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The study of mechanical properties of poly(lactic) acid PLA-based 3D printed

filament under temperature and environmental conditions

Article in Materials Today Proceedings · June 2022

DOI: 10.1016/j.matpr.2022.06.198


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7 authors, including:

Ahmad Adnan Abu Bakar I.M. Noor

USIM | Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia Universiti Putra Malaysia


Ifwat Ghazali
Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia and University of Cambridge


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Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

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The study of mechanical properties of poly(lactic) acid PLA-based 3D

printed filament under temperature and environmental conditions
Ahmad Adnan Bin Abu Bakar a, Muhammad Zulhilmi Bin Zainuddin a, Ahmad Nurhelmy Bin Adam a,
Ikhwan Syafiq Bin Mohd Noor b, Nizam Bin Tamchek c, Muhammad Syafiq Bin Alauddin a,d,
Mohd Ifwat Bin Mohd Ghazali a,⇑
SMART RG, Faculty Science and Technology, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), 71800 Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
Physics Division, Centre of Foundation Studies for Agricultural Science, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400, UPM, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
Department of Physics, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
Department of Conservative Dentistry and Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur 56100, Malaysia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Recently, Industrial Revolution 4.0 has highlighted the key components that will shift the world into dig-
Available online xxxx italization; cybersecurity, cloud computing, mobile technologies, machine to machine, advanced robotics,
big data, Internet of Things (IoT), RFID technology, cognitive computing and additive manufacturing.
Keywords: Additive manufacturing or better known as 3D printing technology has captivated many researchers
Additive manufacturing (AM) due to its many advantages. This study aims to focus on the influence of temperature on the physical
Poly(lactic acid) (PLA) properties of the 3D printed structure made from poly(lactic) acid (PLA) with 100% infill. The highest
Post-heat treatment
Young’s modulus at the value of 4.42 GPa was obtained with a slight deviation under other samples
exposed at the temperature of 70 °C and 80 °C. It was found that the ultimate tensile strength of the
3D printed structure when being exposed at the temperature of 80 °C for a maximized duration of 10 days
while the breakage/fracture limit was recorded on samples after the 13rd day exposure at the same tem-
perature. Meanwhile, the highest strain was achieved at 8.04% also during the 13rd day but at 70 °C. In
conclusion, post-heat treatment has minimal effect on the Young’s modulus of 3D printed PLA but it was
largely effecting the fracture limit of the structure. Therefore, heat treatment at temperature closed to the
glass transition temperature of PLA polymer improved the adhesion strength between the printed layer
thus enhancing the durability of the specimen under load conditions.
Ó 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Confer-
ence on ‘‘Recent Advances in Functional Materials”.

1. Introduction chemicals and gasses, the wasteful utilization of raw materials,

and increased disposable waste [2,3].
Industrial Revolution 4.0 has altered and provided a paradigm As an alternative, several manufacturing technologies have
shift in our daily lives by overhauling the industrial sectors to been invented and innovated to address environmental problems.
accommodate automation, the internet of things, and customiza- One of the technologies that have recently revolutionized the man-
tion. The manufacturing industry is one of the most vibrant indus- ufacturing industry is additive manufacturing technology, popu-
tries that help boost the economy; financially and socially [1]. The larly known as 3D printing technology. 3D printing technology is
industry provides ample opportunities for research, employability, a technology that utilizes computer-aided design (CAD) design
and innovation. However, manufacturing technology has also been and transforming the design into a 3D object by using layer upon
considered as one of the main reasons for environmental issues. layer built setup [4]. 3D printing technology can be categorized
The technology requires facilities and equipment that impact the in various techniques, which include vat-polymerization, sheet
environment in several factors in particularly the emission of lamination, directed energy deposition, binder jetting, material jet-
ting, powder bed fusion, and material extrusion [5,6]. The revolu-
⇑ Corresponding author. tion of 3D printing technology has provided a new outlook on
E-mail address: (Mohd Ifwat Bin Mohd Ghazali). manufacturing by transforming the process of fabrication to a
2214-7853/Ó 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on ‘‘Recent Advances in Functional Materials.

Please cite this article as: Ahmad Adnan Bin Abu Bakar, Muhammad Zulhilmi Bin Zainuddin, Ahmad Nurhelmy Bin Adam et al., The study of mechanical properties of poly(lactic)
acid PLA-based 3D printed filament under temperature and environmental conditions, Materials Today: Proceedings,
Ahmad Adnan Bin Abu Bakar, Muhammad Zulhilmi Bin Zainuddin, Ahmad Nurhelmy Bin Adam et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

cost-effective, energy-friendly usage rate, reduction of raw mate- ciples such as green chemistry, sustainability, and engineering
rial waste, and environmentally friendly process [7,8]. them into their research and development (R&D). Enhancing
Among the commonly used techniques of 3D printing is the matrix crystallization has shown to be a successful method for pro-
material extrusion process familiarly known as the fused deposi- ducing heat-resistant PLA. The heat resistance of the polymer could
tion modeling (FDM) process which is widely used due to its be greatly improved by both thermal annealing and nucleating
affordability, easy to use, good accuracy, rapid prototyping, and agent which later will induce the matrix crystallization structure
scalability. The FDM process involves the deposition of material of the polymer [12]. As we know, the temperature is one of the fac-
(3D printed filament) through an extruder with specific tors that will affect the rate of crystallization despite other factors
temperature-dependent of material properties to be extruded in such as polymer structure, polymer chain, cooling rate and molec-
a layer upon layer orientation onto a heated bed based on the ular weight. Increase in the crystallinity of polymer will directly
desired design. In recent years the utilization of 3D printing tech- affect its mechanical properties, especially the tensile stress and
nology can be seen in a plethora of applications, including in aero- strains. However, in many situations, increasing matrix crys-
space, automotive, robotics, construction, dentistry, and the tallinity alone will not improve toughness since the proper shape
medical sector. The utilization of 3D printing became more evident is required for PLA matrix to undergo plastic deformation [13].
during the pandemic where 3D printing is used as a manufacturing Other than that, the use of biopolymer is one of the ways to
tool to fabricate medical devices such as personal protective equip- maintain sustainability in the environment compared to a conven-
ment (face shield and respirators), testing devices (Nasopharyngeal tional polymer as most of the biopolymers derived from living
swabs), and medical devices (ventilator parts including valve and organisms. They have all existed on our planet for millions of years,
components). This is possible as the materials used are made of giving microbes ample time to create enzymes capable of destroy-
medical-grade properties to ensure the performance is on par with ing their structure making them biodegradable. In general, their
the application’s needs. end life does not have a significant impact on the environment,
In 3D printing technology, the material is an important feature but the thing goes different when the degradation of biopolymer
in achieving the desired performance, notably for the mechanical undergoes in-appropriate conditions. A landfill, is one example of
properties by using various methods, including blending, polymer- unsuitable condition for this process, as it lacks oxygen and water,
ization and metal matrix composites (MMCs). Metal matrix com- making it incompatible for biodegradation. The biopolymer will
posites (MMCs) is a composite material that typically dispersed decompose in the absence of oxygen (anaerobic process), releasing
reinforce material within the metal matrix such as steel, alu- biomass, methane (CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2) and water as well as
minium or copper [9]. The notion of this materials is to compensate other tiny molecules to the environment. As we know, methane is
with the heavy-weight characteristic of metal whilst maintaining a far more powerful global warming gas than carbon dioxide
the mechanical properties such as higher strength, higher ductility because it is not easily absorbed by plants [14].
and better tribological performance [10]. However, high manufac- In this work, white filament has been chosen among other col-
turing costs and limited technical expertise have become con- ors since previous study reported that it has higher tensile
straints for the usage of MMCs [11]. Amongst the most strength [15]. According to a study, the recommended annealing
promising 3D printing material is poly(lactic) acid (PLA) which is temperature of the polymer to improve the mechanical properties
derived from renewable resources like corn starch and sugar cane. must be greater than the glass transition temperature and less
PLA emerged as a desirable candidate as it is eco-friendly than the melting point [16]. The research focuses on the mechan-
(biodegradable), biocompatible (non—toxic), and processable (bet- ical properties of the 3D printed specimen expose to different
ter thermal properties). The properties of PLA provide the polymer thermal conditions (23 °C, 32 °C, 70 °C and 80 °C) for a period
several advantages as compared to a conventional polymer such as of time (31 days = a month). The glass transition of 3D printed
acrylonitriles butadiene styrene (ABS). PLA provides a stiffer attri- PLA varies from 55 °C until 65 °C. Thus, two temperatures below
bute than ABS. However, the disadvantage of PLA is the heat- glass transition had been chosen simulate the effect of indoor and
tolerant capabilities and chemical resistance. As 3D printing tech- outdoor environment; 23 °C and 32 °C respectively, whilst the
nology evolves, the sustainability aspect is important to maintain latter slightly above the glass transition had chosen to avoid
eco-friendly conditions and retaining the performance needed for warping; 70 °C and 80 °C. The thermal effects towards the 3D
a specific application. The ecosystem of 3D printing is usually illus- printed filaments will be studied in terms of the physical and
trated in Fig. 1 where the printed object can be recycled or placed mechanical properties of the specimens by using the measured
in landfills to be degraded. Young’s modulus to understand the effect of heat and duration.
In order to achieve a good stabilization of product performance In addition, the images of 3D printed specimens are studied to
and environmental friendliness, manufacturers must include prin- assess the potential changes of the physical adhesion between
printed layers.

2. Experimental procedure

The study will be conducted to understand the effect of various

temperatures (heat treatment) on the 3D printed PLA specimens.
The physical properties will be observed to study the changes in
the structure of the 3D printed PLA specimens. Triplicate of 3D
printed PLA specimens were printed for each test (a total of 123
for overall study) to provide significant statistical relevancy.

2.1. Specimens preparation

White PLA filament (Flashforge, Zhejiang Flashforge 3D Tech-

nology Co. Ltd.) with density of 1.25 g/cm3 and the melting tem-
Fig. 1. 3D printing eco-system. perature (Tm) of 176 °C was utilized for this research. The
Ahmad Adnan Bin Abu Bakar, Muhammad Zulhilmi Bin Zainuddin, Ahmad Nurhelmy Bin Adam et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 2. (a) The dog-bone specimen specifications according to the ASTM D-638; (b) Ender-3 Pro printer used in this research.

structure to be printed was according to ASTM D-638. The dimen- 2.3. Measurement of tensile properties of the PLA based on 3D printed
sion of the structure is illustrated in Fig. 2(a). Prior to 3D printing, structure
the structure of the design was done using a CAD software,
Fusion360. The design was then converted using slicer (Ultimaker Preparatory to the tensile test, the 3D printed PLA specimens
Cura 4.7) as a g-code file and sent to 3D printer (Ender-3 Pro) as were left to cool down for about an hour to ensure the tensile test-
indicated in Fig. 2(b) with 100% infill specification. A total of 123 ing must be done when the specimens reached at 23 °C (room tem-
3D printed PLA specimens were fabricated. Before exposing to perature). The stress–strain measurement was conducted
the thermal conditions, the 3D printed PLA specimens were according to ASTM D-638, using Instron 5565 Universal Testing
weighted for the initial condition using an electronic weight Machine (UTM) fitted with a 30 kN load cell and operated at a
machine and the data were recorded. cross-head speed of 50 mm/min. The parameters of the printing
approach are shown in Table 1. The load direction relative to the
layer direction in printing the specimen was 45° as shown in
2.2. Temperature conditions Fig. 4. Bluehill software was used to record the tensile data such
as tensile stress, tensile strain and Young’s modulus.
To study the effect of temperature on the 3D printed PLA spec-
imens, the specimens had been exposed to four thermal conditions 3. Results and discussion
(23 °C, 32 °C, 70 °C and 80 °C) as illustrated in Fig. 3. The 3D printed
PLA specimens had been subjected to the conditions for certain 3.1. Influence of temperature conditions on tensile properties towards
days within a month. After a period of time, the 3D printed PLA 3D printed PLA with 100% infill
specimens were weighed once again as a final weight data and
underwent the tensile measurement using Universal Testing Triplicate specimens were tested for each stress–strain curve
Machine (UTM). and the mean values are presented as a result. Fig. 5(a) shows

Fig. 3. Four temperature conditions for 3D printed PLA specimens heat treatment.

Ahmad Adnan Bin Abu Bakar, Muhammad Zulhilmi Bin Zainuddin, Ahmad Nurhelmy Bin Adam et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 1 day. But only on the 24th day and day 31st were recorded at
The parameter settings approach of 3D printed PLA specimens. 4.94% and 3.97% respectively. As expected, the increasing temper-
Parameters Values ature of heat treatment produces a significantly higher strain at
Layer Height (mm) 0.2 failure. The material is considered brittle when it fractures with lit-
Wall Line Count 2 tle elastic deformation and without significant plastic deformation
Wall Thickness (mm) 0.8 (tensile strain). As the PLA is a semi-crystalline polymer, its amor-
Infill Density (%) 100 phous region enables the free carbon chain to experience the tran-
Infill Pattern Lines
Print Speed (mm/s) 50
sition from the rigid to rubbery-like phase [17]. The free molecular
Extruder Temperature (°C) 200 chain within the semi-crystalline materials has high mobility when
Build Plate Temperature (°C) 50 approaching its glass transition (Tg), between 60 °C and 80 °C
Ultimate tensile strength (UTS) for specimens exposed at 70 °C
did not have significant changes throughout the month ranging
from 46.16 MPa to 48.64 MPa. The tensile strength increased only
3.29% at 70 °C on 13rd day compared to the non-annealed speci-
men. However, the tensile strength then decreased until 31st day
at 46.16 MPa lower than non-annealed specimen which was at
47.09 MPa. As reported by many researchers, the different values
of stress were obtained due to the different brands of PLA filaments
used depending on their level of crystallinity and crystallization
behavior [20]. A study reported that the tensile strength for PLA-
PLUS increased only 2.87% at 80 °C compared with the non-
annealed specimen before it decreased [21]. Before annealed, the
tensile strength was 46.43 MPa, but after annealing at 80 °C, the
specimen recorded a slight increase at a value of 49.50 MPa.
Young’s modulus is referred to the gradient of the slope in the elas-
tic region [22]. The higher the modulus means the stiffer the mate-
rials it is. However, the brittleness of the specimen does not solely
depend on Young’s modulus as it is also affected by the strain. The
highest Young’s modulus is on the 24th day at 4.28 GPa but only
increased by about 14.13 % compared to the reference specimen
as shown in Fig. 5(b).
Fig. 4. Tensile testing load direction relative to the layer orientation of 3D printed For the heat treatment at 80 °C, a similar trend was observed for
PLA specimen. the stress–strain curve as the tensile strain value gradually
increased but in slight deviation until the 13rd day as shown in
Fig. 6(a). The maximum strain was also on the 13rd day at 4.54%.
the stress–strain curve for the temperature at 70 °C. When heat A team had reported that the threshold limit temperature for flex-
treatment or better known as annealing, was applied to the PLA ural strength was at 130 °C before the strength decreased about
specimens, the tensile strain increased from 3.01% (red-dotted line 15% when the temperature increased to 140 °C [23]. For the same
as a reference) up to 8.04% on the 13rd day. The reference speci- reason, it is proven that the optimum temperature for this type of
men was done at room temperature because the tensile testing filament is 70 °C compared to the specimens at 80 °C. Previous
was also done at this temperature. Then, the value of strain studies had shown that the improvement of mechanical perfor-
decrease significantly ranging from 3.55 to 3.60% after the 13rd mance of PLA was attributed from the increase of crystallinity

Fig. 5. (a) Tensile stress–strain curve at 70 °C; (b) Tensile strain (%) and Young’s modulus (GPa) vs number of exposure days at 70 °C.

Ahmad Adnan Bin Abu Bakar, Muhammad Zulhilmi Bin Zainuddin, Ahmad Nurhelmy Bin Adam et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 6. (a) Tensile stress–strain curve at 80 °C; (b) Tensile strain (%) and Young’s modulus (GPa) vs number of exposure days at 80 °C.

Fig. 7. (a) The stress–strain curve at room temperature; (b) Weight gain percentage (%) at room temperature.

when annealing was applied [12]. As PLA is well-known for its

behaviour as a slow crystallizing polymer [24], many strategies
have been adopted to figure out the ways to develop high crys-
tallinity in PLA including polymer blending and post-annealing in
order to increase its mechanical performance [25]. When the poly-
mer is treated with the heat treatment or changes its orientation of
layering, it will result in a quasi-amorphous state that eventually
promotes its ductility [26].
The ultimate tensile strength for temperature at 80 °C also did
not have significant changes throughout the month ranging from
43.55 MPa to 48.70 MPa. The highest Young’s modulus was
obtained on the 13rd day at 4.42 GPa. It is slightly higher than
the specimen at 70 °C as shown in Fig. 6(b). It is shown that higher
temperatures are also affecting Young’s modulus.
Contrary to the result of PLA printed materials under heat treat-
ment at 70 °C and 80 °C, the results of its tensile properties at room
temperature have shown poor tensile strain ranging from 2.06% to
3.90% and the ultimate tensile strength were ranging from
44.02 MPa until 48.08 MPa as shown in Fig. 7(a). This is likely to Fig. 8. Tensile strain (%) and Young’s modulus (GPa) vs number of exposure days at
be the effect of the PLA properties itself which is hygroscopic (ab- room temperature.

Ahmad Adnan Bin Abu Bakar, Muhammad Zulhilmi Bin Zainuddin, Ahmad Nurhelmy Bin Adam et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 9. (a) Tensile stress–strain curve under natural environment; (b) Tensile strain (%) and Young’s modulus (GPa) vs number of exposure days under natural environment.

sorb moisture) [27]. The results can also be proven by Fig. 7(b) tion would eventually make PLA film less flexible and more
which shows the increase of weight ranging from 0.07% to 0.2%. brittle when exposed under the xenon lamp [31]. According to
In the previous study, even though the 3D printed PLA specimens results obtained from differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), the
were set to 100% infill, small gaps were created between each layer crystallinity of PLA nanocomposites increases after 60 days of
[28]. Hence, creating the chances for the moisture to invade and aging under natural weather [32]. The Young’s modulus for this
contributes to the poor bonding adhesion between the layer, thus condition also did not have a significant impact as the values range
makes it more brittle. PLA is categorized as a class B polymer due to from 3.76 GPa until 4.13 GPa as shown in Fig. 9(b). The ultimate
its glass transition temperature (Tg) is above room temperature tensile strength ranges between 46.51 MPa until 49.0 MPa.
and is typically brittle in behaviour [29]. Meanwhile, the Young’s Fig. 10 compares tensile specimens under each condition on the
modulus at room temperature was almost consistent regardless 13rd day and the reference specimen.
of the exposure days but slightly lowered compared with the spec-
imens placed at 70 °C and 80 °C as shown in Fig. 8.
4. Conclusions
As for the specimens that had been exposed directly under the
natural environment, the tensile strain obtained from this condi-
In the present study, the effect of post-heat treatment was
tion increases up to 10 days, then decreases as shown in Fig. 9
investigated on the mechanical property of the 3D printed Poly
(a). The lowest tensile strain was on the 24th day at 1.98%. The
(lactic acid) (PLA) by using fused deposition modelling process. It
brittleness of the PLA specimens due to the direct exposure to sun-
was observed that:
light irradiation lead to the decrease of the tensile strain. In com-
parison, specimens that had been exposed directly to ultraviolet
 The different thermal treatment has considerable effect towards
radiation from sunlight would oxidize the molecular chain as sun-
the fracture limit of the structure, whilst minimal effect on the
light irradiation consists of high-energy photons [30]. This oxida-
tensile strength.
 The Young’s modulus for heat treatment above glass transition
is much higher than those below the glass transition.
 Post-processing annealing above glass transition promotes the
nucleation growth which increased crystallinity, thus promotes
the crystallinity of the 3D printed PLA crystalline fraction.
 Hence, it enhanced the Young’s modulus and ductility of the 3D
printed PLA. The Young’s modulus annealed at 80 °C increased
up to 18% whilst the strain increased almost three folded at
70 °C compared to the non-annealed 3D printed PLA.
 Mechanical brittleness is a common defect for PLA and became
a bottleneck for some applications, thus post-annealing with
optimum temperature could be an alternative way instead of
blending with other additive to enhance its mechanical

CRediT authorship contribution statement

Ahmad Adnan Bin Abu Bakar: Conceptualization, Methodol-

ogy, Writing – original draft, Visualization, Investigation. Muham-
mad Zulhilmi Bin Zainuddin: Conceptualization, Methodology,
Fig. 10. The tensile specimens under each condition; reference, at 70 °C, at 80 °C, at Writing – original draft, Investigation. Ahmad Nurhelmy Bin
23 °C (room temperature) and 32 °C (under natural environment); from left to right. Adam: Methodology, Visualization, Investigation. Ikhwan Syafiq
Ahmad Adnan Bin Abu Bakar, Muhammad Zulhilmi Bin Zainuddin, Ahmad Nurhelmy Bin Adam et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

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