MarTech Trend 2024 Book

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How Data, Tech & AI Eating Marketing World

All rights reserved.

Ball Jittipong Loespradit leverages his extensive experience in enterprise
technology leadership and a deep understanding of Martech and AI to
empower organizations to achieve superior marketing performance.

My Past Experience
Mr. Ball brings over 25 years of experience in diverse enterprise roles,
including Graphic Design, Creative, Digital Project Management, and
Information Technology. This breadth of expertise positions him to deliver
holistic Martech and AI solutions.

Leadership in Martech
Previously, Mr. Loespradit led a high-performing Marketing Technology
team (2014-2018). In this role, he spearheaded the evaluation and
implementation of global Martech tools through impactful Quick Win
Projects, driving demonstrable value for the organization.

Current Focus Areas

◆ Martech & Technology Consulting: Mr. Ball partners with leading
companies worldwide to develop and execute strategic Martech and AI
roadmaps, optimizing marketing effectiveness and efficiency.
◆ Speaking Engagements: A sought-after industry thought leader, Mr.
Loespradit frequently delivers keynote presentations at global events and
conferences, sharing his insights on Martech and technology advancements.
◆ Event Leadership: Demonstrating his commitment to industry
advancement, Mr. Loespradit founded MarTech Expo 2024, the first event
in Thailand to convene over 100 Martech solution providers, attracting a
record-breaking audience of over 10,000 attendees.

◆ President of The MarTech Association of Thailand

As President of The MarTech Association of Thailand, I spearhead
initiatives to drive Martech awareness, foster a thriving entrepreneur
ecosystem, and establish Thailand as a regional Martech hub.
◆ Authorship & Mentorship
Mr. Loespradit is a published author of two bestselling Thai books:
"Marketing Technology Trends" (Top 10 at Kinokuniya bookstore) and "50
Marketing Frameworks" (Top 10 at NaiIn and SE-ED bookstores).

He also serves as the Director of the "Chief Marketing Technologist"

executive course, a program that has empowered over 120 senior executives
with a strategic vision for Martech implementation.
◆ ◆ ◆

Contact Me
For business consuting or speaking inquiries, please reach out through the
following channels:
Email to:
Line ID : martechmafia
"With heartfelt appreciation, I dedicate this book to all the devoted
educators who have graciously shared their wisdom and knowledge. I also
extend my deepest thanks to the companies and their visionary leaders who
have provided opportunities for growth and learnin

MarTech Trend 2024

About Me
Definition of martech
Martech Categories
Full version E-book click here
Contact Jittipong Loespradit

The New Digital Order

This decade has witnessed the meteoric rise of technologies that once dwelt in
the pages of speculative fiction. RPA, or Robotic Process Automation, the
harmonious co-working of human assistants with machine counterparts,
advanced 3D Printing bringing designs to tangible life, and the digital realm's
explosive growth are just a few feathers in technology's ever-growing cap.
Then comes the remarkable rise of digital currencies, anchored securely by
Blockchain technologies – especially in its application for identity verification,
making fraud a near relic of the past.

The Backbone of the New Era

Complementing these front-facing marvels is the exponential growth and
development of digital infrastructures – from the ubiquitous cloud systems to
innovative programming languages and ever-evolving database systems. This,
paired with ever-increasing internet speeds, forms the very backbone of this
new era.

From Desktop to the Palm of Your Hand

One of the most palpable shifts comes from the advancements in chipsets,
offering faster, more affordable, and incredibly portable technologies. We've
transitioned from being tethered to bulky desktop computers to having the
entire internet world accessible with a few taps on our mobile screens.

The Digital Marketing Revolution

As the digital sphere expanded, so did the consumer's footprint within it. This
shift not only diversified communication channels but also increased
touchpoints between brands and their customers. Every interaction, every click,
every search now leaves a digital footprint, turning data into the marketing
realm's goldmine. Thus, 'Marketing Technology' or MarTech was born.

Delving into MarTech

the Marketing Technology book, our vision is crystal clear. We aim to deepen
readers' understanding of MarTech tools, shifting from a broad overview to a
concentrated, detailed exploration. This book promises to be a treasure trove for
both beginners and those familiar with the 2021 edition.
For enthusiasts keen on understanding marketing's history and strategy within
the scope of technology, a separate publication will soon grace the bookshelves.
Expected in March 2022, this concise guide aims to be both comprehensive and

In Conclusion
No matter the choice of book, the essence remains unchanged. Knowledge,
especially in this age of rapid technological advancements, is the only asset that
consistently appreciates. Investing in it is not just wise; it's imperative.
◆ ◆ ◆

From Old to New, The Evolution of Marketing

The digital age has been progressing for more than several decades now.
Everything has dramatically changed from the old world, which once followed
the analog way of life. Especially in business operations, where marketing and
sales have significantly evolved from their traditional forms. In today's digital
world, we have numerous channels to promote products and/or services. We
have easily accessible social networks, a wide variety of social media platforms
to choose from, an abundance of tools to communicate with customers at any
given time, and conveniences that allow us to do everything quickly and

"When observing the trajectory of marketing and sales, we've reached an

inflection point where we lean heavily on what's termed as 'Marketing
Technology,' popularly referred to within the industry as 'MarTech.' Essentially,
this entails the leveraging of technology, encompassing various software tools,
to serve marketing objectives and goals. Marketing teams meticulously curate
the appropriate MarTech tools, culminating in what's often dubbed the
'Marketing Technology/MarTech Stack'.
MarTech plays a pivotal role in orchestrating marketing campaigns and can also
amplify the efficacy across all marketing channels. It's arguably accurate to
posit that MarTech has metamorphosed into the 'new normal' for contemporary
and future business operations, marketing, and sales."

A brief history of technology in marketing

Before diving deep into MarTech, let's take a quick retrospective journey to
understand how technology has been seamlessly integrated into the marketing
landscape over the years. Here's a snapshot:"
1700 – 1990 : Generation - Offline Media
Newspapers & Magazines: The industrial revolution saw a rise in literacy rates
and urbanization. This led to the growth of newspapers and magazines as
primary advertising mediums. Brands could now reach a wider audience
through print ads.

Brochures & Flyers: Local businesses, especially in burgeoning urban centers,

heavily relied on brochures and flyers for localized advertising and promotional
Toyota advertisement from the 1970s
TV Commercials: The television brought about a paradigm shift in marketing.
With moving images and sound, marketers had a potent tool to craft memorable
and emotive advertisements. Brands could narrate stories, leading to higher
consumer engagement.
First television commercial ever broadcast in the U.S. Aired in 1941 during a
baseball game between the Brooklyn Dodgers and the Philadelphia Phillies, this
brief 10-second spot showed a simple image (likely a watch) with the
accompanying voiceover, “AMERICA RUNS ON BULOVA TIME."
◆ ◆ ◆

1st Age of Marketing Technology

ACT! - Contact Management Software: customer relationship management
(CRM) software application that's primarily used for maintaining customer
information, managing contacts, calendars, and tasks. It was one of the pioneers
in the contact management software category.

1990 - 2000: 2nd Generation - WWW & E-

Following advancements in computer technology and the development of
internet networks, the world witnessed the birth of its very first website between
1991 and 1992. Named "The World Wide Web

The website described here reflects the early design ethos of the World Wide
Web, focusing on simplicity and functionality over visual appeal. Key
characteristics of this website include:
◆ Simplicity in Design: The website had a very basic design, prioritizing
content and ease of access over complex aesthetics. This approach was typical
of early websites, emphasizing functionality and ease of navigation.
◆ Text-Centric Layout: Unlike modern websites, which often feature a mix of
multimedia elements, this website was primarily composed of plain text. This
reflects the early internet's limitations and its focus on information delivery.
◆ Use of Hyperlinks: The introduction of 'hyperlinks' was a significant
innovation. These links allowed users to navigate easily between related pages
or resources, creating the interconnected structure that is a hallmark of the web.
Hyperlinks played a crucial role in the organization and accessibility of
◆ Lack of Visuals: The site did not include images, animations, or any
multimedia components. This absence was due to the technological constraints
of the time and the focus on delivering content in a straightforward, easily
accessible manner. The site was purely informational, catering to the needs of
users seeking knowledge rather than visual engagement.

The decade from 1990 to 2000 saw a meteoric rise in internet-based

technologies and ushered in a new era of online businesses. Here's a concise
1994 - Netscape Navigator's Debut:
Netscape Navigator was introduced as a pioneering web browser that
significantly simplified internet browsing for many users.
1995 - The Launch of made its debut as an online bookstore. It quickly became the
world's largest online book retailer and would eventually evolve into the e-
commerce giant we know today.

1995 - The Birth of was launched as the world's first online auction platform, providing a
marketplace for individuals to buy and sell items across the globe.

1999 - The Global E-Commerce Valuation:

By the end of the decade, the worldwide e-commerce industry was valued at an
impressive $150 billion, emphasizing the rapid adoption and trust in online
2000 - The Dot-Com Bubble Burst:
Commonly referred to as the "Dot-Com Bust", this was a period of rapid
decline in the valuations of many online businesses in the U.S. Many internet
startups, fueled by speculative investments, failed during this time, leading to
significant financial losses.

In 1995, the Amazon website had a much simpler and basic design compared to
its current state. The site’s layout was plain, with a white background and blue
underlined hyperlinks that were common to the early days of the web. There
were no images of products on the homepage. Instead, it featured text and links
that guided users to different sections of the site.
The rapid growth and surge of E-commerce reached its peak, attracting U.S.
investors who poured money into this market since the early 1990s. Internet
companies listed on the NASDAQ market index saw their values multiply
significantly. However, the consequence was overinvestment in stocks that were
overvalued. Although the stock market is a place where everyone has an equal
opportunity, when the truth came to light, more than $5 billion was lost.

"Digital Presence" or having a status in the online world in this era emphasizes
primarily on desktops and websites. This gives an overview of the early to mid-
90s technology trends which focused on the development of animations and
online advertisements (Rich Media, Pop-Up, Floating Ads, Expandable Ads).
New communication channels such as emerged, and there began
to be software for instant messaging like AIM (America Online Instant
Messenger), ICQ, MSN, etc.
From 2003 to the present, the digital landscape has been dominated by three
major trends: Social Media, Mobile Takeover, and Cloud Services.

In this timeframe, websites transformed from merely being information hubs to

dynamic platforms encouraging user interactivity and connection. People began
to engage more actively online, penning their thoughts in online journals,
disseminating knowledge through blogs, consuming content via video
streaming platforms, and establishing relationships and networks through social
media platforms.
Additionally, the way users accessed the internet underwent a revolution. While
desktop the primary gateways to the digital world in previous years, this period
marked the rise of mobile devices. The emergence of smartphones and tablets,
with their portability and convenience, began to redefine the user experience.
These devices not only changed how users accessed the internet but also
influenced their online behaviors, preferences, and interactions. The shift to
mobile emphasized on-the-go connectivity, ensuring users stayed connected to
the digital world anytime, anywhere.
◆ ◆ ◆

4 Key Components of the "Technology Tsunami" Phenomenon

The software industry's rapid expansion is a testament to the dynamic nature of

technology and its impact on business. This growth can be attributed to several
key factors:

◆Ease of Access to Funding for Startups: The availability of funding for

startups has significantly increased. This has allowed new entrants to compete
with established software companies, fueling innovation and diversity in the
software market.

◆ Emergence of New Digital Business Models: The current era is marked by

business disruption, driven by startups and companies that bring innovative
ideas and deep technological expertise. These new players challenge traditional
business models and introduce novel approaches, transforming various industry

◆ Measurable Return on Investment (ROI): Advances in data analytics and

performance measurement tools have enabled businesses to more accurately
measure the ROI of their initiatives. This clarity provides valuable insights,
helping companies make informed decisions and refine their strategies.

◆ Increased Investment in Digital Marketing: There's a noticeable shift in

marketing and advertising budgets towards digital channels. This trend reflects
the growing importance of digital platforms for outreach and promotion,
acknowledging the expanding digital landscape where businesses and
consumers interact.
◆ ◆ ◆

In 2010, Scott Brinker, the founder of, introduced a visual

representation known as the “Marketing Technology Landscape.” This
landscape showcases a compilation of logos from various software and tools
designed specifically for marketing purposes. The intent behind this landscape
was to demonstrate the breadth and variety of technological solutions available

EP2 : What is MarTech


Gartner was defined "Marketing Technology"

MarTech and the intersection of marketing and technology, a precise,
singular definition can be hard to pin down since his discussions often delve
into the nuances and complexities of the field. However, based on his
writings and talks, one can distill his view of MarTech as:

The fusion of marketing and technology, where businesses leverage

technology to achieve marketing goals and objectives. This encompasses a
vast array of digital tools and platforms that marketers use to conduct,
measure, and analyze their marketing initiatives.

How do tools referred to as MarTech have unique characteristics?

The martech impact you must not overlook

MarTech tools are both opportunities and challenges. Those affected by
them must stay informed and adapt to survive in the rapidly changing
landscape. This topic will discuss both positive and negative impacts,
providing guidance for stakeholders to stay aware and adapt.

Impact on Startups Business

Due to the immense growth opportunities in the MarTech market, there is

still a relatively small number of startups entering this space. This is despite
the past successes of MarTech companies achieving Unicorn status, such as:
1. DoubleClick: A company that provided online advertising
services and was sold for 3.1 billion
2. Admob: A company specializing in mobile advertising, which
was sold for for 750 million.
These successful MarTech companies have demonstrated the potential for
substantial returns on investment. However, the relatively low number of
new startups in the MarTech sector suggests that there may still be untapped
opportunities for innovative entrepreneurs to make their mark in this
lucrative industry.

◆ ◆ ◆

Impact on Digital Agencies and Digital Consultants

With smarter and more user-friendly MarTech tools, clients now have the
capability to carry out various marketing activities themselves. These
activities include:

Agencies can expand their services to offer system implementation

support. They can shift their business model towards consulting on
MarTech adoption strategies

Reduction in manpower requirements due to the ability to automate various

Impact on Marketer in Enterprise
◆ Enhanced Data Collection and Insights: Improved data collection
capabilities in MarTech tools provide marketers with clearer insights and
more accurate measurements. This allows for a deeper understanding of
customer behavior and preferences, leading to more effective marketing

◆ Efficiency in Campaign Creation and Targeting: MarTech tools have

streamlined the process of creating marketing campaigns, making it faster
and more efficient. Additionally, these tools offer better targeting
capabilities, ensuring that marketing efforts reach the intended audience
with precision, thereby improving the effectiveness of campaigns.

◆ Expansion of MarTech-Related Roles: There has been an increase in

roles and positions related to MarTech support within organizations. This
reflects the growing importance of MarTech in business strategies and the
need for specialized skills to manage and optimize these tools.

◆ Streamlined Marketing Processes: MarTech tools have simplified various

marketing processes. For instance, marketers can now create their own
advertising creatives or artwork without having to rely heavily on graphic
designers. This not only speeds up the process but also allows for more
direct control over the creative aspects of marketing campaigns.

Impact on Data Analysts and Data Scientists

◆ Access to New Market and Brand Research Tools: MarTech tools have
expanded capabilities for conducting market and brand research. They offer
enhanced tools for data analysts and data scientists, enabling deeper and
more comprehensive insights into market trends and brand perception.
◆ Enhanced Data Collection Capabilities: Modern MarTech tools can
collect new types of digital behavioral data that were previously
unattainable. This includes detailed user interaction data, providing richer
insights into customer behaviors and preferences.
◆ Integration of 3rd Party Data: MarTech allows for the integration of
third-party data sources, such as in-market and affinity data from
advertising platforms. This data enrichment is crucial for improving persona
creation and segmentation, enhancing the effectiveness of marketing
strategies by leveraging a more comprehensive data set.
◆ Data Integration Challenges: While integrating data from various sources
offers immense value, it also presents challenges. Data analysts and data
scientists face complexities in planning and managing connections between
diverse data sources, ensuring data compatibility, and maintaining data
integrity across platforms.
◆ Unstructured Data: The increase in non-personally identifiable
information (Non-PII) data types, such as cookie data, pixel data, and IoT
data, brings about challenges in handling unstructured data. These data
formats often lack a clear structure, making it difficult to organize and
analyze them effectively within traditional data systems.
The reason for using MarTech in business strategy

1.Examining people's behavior or social trends

Many MarTech tools have the ability to examine the behavior of people in
the digital world, whether it's Search Trends or various Voice trends that
occur on social media. This allows us to understand what content or issues
are currently of interest to people. If a trend persists for a long time, we may
be able to produce products that align with people's needs during different
time periods.
For example, The graph is comparing the search interest of five different
terms, which are:

Hamburger (represented by the blue line)

Donut (represented by the red line)
Steak (represented by the yellow line)
Sandwich (represented by the green line)
Hotdog (represented by the purple line)
Over the past 12 months, the search interest for various food items
worldwide shows that "Steak" maintained the highest and most consistent
popularity. "Hamburger" experienced a significant spike around 23 Oct
2022. Meanwhile, "Sandwich" had steady interest slightly below "Steak".
Both "Donut" and "Hotdog" remained lower in search interest, with
"Hotdog" seeing a notable increase around 26 Feb 2023.

2. It's easier to collect customer data at every stage.

Many MarTech tools also make it easier for us to collect customer data at
every stage that customers go through. Data can be collected across all
channels, whether it's collecting customer data (1st Party Data) through a
product purchase form or a general contact form.
Lead Generation form Editor by Brevo

From the image, it's a form to collect leads from customers who want to
download an E-Book from a tool called Brevo. Once we have collected this
as our 1st Party Data, we can manage the customer data within our own
system. Apart from the direct information that customers willingly provide,
or Explicit Data, the data collected also includes Implicit Data. This mostly
pertains to digital behavior, such as data on visiting individual web pages
and information within various mobile applications, as shown in the image.

3. Accurately measure the results of marketing campaigns.

Measuring the results of marketing activities has become more accurate. It
improves the effectiveness of operations and presents data in easy-to-
understand and beautiful graphs/charts. This helps the related teams see the
metrics or return on investment (ROI) that align with every department and
every plan.
Moreover, when we understand our target customer group from looking at
retrospective data, or what's called Historical Data, it enables us to
comprehend the techniques of customer segmentation in detail. This also
lets us understand the pain points of each customer group, what they take
pride in, and which of our products or services address those pain points or
add value to the customers' lives. Communicating in a way that resonates
with customers is the key to doing business.
For instance, using the Google Analytics4 tool to explore data in Funnels
will inform us about which parts of the Campaign, Sale Page, to various
forms experience customer losses within the funnel, as shown in the

4. Exploring ideas to produce new content.

In today's world, marketing across all channels, whether it's Websites,
Blogs, Social Media, or Advertising, relies on Content Marketing to
communicate with the target audience. This can be producing content to
create a buzz, to promote products and services, aiming for results in Search
Marketing, or even leveraging content to establish Brand Positioning. With
the capabilities of some MarTech tools, they can help us creatively come up
with numerous new ideas for content writing, such as:

◆ Analyzing the effectiveness of our content to further develop or derive

new topics.
◆ Conducting a Gap Analysis between our content and similar other
websites to produce content that no one else has done or to find topics that
others have done well.
◆ Checking and following global trends to initiate and brainstorm new

5. Monitor the sales process (Sale Pipeline) at every steps

Tools from the CRM group enable marketers, salespeople, or managers to
monitor sales performance together. The tool depicted in the image, named
Wisible CRM, presents a Kanban card-style interface. Each card on the
board represents the sales funnels; the far-left card represents new leads,
and the final card on the far right signifies a closed deal or completion of a
Moreover, this CRM system serves as a database storing details of past
customers who have made purchases. We can also organize these customers
into groups, or what's known as 'Segmentation'. This enables us to
campaign and communicate with these past customers, encouraging them to
repurchase our products and services in the future. This approach helps
reduce the costs associated with acquiring new customers continuously.
Additionally, it allows us to calculate the sales over a customer's lifetime, or
the 'Customer Lifetime Value'."

UI from Wisible CRM

6. Communicate with customers through multiple channels that are

The capabilities of MarTech, especially in the Marketing Automation group,
allow us to design a communication plan as a journey for our customers.
Whether the customer reads an Email, receives an SMS, views an
advertisement, visits a webpage, receives an in-app notification, or even a
browser push notification, we can set the timing or sequence in choosing
the appropriate communication channels for our customers."

Using Emarsys for Automation across various channels.

7. Quickly store and integrate data across systems (Stitching).

In today's era of Big Data, from a Data Science perspective, the three
fundamental characteristics, known as "The 3 Vs Of Big Data," are: Large-
sized data (Volume), data flows rapidly (Velocity), and data comes in
various formats (Variety). Later on, some organizations expanded this
concept, often referred to as the "4 Vs" and "5 Vs", by adding accuracy of
data (Veracity) and the value of data (Value).
However, from a marketing perspective, there is also the situation of Big
Data, be it various digital behaviors data coming through multiple channels.
Especially for businesses that are digital and have e-payment transactions,
there's a heightened need for MarTech to help interlink data across systems,
enabling us to access insights, be it from campaigns or insights from
consumer behavior, in an Omni-channel manner.
Searching for customer insights from a Single Customer 360 View from the CDP system of Growth.AI

Once we systematically and neatly gather and link data to a central hub,
apart from the benefit of the data being our asset, we also benefit from
integrating essential data together to form a Single Customer 360 View or a
holistic customer data perspective. This brings benefits in marketing,
advantages to the customers, and benefits to our business."
Martech Categories
Currently, there are approximately 10,000 MarTech Solutions, In this book,
we will divide the MarTech universe into 14 Important categories, as

1.Marketing Analytics & Tracking : analyzes data across channels to

gauge campaign success, customer behavior, and ROI, aiding strategic
decision-making and marketing optimization.

Website & Mobile Analytics

This technology group is created to assist in the collection of various digital
data, especially the types related to people's internet usage behaviors, for
various beneficial purposes, such as:

◆ Real-Time website data analysis Gathering demographic insights and

understanding digital affinity (the relationship of behaviors).
◆ Measuring the effectiveness of digital campaigns and media.
◆ Setting and measuring goals (Goal Conversion).
◆ Defining criteria for market segmentation (Segmentation).

A widely popular tool globally in this group is Google Analytics, developed

by Google, a dominant force in various technological aspects. A well-
known service from Google that everyone recognizes and frequently uses is
its Search Engine, a tool for finding information

2.Cloud/Data Integration : Automate or consolidate data from multiple

sources, streamlining analysis and decision-making in marketing by
ensuring data consistency and accessibility.
An automated data movement platform designed to facilitate the efficient
and reliable transfer of data from various sources into a centralized data
warehouse. It simplifies data integration, enabling organizations to
automatically extract and load data from a wide range of sources, including
databases, SaaS applications, and other cloud platforms. Fivetran focuses
on ease of use, scalability,

3.Data Visualization Tools : transform complex data sets into graphical

representations, aiding marketers in understanding trends, patterns, and
insights for informed decision-making
◆ Refers to a set of tools designed to convert raw data, typically in text
form, into various visual formats such as graphs, plots, maps, tables, etc.
◆ Technology allows these visuals to be displayed as live, interactive
reports and dashboards.
◆ Transforming data into visual formats is popular in data analysis, as the
valuable insights (Data Insight) often hidden within large datasets are akin
to finding a needle in a haystack.
◆ Utilizing data visualization tools to convert data into visible images is an
efficient way to unearth these insights, enabling easier communication
through data (Storytelling with Data).
◆ Combined Multiple Graph into a dashboard that displays various graphs
in real-time on a single screen, with the ability to drill down into each
graph's related data instantly, it provides an opportunity for swift, data-
informed decision-making in modern business.

4.Advertising Technology : digital tools and platforms used for creating,

managing, and optimizing online advertising campaigns across various
channels and formats.

AdTech's primary function is to optimize the delivery of advertisements to

the right audience at the right time. This involves sophisticated algorithms
and data analytics to analyze consumer behavior and preferences, ensuring
that advertisements are relevant and engaging to the targeted audience.
The technology also allows for the accurate tracking and measurement of
campaign performance, providing advertisers with valuable insights into the
effectiveness of their ads and enabling them to make data-driven decisions
to improve future campaigns.

5.Visitor Identification Tools : help identify and track website visitors,

providing insights into potential leads for targeted marketing and sales

for example, is a tool that helps companies identify which businesses are
visiting their website, even if those visitors don't fill out a contact form or
engage in direct communication. Here are some key benefits of using such
visitor identification tools:
◆ Enhanced Lead Generation: By identifying the companies that visit your
website, Leadfeeder provides a new stream of potential leads. This is
especially valuable because it uncovers interest from businesses that haven't
yet reached out directly.
◆ Insights into Visitor Behavior: These tools track what pages a visitor
looked at, how much time they spent on the site, and what actions they
took. This insight can inform content strategy, website design, and sales
approach, tailoring them to better meet the needs and interests of potential
◆ Integration with CRM and Marketing Tools: Visitor identification tools
can integrate with customer relationship management (CRM) and
marketing software. This integration allows for seamless

6. Survey & Form Creation : Drag and drop form design, distribution, and
analysis of surveys and forms, gathering valuable customer feedback and
data for marketing insights.
Drag and drop form design, distribution, and analysis of surveys and forms,
gathering valuable customer feedback and data for marketing insights

Streamline data collection and analysis with customization options, cost

efficiency, and wide reach. facilitate quick, informed decision-making for
market research, feedback, and more, across diverse sectors.


Is a Renowned Martech Famous for its Long-Standing Reputation in

Creating all Types of Content Forms. It is a Comprehensive Tool Capable of
Creating Various Forms, Including
◆ Registration or Lead Collection Forms
◆ Contact Us Forms
◆ Post-Event Feedback Form
7. Search Marketing Tools : optimize online visibility and traffic through
search engines, encompassing both SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and
SEM (Search Engine Marketing) strategies.

◆ SEO Health Check for On-page: This involves assessing the quality of a
website's frontend elements, such as page load speed and the use of header
tags (H Tag), to ensure they meet SEO best practices for better search
engine visibility.

◆ Rank Tracking: This is the process of monitoring the positions of web

pages in search engine results for specific keywords. It's vital for measuring
the success of an SEO strategy and making necessary adjustments.

◆ Keyword Research: This entails identifying the search terms your target
audience uses, to guide the creation of content that aligns with their
interests and queries. It's a fundamental step in developing SEO-friendly
content that attracts more traffic.

8. Social Media Tools : managing, monitoring, and analyzing social media

activities and campaigns, enhancing engagement and understanding of
audience behavior on social platforms.
◆ Collaborative Content Planning : facilitate team collaboration in content
creation, ensuring a unified strategy and cohesive messaging across all
digital channels.
◆ Content Scheduling : ability to schedule content in advance, allowing for
consistent and timely publication across different social media platforms
without the need for manual posting.
◆ Unified Inbox and Chat Management : Solutions that consolidate all
messages and comments from various platforms into one inbox, making it
easier to engage with and respond to audience inquiries and feedback in

9. Chat Bot Tools : automated, conversational interactions with users on

websites or social media, enhancing customer service and engagement in

◆ Sales Process: Using bots to assist in sales, such as recommending

products suited to different customer groups and suggesting related items
based on past purchases.
◆ Serve & Solve: Utilizing bots for after-sales service, guiding customers
facing issues to self-service solutions, categorizing problems, and
accurately directing cases or tickets to relevant departments.
◆ Save Resource & Cost: Reducing the need for human resources to
standby in the system by having bots attempt to resolve issues using a know

10.CRM & Marketing Automation Tools : streamline customer

relationship management and automate repetitive marketing tasks,
enhancing efficiency and personalization in customer interactions and

CRM (Customer Relation Management) in the context of MarTech, refers

to a tool designed to collect potential customer information for sales
tracking and manage relationships to encourage repurchases

11.Loyalty Management Tools : develop, manage, and optimize customer

loyalty programs, fostering repeat business and deeper engagement through
rewards and personalized experiences.

CRM platforms in the loyalty management category typically offer features

such as:

◆ Membership Systems from the past might involve showing a

membership card or providing a phone number, granting members
discounts or other privileges like free parking or a 20% discount for
◆ Loyalty Points and Redemption Programs allow customers to
accumulate points with every purchase, which can be redeemed for rewards
or discounts on future purchases.
◆ Tiered Customer Systems for more complex membership structures,
where privileges are layered and members are categorized based on their
spending on products and services.

12.Customer Data Platform (CDP) : consolidate and integrate customer

data from multiple sources into a single, comprehensive database, enabling
a unified, 360-degree view of the customer for personalized marketing

A Customer Data Platform (CDP) is a MarTech category tool designed to

create a unified customer database by integrating data from various
MarTech platforms and databases. Essential components qualifying a
MarTech as a CDP include:
◆ Business User Configurability: Marketers, or "Business Users," can
configure the system without needing technical expertise.
◆ Data Connectivity: Initially set up by data experts, then managed by
Business Users for marketing activities.
◆ 1st Party Data Integration: Centralizes key data such as CRM purchase
information, website demographic data, and web/mobile analytics.
◆ 3rd Party Data Connectivity: Integrates with external data sources like
ad audience data from brokers and event information from marketing
automation systems.

MarTech Trends 2024 : How Data, Tech & AI

Eating Marketing World Kindle Edition
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through the following channels:
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Select My Photo in Google Drive

History of marketing
The world's first TV commercial

List of websites founded before 1995

1st E—commerce Tkacz, Ewaryst; Kapczynski, Adrian (2009). Internet —

Technical Development and Applications. Springer. p. 255. ISBN 978-3-
642-05018-3. Retrieved 28 March 2011. The first pilot system was
installing in Tesco in the UK (first demonstrated in 1979 by Michael
This Is What Amazon Looked Like In 1995 - Business Insider
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a Profile David Pickton, De Montfort University
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