THKSP ES B1+ Grammar Basic Unit 5

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Unit 5 Basic Grammar

1 Choose the correct relative pronoun. 4 Underline the non-defining relative clause in
each sentence.
where | which | whose | who | that
1. The dog, which is running around, loves
1. The woman who / that I saw was very tall. playing with kids.
2. The woman ______ lives next door is very 2. The main character, who lives in Georgia, is
nice. a poor man.
3. This is the place ______ I met my best 3. The prize-winning book, whose cover shows
friend. a picture of aliens, is a science fiction novel.
4. The garden _______ he cares for is huge. 4. In France, where Pierre comes from, there is
5. The screenplay ______ I wrote wasn’t very no school on Wednesday afternoons.
good. 5. The party, which ended at midnight, was
6. Stephen King, ______ stories are really great fun!
scary, is my favourite author. 6. John Keats, who was a famous English poet,
worked as a doctor in a hospital.

2 Choose the correct option. 5 Cross the sentences where that is wrong
1. The neighbourhood where / who I grew up and must be replaced with which.
was quite poor. 1. She was tired, that put her in a bad mood. x
2. He’s the person which / who won the prize. 2. The screenplay that I wrote wasn't very good.
3. That’s the shop where / that sells the best 3. The garden that he looks after is beautiful.
shoes. 4. My phone broke, that means no one can
4. The author that / whose book is on sale is contact me.
signing today.
5. I read her latest book, that is a great story.
5. The house which / who is on the corner is
6. The primary school that I used to go to has
haunted. closed down.
6. That’s the castle who / where the story is set.

6 Complete the text with a relative pronoun in

3 Underline the defining relative clause in the list.
each sentence.
which | who (x 3) | whose | that
1. The dog that loves playing with kids is black.
2. The girl who's got dark, curly hair is really Yesterday I saw a young boy, 1 who was sitting on
friendly. a bench, reading a book. The book 2________ he
3. The family whose house was for sale moved was reading caught my attention. It was by an
out yesterday. international scientist 3________ studies black
4. A shop where you can buy bread is called a holes. I asked the boy why he was reading the
bakery. book, and he told me that he’s learning about
5. The book which Lucy read is a horror story. space at school. Then the boy, 4________ book
6. I couldn’t finish reading the romantic novel that was almost as big as him, started explaining black
I borrowed from Martin. holes to me. I was amazed because I'm a physics
professor at the university, 5________ is a job I
love. But never before have I met someone so
young 6________ has so much enthusiasm for

B1+ Level Unit 5 Basic Grammar PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2022
Unit 5 Basic Grammar

Answer Key
1 4

1. who / that 1. which is running around

2. who / that 2. who lives in Georgia
3. where 3. whose cover shows a picture of aliens
4. which / that 4. where Pierre comes from
5. which / that 5. which ended at midnight
6. whose 6. who was a famous English poet

1. incorrect
1. where
2. correct
2. who
3. correct
3. that
4. incorrect
4. whose
5. incorrect
5. which
6. correct
6. where

1. who
1. that loves playing with kids
2. that
2. who's got dark, curly hair
3. who/that
3. whose house was for sale
4. whose
4. where you can buy bread
5. which
5. which Lucy read
6. who
6. that I borrowed from Martin

B1+ Level Unit 5 Basic Grammar PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2022

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