Copy of "The Bass, The River, and Sheila Mant" Essential Questions

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Name: __addison smith________ Per:___4____

“The Bass, The River, and Sheila Mant”

A short story by W. D. Wetherell

Make a copy of this document. Be sure to put your name and hour at the top. Use complete sentences.

Essential Question:
In a culture where we are bombarded with other people trying to define us, how do we make decisions for

Pre-reading Discussion Questions: Please take a moment to consider and answer these questions, and
then discuss with your table group or partner.

1. What are your favorite hobbies? (you can just list them)
Volleyball, hanging out with family/friends, jet ski/riding side by sides
2. Have you ever pretended to be someone else or acted differently so that someone would like you? If
not, describe how you became confident in just being yourself.
Yes, my cousin acts different so she can act all sweet and innocent
3. Do you remember your first crush? How did you feel each time you saw that person? Did you ever act
differently around that person in an attempt to impress him/her?
I don't remember mine and i was always myself around them
4. Should you make sacrifices for a boyfriend or girlfriend? If so, what would you be willing to sacrifice? If
not, explain why you would not be willing to make sacrifices.
I wouldn't be making any sacrifices unless its something important to not be with them anymore

Post Reading Questions

1. Provide an example of foreshadowing in the story. Provide a quotation and explain what it
When she said ¨do you have a car?¨”all she cares about is the car and not the boat.
2. Why does Sheila like playing the outfield? What does it say about her character?
It shows that she doesn't have the responsibility for being base.
3. While in the canoe, what topic does Sheila talk about the most?
She talks about how she doesnt like fishing the most.
4. Explain the tug-of-war going on inside the narrator. What are his options? Find a quote to support your
He has 2 options, one is to not care and one to care.
5. What does the narrator decide to do? Why is this significant to the plot? Is he happy with his choice?
He decides to hide his pole because it shows that he likes to fish and is happy but not happy with his choice
because she should know what likes to do.
6. What life lesson did the narrator learn? The life lesson is to be yourself and not change for others.
7. How does this fit into the “bildungsroman” genre? He fits into bildungsroman because he's going
through formative feelings.

Addressing the Essential Questions

1. What event in this story was a rite of passage and how did the event lead to the narrator’s character
When sheila left him for a rich guy it showed him he doesn't have to change for others.
2. What was significant about this event for the narrator? How did it change him? What life lesson did the
narrator learn?
When he saw that Sheila left, it changed him to realize that he doesn't need to change for a girl and just be
3. Can you make any connections to this narrator or this story? Does he, or his conflict, remind you of
any movies, TV shows, personal dilemmas, etc. (t-t, t-s, t-w) ?
I think this connects to my best friend has gone through this because the guy that she liked went on a date
with her but left her for another pretty rich girl.

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