Creative Brief For Condoms Brand

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1he roduct

1he producL ls a range of condoms launched under Lhe brand umbrella of Mk Lhe lnLernaLlonal makers
of percolaLors and fllLer coffee lor Lhe unlnlLlaLed few condoms are Lhln sheaLhs made of rubber vlnyl
or naLural producLs whlch may be LreaLed wlLh a spermlclde for added proLecLlon 1hey are placed on
Lhe penls once lL ls erecL 1hey prevenL sperm from galnlng access Lo female reproducLlve LracL and
prevenL mlcroorganlsms (S1us lncludlng P8v and Plv/AluS) from passlng from one parLner Lo anoLher

Advert|s|ng Cb[ect|ve
1he adverLlslng has Lo create the percept|on ln Lhe consumer's mlnd LhaL M8 as a company ls a maker
of quallLy producLs LhaL ensure an en[oyable experlence AL presenL M8 ls a new enLree ln Lhls producL
caLegory and so ls noL looklng for generaLlng lncreased markeL share Lhrough converslon of oLher
conLracepLlve users buL ls plannlng Lo converL currenL condom users Lo M8 users 1he adverLlslng
should Lhus be provocat|ve |n |n|t|at|ng tr|a| and creaLlng awareness of Lhe exlsLence of Lhe producL ln
Lhe markeL lL ls lmperaLlve Lo keep Lhe key consumer benef|ts ln mlnd when analyslng Lhe adverLlslng

1arget Aud|ence
8eglon lndla urban populaLlon
CccupaLlon SLudenL Servlce worklng professlonal selfemployed
Cender Male
8ellglon lnslgnlflcanL
lncome 8s 120000 pa (or aL leasL 8s 60000 pa dlsposable lncome)
Soclal class Mlddle and upwards
lamlly llfe cycle ?oung unmarrled/recenLly marrled wlLh no/young chlldren
LlfesLyle Average male wllllng Lo experlmenL wlLh a sense of romance looklng ouL for 'LhaL llLLle blL
more' from llfe
Cccaslons ln anLlclpaLlon of lnLercourse lnvolvlng aL leasL one male (all Lhe same LargeL heLerosexuals)
user sLaLus lrequenL user of producL flrsL Llme user of brand
LoyalLy sLaLus noL deflned
8eadlness SLage unlnformed
ALLlLude Loward producL lnqulslLlve (very!)
ALLlLude Loward brand noL deflned Lhough some assoclaLe lL wlLh Lhe provocaLlve and suggesLlve ads of
M8 Coffee beLween 1993 and 1993

urrent ercept|on
8rond Mk
M8 Coffee whlch ls Lrylng Lo compeLe wlLh lnsLanL coffees LhaL domlnaLe Lhe lndlan markeL ran a
conLroverslal ad campalgn showlng a couple (Malalka Arora and Arbaaz khan) under Lhe sheeLs 1he
slogan was keo/ p/eosure does not come in on instont 1he company says sales doubled ln Lhe flrsL slx
1hey followed Lhls up wlLh an adverLlsemenL for a 'buy one geL one free' promoLlonal offer showlng a
young model ln a bra LhaL was made ouL of Lhelr colourful Lrlple lamlnaLe packaglng maLerlal for Lhelr
fllLer coffee brand She sLands wlLh arms wldeopen saylng "8uy one toke home two!"
Powever aparL from Lhe obvlous percepLlons ln relaLlon Lo Lhelr adverLlslng Lhe brand lLself does noL
have much recall Loday

ln lndla male condoms are seen as a meLhod of pregnancy prevenLlon one LhaL ls noL preferred
compared Lo oLher meLhods such as sLerlllzaLlon AL Lhe naLlonal level condom use ls 3 A condom had
always been percelved Lo be a hushhush product more Lalked abouL Lhan seen and cerLalnly noL one
you could or should splash on Lhe pages of all naLlonal newspapers and magazlnes lLs usage was
adverLlsed more as a necess|ty llke a medlclne Moreover lL was always regarded as a convenlence
Lool noL as a means by whlch consumer should seek Lo enhance Lhelr pleasure or geL more lnLlmaLe
wlLh one anoLher Powever Llmes have changed posL Lhe LlnLas ads for kamasuLra whlch were
decldedly 'bo|d and sexy' 1he ads ln quesLlon have been enclosed laLer
(Nt AJs ote ovolloble oo wwwoqeocyfopscom ot yoo moy cootoct me ot fooloooblllfooloooblllcom)

ey onsumer 8enef|ts
AparL from Lhe cusLommade condoms as of now M8's varlanLs are Lhe formflLLlng and Lhe ulLra
senslLlve M8 condom brands (whlch are dlfferenLlaLed by packaglng colours) and Lhe key varlanL whlch
Lhey wanL Lo hlghllghL as a uS Lhe coffeeflavoured condom 1he adverLlslng (ln Lhe course of Lhe
campalgn) should lnform of all Lhe four varlanLs of condoms buL focus on Lhe coffeef|avoured condom
as lL shall serve Lo relnforce Lhe brand lmage as one LhaL makes producLs promlslng an en[oyable

coffee ls psycboloqlcolly ossocloteJ wltb sexoollty ooJ ls o stlmoloot
no oLher subsLance can clalm Lhe equlvalenL for sexuallLy and lawful volunLary consumpLlon as coffee
Alcohol doesnL even come ln aL a close second Many would llke Lo geL one drunk on alcohol buL nlneLy
percenL of Lhe people on flrsL meeLlng say WanL Lo geL a cup of coffee? offee sc|ent|f|ca||y can be
||nked to |mprov|ng both mens and womens sexua| funct|ona||t|es
hyslologlcal LffecLs of Caffelne Caffelne lncreases Lhe meLabollc raLe for an amounL lncrease ln
caffelne Caffelne also Lends Lo wake a person up It |s a st|mu|ant LffecLs of caffelne on Lhe body are
generally lmmedlaLe lL sLlmulaLes all Lhe organs and Llssues 1hey effecL Lhe CLLLS (Caffelne lncreases
Lhe release from Lhe adrenal glands of eplnephrlne and noreplnephrlne hormones whlch also sLlmulaLe
cell acLlvlLy 88Aln (Small amounLs of caffelne sLlmulaLe Lhe braln cells helplng Lo reduce drowslness
and faLlgue) SkLLL1AL MuSCLLS (SLlmulaLlon by caffelne lmproves Lhelr performance durlng exerclse)
Subconsclously one assoclaLes sensory percepLlons such as smell and LasLe wlLh Lhe usual effecLs LhaL
go wlLh Lhem especlally lf such effecLs are experlenced over a perlod of Llme

locteosloq popolotlty of flovooteJ cooJoms
Lven lf one ls scepLlcal abouL Lhe research on Lhe sexual connoLaLlons and assoclaLlons of coffee lL ls an
undenlable facL lllusLraLed Lhrough lncreaslng sales flgures LhaL flavoured condoms ln general are
lncreaslngly popular lrrespecLlve of Lhelr connoLaLlons 1hls ls more so wlLh Lhe changlng percepLlon
and use of condoms as pleasure enhanclng as opposed Lo only belng a necesslLy and conLracepLlve lndla
ls one of Lhe largesL producers of condoms ln Lhe world and Lhe markeL leader kamasuLra comes ln
SLrawberry and 8anana flavoured perfume uurex a world leader ls avallable ln 8anana Crange and

1he markeL ls caLegorlsed lnLo four segmenLs
o) 1he privote/yowned bronded seqment {/ike kohinoor komosutro uurex Moods ond 4dom)
b) CovetomeotsobslJlseJ btooJs (5oojoo Mostl ooJ 2otoot)
c) CovetomeotowoeJ btooJs (NltoJb ooJ NltoJb ueloxe) bot mooofoctoteJ by ptlvote ot pobllc sectot
J) lot expotts btooJeJ os well os lotetootloool teoJets ooJ
e) lot lmpotts
ategory 'a' above |s our pr|mary compet|t|on
AparL from Lhe dull governmenL markeL all Lhe sLeamy Lelevlslon commerclals and prlnL campalgn LhaL
we see are Lo galn markeL share ln Lhe prlvaLe or commerclal as well as governmenLsubsldlsed branded
condom markeL a segmenL esLlmaLed Lo be ln Lhe reglon of 600 mllllon pleces 330 mllllon pleces
governmenLsubsldlsed brands and 230 mllllon pleces ln respecL of prlvaLelyowned ones
competltloo AJvettlsloq ls eocloseJ lo tbe Jocomeot ottocbeJ

1one and Manner
lollow Lhe 11k LlC (kohlnoor parenL) esLabllshed successful sLraLegy of 'Maklng Lhe rubber(s) exclLlng
and deslrable' 1he M8 brand lmage ls bold showlng nudlLy ln a new llghL and lL would be deslrable Lo
follow up on LhaL 1he undenlable facL ls 'SLk SLLLS'
1he adverLlslng should Lake care however noL Lo make Lhe mlsLake of some of Lhe currenL brands
whlch have very creaLlve campalgns buL low brand recall 1hus focuss|ng on the key benef|ts Lhe
adverLlslng should be substant|a||y d|fferent|ab|e from Lhe oLher brands
numour ls anoLher aspecL whlch could be capLured ln Lhe Lag llnes lor example one could play wlLh Lhe
cllched llne Would you llke Lo come ln for coffee? or Lhe more bold and punny CeL a head ln llfe" or
lf you haven'L Lrled our Condoms geL on wlLh lL!"
Do not be afra|d to be provocat|ve Cn Lhls one leL your mlnd go (and your body wlll follow!)

AspecL of 8rand ersonallLy
erson|f|cat|on Pe ls an adulL male playful advenLurous Pe ls a dlehard romanLlc and a success aL
relaLlonshlps Pe ls fun lovlng exclLlng company and an accesslble and dependable frlend

Cther ons|derat|ons
1) 1he campalgn medlum ls Lhreefold
Standard s|ze hoard|ng whlch wlll be dlsplayed ln promlnenL locaLlons ln Lhe clLles
AL leasL Lhree unlque creaLlves for pr|nt ads (co|our) Lo be publlshed ln 100cc formaL ln newspapers
and also ln fullpage colour ln magazlnes llke lndla 1oday
Cne week posL Lhe hoardlngs sLrong suggesLlons have been made by Lhe cllenL wlLh regards Lo lnLeresL
ln buylng space whlch wlll be Laken ln selecL meLros ln a nat|ona| da||y llke 1he 1lmes of lndla whlch wlll
follow Lhe 'Whlsper ulLra' launch model conslsLlng of a small flap ln Lhe lnner pages whlch w||| conta|n a
samp|e of the 'coffee f|avoured' var|ety
2) 1he key dlfferenLlaLor whlch ls Lhe prlmary means by whlch M8 hopes Lo generaLe sales and galn
markeL share ls Lhe condom vendlng machlne lor Lhe lnlLlal perlod Lhey have Lledup wlLh lClCl and
PulC banks whlch have Lhe largesL A1M neLworks ln Lhe meLros and are lnsLalllng vendlng machlnes ln
Lhe A1M booLhs wlLh dlsLrlbuLlon progresslvely growlng from Lhe meLros Lo oLher clLles wlLhln Lhe flrsL
year of launch 1hls should Lhus be adequaLely hlghllghLed and vlslble somewhere ln Lhe campalgn
WlLh regard Lo Lhls work on Lhe premlse LhaL people normally heslLaLed purchaslng condoms because
Lhey were embarrassed or felL shy whllsL buylng Lhem from medlcal sLores 1he CvM solves LhaL prlmary
problem and Lhus generaLes huge poLenLlal

3) Cther recommendat|ons
% cteote o oolpoe lJeotlty loqo oome tbemotlc oolty
% complemeot ooJ telofotce bebovlootol cbooqe
% nlqbly vlsool octloootleoteJ empowetloq eotettololoq ooJ ooopteocby
% osote cooslsteocy of messoqes ooJ tepeoteJ O15 (Oppottoolty 1o 5ee)

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