Facilitate Development of The Quality Structure (E.g., Councils and Committees)

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6. Facilitate development of the quality structure (e.g.

, councils and committees)

Welcome to the Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality Exam Prep Video. In this video, we
will explore how facilitate development of the quality structure (e.g., councils and committees).
We'll discuss the Steps to Facilitate Development of Quality Structures.


Facilitating the development of a quality structure, such as councils and committees, within a
healthcare organization is pivotal for maintaining and improving standards of care. These structures
are essential for systematic review, planning, and implementation of quality and safety initiatives.
Here’s a comprehensive approach on how to effectively develop these critical organizational

Steps to Facilitate Development of Quality Structures

1. Define the Purpose and Scope

 Identify Needs: Start by conducting a thorough analysis of the existing quality and safety
challenges and areas for improvement within the organization. This assessment helps in
clearly defining the purpose of the quality councils and committees.
 Define Scope: Establish the scope of work for each council or committee, which could
include overseeing clinical quality, patient safety, infection control, medication management,
and compliance with healthcare regulations.

2. Establish Councils and Committees

 Structure Formation: Decide on the structure of the councils and committees, determining
how many are needed based on the organization’s size, complexity, and specific needs. For
example, larger hospitals might require separate committees for different specialties or
 Role Definitions: Clearly outline the roles and responsibilities for each council and
committee. This includes their authority levels, decision-making power, and specific tasks like
policy development, performance monitoring, or incident investigation.

3. Select Members
 Criteria for Membership: Establish criteria for selecting committee members based on
expertise, experience, and a demonstrated commitment to quality improvement. Members
should represent a cross-section of healthcare professionals, including physicians, nurses,
pharmacists, quality improvement experts, and possibly patient advocates.
 Diverse Representation: Ensure that the committees are inclusive, representing various
departments and disciplines within the healthcare organization. This diversity promotes
comprehensive insights and fosters interdisciplinary collaboration.

4. Set Objectives and Goals

 SMART Goals: Define specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART)
goals for each council and committee. These goals should align with the overall strategic
objectives of the healthcare organization.
 Regular Updates: Set a schedule for regular updates and revisions of these goals based on
new healthcare developments, feedback from staff, and changing patient needs.

5. Provide Resources and Training

 Adequate Resources: Ensure that all councils and committees have the necessary resources,
including access to data, administrative support, and technology tools, to perform their
functions effectively.
 Training Programs: Implement training programs for all members to enhance their
understanding of best practices in quality management, data analysis, problem-solving, and
effective communication.

6. Implement Monitoring and Evaluation Mechanisms

 Performance Metrics: Develop key performance indicators (KPIs) to monitor the

effectiveness of the councils and committees in achieving their defined goals.
 Continuous Feedback: Establish mechanisms for ongoing feedback from committee
members and other stakeholders to continually assess and improve the functioning of these
quality structures.

7. Foster a Culture of Quality

 Leadership Engagement: Encourage senior leadership to actively support and participate in

the activities of these councils and committees. Leadership endorsement is crucial for
legitimizing their efforts and motivating wider staff engagement.
 Recognition and Incentives: Recognize the contributions of committee members and
celebrate successes to maintain high levels of motivation and commitment.

The development of robust quality structures in the form of councils and committees is fundamental
for advancing quality and safety in healthcare settings. These structures facilitate focused and
organized efforts towards continuous improvement, aligning everyday operations with the best
practices and regulatory standards. By systematically organizing, supporting, and motivating these
entities, healthcare organizations can significantly enhance their capacity to deliver high-quality, safe
patient care.

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