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school do not prepare young people for life in the real world

High school should be the place where your knowledge of the world is built. After finishing their
schooling, students should be able to live independently out of their own work. However, do they
possess adequate knowledge of the real world or do school only teach them irrelevant information?

On the one hand, gymnasiums don’t teach students any specific knowledge useful for survival in the real
world. Firstly, students aren’t taught how to manage their finances, or household. They aren’t thought
how to cook or take care of children. Secondly, students in high school are led through all sorts of
troubles or given a second chance at almost everything. They won’t have enough skill to take control of
their own lives.

On the other hand, high school should prepare students for real life, especially if we attend vocational
school. So, when we finish vocational school, we are ready for work or we can continue with our
education. Furthermore, there are a lot of “hands on” practice where students work in the factories or
restaurants learning their trade.

Different types of high schools prepare us for different situations, continuing with schooling or start
working. My opinion is that only vocational schools prepare us for real life, because in those schools we
learn the craft that we will pursue in life.

all people should go to single-sex school

The idea that all people should attend same-sex classrooms seems to have a lot of advantages. Programs
tailored for each group would enhance learning. However, is it a way toward better education or would
it segregate genders even more?

On the one hand, some may argue that same-sex classrooms are not based on stereotypes and accept
differences as a way to learn better for each gender. First, students would learn easier if they are
surrounded with students of the same gender. It seems easier to communicate with people of the same
gender who share the same interests. Second, subjects may be focused on the different interests of
each gender and give teachers opportunity to modify their teaching techniques since boys and girls
learn differently from each other.

On the other hand, single-sex schools discriminate against gender groups. Same-sex classrooms can
harm an individual later in life. All people should be given an equal chance to study whatever they like
and not be separated by their gender. The segregation may send them in different direction in education
and eventually to employment they don’t like. Also, this could mean that jobs may become targeted to
specific genders. Maybe it wouldn’t be possible to work on a job considered typically for the other

Single -sex schools seem to customize learning materials and techniques to each gender, but it may
consequently create segregation and lack of understanding between genders. In my opinion, we all
benefit the most in mixed-sex schools.
There should be no tests at school

During the year, students take a lot of exams. Each test creates a lot of pressure and stress. That raises a
lot of discussion. Are the tests really necessary and should there be no tests at school?

On the one hand, tests are a bad thing because they create stress for students and some give up on their
goal due to poor grades in exams. First, sometimes there are some tasks in the tests that the students
have never seen before and don’t know how to solve, so this further creates fear in the students and
discourages them to continue with the test. Second, students often learn only for the test. If the
information is learned “by heart” it will be easily forgotten.

On the one hand, exams are a good thing because in this way students see how much they have learnt
and they also test their patience and desire to learn. Students show their knowledge in tests. Their effort
and interest in a particular subject can be seen. What’s more, it also makes them learn things they
wouldn’t learn by themselves. Students may consider some important information irrelevant and skip it.

There are a lot of arguments against tests in schools, stress being the greatest. I think that for all
subjects two exams should be written during the school year. Students would then learn only what is the
most important, and it would not create so much stress and fear and they would be more relaxed.

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