2D6 Dungeon - Turn Flowchart

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2D6 Dungeon Turn Flowchart

Make the area of

Start of Turn the room 6


Roll 2D6 Draw the room

Add 3 archway exits to
Start of Draw archway at
the room, one on each
Dungeon YES desired dungeon entry Specify one die as Primary Area > 12 NO Area < 6 NO Primary Die = X
side that doesn't
Level? point and the other as Secondary Secondary Die = Y
already have an exit
(prior to roll)

Roll 2D6

Specify one die as Primary Divide both dice

and the other as Secondary by 2 (round up)
(prior to roll)

Roll 1D6
Is Draw the corridor Add # archway exits to
one of the the corridor based on
Doubles Rolled? NO YES Use exit chart to
dice values Primary Die = X exits determined in
determine number of
a 1? Secondary Die = Y prior step

Draw the room

Were both 6's? YES
Primary Die = X
Secondary Die = Y
This is a regular
Area < 6 NO Area > 32 NO room, roll on
rooms table
Write down original Primary Add the two Primary
and Secondary Rolls then dice values together,
Roll 2D6 again this will be X value Draw the room using YES YES
calculated values in
Specify one die as Primary Add the two Secondary prior step
and the other as Secondary dice values together, Does
(prior to roll) this will be Y value This is a small This is a large
Is Room Room Type
room, roll on small room, roll on large YES
Unique? Already
rooms table rooms table
At least 50% of the Exist?
dungeon must be

Roll 1D6
Draw # of exits
Encounter Final Room Does Room
using specified No
Creature (if Draw Exit Stairs Yes In Dungeon Yes Have Specific Use exit chart to
type from room
present in room) Level? Door Types? determine number of

No All Small Rooms (area <6)

have Archway Exits Only

Draw # of exits
Engage Room Attempt to unlock using specified Roll on Exit Type Roll Number of Exits
Encounter door type from exit type table
table 1 Zero Exits

2-3 One Exit

4-5 Two Exits

6 Three Exits
Choose next door
Is door locked? No End of Turn
to exit through

Roll Lock Result

6 All types of doors are locked

5-6 Reinforced doors are locked

4-6 Metal doors are locked

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