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TAHUN 2023
KELAS : IX (Sembilan) WAKTU : 08.00 – 10.00 WITA
Instructions: Read the following questions carefully and choose the letter that best describes the answer. Write your answer
on a separate sheet of paper!

1. Fatih : Well Rahman, I think we have to go 8. A : Someday, when I grow up, I want to be a
now, the movie is started to play. __________, so I can fly anywhere for free.
Rahman : Oh, okay ______________. B : Yes, true. But you also have to take care of
Fatih : see you. passengers during your flight.
A. Where are you going C. See you at school A. pilot C. chef
B. How are you? D. Nice to meet you B. flight attendant D. author
The following picture is for question number 2 – 3. 9. A : Which one is your relative?
B : The one with black hair, a ponytail, and wearing a
A : I see, it’s ____________ .

2. This is a picture of …
A. bathroom C. bedroom
B. living room D. kitchen
3. The following are things on the table, EXCEPT … .
A. knife C. fork 10.
B. trash bin D. pitcher Mom : Honey, please
4. Mom : Hei, do not forget to wear attributes for go to sleep now.
the flag ceremony tomorrow. You will be late
Sherly : But mom, tomorrow is Thursday, and we for school.
always have a flag ceremony on ______ . Aya : What time is it,
A. Monday C. Tuesday mom?
B. Wednesday D. Friday Mom : It’s ________ .
5. Man :
Hello, my name is Rio and this is my A. six past twelve
family. I have a brother, but I have no B. six past zero
sisters. My brother is twenty-five years C. six o’clock
old. He has a son, Robby. D. twenty-four to six
Woman : So, your age gap is nine years old. The following questions are for questions number 11 – 15.
Man : That's right.
This is my family. I have one sibling. My brother's
Who is Robby?
name is Eugene. Eugene is 9 years old, but he is a tall boy
A. The man’s nephew
for his age. He is of thin build with brown hair. He has a
B. The woman’s brother
round face and small blue eyes, like everyone in our
C. The man’s brother
D. The woman’s father family. He has two big incisors, like rabbits do and they
are visible each time he smiles.
6. Man : Do you have a brother or a sister? He is a cheerful kid anyway. He smiles and laughs a
Woman : Yes, I have two brothers and one sister. lot. He also always has jokes to tell. He is so funny that
I am the youngest. everyone is happy to be his friend. He rarely thinks
How many siblings does the woman have? seriously, so it's difficult to have a serious talk with him.
A. one C. three
This behaviour often makes our mother upset. Eugene is
B. two D. four
close to our dad and he looks up to him very much. Our
7. You can buy … in stationary. dad is his role model. He often goes fishing with our dad.
A. flour and sugar He really enjoys these activities. They usually go to the
B. eraser and correction pen nearby river by bike. Sometimes, they come home with
C. clothes and shoes some fish and at other times they get home empty handed
D. cake and pastry

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11. The text above generally tells us about … . 20. Which ability that polar bear NOT have?
A. describing the appearance of Eugene A. blend with surrounding
B. telling the writer’s character B. hunt with its smell
C. describing the writer’s only brother C. blends with surrounding
D. giving information about Eugene’s activity D. make bubbler above its skin
12. How many children do the writer’s parents have? The following text is questions for numbers 21 – 25
A. two C. four
Chairil Anwar
B. three D. five
Chairil Anwar (26 July 1922 – 28 April 1949) was
13. The similarity among the writer’s family is … . an Indonesian poet and member of the “1945 generation”
A. have two big incisors C. rectangular Face of writers. He is estimated to have written 96 works.
B. brown hair D. small blue eyes including 70 individual poems.
14. What makes the writer’s mom often feel upset? Anwar was born and raised in Medan, North
A. Eugene’s jokes Sumatra, before moving to Batavia with his mother in
B. the writer always thinks seriously 1940, where he began to enter the local literary circles.
C. Eugene is hard to talk to seriously After publishing his first poem in 1942, Anwar continued
D. Eugene like his father more to write. However, his poems were at times censored by
15. “Sometimes, they come home with some fish and”. The the Japanese, the occupying Indonesia. Living
underlined word refers to … rebelliously, Anwar wrote extensively, often about death.
A. the writer and his brother He died in Jakarta because of an unknown Illness.
B. the writer and her father His work dealt with various themes, including death,
C. Eugene and his father individualism, and existentialism, and was often multi-
D. Eugene and his mother interpretable. Drawing influence from foreign poets,
Anwar used everyday language and new syntax to write
The following text is for questions 16 to 20. his poetry, which has been noted as aiding the
My uncle is a zoo keeper. His job is to keep a development of the Indonesian language. His poems
polar bear named Kuma. were often constructed irregularly, but with individual
Kuma is a kind of bear. It is a mammal. it is very patterns.
big bear. It is weighing at 680 Kg and height at 2,5 m 21. The text above mainly discussed about … .
long. Kuma has a long neck, small head, short and A. the masterpieces of Chairil Anwar
round ears, short tails and sharp claws. It has 42 B. the childhood of a famous writer
teeth. Like the other polar bear, Kuma has bubbler C. the life story of Chairil Anwar
(layer of fat) under its skin to make it warm. It may look D. Anwar’s rebellion poem
white but actually has black skin with transparent fur.
22. Where did Anwar spend his childhood?
They look white because of the reflection of light and it
A. Batavia C. Jakarta
helps polar bear blends with the surrounding.
B. Medan D. Japan
Kuma is a carnivore. It eats mainly seals. But
sometimes other animals like fish or small mammals. 23. Based on the text, Chairil Anwar died, at the age … .
Kuma is a great swimmer. It can swim fast and stay long A. 27 C. 31
in a water. Kuma also has good sense of smell. It can B. 29 D. 33
smell up to 16 Km away. Most polar bear also has such 24. The last paragraph tells us about … .
ability. It helps them to trace their preys. A. his work influenced the development of the
We can find polar bears in Arctic, in Canada, Indonesian language
Alaska, Greenland, Norway and Russia. Kuma origin is B. his time was censored by the Japanese
from Russia. Kuma moves to zoo when it's 4-month-old C. his poems are mostly about death
after its mom was killed by a hunter. Now, Kuma lives D. he died because of an unknown illness
safely and happily in a zoo. The sad news about polar
25. His work dealt with various themes, including death,
bears is it is almost endanger. Climate change and
individualism, and existentialism, and was often multi-
hunters threats their live.
interpretable. The meaning of the word bolded had …
16. What does Kuma look like? A. meaningful word
A. it lives in the Arctic B. more than one meaning
B. it is a carnivore C. harsh meaning
C. it has a long neck, small head, and short and round D. universal meaning
tail The following text is for question number 26 – 28.
D. it is a mammal
Bawang Merah and Bawang Putih (Shallot and
17. The function of a bubbler under polar bears’ skin is to … Garlic) were half-sisters who were of opposite
A. make them fat characteristics. Bawang Merah was a lazy, greedy girl
B. make them warm spoiled by their mother while Bawang Putih was
C. help them blend with surrounding obedient, and diligent and did all the chores without
D. help them hunt the prey complaining.
18. They look white because …, One laundry day at the river bank, Bawang
The word “they” refers to … Putih lose a scarf, which was picked up by an old
A. the writer C. mammals woman. The old woman said she would return the
B. uncle’s writer D. polar bears scarf if Bawang Putih cooked and cleaned it for her.
Bawang Putih did as she told her to do to get the scarf
19. “Kuma is a carnivore.” in Paragraph three, it means … .
back. The scarf was Bawang Merah's favourite. She
A. meat C. meat and fruit
was afraid she would be angry with her. After doing
B. plant D. fruit
all of the old woman's demands, as a gift, she asked

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her to choose one of her two pumpkins, a small or a extinction of the species. They are now protected and may
large one. Bawang Putih chose the smaller pumpkin. gradually be returning in several areas.
When she broke open the pumpkin at home, she Blue whales are mainly found in very cold waters,
discovered the fruit was full of jewellery inside. like the Arctic and Antarctic waters. They migrate to the
Bawang Merah and their mother got jealous and tropics in the winter and to the Arctic and Antarctic in the
wanted their pumpkin filled with jewellery. so they summer. Blue whales can reach over 24 m (80 ft) long;
went to the river and deliberately lose their scarves. mature females are usually a bit longer than mature males.
Then they visited the old woman's house and asked They weigh between 87,500 to 142,500 kg. The skin has a
for a pumpkin. They brought home the big one, but light grey and white spotty pattern. Blue whales feed by
instead of pieces of jewellery, their large pumpkin opening its mouth into dense groups of small sea creatures
was filled with snakes. The snakes attacked them to like plankton, krill, or fish. Blue whales are mammals.
die. They give birth once every two or three years. Mating
26. Bawang Merah became a greedy and lazy girl because occurs during the summer season, and they give birth after
she was … by her mother. about 11 months. The calf nurse for seven or eight months
A. mistreated C. tortured and gains weight of about 90 kg (200 lb) per day.
B. loved D. spoiled (Taken from Scaffolding Grade IX)
27. After knowing the gift, Bawang Putih’s stepmother and 32. How long were the blue whales hunted?
sister felt … of her good fortune. A. less than 30 years C. less than 20 years
A. upset C. excited B. about 30 years D. more than 20 years
B. envious D. relieved 33. How does the whale get its food?
28. What can we learn from the story above? A. by swimming over 24 meters
A. do not be nice to stranger B. by opening its mouth
B. do not choose the big pumpkin C. by letting sea creatures eat
C. do not be jealous of other’s luck D. by migrating to the Arctic
D. do not be nice to stranger
34. According to the text, what is the heaviest weight ever
The following text is for questions number 29 to 31 owned by a blue whale?
The Fox and The Grapes A. 200 kg C. 142.500 kg
A long time ago there lived a fox who loved to eat. B. 87.500 kg D. 124.500 kg
He lived close to a vineyard and he use to stare at the 35. The statement is incorrect about blue whales … .
lovely grapes that hung there. "How to juice they look! A. they were hunted for their oil
Oh, I am sure these are stuff that melts in the mouth when B. they migrate to Artic in the summer
you have them. If only I could reach them". C. the male whales are usually a bit longer than the
One sunny day, the fox woke up and saw the grapes female whales
glistening in the sunlight. The vineyard looked D. the baby whales can gain 90kg per day
wonderful and the grapes looked so luscious that the
hungry fox could no longer control itself. He jumped to The following text is for questions number 36- 40
reach them but fell. He jumped again. No, they were An electronic calculator is a small, portable electronic
higher. He jumped even more. But they were still out of device used to perform both arithmetic operations and complex
reach. He jumped and stretched and hopped but they mathematical operations.
were useless. Those yummy grapes hung higher than the The first solid electronic calculator was created in the
fox could reach. No matter how hard he tried, the fox 1960s, building on the extensive history of tools such as the
could not reach the grapes. He breathed heavily and abacus (developed around 2000 BC), and the mechanical
began to sweat out of exhaustion. Giving up finally, he calculator (developed in the 17th century AD). It was developed
looked up in dislike and said as he walked away, "Those in parallel with the analog computers of the day.
In addition to general-purpose calculators, there are those
grapes surely must be sour. I wouldn't eat them even if
designed for specific markets, for example, there are scientific
they were served to me on a golden dish". It's easy to
calculators which include trigonometric and statistical
have what you cannot have calculations. Some calculators even can do computer algebra.
29. The story above tells us about … . Graphing calculators can be used to graph functions defined on
A. work hard to make your dream comes true the real line or higher dimensional Euclidean space.
B. use instant ways to get what you want
C. we have to stop dreaming of something that is out of 36. The aim of the text above to … .
reach A. inform us about a laptop
D. stop the useless effort B. inform us about an electronic calculator
C. entertain us with the story of the calculator
30. What did the fox-like much? D. describe calculator
A. growing grapes C. eating
B. running vineyard D. jumping 37. The first calculator was made in … .
A. 1960s C. 2000 BC
31. "And the grapes looked so luscious that …" B. 1986 D. 2007
The bolded word is closest in meaning to …
A. bright C. juicy 38. The word extensive in paragraph two has the meaning of
B. classy D. firm ….
A. outer C. loyal
The following text is to answer questions 32 to 35 B. capacious D. inside
The Blue Whale 39. In the following text which calculator can we use to do
The Blue Whale is the largest whale and the statistical calculations?
largest living creature on Earth. Blue whales were hunted A. scientific calculator
a lot for oil, baleen, meat, and other products from the B. abacus
1930s to the 1960s. This hunting almost caused the C. graphing calculators
D. electronic calculator

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40. The main idea of paragraph three is … . 45. Ridho : Do you go to work by car today?
A. general calculators Romi : Not today, I will go by bus because of my car
B. calculator for specific markets _________.
C. graphic calculator A. is repairing
D. scientific calculator B. is being repaired
The text is for questions for numbers 41- 42 C. repairing
D. repaired
46. A : How many newspapers ______ (print) in Indonesia
Do not speed before, in, and after the school safety zone. everyday?
School children are crossing the street or doing some B : Around thousands of newspapers every day.
activities around the area. A. are printed
41. The warning has the meaning of … B. is printed
A. school children will be in danger if people drive fast C. are printing
along the school safety zone. D. are print
B. if people race around the school safe zone, their cars
will be in trouble. 47. Ridho : Sir, what is paper made of?
C. it sounds nice if people speed up along the school Mr. Dio : Paper _________ of wood.
safety zone. A. are making
D. schoolchildren like to stay in the schoolyard after B. are made
school. C. is made
D. is making
42. Which is NOT suitable the warning above purpose for?
A. Everyone who is walking in the school safety zone. 48. "Which paintings will be exhibited tomorrow?"
B. Everyone who is driving in the school safety zone. "We do not know yet: Usually, the paintings … by a
C. Everyone who is riding in the school safety zone. team on Sunday."
D. Everyone who is passing on the school safe zone A. are being selected
using a vehicle. B. are selected
43. C. selected
D. were selected
VOLCANIC FUMES ARE HAZARDOUS TO YOUR 49. Arrange them into a good sentence!
HEALTH AND BE LIFE-THREATENING is The watched people ceremony
1 2 3 4 5
CHILDREN 6 7 8 9
The caution above about … . A. 2 – 8 – 5 – 1 – 3 – 7 – 9 – 6 – 4
A. The volcanoes and their effect. B. 2 – 8 – 5 – 1 – 7 – 9 – 6 – 4 – 3
B. The danger of volcanic fumes. C. 2 – 8 – 5 – 1 – 7 – 6 – 4 – 3 – 5
C. The women and their children’s health. D. 2 – 8 – 5 – 1 – 3 – 9 – 7 – 6 – 4
D. The pregnant visitors of the mountain.
50. Arrange them into a good sentence!
44. exams checked by The are teachers the
A. 4–1–2–5–3–6–7
B. 4–1–5–2–3–7–6
MADELINE PUTRI C. 4–1–5–3–2–7–6
2999-333-1211 OR
The receiver has to respond to the invitation at the
following time, EXCEPT …
A. five days before the party
B. at the end of February
C. first day of March
D. Wednesday, February 28th

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