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* Test •4A ((MMoodduullee 44))

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NAME …………………………………………………………….……. NUMBER ……………………

CLASS …………………………………………………….……. DATE ………......…………
SCORE _______
(Time 30 minutes)


1 Read the text and mark the sentences R (right), W (wrong) or DS (doesn’t say).

For a football player like Wayne Rooney, daily

routine is really important. He gets up at 8 am
every morning and has breakfast. At 9:30 am,
Wayne goes to football training. Then, at 1 pm,
Wayne stops training and eats his lunch. In the
afternoon Wayne trains again. At around 5
o’clock, he goes home. In the evening Wayne
likes eating dinner with his family. Then he plays
some computer games or watches television.
He doesn’t like staying up late, so he goes to bed
at around 11 o’clock.

1. Wayne Rooney gets up at 9 am.

2. At 9:30 am, Wayne goes to football training.

3. He has a sandwich for lunch.

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 1 Flash Klasa 4

* Test •4A ((MMoodduullee 44))

4. He eats dinner with his family.

Points: ____
5. He doesn’t like staying up late. (5x4) 20

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 2 Flash Klasa 4

* Test •4A ((MMoodduullee 44))


2 Complete the phrases with: go, finish, have, do, play, take, get, watch.

1. _____________ 2. _____________ 3. _____________ 4. _____________

breakfast a shower school TV

5. _____________ 6. _____________ 7. _____________ 8. _____________

video games up homework to football practice

Points: ____
3 Label the pictures with the words in box. (8x1) 8

 teacher  police officer  chef  babysitter  nurse  DJ

1. ____________________ 2. ____________________ 3. ____________________

4. ____________________ 5. ____________________ 6. ____________________

Points: ____
(6x2) 12
© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 3 Flash Klasa 4
* Test •4A ((MMoodduullee 44))


4 Circle the correct answer.

1. She eats/eat lunch at 1:00 pm.

2. My family and I watch/watches TV at 8:00 pm.
3. Robert has/have tennis practice at 4 o’clock.
4. I go/goes to school at 8:00 am. Points: ____
(4x2) 8

5 Circle the correct answer.

1. Wendy is my friend. She/Her is on my football team.

2. We/Us buy a hot school dinner in the school canteen for lunch.
3. Wayne is my brother. He walks home from school with me/I.
4. Jennifer and Krista are my friends. I play video games with they/them.

Points: ____
(4x1) 4

6 Choose the correct answer.

1. Maria ______ (0%) gets up at 6:00 am.

A never B always
2. Tony ______ (25%) chats online at 8 o’clock.
A often B sometimes
3. I ______ (100%) eat lunch at 12:00 pm.
A usually B always
4. My mum and dad ______ (50%) watch TV at night.
Points: ____
A often B sometimes (4x1) 4

7 Complete the sentences with at, on or in.

1. I come back home from school ____________ 4:00 pm.

2. My sister’s birthday is ____________ November.
3. Jason usually plays video games ____________ the weekend.
Points: ____
4. I have English lessons ____________ Tuesdays.
(4x1) 4
© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 4 Flash Klasa 4
* Test •4A ((MMoodduullee 44))


8 Complete your Monday timetable. You can use the daily routine and free-time activities from
the box below.

 have breakfast  have lunch  have dinner  walk to school  come back home  finish school
 watch TV  play video games  do my homework  chat online  go to sports practice

I get up at ____________ in the morning. Then I __________________________________

___________________________________. I ____________________________________
________________________________. In the afternoon ___________________________
Then I ___________________________________________________________________.
In the evening I ____________________________________________________________.
Then I ______________________________________________________________ before
I go to bed at _______________________.

Points: ____

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 5 Flash Klasa 4

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