Ops-Tr-Irata-004 Irata Training Manual v5.0

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Offshore Painting Services

Rope Access Training Manual

OPS-TR-Irata-004 V5.0 Page 1 of 86


Some of the text in this document has been taken from sources of information
which include the following:
IRATA International Code of Practice
IRATA International Training and Certification Scheme
Equipment user instructions (Petzl, DMM, Rope Pro)
Drawings by OPS Training created with VRigger or CAD or if copied from another
source, that source will be referenced on the drawing if available.

Any material taken from external sources will be referenced as such.

Candidate Name:

IRATA Number:

Course Dates:

OPS Training Liverpool
IRATA Instructor(s):

IRATA Assessor:

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ABOUT THIS MANUAL ................................................................................................................ 5
PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................. 6
IRATA INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM ............................................................................................................ 6
INTERNATIONAL CODE OF PRACTICE (ICOP): ......................................................................................... 6
TRAINING ASSESMENT AND CERTIFICATION SCHEME (TACS): ............................................................. 6
LEGAL FRAMEWORK ................................................................................................................. 7
LEGISLATION ............................................................................................................................. 8
WORK AT HEIGHT REGULATIONS 2005................................................................................................. 8
PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT REGULATIONS 1992 .................................................................. 9
PROVISION AND USE OF WORK EQUIPMENT REGULATIONS 1998 (PUWER) ....................................... 9
(RIDDOR) ................................................................................................................................................ 9
MANAGEMENT OF HEALTH AND SAFETY AT WORK REGULATIONS 1999 ........................................... 10
RISK ASSESMENT AND METHOD STATEMENT .................................................................................... 10
EXCLUSION ZONES AND PROTECTION OF THIRD PARTIES .................................................................. 11
GENERAL ............................................................................................................................................. 11
THIRD PARTY PROTECTION. ................................................................................................................. 11
PROTECTION OF ANCHOR AREA .......................................................................................................... 11
INTERMEDIATE PROTECTION ............................................................................................................... 11
PROTECTION FROM DROPPED OBJECTS ............................................................................................. 12
PLANNING FOR EMERGENCIES AND FIRST AID................................................................................... 12
SUSPENSION INTOLERANCE................................................................................................................ 13
SELECTION ........................................................................................................................................... 15
PPE....................................................................................................................................................... 15
EN STANDARDS AND CE MARKING ..................................................................................................... 15
EQUIPMENT TRACEABILITY .................................................................................................................. 16
CARE AND MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................................... 16
STORAGE.............................................................................................................................................. 16
LIFESPAN ............................................................................................................................................. 16
EQUIPMENT STRENGTH ....................................................................................................................... 17
EQUIPMENT INSPECTION ..................................................................................................................... 18
PRE-USE CHECK .................................................................................................................................. 18
DETAILED INSPECTION ........................................................................................................................ 18
ROPE ACCESS SETUP / EQUIPMENT ................................................................................................... 19
HELMETS ............................................................................................................................................. 20
HARNESSES ......................................................................................................................................... 21
COW’S-TAILS / DYNAMIC ROPE ........................................................................................................... 23
DESCENDING DEVICES ........................................................................................................................ 24
ASCENDING DEVICES .......................................................................................................................... 25
BACK UP DEVICES................................................................................................................................ 27
CONNECTORS ...................................................................................................................................... 29
TAPE AND WIRE SLINGS ...................................................................................................................... 32
WIRE SLINGS ....................................................................................................................................... 32
ROPE .................................................................................................................................................... 33
WORK SEAT.......................................................................................................................................... 34
EDGE PROTECTION .............................................................................................................................. 35
PULLEYS............................................................................................................................................... 36
FALL ARREST, WORK POSITIONING AND WORK RESTRAINT LANYARDS ............................................ 37
FALL ARREST ....................................................................................................................................... 37
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ADJUSTABLE WORK POSITIONING LANYARD....................................................................................... 37
KNOTS.................................................................................................................................................. 38
FIGURE OF 9 (ON A BIGHT) .................................................................................................................. 41
DOUBLE FIGURE OF 8 .......................................................................................................................... 42
BARREL KNOT ...................................................................................................................................... 44
DOUBLE FISHERMAN’S AND FLEMISH BEND ...................................................................................... 46
ROPE PROTECTION .............................................................................................................................. 51
ANGLES OF RIGGING………………….…………………………………………..………………………………………………….51
SMALL Y-HANG LEVEL 1 ...................................................................................................................... 54
WIDE Y HANG - LEVELS 2, 3................................................................................................................. 54
RE-ANCHORS ....................................................................................................................................... 55
DEVIATION............................................................................................................................................ 56
ANGLES OF DEVIATION ........................................................................................................................ 57
RETRIEVABLE RIGGING - ...................................................................................................................... 58
WORK RESTRAINT/ HORIZONTAL LIFELINES....................................................................................... 58
TENSIONED ROPES .............................................................................................................................. 59
RIGGING FOR RESCUE AND HAULING ................................................................................................. 60
LOWERING ........................................................................................................................................... 60
HAULING .............................................................................................................................................. 61
HAULING .............................................................................................................................................. 62
2:1 HAULING SYSTEM.......................................................................................................................... 62
HAULING .............................................................................................................................................. 63
3:1 HAULING SYSTEM.......................................................................................................................... 63
ROPE ACCESS MANOEUVRES .............................................................................................................. 64
USE OF THE BACK-UP DEVICE.............................................................................................................. 64
ASCENDING ......................................................................................................................................... 64
DESCENDING ....................................................................................................................................... 64
CHANGEOVERS .................................................................................................................................... 65
DESCENT TO ASCENT .......................................................................................................................... 65
PASSING KNOTS…………………….......………………………..………………………………….……………….……………….66
ROPE TO ROPE TRANSFERS ................................................................................................................ 68
RESCUE – HAULING ............................................................................................................................. 71
CASUALTY ABLE TO OFFER ASSISTANCE ............................................................................................. 71
CASUALTY UNABLE TO OFFER ANY ASSISTANCE ................................................................................. 71
RELEASABLE HAUL SYSTEM. ............................................................................................................... 72
COUNTERBALANCE HAULING .............................................................................................................. 72
LOWERING ........................................................................................................................................... 73
BASIC LOWERING ................................................................................................................................ 73
AID CLIMBING: ..................................................................................................................................... 75
FALL FACTORS ..................................................................................................................................... 77
CLEARANCE DISTANCE ........................................................................................................................ 79
RESCUE MANOEUVRES……..……………….………………………………………………………….……………………………82

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This course manual is provided as an Aid Memoir to supplement your IRATA Rope Access Course
at OPS Training. The manual is not a substitute for training and should be used in conjunction
with other widely available sources of information. These sources should include:

“IRATA International Code of Practice”

“IRATA International Training, Assessment and Certification Scheme”
“Equipment user instructions”

IRATA ICOP and TACS are available online at: http://irata.associationhouse.org.uk/publications

This manual contains information for all levels of training, however sections relevant to level of
qualification will be noted next to the section following the key below:

Level 1

All Levels

Level’s 2,3

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IRATA is the sole global trade association in the work-at-height sector; it has member companies
in every continent and continues to grow its membership every year.

Industrial rope access has been developed by IRATA over the last 25 years to a level that has
seen it become recognised as the chosen means of access to difficult areas in many working
environments both benign and hazardous. Its success is based on thorough training and strict
work guidelines that deliver an unrivalled safe working record year after year.

IRATA International’s safe system of work comprises three main elements.

• the International code of practice (ICOP).

• the training, assessment and certification scheme (TACS).
• Audited member companies, and their operating procedures.

International Code of Practice (ICOP):

The code of practice gives recommendations and guidance on the use of IRATA International
rope access methods, including training, to provide a safe system of work. It is intended for use
by IRATA International members, IRATA International rope access technicians, national or
regional enforcement agencies, safety officers and those who commission rope access work,
e.g., building contractors; multi-national oil and gas companies; the renewable energy sector.
This code of practice is applicable to the use of IRATA International rope access methods for
industrial purposes, i.e., for access to buildings, other structures (on or offshore) or natural
features, such as cliff faces, where ropes are used as the primary means of access, egress or
support and as the primary means of protection against a fall.

Training and certification scheme (TACS):

This document details the requirements of IRATA International’s training, assessment and
certification scheme (the scheme) and offers guidance to assist implementation.
It provides clear and detailed information on topics such as:
• Levels of certification for new and existing IRATA International rope access technicians
and explains the training syllabuses and assessment criteria required to attain and
revalidate them.
• Guidance for candidates, including pre-training requirements and topics covered.
• Requirements and guidance for IRATA International operator and trainer member
• Requirements and guidance for IRATA International instructors.
• Requirements and guidance for IRATA International assessors, including the marking
The scheme does not include operating procedures; these are drawn up for a specific task by
operating companies following the IRATA International code of practice.
The ICOP also includes more information on the relevance and suitability of IRATA International’s
rope access qualifications for a workplace.

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In the UK, all work is governed by the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, this act places general
duties on employers, clients, contractors, owners, employees and the self-employed.
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is the body responsible for the encouragement, regulation
and enforcement of workplace health, safety and welfare, and for research into occupational
risks in England and Wales and Scotland.

The HSE are also responsible to produce the following documents:

• Regulations
Regulations are law, approved by an act of parliament or European directive. A breach of the
regulations by either an individual or a corporation is a crime in the UK which carries a fine of up
to £20,000.

• Approved codes of practice (ACOP)

Offer practical examples of good practice. Have special legal status, if employers are prosecuted
for a breach of health and safety law, and it is proved that they have not followed the relevant
provisions of the ACOP, a court can find them at fault unless they can show that they have
complied with the law in some other way.

• Guidance
The main purposes of guidance are: To help people understand what the law says, to help people
comply with the law, to give technical advice. Following guidance is not compulsory and
employers are free to take other action, but if they do follow guidance they will normally be doing
enough to comply with the law.

The IRATA ICOP is a voluntary code of practice and as such compliance is not a legal requirement
under UK law. However, it is mandatory for members of IRATA International to comply with the
principles of the code of practice and this is a condition of their membership.


On successful completion of your first IRATA assessment you will be issued with a logbook.
Your logbook will become your passport to you rope access career and must be kept up to
Date with details of the number of hours you were engaged in rope access activities, the type
Of work, you were doing, and the rope access manoeuvres undertaken. This is important for
Those who wish to progress up the levels as evidence of a breadth of experience is required
To be considered for assessment at levels 2 and3. Logged hours should be a true reflection
Of time spent involved in rope access activities and signed for by the supervising level 3 or
Line manager. In addition, IRATA companies are now required to submit monthly records of
Logged rope hours for their technicians in electronic form. This is a safety check to prevent
Fraudulent amassing of hours by unscrupulous technicians that could harm the safety record
And the reputation of our industry.

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The purpose of The Work at Height Regulations 2005 is ‘to prevent death and
injury caused by a fall from height.’

Work at height means: ‘work in any place where, if there were no precautions in
place, a person could fall a distance liable to cause personal injury.’
For example, you are working at height if you:
■ are working on a ladder or a flat roof.
■ could fall through a fragile surface.
■ could fall into an opening in a floor or a hole in the ground.

This means:
There is no minimum height requirement for work at height. Work at Height includes all work
activities where there is a need to control the risk of falling any distance liable to cause personal
injury, regardless of work task and duration. This includes getting to and returning from the place
of work. There is a hierarchy of measures that exists to assist with the planning of and
preparation for a task that will involve work at height.

• Avoid - working at height if possible

• Prevent - falls from height by utilising: - Collective measure -Safe Work Platforms/Mobile
Elevated Work Platforms/Scaffolds. Personal measure - Work Restraint/ Work
Positioning/Work Suspension.
• Minimise - the consequences of falls by utilising: - Collective measures - Airbags/ Safety
Nets. Personal measures - Fall Arrest Equipment.

Collective measures always take precedence over personal measures. Planning work at height
must also include planning for rescue/emergencies.


LOLER applies to rope access because the term ‘load’ used in LOLER includes the lifting or
lowering of a person.

The 3 main aims of LOLER are:

• Lifting operations are properly planned and managed.

• Lifting equipment is used in a safe manner.
• Lifting equipment is thoroughly inspected at suitable intervals by a competent person.

Types of inspection under LOLER - Pre-use - 6 monthly - Interim inspections

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Require that:

• Employers provide suitable and sufficient PPE

• Employers provide training and information enabling safe use
• PPE is inspected, maintained and stored correctly
• Employees use properly, does not interfere with and report defects or deficiencies in
equipment provided to them.

PPE can be categorised as follows:

• Category 1: Simple: (e.g., Gloves)

• Category 2: Intermediate: (e.g., Boots, Helmets)
• Category 3: Complex: e.g., Protection against mortal danger

Most rope access equipment is Cat 3 PPE. Cat 3 PPE must have CE mark and EN Number


Require that:
Employers must ensure that work equipment is:

• Suitable – for use and for the purpose and conditions in which it is to be used
• Maintained – in a safe condition for use
• Inspected- to ensure that it is safe for use

Employers must also ensure that any risks created using the equipment are eliminated/
controlled by:
• Hardware measures – providing suitable guards, protection devices, stop buttons etc.
• Software measures – following safe systems of work, providing information and training


2013 (RIDDOR)
Require that:

The following must be reported:

• A death or major injury
• An ‘over 7 day’ injury
• A work-related disease
• A dangerous occurrence

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Require that:

Employers must assess the risk to their employees and prevent or adequately control those risks.

Part 15: Tells you what the dangers are.

Part 4- 8: Tells you about emergencies, storage and handling.

8 steps to COSHH assessment:

• Work out what hazardous substances are used in your workplace and find out the risks
from using these substances to people's health.
• Decide what precautions are needed before starting work with hazardous substances.
• Prevent people being exposed to hazardous substances, but where this is not reasonably
practicable, control the exposure.
• Make sure control measures are used and maintained properly and that safety
procedures are followed.
• If required, monitor exposure of employees to hazardous substances.
• Carry out health surveillance where your assessment has shown that this is necessary or
COSHH makes specific requirements.
• If required, prepare plans and procedures to deal with accidents, incidents and
• Make sure employees are properly informed, trained and supervised.


Require that:

Any high-risk job must have a risk assessment carried out by a competent person (work at height
is a high-risk job) - A competent person is someone deemed by the company to be suitably trained
and experienced.


• Risk Assessment
A risk assessment is a careful, systematic examination of the hazards in the workplace that could
cause harm to people or damage to equipment or property. When undertaking a risk assessment,
it is important to balance hazard vs. risk. A hazard is something that has the potential to cause
harm/ damage to a person or property. A risk is the likelihood of that harm/damage occurring.

The HSE produce a simple guide to risk assessment:

5 steps to risk assessment-
a) Identify the hazards
b) Decide who might be harmed and how
c) Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions
d) Record your findings and implement them
e) Review your assessment and update if necessary

For further information and sample risk assessments see IRATA ICOP Annex A and part 2.2.4.

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• Method statement
Method statement should set out working procedures to be followed for each stage of the job
and are an effective way of producing a safe system of work. All method statements must include
a rescue plan.

Risk Assessments and Method Statements are essential for communicating safe work practices
and must be read and understood by all persons involved with the work.
For further information on the contents of a method statement see IRATA ICOP Annex B and


Further information about legislation applicable to the UK can be found in IRATA ICOP Part 4.


Further information about exclusion zones can be found in IRATA ICOP 2.11.8 (the following text
is an extract from the ICOP)

Exclusion zones may need to be set up to protect people from falling or to protect people against
falling objects from above the area of rope access operations, or anyone below. They may also
be required for reasons other than fall protection, e.g., to protect against exposure to radiation;
radio waves such as those emitted by mobile phone antennae; areas of high temperature;
chemical pollution. Exclusion zones may be necessary at several levels, e.g., above anchor level;
at anchor level; at intermediate levels; at ground level.

Third Party Protection.

Where required, precautions appropriate to the situation should be provided to prevent
equipment or materials falling in such a way that other people might be endangered.

Exclusion zones may need to be set up above, below or around rope access operations to protect
people from exposed edges, dropped objects or protect the anchor system.

Protection of anchor area

An anchor area exclusion zone (also known as a rope access-controlled area) should be cordoned
off at anchor level with suitable barriers and warning signs. The anchor area exclusion zone
should usually be large enough to include anchor points and to provide safe access to the
working edge. This may be formed by suitable barriers or scaffolding surrounding the working
edge and is intended to prevent anyone from reaching the edge of the drop. The working edge
hazard zone can be defined as any location within the anchor area exclusion zone where a risk
of falling from a height exists.

Intermediate protection
Consideration should be given to any areas that may, during the work cause third parties to be
affected. Areas that may not be immediately obvious such as: balconies, walkways, sub roofs,
infrequently used doors [emergency exits] etc.).
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Protection from dropped objects
All small tools and equipment should be attached to the harness via a lanyard and /or a suitable
tool bag / bucket will be used to minimise the risk of dropped objects. Large tools >8kg will be
attached to a separate safety line. Operating member companies will have a policy detailing
procedure for using tools at height.


Arrangements for emergencies and first aid must be made during the planning stage of any rope
access operation. Full details of these arrangements must be included as part of the risk
assessment / method statement.

It is the responsibility of the IRATA Supervisor to take ownership of the rescue plan, communicate
the emergency arrangements to the work team, implement any ‘pre-rigged’ or ‘rig for rescue’
system and ensure its effectiveness throughout the work task.

It may be necessary (and prudent) to carry out a practice run-through of the rescue procedure.
Consideration should also be given to dealing with the situation (should it arise) of the Supervisor
becoming incapacitated.

Elements of the rescue plan include:

• Designated anchor points.

• Required equipment.
• Team size, competence, supervision and communication.
• Step-by-step procedure for rescue.
• First aid provision.
• Contingency plan covering possible complications.

First aid equipment and the level of training required must be adequate and appropriate for the
environment the work team is operating in.

If working in remote locations the need for a more comprehensive first aid kit and advanced
training maybe required, it maybe advantages to make special arrangements with the local
emergency services and inform them of your location.

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Also, known as:

Suspension Trauma, Suspension Syncope, Orthostatic
Intolerance, Harness-induced Pathology.

The following information is taken from IRATA

ICOP Annex G.

WARNING! The advice given in this annex is known best

practice at the time of publication. It is essential that persons
responsible for rescue plans and rescues keep themselves
fully up to date with current practices.

Suspension intolerance is a condition in which a suspended

person, e.g., in a harness, can experience certain unpleasant symptoms, which can lead to
unconsciousness and eventually death. The reason for this is that the body is not tolerant of
being in an upright position and motionless at the same time. Persons likely to be affected are
those who are suspended in a generally upright position and who are motionless, for example,
when seriously injured or unconscious, or when fastened vertically in a stretcher.

The condition been suspected in cases of mountain climbers who fell and were suspended for
up to several hours. Some of these climbers died after rescuing up to eleven days after their fall,
for reasons that have been postulated by medical professionals as being due to suspension
intolerance. There have also been instances of cave explorers becoming stuck on their ropes
and who have died either while still on them or not long after being rescued. The reason for some
of these deaths was again attributed to suspension intolerance. Some of the symptoms have
been experienced by rescues feigning unconsciousness in rescue training scenarios. The
condition has been produced under experimental circumstances in persons who were
suspended in a harness in a generally upright position and who were motionless. In these clinical
trials, where the test subjects were told not to move, most experienced many of the effects of
suspension intolerance, some including loss of consciousness, in just a few minutes. Others
managed for longer before reporting symptoms. A similar situation might arise in a worker who
falls into suspension and is not moving, e.g., due to being exhausted, badly injured or

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Muscular action in moving the legs normally assists the return against gravity of blood in the
veins back to the heart. When the body is motionless, these “muscle pumps” do not operate and
if the person is in an upright position, an excess of blood pools in the veins of the legs, which are
capable of a large expansion and, therefore have considerable capacity. The excess of blood in
the veins is known as venous pooling. The retention of blood in the venous system reduces the
circulating blood volume and causes a disturbance of the circulatory system.
This can lead to a critical reduction of blood supply to the brain and symptoms which include a
feeling by the person that they are about to faint, nausea, breathlessness, disrupted vision,
paleness, giddiness, localized pain, numbness, hot flushes, initially an increase in pulse and
blood pressure and then a decrease in blood pressure below normal. The symptoms are known
as pre-syncope and, if the condition is allowed to develop unchecked, can lead to
unconsciousness (fainting) — when it is known as syncope — and eventually death. It is possible
that other organs critically dependent on a good blood supply, such as the kidneys, could also
suffer damage, with potentially serious consequences. It seems that even the fittest person may
not be immune to the effects of suspension intolerance.
Normal movement of the legs (e.g., When ascending, descending or working while suspended)
will activate the muscles, which should minimize the risk of excessive venous pooling and the
onset of pre-syncope. It is recommended that harness leg loops are wide and well-padded, as
this should help to spread the load and reduce possible restrictions to blood-flow through the
arteries and veins in the legs. The use of a work seat should be considered if one position is
expected to be sustained for an extended period.
Although there is little evidence of the effects of suspension intolerance occurring in the
industrial rope access environment, an effective rescue plan is essential to ensure that, following
an incident, a casualty can be removed quickly from the suspended position and cared for in a
proper manner. The longer the casualty is suspended without moving, the greater the chances
there are of the effects of suspension intolerance developing and the more serious it is likely to
A person suspended motionless in a harness awaiting rescue is likely to tolerate suspension with
the knees elevated. During rescue, elevation of the legs and movement of them by the casualty
or assisted by the rescuer, where safely possible, may be helpful. The casualty should be
removed from suspension as soon as possible. This is particularly important for a casualty who
is motionless. Rope access personnel should be able to recognise the symptoms of suspension
pre -syncope.
Motionless head-up suspension can lead to pre-syncope and sometimes syncope in most normal
subjects within 1 hour and to 20% of subjects within 10 minutes. Syncope can follow thereafter
at an unpredictable time. During and after rescue, standard first aid guidance should be
followed, with an emphasis on airway, breathing and circulation management (ABC). Assessment
of any injuries should include those which may not be apparent, e.g., Damage to the neck, back
and vital organs.
In accordance with the advice given in a literature research and assessment carried out by the
UK Health and Safety Laboratory (HSL) in 2008 (HSE/RR708 Evidence based review of the
current guidance on first aid measures for suspension trauma), the fully conscious casualty may
be laid down and the semi-conscious or unconscious casualty placed in the recovery position
(also known as the open airway position). This differs from earlier advice.
All casualties who have been suspended motionless in a harness should be taken to hospital
immediately for further professional medical care and observation. Medical personnel should be
advised that the casualty maybe suffering from the effects of suspension intolerance. Those
preparing rescue plans should regularly review current best practice.

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Rope access equipment should be chosen based on an assessment of:

• Suitability of the equipment for the intended task and intended work environment
• Intended purpose as specified by the manufacturer
• The likelihood and consequences of misuse of the equipment– including known incidents
• Competence of the end user
• Compatibility with existing equipment
• Conformance with relevant standards


There are three categories of PPE according to its level of complexity and the level of hazard
against which it protects:

Category 1—Simple (Protect against minor irritations or abrasions)

Category 2—Intermediate (Helmets, Protective footwear)
Category 3—Complex (Protect against mortal danger)

Most rope access suspension equipment and fall arrest equipment is Cat 3 PPE.

EN Standards and CE Marking

All PPE used in industrial rope access must meet the required standards for use in the country
they are to be used in. Within the European Union a CE mark on a product indicates that the item
has been type tested and meets a minimum standard. The EN number marked on an item
indicates the relevant standard the item has been tested against. Both the EN and CE marks are
not intended to be an indication of the quality of an item of equipment.

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Equipment traceability

All equipment, when used in industrial rope access must be traceable to inspection records and
certificates of conformity. Normally this is achieved by unique ID numbers on the equipment,
whatever method is used to identify equipment it is important that any markings do not alter
damage or affect the performance of the equipment.
Some Manufactures use the following system:

To find out the year of manufacture, refer to this detailed serial number in the following manner:

Example for recent PPE: 09 365 AB 1 234

• 09 corresponds to the year of manufacture
• 365 corresponds to the day of manufacture in that year
• AB is the code of the person who inspected the product
• 1234 is the individual product number

Care and Maintenance

Manufacturers will give recommendations on how best to care for and maintain your equipment.
These recommendations can be found in the instructions for use that should be supplied with
equipment and be available for inspection on request.


All rope access equipment should be stored as per the manufacturer’s instructions. Equipment
stores will be secure and present no risk of contamination from ultraviolet light, water, grit, oil,
or any other material which may cause damage or deterioration to the equipment.

Equipment stores should be kept locked at all times to prevent any possibility of unauthorised
interference or contamination.

Transport of equipment between stores and work site and storage while on-site will be under the
same conditions where reasonably practicable.


All rope access equipment has a life span (that will include a designated amount of time for
unused storage). Manufacturers provide recommendations for their own items of equipment in
the usage instructions provided when the items are supplied. Equipment lifespan will be affected
by the environmental conditions in which it is used and the frequency of its use.
Equipment instructions and specifications are generally available for download from
manufacturer’s websites.

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“Manufacturer’s specifications for the permissible loading of equipment should be taken as the
starting point for the selection of equipment. Some equipment, e.g., descending devices; backup
devices, may be supplied with maximum and/or minimum rated loads (RLMAX and RLMIN). Other
equipment may be supplied with different types of load ratings, e.g., a safe working load (SWL),
working load limit (WLL). These are sometimes in addition to the minimum static strength
provided, e.g., connectors, and sometimes in place of it. Most personal fall protection equipment
used in rope access work, such as low-stretch ropes, harnesses and ascending devices, is tested
using the minimum static strength specified in the relevant Standards. Dynamic rope is supplied
with a statement of the number of dynamic falls held during type testing.”

WLL: Working Load Limit: The maximum load, as determined by the manufacturer that an item
of equipment is designed to raise, lower or suspend.

BL: Breaking Load: The maximum load that can be applied to an item of equipment before it

SWL: Safe Working Load: The maximum load, as determined by a competent person that an item
of equipment is designed to raise, lower or suspend under particular conditions. It is normally
accepted that the safe working load for rope access equipment is 1 person under normal working
conditions or 2 people in an emergency (Rescue Situation).

A factor of safety is used when determining the strength of an item of equipment. The SWL of a
piece of equipment may be derived by dividing the Maximum Breaking Load by the Factor of

Factors of safety are usually given as:

Metal Items: 5:1

Textile Items: 10:1
SWL= Breaking Load (BL) divided by the Factor of Safety (FOS)

Steel Karabiner BL=2500kg (25Kn) SWL=500kg

Low Stretch Rope BL=3000kg (30 KN) SWL= 300kg

Textile items have a higher Factor of Safety as they are more susceptible to wear, heat and
chemical damage. Knotted ropes may also be up to 50% weaker depending upon which knot is

A system is only as strong as its weakest link...!
Never exceed the SWL of the weakest item of equipment in the rope access system.

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EQUIPMENT INSPECTION Taken from IRATA ICOP Part 2, Section 2.10
“There are three types of inspection to which all rope access equipment should be subjected, to
decide if the equipment can continue to be used or if it should be removed from use and
destroyed. These are the pre-use check, the detailed inspection and, in certain circumstances,
the interim inspection. Any item showing any defect during these inspections should be
withdrawn from service, immediately if possible.”

Pre-use Check
The pre-use check consists of a visual and tactile inspection, which should be carried out before
first use each day. Formal documentation for daily inspections should not be necessary,
although some users may wish to include a checklist in daily inspection documentation. It is
advisable to continue to monitor the condition of equipment throughout the duration of the task
and not just at the start of the day.

Detailed Inspection
There should be a formal inspection procedure to ensure that equipment is thoroughly inspected
by a competent person before equipment is used for the first time and then at intervals not
exceeding six months, or in accordance with a written inspection scheme. This should be carried
out in accordance with any manufacturer’s guidance. The results of detailed inspections should
be recorded. For a recommended list of information to be recorded following a detailed
inspection, see ICOP Part 3, Annex I.

Interim inspection
Where equipment is used in arduous conditions or exceptional events liable to jeopardize safety
have occurred, further inspections (called interim inspections) should be carried out. These are
inspections in addition to the detailed inspection and the normal pre-use check. They should be
carried out by a competent person at intervals determined by the risk assessment. Suitable times
for interim inspections can be decided by taking into account factors such as whether items are
subject to high levels of wear and tear (e.g., unusual loadings or a gritty environment) or
contamination (e.g., in a chemical atmosphere). Interim inspections should be recorded.

Further information regarding equipment inspection can be found in:

• The manufacturers information that should be supplied with the item

• IRATA ICOP: Annex H- Equipment inspection checklists, Annex I– List of information to be

recorded following a detailed inspection of rope access equipment, Annex J– Resistance
to chemicals and other properties of some of the man-made fibres used in the
manufacture of rope access equipment.

OPS-TR-Irata-004 V5.0 Page 18 of 86


A basic equipment set up that you may be

using for the remainder of the course.

The central ring in the picture is a

representation of your lower tie-in point on
your harness.

Three separates ‘cow’s-tails are tied with

dynamic rope using a rethreaded Figure 8
knot at the harness end and a Barrel knot at
the connector (Karabiner) end.

One will be used for your back-up device.

Your descender will be attached via a

Karabiner directly to your tie-in point.

You will carry an ascender with a foot loop on

your harness; this will normally remain
attached to one of your cow’s-tails.

Your chest ascender will be mounted

permanently on your harness.

An alternative set up will use one piece of

dynamic rope to tie all three attachment
points (cow’s-tails). The centre attachment
point is tied so that it is ‘isolated’ and

OPS-TR-Irata-004 V5.0 Page 19 of 86

HELMETS Taken from IRATA ICOP Part 2, Section 2.7.12

Rope access technicians should wear protective helmets that are suitable
for the type of work being undertaken. Helmets that conform to standards
for either mountaineering or industrial use might be suitable. Some
industrial helmets might not be suitable because they might not have
sufficient side impact protection or strong enough chinstraps.

Chinstraps on helmets used in rope access work should prevent the helmet from coming off the
head. This is typically achieved by the incorporation of “Y” shaped straps in the design of the
helmet. Helmets should always be used with the chinstrap fastened.

• Selection criteria for helmets include:

• light weight, but without compromising safety.
• good fit, i.e., adjustable to the wearer’s head size.
• the ability to mount ancillary equipment such as communications equipment; headlamp;
ear protectors; visors.
• unrestricted vision (downwards, sideways and upwards).
• Good ventilation, particularly in hot climates.

Examples of appropriate standards for helmets (when the caveats in the notes are taken into
account) are:
• Industrial: EN 397; EN 14052.
• Mountaineering: EN 12492.

NOTE 1: Users should carefully check the performance of industrial helmets conforming to
European Standard EN 397 as they might not have the all the performance requirements for the
safety of rope access technicians, e.g., front, side and rear energy absorption capacity (not
specified in EN 397); appropriate chinstrap and fastening arrangement; low temperature use
and ventilation (optional in EN 397).

NOTE 2: Helmets utilizing expanded polystyrene shells (common in helmets conforming to

European Standard EN 12492) are unlikely to withstand the rigours of industrial use and,
therefore, are generally not recommended.

Additional Information:
Manufacturer’s user instructions
IRATA ICOP section 2.7.12

OPS-TR-Irata-004 V5.0 Page 20 of 86

HARNESSES Taken from IRATA ICOP Part 2, Section 2.7.3.

NOTE: historically, rope access technicians used a sit harness coupled with a chest strap or chest
harness, which served a dual purpose of holding the chest ascender in its correct orientation
and in assisting the user to be supported in a more upright position than typically a sit harness
would do alone. Although this combination is still common, an alternative is to use a specially
designed full body harness that combines the necessary sit harness support function with the
facilities described above and which also provides a high attachment point for the backup device
(typically via a short device lanyard). In the unlikely event of a fall, the wearer is always
maintained in an upright position and, arguably, the potential for hyperextension of the head
(whiplash) is reduced. These harnesses usually conform to appropriate fall arrest harness
standards and thus meet legislative and other authority requirements or recommendations for
harnesses to be used for work where a fall could occur.
Work positioning harnesses for rope access work may be a sit harness or full body harness,
depending upon the nature of the work to be carried out and the regulations applicable where
the work is being undertaken.
Work positioning harnesses are generally designed to be strong enough to arrest a free fall of
limited distance and force but might not conform to the other essential requirements for a fall
arrest system (e.g., for use in lead climbing), unless combined with appropriate additional
For ergonomic reasons, it is recommended that a low front attachment point on the harness is
used to connect descending devices, ascending devices (via appropriate device lanyards) and
anchor lanyards. Back-up devices are generally best connected to the anchor line via a high front
attachment point. This is to minimize any whiplash effect in a fall; to keep the body upright after
a fall and to facilitate self-rescue.
Harnesses used should be capable of supporting the wearer in a comfortable position, e.g., while
working or awaiting rescue, while allowing unhindered operation of other devices in the system.
Before using a harness for the first time, the user should carry out a suspension test in a safe
place to ensure that the harness is comfortable and has sufficient adjustment. For details of an
appropriate test, see Part 3, Annex D.
Selection criteria for harnesses include:
• the ability to be adjusted to fit the rope access technician for size and comfort when
wearing a maximum and a minimum of clothing.
• whether to use a sit harness or a full body harness (check industry and legislative
• IRATA International code of practice for industrial rope access Part 2 of 5: Detailed
• IRATA International Part 2: page 26 of 68
• suitability for support needed, dependent upon the person and the work to be done.
• suitability of the harness attachment points for ascending devices, descending devices,
back-up devices, device lanyards and anchor lanyards.
• the ability to connect and work with a seat.
• resistance of creep (slow slippage) of straps through their adjusters.
• resistance to ultra-violet degradation.
• Resistance to chemicals, wear and abrasion.

OPS-TR-Irata-004 V5.0 Page 21 of 86

Examples of appropriate standards for harnesses are:
• for sit harnesses: EN 813.
• for full body harnesses: EN 361; ISO 10333-1; ANSI/ASSE Z359.1
(Maximum fall distance 0.6 m and maximum impact load 4 KN for sternal attachment).

Additional Information:
Manufacturer’s user instructions
IRATA ICOP Section 2.7.3

OPS-TR-Irata-004 V5.0 Page 22 of 86

COW’S-TAILS / DYNAMIC ROPE Taken from IRATA ICOP Part 2, Section

Device lanyards and anchor lanyards should be able to withstand any dynamic forces that might
be imposed upon them in times of emergency. Device lanyards and anchor lanyards made of
rope should have a performance at least equal to that of a “single” dynamic mountaineering
rope, e.g., one conforming to European Standard EN 892 or the equivalent standard by the
International Mountaineering and Climbing Federation (UIAA). Both these standards require the
rope to have energy absorbing properties. Knots to be used for the terminations should be
chosen for their energy absorbing characteristics as well as their strength and should be tied
only by competent persons. The energy absorption provided by the materials used in the
construction of the lanyard is enhanced by the knots used to terminate them and knotted
terminations are therefore recommended. An example of a knot that is particularly good at
absorbing energy is the scaffold knot (often referred to as a barrel knot), which is frequently used
in the end of the anchor lanyard. The knot is often tied with two turns of the rope. There is a
version that uses three turns. Both versions are acceptable. It is good practice to re-tie, dress
and set (i.e., hand tighten) knots periodically as part of the inspection process.
Device lanyards and anchor lanyards made from dynamic rope with knotted terminations should
have a minimum static strength of 15 Kn the strength of the combination of chosen rope and
knots should be confirmed, e.g., by testing the lanyard or by reference to information supplied
by the manufacturer.
Other types of lanyard may be appropriate for use in rope access, e.g., lanyards conforming to
standards where the minimum static strength requirement is typically 22 KN and energy
absorption is not considered. For proprietary lanyards, the information supplied by the
manufacturer should be consulted.
If an energy absorber is incorporated into the system (other than that provided by the energy
absorbing qualities of the material and termination knots used in the construction of the device
lanyard or anchor lanyard), it should conform to an appropriate standard for energy absorbers.
To minimize any fall potential and to aid manoeuvres in a rescue situation, it is important that
the length of device lanyards is kept as short as possible and limited to the rope access
technician’s reach. This will vary from person to person.
Anchor lanyards are normally used in two lengths: the shortest typically when changing from one
anchor line to another during descent, e.g., at a re-anchor, and the longest typically when
changing from one anchor line to another during ascent, e.g., at a re-anchor. The lengths of the
anchor lanyards should be as short as possible, i.e., no longer than is necessary to enable the
rope access technician to carry out the required manoeuvres. This is not only for maximum
efficiency in carrying out the manoeuvres but also to minimize the potential for high impact forces
in any fall that might occur.

EN 892: Mountaineering equipment– Dynamic mountaineering ropes– Safety requirements
And test methods.

OPS-TR-Irata-004 V5.0 Page 23 of 86

DESCENDING DEVICES Taken from IRATA ICOP Part 2, Section 2.7.5.

Descending devices are used to attach the rope access technician to the
working line and to control the descent. If a connector is used to connect the
descending device to the user, only an appropriate locking connector should be
used. This may be a manual or automatic locking connector. Automatic locking
connectors should have protection against roll-out (see section on Connectors).
When selecting a descending device, it is essential that the probability of
foreseeable misuse and the consequences of such misuse are assessed. When
such an assessment has been made, a residual risk of misuse may exist, which
should be addressed by identifying and applying specific control measures, such
as the selection of alternative equipment, extra training, modification of work
practices, increased supervision or a combination of these. Industrial Descender (ID)

Special consideration should be given to the suitability and performance of descending devices
during rescue, when potential loads could be significantly higher than the manufacturer’s
maximum rated load.

Descending devices should:

• be selected such that the anticipated loading is appropriate for the mass of the rope
access technician, including any equipment worn, i.e., in accordance with the
manufacturer’s maximum and minimum rated loads.
• be appropriate for the length of the descent.
• be capable of two-person loading and provide appropriate control over the speed of
descent if workmate retrieval is going to be carried out using this device.
• be suited to the prevailing environmental conditions, e.g., wet; icy; muddy; abrasive;
• be capable of giving the rope access technician appropriate control over the speed of
descent and should not cause undue shock loads to the working line when braking.
• automatically stop the descent if the rope access technician loses control, i.e., lock
automatically in the hands-free mode (noting that it is common and acceptable for
some minor creep of the descending device along the anchor line to
• preferably fail to safe in all modes of operation, e.g., stop the
descent automatically when gripped too tightly in panic (panic
• be simple to attach to the working line and have protection against
incorrect attachment (e.g., via design; marking; warnings).
• minimize damage, wear or twist to the working line.
• have good heat dissipation characteristics (important on long Stop Descender
descents or descents in high ambient temperatures).
• be compatible with the anchor line type and diameter.
• Not be capable of inadvertent detachment from the working line or becoming detached
under any circumstances while carrying a rope access technician's weight or while
supporting the weight of two persons during a rescue.

Examples of appropriate standards for descending devices are:

a) EN 12841, Type C; ISO 22159. b) For rescue only: EN 341.

Additional Information: Manufacturers user instructions

OPS-TR-Irata-004 V5.0 Page 24 of 86

ASCENDING DEVICES Taken from IRATA ICOP Part 2, Section 2.7.6.

Ascending devices are attached to the working line and are used when the rope access
technician wishes to climb up it. Typically, there are two types of ascending device used in a rope
access system. The first type is used to connect the rope access technician directly to the working
line via the harness; the other type is attached to a foot loop to aid climbing and is also connected
back to the harness with a device lanyard to provide additional security.
Ascending devices should be of a type that cannot be detached accidentally from the working
line and should be chosen so that the risk of damage to the working line is minimized when in
use. Any dynamic loading should be avoided, as damage could result to either the ascending
device or the working line.
Ascending devices should be chosen bearing in mind suitability for use in the prevailing
environmental conditions, e.g., wet; muddy; icy; abrasive; corrosive.
Other selection criteria include:

IRATA International code of practice for industrial rope access Part 2 of 5: Detailed guidance
© IRATA International Part 2: page 30 of 68 2014-Jul-01
• simplicity of connection to the working line.
• ease of adjustment when moving it up and down the working line.
• effective grip on the working line.
• resistance to abrasion, e.g., caused by dirty working lines.
• minimal potential for damage to working lines under foreseeable loads, e.g., the
sharpness of teeth on the cam that grips the working line.
• suitability for specific use, e.g., mounting on the chest when ascending.
• Ability to connect device lanyards and other devices.

Examples of appropriate standards for ascending devices are:

EN567: Mountaineering equipment– Rope clamps– Safety requirements and test methods.
EN12841-B: Personal fall protection equipment– Rope access systems– Rope adjustment

Additional Information:

Manufacturer’s user instructions

IRATA ICOP Section 2.7.6

OPS-TR-Irata-004 V5.0 Page 25 of 86

Chest Ascender Handled Ascender

OPS-TR-Irata-004 V5.0 Page 26 of 86

BACK UP DEVICES Taken from IRATA ICOP Part 2, Section 2.7.7.

Back-up devices are used to attach the rope access technician to the safety line. This is normally
done by linking the back-up device to the user’s harness with a device lanyard. In the event of a
failure of the working line or loss of control by the rope access technician, back-up devices are
intended to lock on to the safety line without causing catastrophic damage to the safety line and
to absorb the limited shock load that might occur.

When back-up devices are dynamically tested in accordance with standards, the tests only
represent a (vertical) free-fall. In certain circumstances, an uncontrolled descent may not be a
free fall and the back-up device may not activate, e.g., if the user loses control of the descending
device during descent, if a fall is impeded by the structure or while descending at an angle other
than vertical. Back-up devices should be selected which are known to perform in such a way that
an uncontrolled descent at all angles likely to be encountered during use would be prevented or

When used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, the combination of backup
device, device lanyard, connectors and harness should be able to limit the force on the user to
a maximum of 6.0 KN in the event of a working line failure.

NOTE 6 KN is a recognized threshold of injury.

Petzl ASAP Lock S-tec Enforcer

OPS-TR-Irata-004 V5.0 Page 27 of 86

It is recommended that back-up devices used are of a type that will not slip at a static load of
less than 2.5 KN to allow for two persons to be supported from it, which may be necessary in a
rescue situation.

When selecting a back-up device, it is essential that the probability of foreseeable misuse and
the consequences of such misuse are assessed. When such an assessment has been made, a
residual risk of misuse may exist, which should be addressed by identifying and applying specific
control measures, such as the selection of alternative equipment, extra training, modification of
work practices, increased supervision or a combination of these.
Special consideration should be given to the suitability and performance of back-up devices if
they might be used during rescue, because potential loads could be significantly higher than the
manufacturer’s maximum rated load.

Additional selection criteria for a back-up device include:

• That the anticipated loading is appropriate for the mass of the rope access technician
including any equipment worn, i.e., in accordance with the manufacturer’s maximum
rated load.
• The suitability regarding arresting the mass of the user, including any equipment worn or
• The ability to keep any fall as short as possible.
• That it does not cause catastrophic damage to the safety line when arresting a fall.
• The suitability regarding arresting a two-person load if workmate retrieval is going to be
carried out.
• that it cannot be inadvertently disconnected from the safety line
• compatibility with the safety line type and diameter
• The ability to position the device anywhere on the safety line.
• The suitability for the prevailing environmental conditions, e.g., wet, icy, dirty, abrasive,
• Minimal manipulation required by the rope access technician.
• Preferably fail to safe in all modes of operation, e.g., prevent or arrest a fall even when
gripped in panic.

Examples of appropriate standards for back-up devices:

EN353-2: PPE against falls from height: Guided type fall arrestors. Part 2. Specification for
guided type fall arrestors on a flexible anchorage line.
EN12841-A: Personal fall protection equipment– Rope access systems– Rope adjustment

Additional Information:

Manufacturer’s user instructions

OPS-TR-Irata-004 V5.0 Page 28 of 86


Karabiners (sometimes referred to as: Krabs, Biners, Lockers and various other names), when
used in rope access must have a locking mechanism, either screw gate or self-locking. Many
different types of self-locking mechanism are available from many different manufacturers;
consideration should be given to the suitability of the locking mechanism for the task in hand.
Both aluminium and steel karabiners are used in rope access. Aluminium karabiners are lighter
in weight but will be subject to quicker wear in abrasive environments and may be more
susceptible to corrosion in most environments than their heavier, more robust steel

Karabiner gates form a fundamental part of the structural strength of the

connector. Strength will be greatly reduced with the gate ‘OPEN’. This is the
primary reason that only ‘locking’ connectors are to be used for connection to
a rope access working system.

A large ‘Auto-Locking’ connector such as this may be more suitable for some situations.

Karabiners come in various shapes and sizes. Pictured are: Left OVAL
screw lock and Right HMS/Klettersteig/Pear shaped screw lock

OPS-TR-Irata-004 V5.0 Page 29 of 86

The following information is taken from IRATA ICOP Part 2, Section 2.7.4.

Connectors with a gate locking mechanism such as a screwed sleeve or an automatic locking
mechanism are the only types that can provide the required level of security for use in rope
access. Connectors made of steel should be used if connecting to steel cables, shackles or
eyebolts. Connectors that are to be used to attach to an anchor should be of such a design and
size that they are able to rotate in the anchor and sit correctly, without hindrance and without
loosening the anchor.

Screw link connectors (also known as MAILLONS) might be more appropriate than other types of
connector for infrequently operated connections or where there might be a loading against the

. An Oval and Delta Maillon

The strength of a connector is determined by applying an outward force along its length (the
major axis) using two round metal bars. If the connector has an asymmetrical shape, the test
load is normally applied along a line close to the spine. If the loading in use is not in such a
position — for example, because of the use of wide tape slings or double ropes — the weaker,
gated side of the connector will take more of the load and its failure load could be less than
specified. Static strength tests resulted in strength losses of up to 45%. Therefore, care should
be taken in use to see that asymmetrical connectors are loaded correctly, i.e., in a line close to
the spine, or have a suitable factor of safety.

The weakest part of most connectors is the gate and loading against it should be avoided.
Unintentional loading against the gate is usually caused by the movement of straps or other
connecting components from their intended position while unloaded. Connectors with a captive
eye, which holds the lanyard in place, can partially overcome this problem and are
recommended, where appropriate. Alternatively, triangular or semi-circular shaped screw link
connectors or other specially designed connectors that have high minor axis strength (i.e., across
the gate) may be chosen.

The minimum recommended static strengths for connectors are given in Table 2.1. On page 27
of part 2 of the ICOP.

When selecting a connector, users should take account of its gate locking system and how and
where the connector is going to be used in the rope access system, to protect against rollout.
Roll-out is the result of pressure on the gate by another component connected to it, such as an
anchor line device, a harness attachment point (especially if made from metal), a webbing
lanyard, an anchor line or another connector. If the safety catch mechanism on the locking gate
is actioned while this pressure is applied, it can cause the inadvertent opening of the connector
gate and the roll-out (i.e., release) of the component from the connector.

OPS-TR-Irata-004 V5.0 Page 30 of 86

In roll-out, the safety catch is usually accidentally tripped in one of two ways, depending upon
the type of locking gate. These are:

• by rope or webbing running over the top of some types of gate which incorporate a twist-
action safety catch.
• Unintentional pressure against the user’s body or the structure on the safety catch of
double action safety hooks.

The potential problems of loading against the gate and subsequent roll-out can generally be
avoided by careful thought of how pressure could be applied unintentionally to the connector
during use and then choosing the correct connector to take account of this.

Other selection criteria for connectors include:

• resistance to corrosion, wear, abrasion and fracturing.

• robust enough to work in cold, dirty or gritty conditions.
• ability to be opened, closed and locked in difficult circumstances, e.g., with gloved hands.
• Gate-open size and design to suit the work in hand, e.g., connection to scaffold tubes.

Examples of appropriate standards for connectors are:

• for all types (including self-closing and self-locking types): EN 362.

• For self-closing and self-locking types only: ISO 10333-5; ANSI/ASSE Z359.12.

22Kn minimum breaking load across the major axis.
Additional Information:
Manufacturer’s user instructions
IRATA ICOP Annex F.3.7

OPS-TR-Irata-004 V5.0 Page 31 of 86

TAPE and WIRE SLINGS (used as Anchor slings)
Taken from IRATA ICOP Part 2, Section 2.7.8.

Anchor slings may be used where there are no suitable anchors to which the anchor lines can be
attached directly. If made from man-made fibres, anchor slings should have sewn joints and have
a minimum static strength of 22 KN. Anchor slings made from wire rope should have a minimum
static strength of 15 KN.

Where the included angle at the anchor point (the Y angle) is, high and produces a multiplier
effect (i.e., it increases the loading on the anchor sling), the extra forces that are produced need
to be considered.

Tape slings are used to create an anchor point when placed around a structure. They are
normally made from textile webbing and may have a protective sleeve to reduce damage to the


Wire slings are used to create an anchor point around a structure. Also known as wire stops, they
are often encased within a protective sleeve to protect the structure and strop from damage.
Wire strops are less susceptible to damage from heat, chemicals and cuts.

Selection criteria for anchor slings include:

• adequate strength.
• energy absorbing characteristics, particularly for device lanyards and anchor lanyards.
• compatible with the connectors being used, e.g., fits through the connector gate and does
not bunch and distort unduly under load.
• suitable length (adjustable or fixed).
• suitable for attachment to the harness, where appropriate.
• protected at wear points.
• manufactured from appropriate materials for the task in hand, e.g., in some cases, steel
cable might be more suitable than rope or webbing, and for the work environment.


22- 30Kn Breaking Load

Examples of appropriate standards for lanyards are:

EN 566: Mountaineering equipment– Slings– Safety requirements and test methods.

EN 795: Protection against falls from height– Anchor devices– Requirements and testing.

Additional Information:
Manufacturer’s user instructions
IRATA ICOP Section 2.7.8
IRATA ICOP Annex F.3.8

OPS-TR-Irata-004 V5.0 Page 32 of 86

ROPE Taken from IRATA ICOP Part 2, Section 2.7.2.

Low stretch rope is (normally) used to create an anchor line system.

In the present state of materials science, only ropes made from polyamide or polyester are
suitable for anchor lines for rope access. Other man-made materials might be useful in special
situations, but care should be taken to verify their suitability for the intended use.

Ropes made from high modulus polyethylene, high tenacity polypropylene and aramid may be
considered for use in exceptional circumstances, and only if appropriate anchor line devices
(e.g., descending devices) are available. Ropes made from these materials might be useful
where there is severe chemical pollution. However, polyethylene and polypropylene have much
lower melting temperatures than polyamide or polyester and are more easily affected by
frictional heat, for example from descending devices. Dangerous softening of polypropylene
occurs at temperatures as low as 80°C. Aramid has a very high melting point but poor resistance
to abrasion, ultraviolet light and repeated bending. Both polyester and aramid fibres have lower
elongation characteristics than polyamide, aramid being the lowest.

Some new ropes can shrink by around 10% when wet, which could be a problem if egress and
access at the bottom of an anchor line is required. Rope lengths should be chosen. It may be
advisable to uncoil a new rope and immerse it in water for a few hours and then allow it to dry
naturally in a warm room away from direct heat. The length of the rope should be checked
periodically with shrinkage in mind.

Wire rope might be a suitable material for use in particular situations, providing that other
appropriate components needed for the system are available and that any other system
requirements are met. Attention is drawn to wire rope made from stainless steel. Great care
should be taken when selecting or specifying anchor lines made from stainless steel as some
types of stainless steel can have unpredictable fatigue and corrosion characteristics.

Textile ropes constructed with a load-bearing core and an outer protective sheath are
recommended, e.g., kernmantle construction. Ropes should be resistant to wear from the anchor
line devices and should resist the ingress of dirt and grit. It is likely that the majority of anchor
line devices used in rope access are compatible only with rope of kernmantle construction.
However, ropes with other types of construction may be used if it is thoroughly verified that these
give a similar level of safety and there are compatible anchor line devices.

Efficiency in descending, ascending and, to some extent, working in one place for any length of
time, depends on the elongation characteristics of the working line. Therefore, in most cases,
the working line (and normally also the safety line) should be a low-stretch kernmantle rope.

Low-stretch kernmantle ropes are used almost universally for both the working line and the
safety line. However, these ropes are not designed to sustain major dynamic loads and should
never be used in situations where a fall greater than fall factor one could be sustained. For more
information on fall factors, fall distances and associated risks, see Part 3, Annex Q. On very long
drops, the use of ropes of even lower elongation might be appropriate but, as these have minimal
energy absorption, the user would need to incorporate an energy absorber in the back-up system.

OPS-TR-Irata-004 V5.0 Page 33 of 86

In situations where the possibility of a substantial dynamic load exists, a dynamic rope should
be used. Within the International Mountaineering and Climbing Federation (UIAA) Standards and
the European Standards (ENs), there are three categories of dynamic rope: single, half and twin.
For rope access, the use of 'single' rope with a nominal diameter of 11 mm is recommended.

NOTE In choosing the type of rope to be used, it is important to balance the needs of energy
absorption with the need to avoid excessive elongation or rebound, which could result in the rope
access technician striking the ground or structure or ending up fully immersed in water or other

Important factors for the selection of ropes for use as anchor lines include:

• Compatibility with chosen anchor line devices, e.g., descending devices; ascending
devices; backup devices.
• resistance against chemicals; ultra-violet degradation; wear and abrasion.
• the ease with which knots can be tied, e.g., to form terminations.
• the static strength of the rope after terminations have been made is a minimum of 15
Kn, e.g., when tested in accordance with EN 1891:1998 Type A.
• having a substantially higher melting point than could be generated during rope access,
including rescue.
• Performance in relevant environmental conditions, e.g., cold; hot; wet; dirty.

Examples of appropriate standard for ropes are:

• for low-stretch kernmantle ropes: EN 1891; CI 1801.

• for dynamic kernmantle ropes: EN 892; UIAA-101.
• For all types of kernmantle rope: CI 2005.

NOTE CI 1801 provides requirements for low stretch and static kernmantle ropes. The elongation
requirements for low stretch kernmantle rope in CI 1801 are not the same as those in EN 1891:
low stretch kernmantle rope conforming to CI 1801 is likely to be more elastic. The elongation
requirements for low stretch kernmantle rope in EN 1891 are closer to those for static
kernmantle rope in CI 1801.

Additional Information:
Manufacturer’s user instructions
IRATA ICOP Part 3, Annex J and Part 3, Annex Q


Foot loops are used in addition with a hand ascender when climbing a rope. Etrier’s are used as
a multi-step foot loop generally for aid climbing or when maintaining a comfortable work position
whilst suspended. Either item may be produced by a manufacturer as a commercial product, or
locally manufactured. Foot loops do not constitute part of the fall prevention system.


A work seat is used to provide comfort to a rope access technician when suspended for long
periods of time; a work seat does not constitute part of the fall prevention system.

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Taken from IRATA ICOP Part 2, Section 2.7.11.

When there is a need for rope access technicians to remain suspended in one place for more
than a few minutes, support additional to that provided by the harness is recommended. The
use of even a simple work seat can enhance the comfort, health and safety of a rope access
technician, possibly including a reduction in the risk of experiencing the symptoms of suspension
intolerance. For more information on suspension intolerance, see Part 3, Annex G (0r page 16
of this manual)
The work seat should be fitted in such a way that the harness remains the primary means of
attachment to the anchor lines, should the work seat fail.

NOTE: There are no known appropriate standards for work seats.


Rope protection may take many forms such heavy duty wool carpet, simple canvas padding or
edge rollers. Some edge protection will be locally manufactured from materials such as Woollen
Carpet, Hose pipe sections or heavy-duty canvas. Many manufacturers produce many different
types of proprietary protection devices and care should be taken to select a suitable protection
device for the task in hand. Consideration should also be given to protection of anchor slings and
other lanyards.

IRATA ICOP Part 2, Section 2.7.10. States that:

NOTE: This guidance on the protection of anchor lines against hazardous surfaces may also be
applied in context to the protection of lanyards and slings.

Wherever possible, anchor lines should be rigged so that they hang free and do not come into
contact with hazardous surfaces, e.g., edges or abrasive or hot surfaces, at any time during the
rope access activity. Where this cannot be done, e.g., where it is not possible to arrange a natural
free hang or use deviations or re-anchors, it is essential that anchor lines are suitably protected
against the hazard. This can be achieved in various ways, e.g., by the use of edge protectors such
as rollers; metal edge plates; edge padding, or by anchor line protectors such as a textile sheath
which encapsulates the anchor line, or by a combination of both types of protector. See 2.11.3
and Annex P for more information on the protection of anchor lines.

Selection criteria for edge protectors and anchor line protectors include:

• suitability for the particular site conditions, e.g., provides adequate protection against
cutting, abrasion, excessive heat or chemical contamination
• suitability for compatibility with anchor line type, e.g., construction; diameter; number of
anchor lines
• some features to allow them to be tied off (if required) to keep the edge protectors and
anchor line protectors in their intended place and to maintain the anchor line(s) in
position within or on them
• a design that allows the rope access technician to place and to pass the edge protector
or anchor line protector
• The ability to inspect the anchor line(s) while located in or on the edge protector or anchor
line protector.

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NOTE: There are no known standards for edge protectors and anchor line protectors; however,
some manufacturers are now producing rope protecting devices with very comprehensive
instructions outlining tests that have been carried out on their product.

Additional Information:
Manufacturer’s user instructions
IRATA ICOP Section to
IRATA Safety Bulletin 22


A pulley may be incorporated into a rope access system to reduce the friction of any rope running
through it.
When hauling loads or changing the direction of moving ropes, friction in the system may cause
problems or increase workload and a pulley will be advantageous.
Pulleys are manufactured by many different companies and in a myriad of different designs.
Pulleys will generally be of a fixed type, or the side plates (often referred to as ‘cheeks’) may be
capable of swinging open. Pulleys may have a single wheel (also known as a ‘sheave’) or multiple
wheels that are supported with or without bearing races. Pulleys with good quality bearings will
provide the greatest reduction in friction. Generally, the bigger the diameter of the pulley wheel,
the more efficient it is.

IRATA ICOP Part 2, Section 2.7.13. States that:

Pulleys are used in a variety of rope access manoeuvres. They should be appropriate for their
intended use, i.e., by personnel, and be suitably load-rated. Rope access technicians should be
aware of the possible increase of loadings on anchors in some rigging situations.

Examples of appropriate standards for pulleys are: EN 12278; UIAA 127.

Additional Information:

Manufacturer’s user instructions

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Fall Arrest

Double fall arrest lanyards with a single energy absorber (sometimes referred to as a ‘Shock
Pack’) allow users to remain constantly attached whilst moving on a structure and provide
protection in the event of a fall. Single fall arrest lanyards, each with its own energy absorber can
only protect a worker involved in work in a fixed position either for positioning (and therefore not
part of a fall arrest system) or to provide restraint during work (safeguarding access to an edge).

It is important that two single lanyards are not used to create a double lanyard as this can
potentially double the impact force generated by a fall (Sharing any shock load across 2 Energy
Absorbers). Length and style of lanyards should be suitable for the task and will be determined
by many factors.


Work positioning lanyards are often used to support a rope access technician, either partially or
fully whilst carrying out a task that may be out of direct line with the main anchor rope system.
Work positioning lanyard may often be used on their own on low angled terrain, for this and
many other reasons, these lanyards should be at least of equal strength to working ropes.

Work positioning lanyards are often used as a work restraint device, providing protection
against approaching an exposed edge.

IRATA ICOP Annex E has some very useful information concerning the use of Lanyards.

Examples of appropriate standards for Lanyards are:

EN 355: PPE against falls from height: Energy absorbers.

EN 354: PPE against falls from height: Lanyards

Additional Information:
Manufacturer’s user instructions

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OPS-TR-Irata-004 V5.0 Page 38 of 86
Tying knots and rigging ropes are an essential part of a rope access technician’s skill set. At any
level of qualification, a technician may be either fully responsible for, or may be called upon to
assist with the set-up of a rope access system. This section of your manual aims to give some
guidance on which knots are acceptable in rope access, there uses, common methods of rigging
ropes and the principles of safe rigging.

Additional information can be found in the IRATA ICOP Section 2.7.9, 2.11 - and

The anchor system used for any rope access task should be designed to be unquestionably
reliable and will be attached to anchors that are in-situ or imported to the work site by the
operators to meet the specific task.

It is beyond the scope of this manual to provide information on installation and testing of anchor
systems, all anchors used in rope access should meet the requirements of local legislation,
guidance and manufacturers recommendations.

Knots are an integral part of any rope access system. They are used to attach ropes to anchors
during rigging and for attaching rope access technicians to the working system. As such the
technician’s ability to not only tie knots, but also his/her understanding of the suitability and
properties of any knots used, is key to producing a safe working system.


Any knot used in a system will decrease the strength of that system by a percentage. This
decrease in strength should be considered when planning a safe system of work. Figures quoted
in each section refer to min and max percentages in strength REDUCTION for an untidy (upper
value) and a well-dressed (Lower value) knot.

See IRATA ICOP 2.11.5

The following knots will be addressed in this section:

Figure of 8 on the bight

Figure of 9 on the bight
Double figure of 8 on the bight (Bunny Knot)
Alpine butterfly
Barrel knot
Stopper knot
Double Fisherman’s and Flemish Bend

Once a knot has been tied, dressed and tightened properly it should have a tail of not less than
10cm (4 inches) (IRATA ICOP, except when using a stopper knot in the ends of ropes,
in which case the tail should be at least 30cm (12 inches)

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FIGURE OF EIGHT (on a bight)

The fig.8 is the most commonly used knot for rigging ropes, the knot forms a strong and secure
loop in the end of the rope.

Figure 8 knot tied in a bight of rope

Figure 8 knot rethreaded around an anchor.

The primary use of the figure of 8 on a bight or simply, the figure of eight knot is to form a loop
in an end of a rope. The knot can be tied and then clipped in to or rethreaded to form a closed
loop around an attachment point.

The knot should be loaded along its axis and cross-loading of the loop should be avoided as the
pull apart strength of the knot is relatively low. The loop of the knot should be tied as small as
possible. Once the knot is properly tied and ‘dressed’, a tail of at least 10cm (4 inches) should

Effect on the strength of the system when used correctly is a 23-34% Loss

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FIGURE OF 9 (on a bight)

The figure of 9 is used in place of a figure of 8 however it is slightly stronger and easier to untie
after heavy or prolonged loading.

Figure 9 knot tied in a bight of rope

Slightly stronger than a figure of 8, the primary function of the figure of 9 on the bight or simply
figure 9, is also to form a loop in an end of a rope. This knot is generally used when an increased
load in the system would cause difficulty when trying to undo the knot after work has finished.
This knot is normally only used to connect a rope to the anchor system.

As with the figure of 8, the knot should be loaded along its axis and cross-loading of the loop
should be avoided as the pull apart strength of the knot is relatively low. The loop of the knot
should be tied as small as possible. Once the knot is properly tied and ‘dressed’, a tail of at least
10cm (4 inches) should remain.

Effect on the strength of the system when used correctly is a 16-32% Loss

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The Double Figure of Eight is another variant of the Figure of Eight knot and whilst basically the
same, once tied it will give two loops that can be used as attachments. This is normally applied
where the load on the rope needs to be shared between two anchors in close proximity to each

The advantage of the Double Figure of Eight is that should one loop fail it should not cause the
other to lose strength or become shock loaded. One disadvantage of this knot however is the
amount of rope required to tie it.

The primary function of the Double figure of 8 on the bight, (also often referred to as: Bunny
Knot or Bunny Ears) is to attach each anchor line to 2 different anchor points. This knot also
has many other uses including attachment of an unconscious casualty so that they may be
hauled or lowered in a more upright position. The ‘ears’ of the knot can be tied to the same or
differing lengths depending on the knot’s purpose.

As with all other knots, correct loading of each loop should be ensured by careful adjustment. If
used to rig an anchor, each loop should be attached to a separate connector ensuring that the
load is spread equally and is independent should one loop or anchor point suffer failure. As with
the figure of 8, the knot should be loaded along its axis and cross-loading of the loop should be
avoided. The loops of the knot should be tied as small as possible. Once the knot is properly tied
and ‘dressed’, a tail of at least 10cm (4 inches) should remain. Consideration should be given to
the angle created between the loops when loaded.

Effect on the strength of the system when used correctly is a 23-39% Loss

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The alpine butterfly is a mid-rope knot suitable for multidirectional loading, because of this it is
used to form y-hangs, isolate damaged sections of rope and make points of attachment along
a rope. When tying the alpine knot, it needs to be dressed and pulled tight, it also has to have a
minimum 10 cm from knot to loop. Therefore, the loop should have a circumference of 20 cm

It can also be used to isolate damage found in the ropes.

Again, the above dressing applies however the damage needs to be exactly at the midpoint of
the loop. (FIG 1)

FIG 1 Damage

10 cm

Effect on the strength of the system when used correctly is a 28-39% Loss

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A barrel knot (otherwise known as a ‘Scaffold Knot’) is often used in the end of the cow’s-tails as
it grips the karabiner tightly and prevents it from spinning and therefore being cross loaded. In
testing the barrel knot has shown to have greater shock absorbing qualities than other knots
used on the ends of cow’s-tails. Great care must be taken when using a barrel knot to ensure it
has been tied correctly, so that when the cow’s-tail is weighted, the knot tightens around the
karabiner and does not pull through. Tail of at least 10cm (4 inches) should remain.

10 Cm Tail

Effect on the strength of the system when used correctly is a 23-33% Loss

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A stopper knot is used to prevent a rope access technician abseiling off the end of the rope. A
stopper knot will be in the end of every rope that is rigged.

NOTE: In addition, to working and back-up ropes, a stopper knot may be required in a long tail
that exits a knot. If a technician attaches to a tail instead of a working or back-up rope by
mistake, a stopper knot will prevent them from abseiling off the end of the tail.

IRATA ICOP Part 2, Section states that:

Anchor lines should be configured so that a rope access technician cannot inadvertently descend
off the end of them. Where the anchor line is free hanging, this may be achieved by the use of a
simple stopper knot. The stopper knot should be properly dressed and then set (i.e., hand
tightened). After the knot has been set, the length of the tail below the knot should be at least
300 mm.

In use, care should be taken to ensure the knot cannot become snagged with potential
obstructions. It should be understood that a simple stopper knot is unlikely to arrest an out-of-
control descent, e.g., when the user has lost control of their descending device and the descent
is effectively a fall. If it is thought necessary to protect against such a possibility, a proven stopper
system, e.g., one incorporating a stopper disc that has been tested with the descending device
being used, should be fitted to the anchor line.

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The Flemish bend is often used to join two ropes together. It is formed by tying a figure of 8 on
a single strand and then rethreading the knot in the opposite direction with a second single

The Flemish or Figure of 8 bends

Effect on the strength of the system when used correctly is a 23-34% Loss

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A Prusik is a friction hitch or knot used to put a loop of cord around a rope, applied in climbing,
canyoneering, mountaineering, caving, rope rescue, and by arborists.

The term Prusik is a name for both the loops of cord and the hitch, and the verb is "to Prussik"

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All persons engaged in industrial rope access techniques must have two independent points of
attachment, this may be achieved by using two strops around a beam whilst aid climbing or with
the use of an anchor system whilst abseiling. These should be arranged so that in the event of
one point of attachment failing the technician remains protected by the other point of attachment
and cannot suffer a fall.

Typical arrangements of anchor system include:

• Basic Anchor System

• Small Y-Hang
• Wide Y– Hang
• Re-anchor
• Deviation
• Pull Through
• Work restraint/ horizontal lifelines
• Vertical fall arrest lines
• Tensioned ropes
• Releasable anchors


• Inspect equipment
• Ensure method statement is adhered to
• Select anchors
• Identify and install edge protection system where necessary
• Attach ropes to anchors
• Identify and install mid rope abrasion elimination or protection
• Identify and install protection from any hazardous tools or work
• Identify and install rope protection below work area
• Rig Ropes

All team equipment should be inspected every time it is used, this should be done by the
technician carrying out the rigging under the supervision of the IRATA L3 supervisor. The
supervisor should ensure that the RAMS are adhered to at all times during the rope access
operation. If there is any need to deviate from this company management should be contacted,
the RAMS should be amended and agreed with the client before any work commences.
Anchor points should be selected by the Supervisor in accordance with the RAMS. IRATA ICOP
annex F, 2.7.9 and 2.11.2 can be used for onsite. In all cases they should be unquestionably
reliable for both normal and rescue loads and a minimum of two separate anchors per person
should be used. Consideration should be made to any abrasion points on the anchor points and
suitable attachment slings, strops or connectors will be used.

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Where possible ropes should be rigged to avoid any edges, where this is not possible suitable
edge protection should be installed as per RAMS to ensure that a radius of greater than 5mm at
the rope/edge interface will be achieved.

Any abrasion points or other obstructions that may affect the integrity of the rope should, where
reasonably practicable, be avoided by the use of re-belays or deviations. If this is not practical,
suitable rope protection should be used. Where devices are used to protect the rope, one device
should be arranged (ideally fastened to the structure, not the rope) for each rope. The rope
immediately above the technician’s descender and backup device should be protected if the
task involves the use of tools or equipment that may affect it (cutting, welding etc.). The RAMS
should outline the specific method of protection to be used. The rope below the technician should
also be protected from falling debris and other forms of damage. Good housekeeping and ropes
coiled or in bags will prevent unnecessary damage to ropes.

The correct use of rope protection is a critical element when rigging ropes, in the first instance
the need for rope protection must be avoided by the use of other rigging systems such as re-
belays and deviations. Where the use of rope protection is unavoidable then consider the use of
edge pads and rope protectors. An assessment must be made as to the severity of the abrasion
point and therefore the type of rope protector selected.

Edge pads are often fixed to the structure and allow a wide area to be protected, allowing for
some horizontal movement of the technician’s working position.


Some rope protection devices provide a limited amount of protection to ropes when rigged over
an edge. When using a rope protector ropes must not be allowed to move from side to side across
the edge as this may cause catastrophic failure of both rope protector and ropes. See IRATA
Safety Bulletin 22. When using rope protectors, it is important that they are fixed into position
and cannot become dislodged.

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Principles of Safe Rigging
All persons using industrial rope access techniques (i.e., where rope is used as the primary
means of support or positioning) must be attached to two independently attached ropes. These
should be arranged so that in the event of a failure in one, the operative is protected by the
remaining rope and cannot suffer a fall.

In practice, one of these ropes will be used as a primary suspension (working) rope and the other
a safety (back-up) rope. Each rope should have its own separate anchor system. Ropes should
be rigged so that if one should fail, a shock load would not be passed on through the system, for
example, to the operative, the remaining rope or the anchor.

No potential fall should cause the operator to impact the ground. All practicable measures should
be taken to avoid injurious impact with the structure or other obstructions.

The adverse effects of high winds should be removed by (e.g., only working on the lee side of a
structure, fixing tensioned guidelines, installing deviation sat regular intervals to keep the ropes
in place or simply not working in such conditions).


A basic anchor system uses anchors that are close together, with the least number of
components to keep the system as simple as possible. When using the above systems, the load
is shared equally between the two anchor points. A basic anchor system may use two figures of
8 knots, two karabiners and two strops, these may be clipped together to achieve load sharing.

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Where the uses of rope protection are unavoidable then consider the use of edge pads and
rope protectors. An assessment must be made as to the severity of the abrasion point and
therefore the type of rope protector selected.

See IRATA Safety Bulletin 22.

When using rope protectors, it is important that they are fixed into position and cannot become
dislodged. DO NOT use plastic materials, as the friction generated will lead to the rope protector
quickly wearing through.

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All rope access technicians should understand the angles of rigging and how the internal angle
of a Y-hang affects the forces transferred to the anchor points.

The preferred angle of rigging a Y-hang is 90° or less.

The maximum angle of normal rigging is 120°. At this angle all the forces in the system are

Above 120° there is more force on the anchor points than there is suspended on the rope.
Accurate calculations are required when rigging using large angles.

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The following angles of the ‘Y Hang’ will produce the resulting anchor point loading when a load
of 100 kg is applied:



0° = 50
60° = 57
90° = 71
120° = 100
140° = 146
150° = 193
160° = 288
161° = 303
177° = 1915
178° = 2873
179° = 5747

Note: By exceeding 160° in a ‘Y’ hang, the WLL of a typical 10.5mm Low Stretch Rope would
be exceeded when a load of 100kg is applied.

The formula for calculating the anchor point loading on ‘Y’ hangs is as follows:

Load at each anchor= load ÷ ½ Angle, cosine


If we take a ‘Y’ hangs with an angle of 120°and a load of 100 kg the above formula can be
worked out thus:

Anchor Load = L ÷ Cos ½ A = 100 ÷ Cos 60° = 100 ÷ 0.5 = 200 = 100 kg
2 2 2 2

If we were to look at a worst-case scenario with the angle of the ‘Y’ hang being 179°and the load
being 100 kg the following anchor point loading would result. It is unlikely this would be possible
with a rope but could easily be achieved with a ‘Tirfor’ type winch and cable.

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A Y-hang is used where a load is to be shared between two different anchor points or the ropes
need to be in a certain position.

A small Y-hang is used when the anchors are too far apart for a basic anchor system.

A Y-hang is constructed using a fig. 8 or fig. 9 knot in the end of the rope connected to one
anchor. An alpine butterfly is tied further down the rope, this can then be attached to the second
anchor point. The alpine butterfly can be adjusted to ensure both anchor points are equally
loaded, and the rope is hanging in the required position. Alternatively, a double figure of eight on
the bight can be used to achieve a small Y hang.

Only one rope of the two-rope system

is shown in the graphic for clarity.

WIDE Y HANG - Levels 2, 3

Level 2 and Level 3 candidates shall demonstrate the rigging of a Y-hang between wider anchor points,
where the consequence of failure of any one item needs consideration, e.g., the use of four anchors rather
than two.

The use of a double anchor system is to protect from an out-of-control swing caused by a single
item of failure.

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Ropes are re-anchored to either avoid a

hazard or to position a rope access
technician closer to the work area. A re-
anchor may also be used to reduce the
length of a single drop into multiple smaller
drops to help limit the amount of stretch in
the rope over long distances.

When rigging a re-anchor, consideration

should be given to the size of the loops, if the
loops are too small or too tight then passing
through the re-anchor will be difficult.

A re-anchor may be rigged using two figures

of 8 knots, two karabiners and two strops or
alternatively; rigged using a Y-hang if the
anchors are offset or a distance apart.

A re-anchor less than 1.5m is considered

small. A re-anchor over 1.5m should be
considered as wide.

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Deviations are a method of rigging which allows re-direction of the path of the ropes. Ropes may
be deviated to provide more accurate positioning for the rope access technician, or to avoid
hazards. Unlike re-anchors, deviations allow positioning with a system rigged for rescue. On a
continuously overhanging structure, or to constrain movement, a series of deviations may be
used. Deviations can be divided into two types:

• Single-anchor deviations are used to deviate the ropes (or the working line alone) by a
small angle only. Single-anchor deviations are only appropriate where their failure would
not result in serious consequences (such as a large swing into a structure, or contact with
a sharp edge), and are normally rigged as a single anchor system.

• Double-anchor deviations may deviate the ropes by a greater angle and distance and
allow the ropes and user to be protected against more serious hazards such as a sharp
edge or a large swing into a structure. Such a deviation utilizes a double anchor system,
with suitably rated anchors and connection components, to provide protection against
failure of any one item. Where a large angle is created users should consider whether a
re-anchor may be more appropriate.

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A load of 100kgs on the end of the

rope will give a resultant force (acting
on the deviation point) of 141kgs.

Where anchor lines need to be redirected,

the angle and loading at the deviation
anchor and supporting equipment used
should be taken into account before use,
together with what might happen in the
case of failure. Failure could cause an out-of-
control swing fall (a pendulum), which could
result in injury to personnel or damage to
equipment or property. An example of the
effect of the angle on the loading is given in
the graphics on this page. Based on a mass
of 100 kg (which is equivalent to a force of
approximately 1 KN). Masses smaller or
larger than this would give different loadings
from those shown in the example. A large
deviation angle could increase the difficulty
for the rope access technician in
manoeuvring past the deviation anchor, so a
Taken from IRATA ICOP, Part 2, Page 56 re-anchor might be more appropriate.

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The use of a retrievable rigging allows the ropes to be retrieved once work has been completed.
It is often used at the end of an aid climb job as an easy way to exit the work area and to save
climbing back to the start.

When rigging, it is important to consider suitable rope protection, but this should be rigged in a
way that still allows the ropes to be pulled down. It is vital that users of a pull through get on
the correct side of it. Whilst transferring onto a pull through it is advisable to keep a separate
point of attachment on to the structure.

Avoid cross loading or loading karabiners over an edge, if this is unavoidable, a Maillon may be
more suitable. A pull-through should be considered temporary rigging for access or egress, and
therefore is not considered appropriate for rescues.


Work restraint systems should, if rigged properly, prevent rope access technicians from being
in a position where a fall could take place. Where a restraint system is used, the use of a single
rope may be acceptable. If horizontal lifelines are to be used to fully suspend a rope access
technician, then a double rope system should be rigged.

When a restraint system is rigged over a long distance it may be necessary to use intermediate
anchors for support and to limit the amount of deflection, so a fall prevention remains. Work
restraint systems should be rigged as high as possible, but still within reach of workers.

Additional work restraint systems can be attached to a horizontal lifeline or attached directly to
anchor points to allow rope access technicians to belay themselves or another technician
towards an unprotected edge.

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Vertical fall arrest systems are typically rigged on ladders and open lattice structures to provide
rope access workers with a temporary fall arrest system whilst accessing a work area.

The user will attach to this system using an appropriate fall arrest device which will
automatically lock into place in the event of a fall. Falls will be kept to a minimum and deviation
from vertical climbing is limited. Temporary systems will be made from rope however
permanent wire and rail systems are used.

A vertical fall arrest system can be used as an alternative to fall arrest lanyards or self-
retracting lifelines. Vertical safety systems can be employed to create a moveable anchor point
for fall protection. These can be either fixed (Wire rope or Rail) or temporary (Textile rope or

When using temporary rope-based systems for fall arrest, consideration should be given to the
effects of sharp and abrasive edges at all points between the anchor and the user. When using
a vertical fall arrest system, it is possible to rig it in a ‘rig for rescue’ or ‘releasable’ style.


Tensioned ropes may be used horizontally to traverse a structure or diagonally to redirect the
path of descent. Tensioned lines are normally rigged with one end of the ropes fixed in position,
the other end is passed through a descender to allow the ropes to be tensioned and released
as required. The ropes are tensioned with a 3:1 pulley system with 1 person pulling by hand. It
is important that when the ropes are tensioned that they are not over tensioned thereby
placing excessive forces on the anchor points. When rigging horizontal tensioned ropes rope
access technicians should pay close attention to the angles of rigging, forces on the anchors
and safe working loads of the equipment used. A Level 3 rope access technician should be
able to demonstrate the calculations involved with this type of rigging setup.

When attaching to tensioned ropes 2 points of contact must be maintained, to share the load
equally on the system connectors should be around both ropes. This is normally achieved by
using a long and a short cow’s-tail. Always consider the use of a releasable attachment.

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A descending device such as a Petzl ID (pictured

left) can be used to lower a load or an injured
person. When carrying out this technique, it is
important to make reference to the manufacturer’s
instructions for use. The instructions may require
the use of an additional braking karabiner to
increase friction in the system, and thereby improve
control over the load. This can be achieved by
passing the dead rope through a karabiner above
the descender.

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As for lowering, when hauling a

load, a descending or
ascending device can be used
as a ‘progress capture’ device.

Any hauling system requires

some way of locking the rope
that is being hauled up through
the system (progress capture).
This can be achieved by the
use of purpose-built self-
locking pulleys (left hand
picture), pulley and rope grab
combinations (e.g., Pulley with
Ascender) or a descender on its

The use of a self-locking pulley

is a simple, and efficient way
to set up a hauling system, but
it is difficult to lower a load
once it has been raised and
the weight is on the cam of the

Using a descender, such as the Petzl ID as the progress capture (right hand picture), allows the
hauling system to be converted to a lowering system quickly and easily, it does however create
more friction and therefore requires more effort to haul a load.

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2:1 Hauling System

Increasing the ‘Mechanical Advantage’ of a hauling system, will allow more weight to be lifted
with less effort. The simplest mechanical advantage hauling system is a ‘2:1 Hauling System’

2:1 hauling systems are very efficient when rigged

through a locking pulley. When rigged with a descender
(pictured left) too much friction is introduced into the
system for long hauls.

The system will allow a 100kg load to be lifted with a

50kg pull (ignoring friction in the system)

The disadvantage of this type of system is the amount of

rope required (2 x the height of lift) and the increased
chance of tangles due to the loop in the system.

A 2:1 with the descender at the bottom of the loop is a

useful way of lifting a casualty short distances during
snatch rescues.

The ID in the system pictured also provides a change of

direction for the hauling system.

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3:1 Hauling System

3:1 Hauling System shown with a

Change of Direction pulley.

This arrangement is very efficient for

hauling and uses less rope than a
2:1 system. If a short lower is also
required, consider using a grillon for
your anchor or using a descender on
the safety line to aid easy

If the system is mainly for lowering

the locking pulley can be exchanged
for a descender

To lift a load of 100 kg, a pull of 33 kg will be

needed. However, for every 3 metres pulled
through on the dead rope, the load will only
be moved by 1 metre.

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The aim of this section is to lay out the individual rope access manoeuvres required by all rope
access technicians using a step-by-step approach, for level 1 candidates, all manoeuvres should
be completed on a pre-rigged course. Level 2 and 3 candidates may be required both to rig ropes,
and then to perform manoeuvres on their own rigging.

Use of the back-up device

The back-up device, which is connected to the safety line, is used to protect against falls before,
during and after attachment of the rope access technician to the working line. It should be the
first item to be attached to the anchor lines, i.e., before ascending or descending devices, and
the last item to be removed at the point of egress, i.e., after removing the descending device or
ascending devices. The back-up device should be managed at all times in such a way that the
potential fall distance is minimized. All candidates shall demonstrate throughout the whole of
the assessment the use of a back-up device (and device lanyard, where appropriate) in
accordance with best practice, the IRATA trainer member company’s risk assessment and the
manufacturer’s instructions. This includes checking the position and function of the back-up
device at appropriate times.

Climbing a rope is the second basic technique in rope access and is accomplished by the
alternate use of two ascenders, typically a chest ascender and a handled ascender with a foot-
All candidates shall demonstrate attaching ascenders and the back-up device to a set of pre-
rigged ropes, ascending, and detaching from the ropes to another system or safe area.

The controlled descent of ropes is a core technique in rope access. Rope access technicians
must be able to control their speed and stop as required. All candidates shall demonstrate
attaching a descender and back-up device to a set of pre-rigged ropes. Before descending
candidates shall demonstrate checking the position and function of the back-up device. During
descent candidates shall demonstrate safe control of the ‘tail’ or ‘dead’ rope. Candidates shall
demonstrate stopping and locking off the descender device.

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Changing from ascent mode to descent mode, and vice-versa, is an essential basic technique in
rope access, and forms the basis of many other manoeuvres. All candidates shall demonstrate
changing from ascent to descent and vice-versa.

Ascent to Descent.

1. The Backup device is to be maintained high on the safety rope.

2. Attach descending device below the chest ascender and take up any slack between them.

3. Lock off descending device.

4. Position hand ascender above chest ascender.

5. Stand up in foot loop and release chest ascender from rope.

6. Lower weight onto descending device.

7. Remove hand ascender.

8. Descend with control over ‘tail end’ of the rope

Descent to Ascent

1. The Backup device is to be maintained high on the safety rope.

2. Lock off descending device.

3. Attach hand ascender above the descending device.

4. Stand up in foot loop.

5. Attach chest ascender between hand ascender and descending device.

6. Maintain Backup Device

7. Remove descending device.

8. Continue in direction of travel.

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Passing Deviations

Single ascent-

1. Ascend to the deviation.

2. Technician to attach cows’ tail into the karabiner of the deviation anchor.

3. Remaining on the rope’s technician is to then pull themselves into the deviation and unclip
the deviation karabiner from above the technician’s equipment and replace below their

4. Technician can then remove cow’s tails and continue in direction of travel.

Single descent-

1. Descend to the deviation.

2. Follow Above Procedures in reverse order (Numbers 2-4)

Double ascent-

1. Ascend to the deviation.

2. Technician to pull themselves in towards the double deviation and attach a cow’s tail into the
double deviation sling. (Back up line first as to keep the backup device maintained high on the

3. Remaining on the ropes unclip the backup deviation karabiner and replace on the rope below
the technician’s equipment. Then move cow’s tail across to the working line and complete task
as above for working line.

4. Remove connection links.

5. Continue in direction of travel.

Double descent-

1. Descend to the deviation.

2. Technician to pull themselves in towards the double deviation and attach a cow’s tail into the
double deviation sling. (Working line first as to keep the backup device maintained high on the

3. remaining on the ropes unclip the working line deviation karabiner and replace on the rope
above the technician’s equipment. Then move cow’s tail across to the backup line and complete
task as above for working line.

4. Remove connection links.

5. Continue in direction of travel.

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Passing Knots
Knot in Safety Rope On ascent / descent

1. The Back-up device is to remain attached high on the safety rope at all times.

2. Upon arrival at the knot technician shall Utilise spare Back-up and install a second back up
device (above or below the knot dependant on direction) the new backup device shall be function

3. Technician shall then remove old device if possible, remembering 2 independent points of

4. Continue in direction of travel.

Knot in working line on ascent

1. Ascend to just under knot.

2. Remove hand ascender and reattach it above the knot, continue until chest ascender is two
inches away from knot.

3. Thread Descending device below chest ascender and remove slack, then lock off the

4. Stand up in foot loop and in one movement remove chest ascender and reattach it above the
knot and below the hand ascender.

5. Remove descending device and continue up.

Knot in working line on descent

1. Descend to knot.

2. Attach hand ascender above the descending device.

3. Step up in the foot loop and Attach chest ascender in between descending device and hand

4. Remove Descending Device and replace it below the knot.

5. Confirm the descending device is locked off.

6. Down Prussik until chest ascender is above knot

7. Ensure hand ascender is just above chest croll.

8. Stand up in foot loop and remove chest ascender

9. Remove hand ascender and continue descent.

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Ascending / Descending past a Re-anchor

1. Ascend to just below the Re-anchor point.

2. Technician to be in descent mode (Change over maybe required) and descending device

2. The Back-up device is to remain attached high on the safety rope at all times.

3. Attach chest ascender and hand ascender on new working rope.

4. Use a spare back up device attach this to the spare rope of the new lines.

(Note- there now should be four points of contact during the transfer to prevent an out-of-
control swing)

5. Pull slack rope through the chest ascender to add tension into the device.

6. Descend down until weight is transferred onto the new lines.

7. Remove back up device from old Lines and store away if needed.

8. Remove descending device.

9. Continue in the direction of travel.

Rope to Rope Transfers

1. Technician to be in descent mode and descending device locked.

2. The Back-up device is to remain attached high on the safety rope at all times.

3. Attach chest Croll and hand ascender on new working rope.

4. utilizing a spare back up device attach this to the spare rope of the new lines.

(Note- there now should be four points of contact during a rope to rope to prevent an out-of-
control swing)

5. Pull slack rope through the chest croll to add tension into the device.

6. Descend down until weight is transferred onto the new lines.

7. Remove back up device from old Lines and store away if needed.

8. Remove descending device, Continue in the direction of travel.

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Wrap-around canvas rope protectors may be installed mid-rope to protect the ropes against
minor abrasive hazards.


• Ascend the ropes to the bottom of the rope protectors.

• Open the rope protectors, whilst holding yourself off the structure.
• Remove the rope protectors, attach it to a karabiner from your harness in order to
ensure that the rope protector is not dropped.
• Proceed past the area requiring protection, Replace securely on each rope underneath
your Devices.
• Re-secure the rope protectors around each rope, ensuring the rope protectors protect
the ropes from abrasion for the next climber, ensure that it is re-attached in such a way
that it will not be possible for it to slide out of position.
• Alternatively, it is possible to encounter a protective measure attached to the
Structure that can be passed easily. Using the ascending or descending techniques
previously described once you have passed the rope protection you must ensure
That the rope is restored to its original position so that it is suitably protected. You are
Now free to proceed

In Descent

• Follow Above Procedures in reverse order.

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Once at the top of a structure owing to rigging and anchor availability, it is possible that ropes
will pass over an edge or obstruction thus creating a right angle in the ropes. In this instance
there are many factors to be aware of when attaching to the ropes.

Always attach to the ropes from a safe area where there is no risk of a fall occurring, if this is
not possible then work restraint or fall arrest techniques may be utilised to reach the work area
safely. When ascending over an edge care must be taken not to have a potential for falls onto
ascenders. Consider attaching with a long cow’s tail or changing onto a descender. The use of
an additional etrier, tied to the rope may assist with passing an edge obstruction

• Firstly, when approaching the edge, you must be attached to the ropes using
The device/’s suitable for the situation.
• Undo the rope protection ensuring your back up device is maintained high on the rope.
• Reach over the edge and grab the rope where you want to end up over the edge and
install this point into the descending device. ensure device is locked off
• Take your ascender and foot loop and place it on your back up rope. Stand up in your
foot loop over the edge and slowly lower yourself over the edge until weight is taken
onto the descending device.
• Ensuring ropes are sat on rope protector, remove hand ascender and close rope

At all times you will proceed over the edge with the right angle where the ropes
Go over at the waist level. You must never approach a right-angle edge standing
At full height as this would result in a considerable shock load being transferred to
Both you and the rigging. On all right-angle edges and where there is an
Obstacle where abrasion may take place rope protection is essential.

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Rescue – hauling

In most rescue scenarios (on land) it will generally be preferable to lower the casualty to ground level. However,
on occasion it may be necessary to raise the casualty to a safe place of work, perhaps during confined space
work, from buildings of extreme height or on bridges.

The following diagram gives examples of various pulley arrangements that many be beneficial during rescues.

Casualty able to offer assistance

A figure eight is tied in the end of a new line and lowered down for attachment to casualty’s harness connection

A three to one haul system (see pulley systems) is constructed using suitable non-return system.

Casualty is now raised to the safe area; during this exercise the rescuer and casualty must ensure the back-up
device runs freely at all times.

Casualty unable to offer any assistance

If the casualty is unable to offer assistance the following system allows the casualty to be raised without
the need to descend to the casualty and thereby compromise the rescuers safety.

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❑ A figure of eight knot with karabiner should be attached to a weighted hand ascender, which
should then be connected to the casualty’s main line.
❑ Next the rope should be roved through a non-return device such as an ID or Gri-Gri and attached
to a suitable anchor point.
❑ From the non-return the rope should be brought back through a pulley and attached to the hand
ascender karabiner, this is a 3:1 pulley system.
❑ Weighted hand ascender should now be lowered down casualty’s main line, until it reaches the
casualty’s attachment point.
❑ Casualty can now be hauled up; it may be necessary to add a diverting pulley at the anchor
❑ Ensure the casualty’s back-up system runs freely, if slack develops the following procedure
should be adopted:

Releasable haul system.

o Take a spare back-up device and fit upside down to casualty’s back-up line, attaché to
a second anchor point.
o As the casualty is raised all slack should be pulled through the back-up device.

Counterbalance hauling

In the previous chapters we dealt with raising a load using force applied to the lines (via pulley
systems and one-way devices) by members of a hauling party. An alternative method to this
approach of having men standing around and pulling on ropes is to use the weight of
something or somebody to counterbalance the weight of the load, thus making the effort of the
hauling party far less.

Counterbalanced haul.

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The basic premise is that the average rescuer cannot apply more than his bodyweight to pulling
on a rope. If you use him as a counterbalance you therefore get more out of him! There are of
course advantages and disadvantages to this idea:
In its favor the load on the hauling line is reduced and the effort required by those hauling is
reduced, possibly allowing less men or a less mechanically advantageous system. It therefore
comes into its own when rescuers are scarce.

Against it are the complexities of rigging (as you will see shortly) and the
balancing of weights and distances.

Think while you are rigging – you should be able to remove the counterbalance
completely without changing the hauling system at all.


Basic lowering
A schematic lowering rig is shown to the right. Here the main line connects the
load to descender D1, and a backup line connects it to D2.

The three anchors are cross loaded on A2 as permitted by our anchoring rules.

It could be suggested that we could add some kind of backup device to the
main line at position B to protect against D1blowing up,

But (a) that is why we have the line and D2 rigged up next to it, and

(b) Any automatic rope-clamp device used at B will have to be manually held open during the
lowering operation, consuming another rescuer.

During lowering, the line to D1 supports the load and the line to D2 should just be taut. It is
very difficult to achieve this during a lower, as with two operators on D1 and D2 it is almost
impossible to keep pace with each other. As a result, the load will shift between the lines, so at
any one time can be the ‘main’ line. This is not too critical provided that both D1 and D2 can
operate as belay-safe lowering devices

This is a major issue with lowering rescue loads – you cannot afford your backup line to
develop any slack or you risk a dynamic loading situation your equipment may not be able to
handle, and yet if you try to juggle the two lines in synch you risk passing the ‘dynamic risk’ to
the other device. Both descenders and anchors must be the same! No good thinking ‘Ah

– I’ll use an I’D on the backup and a Stop on the main line’ if the exact moment of failure is the
same exact moment when the load is held by the backup – remember the line under load is
going to be the one to fail, so which one gets the weak descender then?

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One exception to this issue of load Synchronizing (there is always an exception) is when you
want it to occur. The only ‘common’ situation is a V-lower, where the load is suspended
between two lines running to two control points some distance apart. This, as shown in the
diagram, is a useful tool for landing a load onto a predetermined point between the control
points when access directly above that point is not possible and could perhaps be used to land
someone on flat ground at the foot of a gorge, or onto a safe area within a rift or slope. In this
situation carefully controlled synchronized lowering by each station can control the horizontal
and vertical position of the load within the limits of each station. The drawback is that you must

Example of a V-rig lower

Treat the rig as a full V-rig (see Section 8b for a full discussion of V-rigs) and two backup lines
need to be used, one to each station.

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1. Using Long cow’s tail Attach into one of the horizontal eyebolts.

2. Using the other long cow’s tail Attach into another one of the horizontal eyebolts.

3. Attach 2 etrier’s/foot loop on separate karabiners to the karabiners of your long cow’s tails.

4. Stand up in the etrier’s/foot loop and connect the short cow’s-tail into another spare eyebolt.

You should now have 3 points of attachment.

5. In the direction of travel move your trailing cow’s tail to the eyebolt with short link attached.

6. Stand up in the etrier’s/foot loop and move short cow’s-tail into the leading cow’s tail eyebolt.

7. Remove leading long cow’s tail and replace into new eyebolt in direction of travel.

8. Repeat steps 5-7.


1. Using Long cow’s tail Attach 3 wire strops onto the horizontal beam- (the cow’s tail prevents
dropping the wire strops) confirm karabiners are closed.

2. Attach each long cow’s-tail to the 2 outer wire strops by connecting the karabiner of the cow’s-
tail into the karabiner linking the wire strops.

3. Attach 2 etrier’s/foot loop on separate karabiners to the karabiners of your long cow’s tails.

4. Connect the short cow’s-tail by the same method into the middle wire strop.

5. Un-weight and re-weight using etrier’s and sitting on short cow’s-tail, moving un-tensioned
strops to make progress.

1. Remove front wire strop on the long cow’s-tail and re-attach past the obstacle.

2. Undo short cow’s-tail karabiner, un-weight by stepping in etrier’s and disconnect, reconnect
short cow’s-tail karabiner into front wire strop with long cow’s-tail attached.

3. Disconnect front long cow’s-tail from front wire strop and reconnect to middle wire strop.
Disconnect middle wire strop with long cow’s-tail now attached and reconnect downstream of
the short cow’s-tail wire strop. Move etrier into long forward cow’s-tail.

4. Sit onto the short cow’s-tail and disconnect rear wire strop with long cow’s-tail and etrier
attached. Reconnect downstream of obstacle behind short cow’s-tail wire strop.

5. Make progress.
OPS-TR-Irata-004 V5.0 Page 75 of 86

Fall arrest lanyards can only be used with a

full body fall arrest harness to EN361. OPS Ltd
and IRATA recommend the use of a front
(sternal) fall arrest point, although a rear
(dorsal) fall arrest point may be used in certain
situations. Whilst using fall arrest lanyards
only one lanyard needs to attach to the
structure at a time, this is one point of
attachment; the other point of attachment is
your hands and feet.

It is important that the fall arrest lanyards selected will arrest the fall before you hit the ground
or structure. Use as short lanyards as practical and always attach them as high as you can in
relation to your own body. Ensure that connectors on the lanyard are compatible with the

The unused leg of a Y shaped lanyard must not be attached back to your harness; this can
potentially isolate the energy absorber and prevent it from extending during a fall.

Any attachment point must be unquestionably reliable and fixed, attachment to vertical and
diagonal steelwork should be avoided as this can result in increased fall factors (>FF2).

When combining fall arrest lanyards with a work positioning lanyard, attach the work positioning
lanyard to an independent attachment where it cannot slip. Do not remove your fall arrest
lanyards. It is important that work positioning equipment does not become slack as they do not
include energy absorption.

OPS-TR-Irata-004 V5.0 Page 76 of 86


A fall factor measures the theoretical severity of a fall and is calculated using the following

FF= Length of fall

Length of rope or lanyard

EN355 Energy absorbing lanyards are designed to reduce the impact force to below 6KN when
using a lanyard of maximum length 2m and a 100kg load.

The distance of fall should be kept to a minimum, the less distance of fall the less energy will be
created this will affect how far the energy absorber deploys and have an impact on clearance
distances. Users of fall arrest lanyards should ensure that they are as short as practical for the
task and aim to keep their fall factor to a maximum of FF1. Where fall factors of more than 1 are
unavoidable extra care must be taken with regard to any obstructions in the path of the fall.

Extreme care must be taken when lanyards with no energy absorbers are used. Falls of any
distance are forbidden and longer falls (2-4m) are likely to cause serious or fatal injuries.

When using dynamic rope cow’s-tails for fall protection the maximum permissible fall factor is
FF1. Consideration must be made as to the length of the cow’s-tail (approx. 60cm) and the knots
used to terminate the cow’s-tail. A barrel knot will provide more shock absorbency than an
overhand or figure of 8 knot.

Heavy (>100kg) users of fall arrest equipment must be careful as not to overload the energy
absorber during a fall. A 120kg person can fall a maximum of 3.3m onto a 2m lanyard in order
to create a load of less than 6KN, this is just above a fall factor 1.5. It can be advantageous to
use shorter lanyards which will not allow a fall greater than 3.3m to be created (1.65m with a
full-sized energy absorber).

Guidance on fall factors, clearance distances and associated risks is provided in ICOP

• It is acceptable to fall onto a fall arrest or dynamic rope lanyard (cow’s-tail)

• It is acceptable to fall up to 2m onto a fall arrest lanyard or 60cm onto a dynamic rope
cow’s-tail (FF1).

• It would be advisable to use Barrel knots in your cow’s-tails to minimise shock loads

• It is acceptable to fall up to 4m (FF2) onto a fall arrest lanyard although this is not
recommended, and measures should be put in place to prevent this. Although the lanyard
is designed to hold the fall you are likely to strike the structure during the fall and be left
in an exposed position post fall

• Where fall arrest lanyards are used the energy absorber will extend in order to dissipate
energy. Care should be taken in ensuring that there is adequate clearance below the
operative. (see clearance distances overleaf)

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This graphic shows a worst-case scenario for a 2.0m lanyard, with its shock pack fully deployed
following a FF2.

The clearance distance can be greatly reduced by limiting fall factors to 0 and reducing the length
of the lanyards. By reducing the freefall distance, you reduce the energy in the fall, this will result
in less extension from the energy absorber.

To conclude, various techniques exist for direct progression on a structure using personal fall
protection equipment. These techniques can be broadly split into two methods:

‘Aid’ climbing suspended by work positioning lanyards (such as cow’s tails).

Climbing with fall arrest equipment (such as energy-absorbing lanyards or preinstalled fall
arrest systems).

In some situations, a combination of the two methods may be used. Guidance on other
methods, such as lead climbing, is provided in ICOP Part 3, Annex L.

Although lead climbing will not form part of an IRATA assessment, it is recommended that Level
3 candidates read and understand this annex.

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A snatch rescue may be implemented in the unlikely event of a casualty becoming

All ways start in descent mode, at level 1 the casualty will also be in descent on a Separate
• Descend until level with the casualty.
• Using 2 Connectors create a chain to raise the casualty upright
• Ensure all ropes are cleared from between rescuer and casualty to prevent tangles
whilst descending.
• Connect a long cow’s tail between you and the casualties’ waist D ring.
• Using the 2 previous karabiners, make a connection to the karabiner
from your descender to the ventral attachment point to the casualties’ chest D
• Lower the casualty slowly to transfer their weight onto your descender
• Your casualty will now be in an upright position, suspended from your descender.
• Remove the casualty’s equipment
• Pass the breaking rope through a karabiner connected to a structural part of
the harness below the descender (NOT a gear loop).
• Descend under control, the casualties’ backup device may be left in place as
additional security.


Rescue of a casualty from their ascenders. Technique uses a counterbalance to lift the
casualty a short distance. Note: this does not create any mechanical advantage.

• Position yourself at the same height as the casualty

• Remove the casualties hand jammer and then Install a second back-up device onto the
rope above the casualties’ chest jammer.
• Changeover onto your descender and re-position yourself.
• Connect a long cow’s tail between you and the casualties’ waist D ring.
• Using 2 karabiners, make a connection to the karabiner
from your descender to the ventral attachment point to the casualties’ chest D
• Thread your foot loop through the karabiner on your hand ascender above the casualty
and connect it to the top of their fall arrest point.
• Stand up with a straight leg, all your weight must be pushing down– your leg must be
• Reach down and pull up on the casualties’ harness, the casualty should raise a short
distance and the rope in the chest ascender go slack.
• Remove the rope from the chest ascender
• Sit down and remove the foot loop.
OPS-TR-Irata-004 V5.0 Page 80 of 86
• You and the casualty should now be both on the descender with high back up device.
• The rescue can now be completed using the friction karabiner and descending slowly to
the ground.


Rescue of a casualty from above a deviation, see ascent/descent rescue. Once casualty is
fixed to rescuer rescue shall then be completed as per passing deviations alone.


Descending with a casualty and transferring from one set of ropes to another. The rescue is
carried out in the same way as a basic rope to rope transfer, this rescue is made easier using
additional equipment from the casualty. (Note Casualty will already be on rescuers kit using either Descent or Ascent rescue)

• Descend under control with the casualty, stop and lock off the descender.
• Ensure the back-up device is in a high position.
• Sort out both sets of rope to ensure there are no tangles during the manoeuvre.
• Take the spare descender and connect it to the harness next to the loaded descender,
making sure both casualties and rescuers connections are in the same karabiner.
• Install the spare back up device on to the new back up rope.
• Thread the new working rope into the descender and pull through as much slack rope
as possible, ensuring both backup devices installed high on each rope.
• Descend across on to the new ropes, remove the attachments from the original ropes.
• You should now be on a new set of ropes and tangle free.
• Descend to the ground under control.


This rescue is made easier using additional equipment from the casualty. Rescuers should be
aware of the possibility of tangles of ropes in this manoeuvre, especially descending into the
loop of the re-anchor and ending up with the casualty on one side and the rescuer on the other.

• Ascend or descend to the casualty until you are level with them.
• If the casualty is in ascent/descent mode, then complete these procedures first as per
ascent/descent rescue.
• With the casualty and the rescuer on a descender and level with Re-Anchor, install a
second descender onto the ropes of the re-anchor, install spare backup device onto the
ropes of the re-anchor.
• Make sure both casualty and the rescuer are on the same side of the loop.
• Descend/rope to rope transfer across on to the ropes below the re-anchor, remove the
gear from above the re-anchor once weight is transferred.
• You should now be below the re-anchor and tangle free.
• Descend to the ground under control.

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Rescue of a casualty from the mid-point of a rope-to-rope transfer.

• Ascend or descend to the casualty until you are level with them.
• Position yourself level with the casualty on your descender,
• Using a long cow’s tail make a connection to the casualties’ waist D-ring.
• Attach an additional descender to the casualties’ waist D-ring, thread the rope from the
chest ascender into the descender.
• Using a counterbalance remove the casualties’ chest ascender.
• Using a short cow’s tail make a connection into both casualties’ descenders.
• You should now be hanging below the casualty using their equipment.
• Continue to descend to complete the rope-to-rope transfer.
• Descend to ground under control


Rescue of a casualty and descend a set of ropes with knots tied below the rescuer and
casualty. The knots are to isolate damaged rope and cannot be removed. The knots may be at
the same height or off set.
• Descend to the knots under control.
• Do not abseil on to the knot, leave a short distance between the descender and the
• Attach a rope grab to the rope above your descender.
• Install a knot using the rope below the damaged knot into the rope grab.
• Install a second descender onto the working rope directly below the knot.
• Transfer your weight onto the rope grab line and remove the original descender.
• Abseil down until below the damaged knot
• Install original descending device below damaged knot
• Lower your weight onto the descender below the knot.
• Remove second descender
• Remove rope grab and installed knot
• Pass knot on back-up rope to be completed as per passing alone
• Descend to the ground under control using friction karabiner


Rescue of a casualty from an aid climb, suspended on either fixed or moveable anchors.
The rescuer will aid climb to the casualty and either rig a set of ropes and descend with the
casualty or rig a lowering system and lower the casualty to the ground.
In both cases the counterbalance used in the ascent rescue will be used to transfer the
casualty onto the ropes rigged by the rescuer.
For the counterbalance to be effective it must be fixed as high as possible above the casualty.

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Abseil Rescue

• Rescuer to position themselves at the casualties’ anchor points.

• Using a spare rope, rig a set of ropes next to the casualty, try to keep the rigging as neat
and small as possible.
• Connect the casualty’s back-up device to the ropes.
• Connect the casualty’s descender to their sterna (chest) D-ring.
• Thread the descender onto the ropes and remove as much slack as possible.
• Using a foot loop through a high anchor point, use a counterbalance to lift the casualty
from the aid climb.
• Lower the casualty slowly onto their descender.
• Make two attachments to the casualty and remove your equipment from Aid climb.
• Descend to the ground under control.

Lowering Rescue

• Rescuer to position themselves at the casualties’ anchor points.

• Using an additional rope, descender and back-up device rig a lowering system next to
the casualty.
• Connect both ends of the rope to the casualties’ sternal attachment point and remove
as much slack as possible.
• Using a foot loop through a high anchor point, use a counterbalance to lift the casualty
from the aid climb.
• Lower the casualty slowly onto the lowering ropes.
• Add extra friction to the descender.
• Lower the casualty to the ground under control.


Rescue of a casualty who is suspended from a one connector link into a short strop or a two-
connector link into a bolt anchor, in both cases no higher anchors are available.

• The rescuer will aid climb into position next to the casualty, for this rescue it may be
necessary to share anchor points, always ensuring you and the casualty have a suitable
back up.
• When rigging ropes to attach the casualty to make sure the rigging is as small and as
neat as you can. If aid climb bolts are smooth then barrel knots may be tied directly into
them, if you must use additional karabiners knots must be as small as possible i.e.,
Barrel knot.
• Thread the casualty’s backup device and descender on to the ropes, remember the
casualty must be in an upright position once on the ropes.
• The rescue uses a foot loop through the highest point, the bolt itself or karabiner, and
using a counterbalance technique to lift the casualty off their anchor point and onto the
descent ropes.

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• The foot loop attachment to the casualty must be as low down on the harness as
possible to maximise the distance available to lift the casualty. This may be done by
threading the foot loop through the harness and the choking it back on itself.
• Once the casualty is on the descent ropes the rescuer will then attach themselves to the
casualty and descend under control to the ground.

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L30 6UF


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