and is decision-making tool. and a
report for the DOH. The following are needed, except. situational analysis refers to collection of
A. Situational Analysis and Decision Matrix of methods that managers use to analyze an
Problems organization.
B. Problem Tree and Solution Tree B. A problem-solution tree provides an overview of
C. Logical Framework all the known causes and effects of an identified
D. SWOT Analysis problem.
C. A logical framework is a methodology that is
used for designing, monitoring, and evaluating
developments of a certain project.
D. SWOT analysis is a strategic planning and
strategic management technique used to help an
organization identify strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats related to the project.

Case Fatality Rate is best defined as? Rationale: case fatality rate, also called case fatality risk
A. a measure of the morbidity of the condition or case fatality ratio, in epidemiology, the proportion of
B. proportion of individuals with a particular people who die from a specified disease among all
condition (cases) who die of that condition individuals diagnosed with the disease over a certain
C. proportion of cases over the population not period of time. Case fatality rate typically is used as a
affected measure of disease severity and is often used for prognosis
D. a measure of the severity of the condition (predicting disease course or outcome), where
3 comparatively high rates are indicative of relatively poor
outcomes. It also can be used to evaluate the effect of new
treatments, with measures decreasing as treatments
improve. Case fatality rates are not constant; they can
vary between populations and over time, depending on
the interplay between the causative agent of disease, the
host, and the environment as well as available treatments
and quality of patient care.
|Batch 2022

A special Proportionate Mortality Index is the Rationale:

Swaroops index. It is computed as?
A. numerator is the total number of deaths
B. denominator is the number of deaths among
those 50 years and older
4 C. numerator is the number of deaths among
those 50 years and older
D. It is not used as an indicator of standards of
health care

You wanted to study on the development of PTB Rationale:

exposure among nursing students of Iloilo City.
Enrolment began from 1st year level and data was A. case control - observational because no
analyzed during the internship. What type of study is intervention is attempted and no attempt is
this? made to alter the course of the disease.
A. case control B. prospective cohort - longitudinal cohort study
B. prospective cohort that follows over time a group of similar
C. retrospective cohort individuals (cohorts) who differ with respect to
D. cross-sectional certain factors under study, to determine how
these factors affect rates of a certain outcome.
C. retrospective cohort - are also 'longitudinal,'
because they examine health outcomes over a
5 span of time. The distinction is that in
retrospective cohort studies some or all of the
cases of disease have already occurred before the
investigators initiate the study. In contrast,
exposure information is collected at the
beginning of prospective cohort studies before
any subjects have developed any of the outcomes
or interest, and the 'at risk' period begins after
baseline exposure data is collected and extends
into the future.
D. cross-sectional - involves looking at data from a
population at one specific point in time. The
participants in this type of study are selected
based on particular variables of interest.

A 4th year pediatric resident wants to determine the Rationale:

effectiveness of madre de cacao aqueous extract to
head lice. Chosen population is grade 6 students in case control - observational because no intervention is
selected public schools of Iloilo City duly enrolled for attempted and no attempt is made to alter the course of
that particular academic year. What is the best study the disease.
A. Case control cohort - a type of longitudinal study—an approach that
B. Cohort follows research participants over a period of time (often
C. experimental many years). Specifically, cohort studies recruit and follow
D. Cross-sectional participants who share a common characteristic, such as
a particular occupation or demographic similarity.

experimental - study that strictly adheres to a

scientific research design. It includes a hypothesis, a
variable that can be manipulated by the
researcher, and variables that can be measured,
calculated and compared. Most importantly,
|Batch 2022

experimental research is completed in a controlled

environment. The researcher collects data and
results will either support or reject the hypothesis. This
method of research is referred to as hypothesis testing or
a deductive research method.

cross-sectional - involves looking at data from a

population at one specific point in time. The participants
in this type of study are selected based on particular
variables of interest.

Subjects selected on the basis of whether they do or do Rationale:

not have a particular disease under study?
A. Case control case control - observational because no intervention is
B. Cohort attempted and no attempt is made to alter the course of
the disease.
C. clinical trials
clinical trials - type of research that studies new tests and
D. cross-sectional
treatments and evaluates their effects on human health

7 cohort - a type of longitudinal study—an approach that

follows research participants over a period of time (often
many years). Specifically, cohort studies recruit and follow
participants who share a common characteristic, such as
a particular occupation or demographic similarity.

cross-sectional - involves looking at data from a

population at one specific point in time. The participants
in this type of study are selected based on particular
variables of interest.

The occurrence and rapid spread in a community or Rationale:

region of cases of an illness, specific health-related
behaviour, or other health-related events clearly in endemic - a disease outbreak that is consistently present
excess of normal expectancy? but limited to a particular region
A. endemic
B. epidemic epidemic is a disease that affects a large number of people
8 C. hyperendemic within a community, population, or region.
D. pandemic
hyperendemic - persistent, high levels of disease
occurrence. Occasionally, the amount of disease in a
community rises above the expected level

pandemic - an epidemic that’s spread over multiple

countries or continents.

This theoretical model explains the relationship of Rationale:

various biological and social factors such as increase in
the virulence and mutation of certain coronaviruses REED-FROST - Mathematical model of infectious disease
that lead to epidemics of SARS or MERS.? transmission and herd immunity. The model gives the
9 A. Reed -Frost Model number of new cases of an infection that can be expected
B. Covid 19 hub model in a specified time in a closed, freely mixing population of
C. Multiple web of causation immune and susceptible people, with varying assumptions
D. Natural experiments about frequency of contact.
|Batch 2022

When a researcher is using a well defined hypothesis as Rationale:

a basis for detailed investigation of a certain disease, ecological fallacy, also called ecological inference fallacy,
he/she is applying the concept of ecological? in epidemiology, failure in reasoning that arises when an
A. fallacy inference is made about an individual based on aggregate
B. correlation data for a group
C. convenience An ecological correlation is a correlation between the
D. observation group means of two variables. If the individual level
variable is positively intra-class correlated, it has variation
in group means. Thus, there may be correlation between
the group means, or ecological correlation, between two
10 intra-class correlated variables.
Observation is the act of carefully watching something
over time. Observation may be part of short-term or long-
term studies. Long-term studies are important because
many environmental changes happen slowly over time.
Observation can involve directly watching populations of
organisms. It can also involve indirectly observing
populations by tracing signs of the organism’s presence,
such as tracks.

A group of 2nd year medical students will have Rationale:

Community medicine epidemiology. They will be
tasked to interview families and collect secondary genogram - a diagram illustrating a person's family
data. They are going to determine * members, how they are related, and their medical history.
A. genogram The genogram allows the patient to see hereditary
B. community diagnosis patterns of behavior and medical and psychological
C. Family APGAR factors that run through families.
D. strategic planning
community diagnosis - identification and quantification of
health problems in a community as a whole in terms of
mortality and morbidity rates and ratios, and
identification of their correlates for the purpose of
11 defining those at risk or those in need of health care

family APGAR - The acronym APGAR has been applied to

the functional components of Adaptability, Partnership,
Growth, Affection, and Resolve.

strategic planning - an organizational management

activity that is used to set priorities, focus energy and
resources, strengthen operations, ensure that employees
and other stakeholders are working toward common
goals, establish agreement around intended
outcomes/results, and assess and adjust the
organization’s direction in response to a changing

The 4th year medical students have been given an Rationale:

assignment to determine the efficacy of DOH’s school Observation:
based immunization program in Sta. Barbara public the action or process of closely observing or monitoring
elementary school. They are going to? something or someone: she was brought into hospital for
A. evaluate observation, or the ability to notice things, especially
B. monitor significant details: his powers of observation a statement
C. develop based on something one has seen, heard, or noticed
D. observe
|Batch 2022

the making of a judgment about the amount, number, or
value of something; assessment:

As one can see, an observation is what we experience

directly with our senses. What we hear, smell, touch and
taste. An observation contains “just the facts”; the act of
evaluating engages our mind in interpreting what we are
observing and produces a judgement. Observation is
objective; evaluation is subjective.

In this epidemiologic model, the environment is Rationale:

designated as the fulcrum?
A. triad
B. hub
C. lever
D. multiple causation

You would like to establish the magnitude of the Rationale: One way to measure malnutrition is to study
malnutrition problem in the community. The following nutrition-related outcomes, such as growth restriction,
is an indirect index? weight loss, and the occurrence of deficiency-related
A. History disorders. Common indicators recommended by the WHO
B. Physical examination include anthropometric measurements, biochemical
C. anthropometric measurement indicators, and clinical signs of malnutrition.
D. infant mortality rate Less commonly, the aortic valve can
be involved; tricuspid valve
14 involvement is rare, but reported.
Mitral valve is the most commonly
affected valve.
Nutritional assessment can be done using the ABCD
methods. These refer to the following:
● Anthropometry
● Biochemical/biophysical
● Clinical methods
● Dietary methods.
To compute for the Death rate due to Corona virus,
what information is NOT needed? Rationale:
A. Total number of deaths
15 B. Number of deaths due to COVID
C. Midyear population
D. Total number of positive COVID patients

Ultimate goals of epidemiology is Rationale: The goal of epidemiology is to establish causal factors for health
A. Determine the population at risk and disease issues in order to improve the health and safety of entire populations.
16 prevention
B. Prevention of disease and Maintenance of
|Batch 2022

C. To study the distribution of diseases and its

D. Treatment, Control and Rehabilitation of

To determine the stress level among parents with Rationale: Explanation (Source: Book name, Edition, page
elementary students enrolled during the pandemic number)Cross-sectional designs are used for population-
school year 2020-2021. A questionnaire will be based surveys and to assess the prevalence of diseases in
distributed. What type of study will best suit this clinic-based samples. The participants in a cross-sectional
objective? study are just selected based on the inclusion and
A. Cross-Sectional exclusion criteria set for the study
Cohort- participants selected based on the exposure
B. Cohort status.
17 Case-control - participants selected based on the outcome
C. Case-control
D. Experimental

Your FCM group chose to work with youth ages 15-24 Rationale: radio drama is the best answer. Urban poor
in a urban poor area of Iloilo City regarding ill effects of area does not all have access to internet .
smoking. Which of the following educational strategies
would be most effective for them? *
A. an hour lecture with a famous doctor
B. Radio drama

C. Entereducation with Dingdong Dantes

D. Tiktok, Youtube, or Twitch

All are true statements regarding strategic planning Rationale: Explanation (Source: Book name, Edition, page
except * number)
A. it is a disciplined effort in developing decision
making guidelines

B. Requires information gathering and strategic

19 alternatives

C. it is a strategy for direction

D. focuses mainly on line budget and timeline

All are potential cofounders in medical researches. Rationale: Two variables (e.g., age and gender) were
which is the most common? * considered potential confounding variables, because
20 A. age both were known risk factors for the outcome of
B. sex interest. Age is more common than gender.
C. religion
|Batch 2022

D. occupation

Which is not a strength of Community Based Health Rationale: strength of CBHP

Program? First, because the intervention is implemented population-
A. It is inclusive of population wide intervention wide. It is inclusive and not dependent on access to the
health care system.
B. Strategies are directed directly to the Second, by directing strategies at an entire population an
community intervention can reach individuals at all levels of risk.
21 Third, some lifestyle and behavioral risk factors are shaped
C. Intervention is not dependent on access to
by conditions not under an individual’s control
health care system

D. Interventions can reach individuals in selected

levels of risk

A 70 year old female is a stage 4 pancreatic cancer Rationale: the patient is the most credible source of
patient who is suffering from severe back pain which information
limits her activities of daily living. The pain was scored
as 7 to 8 at its worst and most of the time it is 5 to 6.
She is conscious, coherent and conversant. She is being
taken cared of by her eldest son and a nurse. She was
referred for palliative care. When assessing the
patients symptoms, who is the most credible source of
information? *
A. Caregiver

B. Patient

C. Son

D. Other members of the household

All are side effects of opiod use. Which is the most Rationale: Explanation (Source: Book name, Edition, page
common? * number)
A. Nausea and Vomiting

23 B. Constipation

C. Respiratory depression

D. Drowsiness

Which of the following statement is least likely the

function of the Basic Emergency Obstetrical Care Rationale: Explanation (Source: Book name, Edition, page
( BEMOC ) facility? * number)
A. Administer the initial loading dose of parenteral
B. Perform removal of retained placenta
C. Administer initial loading dose of parenteral
D. Do Cesarean Section
|Batch 2022

All are side effects of opioid use. Which is the most Rationale: The most common side effects of opioid usage
common?? are constipation (which has a very high incidence) and
a. Nausea and vomiting nausea.
25 b. Constipation
c. Respiratory depression
d. Drowsiness

Which is not a family assessment tool used in family Rationale: It should be SCREEM-RES. The brief 15 item
medicine? SCREEM-RES provides a measure of general family
A. SCREAM resources. It also includes 6 two-item subscales,
26 B. APGAR representing the 6 domains of the original SCREEM
C. Family Map Method of Analysis: Social, Cultural, Religious, Economic,
D. Genogram Educational and Medical.

ML 55 year old diagnosed to have paucibacillary Rationale: The WHO recommended that paucibacillary
leprosy. ML was given rifampicin and dapson in the leprosy in adults be treated with 100 mg of dapsone daily
health center on the first day of the month. What is the and 600 mg of rifampin monthly (supervised) for 6
take home medicine for the succeeding days of the months. (Harrison’s Principle of Internal Medicine 20th
month? ed.)
A. Dapson
B. Clofazimine
C. Rifampicin
D. Pyrazinamide

The following conditions exacerbate least likely during Rationale: Measles is the most contagious disease known
measles infection? to humans. Causes loss of vitamin A, frequently acute
A. Malnutrition vitamin A deficiency and blindness. May ultimately be
B. TB responsible for more child deaths than any other single
C. Allergic Rhinitis microbe - due to complications from pneumonia,
28 D. Vit. A deficiency diarrhoea and malnutrition. Common infectious
complications include otitis media, interstitial
s, & exacerbation of tuberculosis.

Rationale: Rubella is Commonly a mild acute febrile
This is also called as three - day measles: disease frequently demonstrating an erythematous
A. Rubella maculopapular rash and few constitutional symptoms,
B. Rubeola which may include low-grade fever, headache, malaise,
C. Roseola Infantum mild coryza, and conjunctivitis. Symptoms are often
D. Erythema Infectiosum minimal; 25-50% of cases may be sub-clinical or in-
apparent. Post-auricular, sub-occipital, or post cervical
lymphadenopathy is common. Transient polyarthralgia
and polyarthritis occasionally occur in children and are
common in adolescents and adults, especially females.
Prodrome may or may not be present. Encephalitis and
thrombocytopenia are rare. Principal concern is
congenital rubella syndrome if disease occurs during
|Batch 2022

Which of the following vaccines is not included in the Rationale: Presidential Proclamation No. 6, implementing
Expanded Program on Immunization? the Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI), in response
A. Hepatitis B to the United Nations goal of universal child immunization
B. Varicella by 1990. ). Vaccines included were tuberculosis,
C. DPT poliomyelitis, diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, and
D. MMR measles. Hepatitis B was the seventh VPD included in
1992. In the last decade alone, the DOH expanded
significantly to target more age groups and add new
vaccines. Noteworthy are the addition of the second dose
of measles vaccine in 2010 and inclusion pneumococcal
conjugate vaccine (PCV) in 2013 and, most recently, the
Japanese encephalitis vaccine for endemic areas in 2019.


What are the vaccines included in the School-based Rationale: The School-Based Immunization (SBI) Program
immunization Program? is implemented through the nationwide provision of
A. MMR, Td, HPV Measles Rubella (MR) and Tetanus Diphtheria (Td)
B. MR, Td, HPV vaccines to all Grade 1 and 7 learners and Human
C. MR, Td Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine to all female Grade 4
D. MMR, Td learners aged 9-13 years old.


The following is least likely a contraindication to Rationale: The rubella vaccine is a vaccine used to prevent
Rubella vaccine? rubella. Rubella, also known as German measles, is an
A. High Dose Steroids acute, self-limiting, contagious viral infection seen most
B. Immunodeficiency often in children and adolescents infected with the rubella
C. Pregnancy virus.
D. Rhinitis

● Previous severe allergic reaction (e.g.,
anaphylaxis) after a dose of MMR or to a vaccine
component (i.e., neomycin, gelatin)
● Pregnancy or attempting to become pregnant:
Women should receive counsel to avoid
becoming pregnant 28 days after receiving MMR
because of the theoretical risk of congenital
rubella syndrome. Pregnant women without
immunity to rubella should receive a dose of
MMR postpartum.
● Immunodeficiency: Individuals with
immunodeficiency are at risk for severe
complications following immunization with live
attenuated virus vaccines (e.g., encephalitis,
|Batch 2022

pneumonitis). Immune deficiencies that are

contraindications to MMR include:
○ Primary acquired immunodeficiency
(e.g., cellular immunodeficiency,
hypogammaglobulinemia, HIV
○ Malignant neoplasms such as leukemia
and lymphoma that affect the bone
marrow or lymphatic system
○ Immunosuppressive therapy. MMR
should be avoided in patients receiving
systemic immunosuppressive therapy
just as high-dose corticosteroid therapy.


Operational definitions in research is important in Rationale: An essential component of an operational

order to: definition is measurement. A simple and accurate
A. Conform to the requirement of statistical definition of measurement is the assignment of numbers
analysis to a variable in which we are interested. These numbers
B. Increase the probability that experiments will will provide the raw material for our statistical analysis.
33 succeed An operational definition, then, makes the concept
C. Make terms used in a study as explicit as observable by stating what the scientist does to measure
D. Make research more easily understood by

Which of the following components of a research Rationale: Introduction: The introduction provides the
proposal can you find the identification , explanation readers with the background information. Its purpose is to
and justification of the research problem? establish a framework for the research, so that readers
A. Discussion can understand how it relates to other research.4 It should
B. Introduction answer the question of why the research needs to be done
C. Methodology and what will be its relevance. It puts the proposal in
D. Statistical Analysis context.

What sampling technique is recommended if you want Rationale:

to include specific subgroups in your study? Simple random sampling: In this case each individual is
A. Systematic sampling chosen entirely by chance and each member of the
B. Convenience sampling population has an equal chance, or probability, of being
C. Cluster sampling selected. One way of obtaining a random sample is to give
D. Stratified sampling each individual in a population a number, and then use a
table of random numbers to decide which individuals to
Systematic sampling: Individuals are selected at regular
intervals from the sampling frame. The intervals are
chosen to ensure an adequate sample size. If you need a
sample size n from a population of size x, you should select
every x/nth individual for the sample. For example, if you
wanted a sample size of 100 from a population of 1000,
select every 1000/100 = 10th member of the sampling
Stratified sampling: In this method, the population is first
divided into subgroups (or strata) who all share a similar
characteristic. It is used when we might reasonably expect
|Batch 2022

the measurement of interest to vary between the different

subgroups, and we want to ensure representation from all
the subgroups.
Clustered sampling: In a clustered sample, subgroups of
the population are used as the sampling unit, rather than
individuals. The population is divided into subgroups,
known as clusters, which are randomly selected to be
included in the study. Clusters are usually already defined,
for example individual GP practices or towns could be
identified as clusters.


What statistical test is used when the means of a Rationale: The specific test considered here is called
continuous variable are being compared in 3 or more analysis of variance (ANOVA) and is a test of hypothesis
groups? that is appropriate to compare means of a continuous
A. Paired t-test variable in two or more independent comparison groups.
36 B. Anova (Source:
C. Independent t- test modules/bs/bs704_hypothesistesting-
D. Correlation Coefficient anova/bs704_hypothesistesting-

What graphical representation is most appropriate to Rationale: Histogram: In statistics, a histogram is a

show frequency distribution of a continuous variable? graphical representation of the distribution of data. It is
A. Bar graph an estimate of the probability distribution of a continuous
B. Histogram variable or can be used to plot the frequency of an event
C. Scatterplot diagram (number of times an event occurs) in an experiment or
D. Line Diagram study.

Which of the following graphical representations shows Rationale: Line graphs illustrate how related data changes
trend or changes in time or age? over a specific period of time. One axis might display a
A. Bar Graph value, while the other axis shows the timeline. Line graphs
38 B. Histrogram are useful for illustrating trends such as temperature
C. Scatterplot diaggram changes during certain dates.
D. Line Diagram (Source:

Which of the following biostatistical concepts is best Rationale:(

described as the number of cases of the disease at any on3/section2.html)
moment in time? ● INCIDENCE: Refers to the occurrence of new
A. Incidence cases of disease or injury in a population over a
B. Prevalence specified period of time.
C. Proportion ● PREVALENCE: The proportion of persons in a
D. Frequency population who have a particular disease or
attribute at a specified point in time or over a
specified period of time. Prevalence differs from
incidence in that prevalence includes all cases,
both new and pre existing, in the population at
the specified time, whereas incidence is limited to
new cases only.
|Batch 2022

● PROPORTION: Refers to the fraction of the total

that possesses a certain attribute.
● FREQUENCY: The number of times the
observation occurred/recorded in an experiment
or study.

A woman asks you: If I have breast cancer, what is the Rationale:

chance that a screening mammogram will detect it? ● SPECIFICITY: Correctly identifying people who do
Which of the following test characteristics do you not have a condition
discuss with her? ● PPV: The probability that subjects with a positive
40 A. Specificity screening test truly have the disease
B. Positive Predictive Value ● SENSITIVITY: Reflects a test’s ability to correctly
C. Sensitivity identify all people who have a condition
D. Negative Predictive Value ● NPV: The probability that subjects with a
negative screening test truly don't have the

Contraindications to oral contraceptive pills: Rationale: (Williams Gynecology 3rd Ed., Page 119)
A. History of thromboembolic disease
B. Bronchial asthma
C. Postpartum women
D. Menorrhagia


Which of the following rates must be increased to Rationale:

improve the general health status of the population? ● CASE FATALITY RATE: Measures killing power of
A. Case Fatality Rate the disease; High CFR means a more fatal disease
B. General Fertility Rate ● GENERAL FERTILITY RATE: Relates to the
C. Total Fertility segment of population which is actually capable
D. Life Expectancy of giving birth
42 ● TOTAL FERTILITY: Standardized index for overall
fertility level; Represents the average number
that would be born to a woman throughout her
● LIFE EXPECTANCY: Life expectancy is based on an
estimate of the average age that members of a
particular population group will be when they die

Which of the following diseases is least likely included Rationale:

in the public health elimination program of the DOH? ● Filariasis Elimination Program
A. Filariasis ● Leprosy Control Program/National Leprosy
B. Leprosy Control Program
C. Malaria ● Malaria Control and Elimination Program
D. Tuberculosis ● National TB Tuberculosis Control Program
○ The program aims to reduce morbidity
and mortality from tuberculosis by
scaling-up and sustaining coverage of
|Batch 2022

DOTS implementation, ensuring

provision of quality TB Services and
reducing out-of-pocket expenses related
to TB care.

Which of the following health promotion activities of Rationale: The current HL campaign aims to reduce three
the DOH on Healthy Lifestyle is least likely included? risk factors—smoking, obesity and sedentary lifestyle—
A. Healthy diet through tobacco control, promotion of physical activities,
B. Physical activity and fitness and weight control programs. The campaign’s primary
C. Water sanitation strategy is the development and dissemination of key
44 D. Mental health messages such as “Don’t Smoke,” “Eat Right,” and
“Manage Stress.” (Vol2Issue1August2008.pdf)

Which of the following government agencies is least Rationale:

likely attached to the Department of Health (
A. Population Commission
B. Philippine National Aids Council
C. Philippine Institute for Traditional and
Alternative Health Care
D. Philippine Statistical Office


Permissible noise exposure in an eight hour shift is how Rationale: (FCM III Trans 2.4: PPE)
46 many decibels (dba)?
A. 90
B. 95
|Batch 2022

C. 97
D. 100

Physical factor that acts on man by transmission of Rationale: VIBRATION - It is a physical factor which affects
mechanical energy from source of oscillation? man by transmission of mechanical energy from
A. Noise oscillating sources. (FCM III Trans 2.2: Occupational
47 B. Vibration Health Hazards)
C. Illumination
D. Temperature

Which of the following workers is not closely Rationale: Jobs That May Have Lead Exposure:
associated with occupational exposure to lead? ● Artists (materials used may contain lead)
A. Coal Miners ● Auto repairers (car parts may contain lead)
B. Battery Makers ● Battery manufacturers (batteries contain lead)
C. Gasoline Station Attendants ● Bridge reconstruction workers (old paint may
D. Producers of Crystal Glass contain lead)
● Construction workers (materials used may
include lead)
● Firing range instructors and gunsmiths
(ammunition contains lead)
● Glass manufacturers (lead may be used in glass
● Lead manufacturers
● Lead miners
● Lead refiners
● Lead smelters
● Manufacturers of bullets, ceramics, and
electrical components (all contain lead)
● Painters (old paint and commercial paint may
contain lead)
● Plastic manufacturers (materials made may
contain lead)
● Plumbers and pipe fitters (pipes may contain
● Police officers (ammunition contains lead)
● Radiator repairers (radiators may contain lead)
● Recyclers of metal, electronics, and batteries
(may contain lead)
● Rubber product manufacturers (process contains
● Shipbuilders (materials used may include lead)
● Solid waste incinerator operators (waste may
contain lead)
|Batch 2022

● Steel welder (galvanized steel is coated in part

with lead)


Which of the following vaccines is strongly Rationale:(

recommended for Filipino Health Care Workers (2012)? content/uploads/2017/05/2012-Health-Care-Workers-
A. Hepatitis B Immunization-Schedule.pdf)
B. Rabies
C. Meningococcal


Maria, a midwife, wanted to be immunized for Rationale:(

Hepatitis B. What tests are needed prior to logicchartv8.pdf
immunization? ● Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) - A protein
A. HAV and Anti-HAV on the surface of hepatitis B virus; it can be
B. HBsAg and Anti-HBs detected in high levels in serum during acute or
C. HBeAg and anti-HBc chronic hepatitis B virus infection. The presence
D. HBsAg and anti-HAV of HBsAg indicates that the person is infectious.
The body normally produces antibodies to
HBsAg as
part of the normal immune response to
infection. HBsAg is the antigen used to make
hepatitis B vaccine.
● Hepatitis B surface antibody (anti-HBs) - The
presence of anti-HBs is generally interpreted as
indicating recovery and immunity from hepatitis
B virus infection. Anti-HBs also develops in a
person who has been successfully vaccinated
against hepatitis B.

Mario, a 55 year old farmer from Leyte complained of Rationale: S. japonicum is more frequently found in the
dysuria and hematuria. If you are suspecting superior mesenteric veins draining the small intestine, and
Schistosomiasis, what species of Schistosoma is the S. mansoni occurs more often in the inferior mesenteric
most likely suspect? veins draining the large intestine. However, both species
A. S. Haematobium can occupy either location and are capable of moving
B. S. Japonicum between sites. S. intercalatum and S. guineensis also
C. S. Intercalatum inhabit the inferior mesenteric plexus but lower in the
D. S. Mansoni bowel than S. mansoni. S. haematobium most often
inhabits the vesicular and pelvic venous plexus of the
bladder, but it can also be found in the rectal venules.
● Pathology of S. haematobium schistosomiasis
includes hematuria, scarring, calcification,
squamous cell carcinoma, and occasional
embolic egg granulomas in the brain or spinal
|Batch 2022


What agency of the Department of Health is Rationale: BFAD serves as DOH's key regulatory agency
responsible to undertake quality control, product and implementer of the country's food control system.
registration and licensing of sales establishment?? Republic Act (RA) 3720, mandates the agency to ensure
A. BFAD safe and good quality processed food, drug and cosmetics
52 and to regulate the production, sale and traffic of the
B. National drug Committee
same to protect the health of the consumer.
D. National Drug Formulary

The parameter that can be used to obtain the best Rationale: The DMFT index is one of the simplest and most
estimate of the prevalence of dental caries? commonly used indices in epidemiologic surveys of dental
A. Calcium index caries. It quantifies dental health status based on the
53 B. Maloclusion index number of carious, missing and filled teeth
C. Decayed, missing or filled rate -
D. Oral hygiene index

Which of the following types of diet may reduce the Rationale: Observational studies suggested that a diet
risk of developing cancer? high in fruits and vegetables, both of which are rich with
A. High Carbohydrate antioxidants, may prevent cancer development
54 B. High protein -
C. High fat
D. Rich in Vitamin C and beta carotene 9/

How would you classify a Community doctor who Rationale: Manager. To carry out all these functions, it will
organizes the Barangay Health Workers activity in the be essential for “five-star doctors” to acquire managerial
control of tuberculosis in the community? skills. This will enable them to initiate exchanges of
A. Health Care Provider information in order to make better decisions, and to
55 B. Educator work within a multidisciplinary team in close association
C. Manager with other partners for health and social development.
D. Social Mobilizer Both old and new methods of dispensing care will have to
be integrated with the totality of health and social
services, whether destined for the individual or for the

Which of the following activities is most cost effective Rationale: Community water fluoridation is recognized
and safe public health measure to prevent dental caries as one of the most cost-effective, equitable, and safe
A. Water Fluouridation measures communities can take to prevent cavities and
56 B. Proper Nutrition improve oral health. That's why it was named 1 of 10
C. Regular Dental Visits great public health achievements of the 20th century
D. Promotion of Regular Brushing -

Siblings have been living with their aunt and Rationale: Extended families consist of several
grandmother since their parents went abroad to work generations of people and can include biological parents
as Nurses. What is the type of family structure? and their children as well as in-laws, grandparents, aunts,
57 A. Nuclear uncles, and cousins.
B. Extended - › topics › social-
C. Single-parent sciences
D. Communal
|Batch 2022

A 42 year old woman, married from Masbate has a 2 Rationale:Family resources are the means that
year history of breast mass . She refused to see a can be used by the family to cope with difficult
doctor , as it would render ineffective treatment being
done to her by the faith healer. Deep in her heart she
situations; these include social, cultural,
has given up hope for cure. For a doctor to understand religious, economic and medical resources
the health beliefs and practices of the family and the -
58 index patient , what tool in family assessment should
be used?
A. Clinical biographies
B. Family Circle
C. Ecomap

Which of the following activities is least likely included Rationale:c\Components of lifestyle medicine
in the promotion of healthy life style: such as nutrition, physical activity, weight
A. Healthy diet and nutrition
59 management, smoking cessation, and so on.
B. Physical activity and fitness
C. Mental Health and less stressful life communincable disease is not included
D. Control of communicable disease - medicine

Which of the following characteristics of the system Rationale: Environmental communication is "the
that provides relevant exchange of information with its dissemination of information and the implementation
environment: of communication practices that are related to the
A. Communication environment.
B. Boundaries
C. Goal Directedness
D. Holistic

Which of the following strategies of the DOH to achieve Rationale: R.A.7883 is The Barangay Health
health goals is best exemplified in the scenario below. Workers' Benefits and Incentives Act of 1995
Barangay health workers ( BHW ) are given allowances
and incentives.
which is an Act granting benefits and incentives
A. Support to local health system development to accredited BHWs for voluntary health
61 services rendered to the community.
B. Support for frontline health workers
C. Development of National standards and
objectives for health
D. Assurance of Health Care

IThe most common cause of Coronary Artery Disease is: Rationale:A buildup of fatty plaques in your
A. Hypertension arteries (atherosclerosis) is the most common
B. Atherosclerosis
cause of coronary artery disease. Unhealthy
62 C. Physical Inactivity
lifestyle habits, such as a poor diet, lack of
D. Smoking
exercise, being overweight and smoking, can
lead to atherosclerosis
- › heart-disease

63 Which of the following risk factors for lifestyle related Rationale:Modifiable risk factors include:
illness is least likely modifiable? smoking high blood pressure diabetes physical
|Batch 2022

A. Physical Activity inactivity being overweight high blood

B. Fat, sugar and Salt Consumption cholesterol
C. Alcoholic intake
D. Heredity

For nos. 64-69. Match the following diseases with the recommended diagnostic tool
A. Pap Smear
B. Alpha Feto Protein
D. BP measurement
Rationale: This measures your blood sugar after an
64 Diabetes Mellitus - C. FBS overnight fast (not eating)

Rationale: The Pap test (or Pap smear) looks for

65 Cervical Cancer - A. Pap Smear precancers, cell changes on the cervix that might become
cervical cancer if they are not treated appropriately.
Rationale: AFP levels may be elevated because of
Hepatoma- B. Alpha Feto Protein production by the tumor or by regenerating hepatocytes.
Rationale: hypertension is blood pressure that is higher
67 than normal
Hypertension- D. BP measurement

Rationale: The PSA test is a blood test used primarily to

68 Prostate Cancer - E. PSA screen for prostate cancer. The test measures the amount
of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in your blood.

69 COVID - F. RT-PCR Rationale: RT-PCR testing remains to be the gold standard for
confirming the presence of SARS-CoV-2

Ms. Reyes is admitted under the service of Dr. Matias Rationale: Explanation (Source: Book name, Edition, page
an internist because of abdominal pain. The impression number)
on her case is Cholelithiasis . Dr. Matias referred the
patient to Dr. Jose a general surgeon. What ethical
principle is applied in the scenario above? *
A. Competence
B. Fidelity
C. Veracity
D. Utilitarianism

Ms. Ann consulted Dr. Cruz because of fever. What part Rationale:
of history would fever be listed? * Chief Complaint - the one or more symptoms or concerns
A. Chief Complaint causing the patient to seek care.
B. History of Present Illness HPI - Amplifies the CC; describes how each symptom
71 C. Past Medical History developed
D. Personal History PMH- Lists childhood and adult illnesses
Personal Hx- Describes educational level, family of origin,
current household, personal interest, lifestyles
(Bates’ Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking)

Elna a 30 year-old housewife consulted Dr. Santos

because of abdominal pain. During consultation: Elna Rationale:
mentioned that the abdominal pain is hunger-like, Quality: What is it like?
72 located in the epigastric area with radiation to the Quantity or severity: How bad is it? (Rate on a scale of 1
back. What parameter is being described? * to 10)
A. Aggravating Factor (Bates’ Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking)
|Batch 2022

B. Alleviating Factor
C. Quantity
D. Quality

The result of the Family Apgar is 8 to 10 points . This Rationale:

means that the family is * 8-10 Highly FUnctional
A. Highly Functional 4-7 Moderately Dysfunctional
B. Moderately Dysfunctional 0-3 Severely Dysfunctional
73 C. Severely Dysfunctional
D. Malfunctional

What part of the prescription contains the direction to Rationale:

the Pharmacist? * Superscription - represented by symbol “Rx”
A. Superscription Subcription - contains direction of the prescriber to the
74 B. Subcription pharmacist
C. Transcription Transcription - or Signatura, is the directions of the to the
D. Inscription patient
Inscription - contains the names and quantities of the
prescribed ingredients

What component of Family Health Care Plan is Rationale:

immunization and Nutrition Education? * Diagnostic- includes various labs and ancillary procedures
A. Diagnostic in the management of the px and their fam members.
B. Preventative Preventative-includes health promotion and maintenance
C. Curative for each fam members
D. Rehabilitative Curative- includes pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic
management of the px illness as well as that of their fam.
Rehabilitative- this includes the various exercises and
rehabilitation measures
(the Filipino Physician of today by Maglonzo)

Letter P in the Family APGAR means: * Rationale:

A. Parenting A- Adaptation
B. Partnership P- Partnership
C. Provision G- Growth
D. Progress A- Affection
R- Resolve

Which of the following is a symptom of the acute Rationale:

neurologic phase of rabies? * sore throat - prodromal

A. sore throat paraplegia - coma

B. paraplegia
spasm of the pharyngeal muscles - acute neurologic
C. spasm of the pharyngeal muscles
D. pulmonary arrest pulmonary arrest - death

HIV infected persons are at the highest risk of having Rationale:

an active TB infection resistant to:
|Batch 2022

A. Isoniazid Extensive drug-resistantT. Is a rare type of MDR tB that is

B. Ethambutol resistant to isoniazid and rifampin, plus any
C. Pyrazinamide fluoroquinolone and at least one of the 3 injectable second
D. Streptomycin line drugs (amikacin, kanamycin or capreomycin). XDR TB
is a special concern for people with HIV infection or ither
conditions that can weaken the immune system.

This is the percentage ( % ) of people with the disease Rationale:

who are not detected by the test. Example Pregnancy
Test kit HCG showed a negative result (-) when in fact,
patient is really pregnant *

A. Sensitivity
79 B. Specificity
C. False Negative
D. False Positive

Which is not a family assessment tool used in family Rationale:

medicine? * It should be SCREEM, and not SCREAM.

C. Family Map
80 D. Genogram

The hallmark of rheumatic carditis is * Rationale:

Leaflet thickening and nodules possibly representing
A. Valvular damage verrucous vegetations were the most frequent
81 B. Leaflet thickening echocardiographic abnormality
C. Calcification (Source: American Heart Association
D. Scarring

Least common valves involved in Rheumatic Heart Rationale:

Fever * Most commonly the mitral valve is affected, resulting in
mitral stenosis or mitral regurgitation. Less commonly, the
A. Mitral and Tricuspid aortic valve can be involved; tricuspid valve involvement
B. Mitral and Aortic is rare, but reported.
C. Aortic and Pulmonic (Source: Medscape)
D. None of the above A and B are no longer correct since mitral valve is the most
commonly affected valve.

This bacteria is lactose fermenting * Rationale:

Lactose fermenters:
A. Escherichia coli (Mnemonic is CEEK)
|Batch 2022

B. Staphyloccocus aureus -Citrobacter

C. Clostridium perfringes -Enterobacter
D. Salmonella -Escherichia

Which can best describe a heath advocate like the Rationale:

IDCM graduate * Helping communities to access proper health care and
A. Helping communities to access proper health educating patients for better healthcare decisions are the
care advocacy of a medicine graduate.
84 B. Empowering people in communities in
healthcare decisions
C. Providing financial aid to the poor communities
D. Using the social media to help identify

The DOH created a program for the senior citizens Rationale:

realizing that * As mandated by Republic Act 9257 (The Expanded Senior
Citizens Act of 2003) and Republic Act 9994 (Expanded
A. Senior citizens need to exercise Senior Citizen Act of 2010), the Healthy and Productive
B. Health issues in relation to aging is real and Ageing program focuses on promoting the health and
increasing wellness of senior citizens and alleviating the conditions of
C. Senior citizens are sources of knowledge and older persons who are encountering degenerative
experience for the community diseases. This program primarily aims to promote quality
D. Aging is a worldwide phenomenon life among older persons and contribute to nation building
through providing equitable access to quality healthcare.

The heart of non-pharmaceutical interventions is a Rationale: Community NPIs are policies and strategies,
measure that limit human interaction apart from pharmaceutical interventions such as
A. Wearing of masks vaccination and medical treatment delivery methods, that
B. Frequent hand washing organizations and communities put into place to help slow
C. Social distancing the spread of illness during an infectious disease outbreak,
D. Cough etiquette such as pandemic flu. Two of the most commonly used
community NPIs include:
● Social distancing: Creating ways to increase
distance between people in settings where
people commonly come into close contact with
one another. Specific priority settings include
schools, workplaces, events, meetings, and
other places where people gather.
● Closures: Temporarily closing child care centers,
schools, places of worship, sporting events,
concerts, festivals, conferences, and other
settings where people gather.


Your team is going to have a health promotion on Rationale: The following establishments and/or activities
nutrition among those with hypertension in the characterized as high-risk for transmission shall not be
community. Which is not an effective strategy in the allowed to operate, or be undertaken in areas classified
87 light of a pandemic? under Alert Level 4 & Alert Level 3:
A. Facebook posts on lifestyle risks ● Face to face or in-person classes for basic
B. Face to face cooking class for mothers education, except those approved by the IATF
C. Youtube videos on exercises and/or the Office of the President;
|Batch 2022

D. Limited audience, social distancing, 30 minute (Source:

workshop for barangay health workers 2021/11nov/20211118-IATF-GUIDELINES-RRD.pdf)

Senior citizens can avail of the following free Rationale: One of the provisions of RA 9994 or the
vaccinations except for Expanded Senior Citizens act of 2010 is for the DOH to
A. Cervical Cancer/Penile Cancer administer free vaccination against the influenza virus and
88 B. Flu pneumococcal diseases for indigent senior citizens.
C. COVID Also, COVID vaccines are free for all filipino (Source:
D. Pneumoococcal

Confinements abroad may be reimbursed by Philhealth Rationale: For reimbursement of claims for benefits
provided that the required documents is submitted to availed abroad, Claim Form 1, together with other
Philheath within _____ calendar days from supporting documents, should be filed within one hundred
date of discharge. eighty (180) calendar days from the date of discharge.
A. 80
B. 100
C. 180
D. 150

Which of the following patients is NOT universally Rationale: It would appear that aspirin decreased
recommended to take aspirin daily for primary ischemic symptoms in the patients who underwent urgent
prevention of cardiovascular disease? operation by its antithromboxane effect, inhibiting
platelet aggregation and embolization. However, aspirin
90 A. patient with hypertension appeared to have a deleterious effect on these patients by
B. patient with carotid artery disease allowing their carotid disease to progress to a dangerous
C. patient with diabetes mellitus type II state by eliminating the symptoms of progressive carotid
D. patient with peripheral arterial disease artery atherosclerosis or by accentuating the process of
atherosclerosis possibly by inhibition of arterial
prostacyclin. (Source:

Periodic audiometry for workers chronically exposed to Rationale: Audiometry is hearing checks. The Noise at
noise falls under what component of the Occupational Work Regulations require employers to ensure that their
Health Program * business activities do not damage their employees’
hearing. Under the Noise at Work Regulations an
91 A. Health Promotion employer must provide health surveillance (hearing
B. Health Protection checks) for all employees who are likely to be exposed
C. Health Surveillance above the upper exposure action value of 85 dB(A) on a
D. Health Management regular basis or are at risk for any reason, such as already
suffer from hearing loss or are particularly sensitive to
damage. (Source: Book name, Edition, page number)

Which occupation increases risk for pneumoconiosis? Rationale: Miners are at risk of developing a lung disease
A. Grab driver called pneumoconiosis because of their exposure to
B. Call Center agent airborne respirable dust. This type of dust includes extra
92 C. Miner fine particles that people can inhale into their lung tissue.
D. Flight attendant Miners can also have an increased risk of dying from lung
cancer. Risk increases when miners experience exposure to
exhaust from diesel engines for five or more years.
(Source: Book name, Edition, page number)
|Batch 2022

Manuel, a 25 year old service boy at a gasoline station. Rationale: Reversibility is when the removal of a possible
He presents to your clinic because of a dry cough. He cause results in a reduce disease risk, the likelihood of the
noted that his symptoms disappeared when he went association being causal is strengthened. (Source: Book
on a month long vacation leave. Which makes you name, Edition, page number)
strongly suspect an occupational cause based on
epidemiologic criteria for causality?
A. Reversibility
B. Consistency
C. Strength of association
D. Analogy

Which of the following is the LEAST factor that leads to Rationale: Factors the lead to maternal and neonatal
maternal and neonatal deaths in the Philippines? deaths in the Philippines: delay in management of
complication, delay in referral, and delay in identifying
A. management of complications complications. (Source: Book name, Edition, page
B. referral system number)
94 C. maternal complications
D. budget

The most frequent site of serious type of contact with Rationale: Lung is the most frequent site of serious type of
the environmental hazards is the: contact with the environmental hazards. Environmental
lung diseases are caused by harmful particles, mists,
A. Eye vapors, or gases that are inhaled, usually while people
B. Skin work.(Source: Book name, Edition, page number)
C. Gastro-intestinal Tract
D. Lung

The indoor pollutant of greatest public health Rationale: Tobacco is the major indoor pollutant of
importance is greatest public health importance. Tobacco smoke is
A. Carbon monoxide highly toxic both through direct effects when inhaled, but
96 B. Tobacco smoke also when chemically reacting with other indoor
C. Dust pollutants. (Source: Book name, Edition, page number)
D. Dioxin

Which of the following is NOT an administrative Rationale: Installation of air purifiers with HEPA filter is
measure for COVID-19? under engineering controls. (Source: Book name, Edition,
A. Stagger start times to avoid bottlenecks at the page number)
97 B. Installation of air purifiers with HEPA filter
C. Cough and Sneeze Etiquette Procedure
D. Employees are required to wear a face covering
or mask

|Batch 2022

Primary Health Care can work with technology only if it Rationale: The alma ata conference defines primary
meets the following requirements. which is an health care as essential health care based on practical,
exception? scientifically sound and socially acceptable methods and
technology made universally, accessible to individuals and
A. Practical families in the community by means acceptable to them,
B. Scientifically sound through their full participation and at a cost that
C. Timeliness community and country can afford to maintain at every
D. Socially acceptable stage of their development in the spirit of self-reliance and
self-determination. (Source: Book name, Edition, page

The following are true in the current mental health Rationale: Only 500+ psychiatrists in practice, mental
services in the Philippines EXCEPT? workers per population =2-3 (Source: Book na per 100
population, 0.52 psychiatrists and 0.07 psychologists per
A. There are only around 2,000 Practicing 100 000 inhabitants, 0.49 mental health nurses per 100
Psychiatrists in the archipelago 000 of the population.
B. There are 2-3 Mental health workers per
100,000 population
C. There are 0.07 Registered Psychologists per
100,000 population
D. There are 0.49 mental health nurses per
100,000 population

Which is not a warning signal for danger in Dengue Rationale: Warning signs: abdominal pain, persistent
fever? vomiting, clinical fluid accumulation, mucosal bleed,
A. severe abdominal pain lethargy or restlessness, liver enlargement >2 cm,
100 B. frequent vomiting laboratory finding of increasing HCT concurrent with rapid
C. ocular pain decrease in platelet count (Source: Book name, Edition,
D. bleeding page number)

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