HighNote2 Vocabulary Quiz Unit08B GroupA

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Vocabulary Quiz | Group A

Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Complete the social media and IT words with 3 Choose the correct option a–d.
one letter in each space.
0 icon Grandma’s got a tablet! At the moment, she doesn’t
1 d___m__t really know how to use it so I’m helping her.
2 me___g_ Yesterday, I showed her how to 0 __ on facebook –
3 f____r just a few simple messages to friends. That was
4 f_l_ easy but we had more problems when we wanted to
___ / 4 1 __ her profile. It took half an hour to decide which

picture to use! This was because grandma’s eyes

2 Complete the sentences with words from the aren’t strong so I needed to teach her how to 2 __
box. There are two extra words. images to make them bigger and easier to see. This
isn’t easy because you have to 3 __ on the screen in
copy create cut drag empty paste post
exactly the right place. To help her use the tablet
store swipe
I made all of the 4 __ on the screen larger for her.
0 To cut a fragment of a text in a Word document, Now she can easily open the main applications she
you first need to highlight it and then press uses. Next weekend I’m going to teach her how to
5 __ photos with her friends on social media!
Ctrl + X.
1 Touchscreen computers and tablets are easy to
use. Look, just touch here, now ___________ 0 a send b text c message d post
your finger slowly to the right or the left. That’s it! 1 a paste b store c upload d update
Simple, isn’t it? 2 a drag b tap c expand d create
2 To have two of these pictures, you need to press 3 a tap b drag c copy d share
Ctrl + C to first ___________ it, and then press 4 a icons b photographs c folders d pictures
Ctrl + V to ___________ it somewhere else. 5 a store b drop c share d paste
Now you have two copies of the same picture! ___ / 5
3 I ___________ my trash can once a week but
I’m careful not to delete something I might need TOTAL ___ / 15
4 Is it really safe to upload and ___________ your
data in the cloud? Don’t people sometimes have
their private data stolen?
5 Patricia, how do you ___________ a table with
2 boxes across and 4 boxes down?
___ / 6

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