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The speaking test lasts about 12 minutes and has the following structure:
Part 1: Social Interaction
You and the examiner exchange greetings and then the examiner asks you questions on
general topics such as hometown, family, work, study, shopping, leisure time and future
You are required in this part to talk fluently about the topics and respond to the
examiner‟s question as much as possible rather than simply giving one or two-word
Part 2: Solution Discussion
The examiner gives you choice situation card. You have 1 minute to think about this topic
and prepare what you are going to say. Then you must speak about the topic for 2 to 3
You are required to make a coherent talk about your solution. You need to create a talk
with a beginning, development, and an ending.
Part 3: Topic Development
You are given a topic card with a mind map of 3 ideas. You have 1 minute to prepare for a
detailed presentation developing the ideas. Then you have a talk about the topic in 2
Then, the examiner engages you in a further discussion about questions related to the
topic. You need to show your ability to understand and use complicated language skills in
response to the examiner‟s questions.

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You are going to practice answering familiar questions that you may come across in the
speaking exam. These questions are related to real-life communication and topics such as
your family, friends, work, hometown, hobbies and habits, leisure time, future plans and
shopping, holidays and festivals, weather etc.
You need to be aware of the different types of questions in this part.


Look at the questions in the two columns below.
1. Are you married or single? 1. Are you from Tra Vinh?
2. Do you have any children? 2. Do you like shopping?
3. Can you drive a car? 3. Can you describe your hometown?
Task 1: Answer the following questions:
1. Which questions require just brief answers? …….
2. Which questions require more information than just brief answers? …….
Task 2: Now look at the questions and sample answers of Level B1 and B2 below.
What makes them different?
Questions B1 B2
1. Are you from Tra Yes, I am. I am living in Tra Yes, I am. I am living in Tra
Vinh? Vinh city with my family. Vinh city. It‟s a small city
with a lot of green trees.

2. Do you have any Yes, I do. I have two children. Yes, I do. I have two
children? children. My daughter is 5
years old and my son is
three years old.

3. Can you swim? Yes, I can. I love swimming. Yes, I can. I love swimming
because it is good for body
and mind. I often go
swimming at Trung Ngoc
swimming pool at the

Tips: Identify the focus of the question and give more information by giving examples,
explaining your answer. PRACTICE
Question Sample answer Your answer

1. Can you tell me about There are four people in

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your family? my family: my husband,
two children and me.

2. Are you from Soc No, I‟m not. I am from

Trang? Tra Vinh city. It‟s a small
city with a lot of green

3. Do you usually watch Yes, I do. I usually watch

TV? TV in the evening after
dinner. My favourite TV
program is News.


1. What are your hobbies?
2. What do you like about your job?
3. What is your hometown like?
Task: Underline the key words in the questions above. Then think about the answers
for these questions.

Tips: Describe in details and in order, using transitional words (also, moreover,
besides, too, in addition, furthermore, especially, clearly, importantly, absolutely,
however, while, whereas, on the other hand, despite / in spite of, before, at this time,
first, second, third, finally.)

Question Sample answer Your answer

1. What are your hobbies? My hobbies are reading
books and playing sports. I
often read novels before
going to bed. I also play
sports with my friends
because it makes me
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relaxed and healthy.

2. What do you like about I like my students. They are

your job? noisy but lovely. Most of
them are obedient, and they
try to study hard.

3. What is your hometown My hometown is very nice.

like? It‟s small but quiet.
Moreover, people are
friendly and helpful.


1. Why do you study English?
2. Why do many people want to live in the city?
Task: Underline the key words in the questions above. Then think about the answers
for these questions.

Tips: Using “because” and explain in detail by giving reason(s) and using transitional
words (also, moreover, besides, too, in addition, furthermore, especially, clearly,
importantly, absolutely, however, while, whereas, on the other hand, despite / in spite
of, before, at this time, first, second, third, finally.)

Question Sample answer Your answer

1. Why do you Because English is an
study English? international English, it is spoken
all over the world, and I think
many people also learn English.

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2. Why do many Because it brings many benefits
people want to to them. The city has more
live in the activities to offer people in their
city? free time than the countryside.
Moreover, in the city it is much
easier to find a job.


1. Who do you love most in your family?
2. When do you hold a party?
3. Where do you usually go shopping?
4. How do you go to work every day?
5. How often do you go to the library?
6. How long do you watch TV every day?
Task: Underline the key words in the questions above. Then think about the answers
for these questions.

Tips: Identify the focus of the question words. Answer the main information and add
some information to explain for the answer.

Question Sample answer Your answer

1. Who do you love In my family, there are 5
most in your people. They are my parents,
family? my brother, my sister and me.
I love my parents most
because they are old, but they
must work hard to earn
money and take care of us.

2. When do you hold a I usually hold a party on

party? special occasions such as
anniversaries; birthdays;
family gatherings; company
meetings; festival holidays.
We enjoy good foods; chat
and play fun games.

3. Where do you I usually go shopping at the

usually do your super market with my family.
shopping? I often buy fresh fruit and
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vegetables. Sometimes we
buy clothes here.

4. How do you go to I go to work by motorbike

work every day? every day. Sometimes I take
a taxi when my motorbike is

5. How often do you I go to the library once a

go to the library? month. I usually go to the
library because I want to
borrow books, videos and
materials to do my research

6. How long do you I‟m really interested in

watch TV every watching TV and I usually
day? watch TV an hour a day. I
like watching news and
sports every evening to
update the latest information.



1. What is your hometown like?

2. What do people do to relax in your hometown?
3. Why do you like your hometown?

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1. Do you live in a small or big family?
2. Who is your closest family member?
3. What do you usually do together with your family?
1. How often do you travel?
2. When you travel, what places do you like to visit?
3. Why do people like to travel?
1. Are there any special festivals in your hometown?
2. Can you describe your favorite festival?
3. What do you often do on holiday?
1. What kind of work do you do?
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2. How long have you been doing this job?
3. Why do you choose this kind of work?
- Leisure activities
- Shopping
- Transportations
- Future plans
- Weather
- Education
- Films and media
- Health
- Environment


Task: Read the following situation. Answer three questions below.
1. What is described in the situation?
2. How many choices are there?
3. What are you required to do?

Many people choose to go shopping in the night market, others like to go shopping in the
supermarket. Still many choose shopping online. Which place do you think is the best

- Note down the advantages and disadvantages of each choice.
- Decide on the best one, and support it while comparing it with the other two.

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Sample answer:
The night market The super market Shopping online
Cheap price; real touch High-quality products; Various choices;

of the items. various products; good convenient service.

service; clean fitting Price comparison;
rooms; sales offer; real
touch of the items.

Bad service; limited Expensive price; no Limited items; fake items.

items; time-consuming; bargaining; time-
low-quality products. consuming.

Sample talk:
A lot of people like to shop online nowadays. However, still many people prefer shopping
in the nigh market. Many people choose the super market for shopping. I personally think
that the supermarket is the best choice because it brings the most benefits.
First, the supermarket has more high-quality products to offer people than the night
market and shopping online. Second, there are various products to meet the shopping
demands of people. Besides, it‟s easier for people to buy fake items in the night market
and shopping online than the supermarket. Last but not least, clean fitting rooms are
available in the supermarket, while the night market is often short of them and people
cannot try on if they shop online.
Now I move on to the reasons why I don‟t choose to shop in the night market because it
has limited items and variety of low-quality products.
To sum up, I would like to say that whenever you choose to shop, it all depends on your
need. For all the benefits the supermarket offers, shopping in the supermarket is the best
choice for me.


TIPS: In section 2 of the speaking test, you are given 2 minutes to talk about the
situation and give out the best choice together with the counter arguments.

Template 1
In this situation, I definitely believe that A is the best choice because of the following
First, ……………………………………………………………………………………
Second, …………………………………………………………………………………
Finally, …………………………………………………………………………………
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Now I move on to the reasons why I don‟t choose B and C because
In short / To sum up, from all the reasons mentioned above, A is the best choice.

Template 2
(Restate the topic of the situation). Among three choices: A, B, C. …A…. is my best
Let me explain why this is the best choice.
The first reason is that ………………………………………………………… In
addition/ Moreover, ……………………………………………………….. However,
the reason I don‟t choose B because …………………………………………………
and I don‟t choose C because …………………………………. In short / To sum up, A
is my best choice.

- Introduce which is the best choice / solution
- Reason 1, 2, 3: support, compare and contrast with the other two.
- Summarize ideas and confirm the best choice.


Task: Work with a partner and discuss the ideas you could use to support your
choice in the following situation.
A group of students is discussing the best way to spend their summer time. Three
choices are travelling, doing volunteer work, and relaxing at home. Which do you
think is the best choice.

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Travelling Doing volunteer work Relaxing at home


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Sample answer
Travelling Doing volunteer work Relaxing at home

- travelling helps - doing volunteer work is a - students have

students widen good chance for students to worked really hard
knowledge about the help others. during the
world around them. - doing volunteer work helps
academic year so
- travelling is also a students understand and summer is the time
useful way to boost

sympathize with people living to relax and regain

language skills. in poor condition. energy at home.
- through traveling, - they can develop their skills
students can develop such as communication skills, - they have lived far
their confidence. social skills and so on through away from home
co-working process. for their study so
this is the time to
be back their

- travelling can be - students have worked really - the fact that

expensive for hard during the academic year students don‟t join
students because so summer is the time to relax any activities

they don‟t have and regain energy. makes them

much money. - doing volunteer work won‟t passive.
- travelling can be help them in this case. - staying home
dangerous due to the - some students are not without going to
fact that students familiar with living under school is kind of
might get accidents. poor conditions. boring.


Order Addition Contrast Illustration Conclusion

First / firstly In addition However For example In conclusion

Second/ secondly Moreover On the other hand For instance Finally
Third/ thirdly Besides While Such as To sum up
Finally Furthermore Whereas Including All in all

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A couple who has two children is discussing their plan to travel this summer time. They
are considering the following places: a famous mountain, a big city and a beach. Which
place do you think is the best choice?
A famous mountain A big city A beach

Sample answer:
A famous mountain A big city A beach
- It‟s has fresh air - Big cities have many - They can go swimming and
which is good for amusement centers sunbathing.
their health. with a lot of activities - The beach is large so
- It‟s quiet and for children to do. children can run around

peaceful so they can - They can go shopping and play sports like
relax their mind and enjoy any volleyball or football.
after a time of hard delicious food which - When going to the beach,
work. they like. they can enjoy fresh
seafood which has rich
source of omega 3 that is
good for their heath.

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- Children can meet - In the city, it‟s noisy - Beaches are always the
danger such as and the air is polluted perfect destinations for
getting lost or being because of vehicles tourists in summer so it can
bitten by insects. and factories. be crowded, which is

- It‟s boring or tiring/ - There are many traffic uncomfortable.

They are bored and accidents so it‟s not - In the peak season, it‟s hard
tired (people may safe for children to find a hotel near the
have to climb the - The fact that polluted beach.
mountain and feel cities affect children‟s
tired. Plus, there are health in negative
not many activities ways should be taken
to do so it‟s boring). into consideration.

Order Addition Contrast Illustration Conclusion
First / firstly In addition However For example In conclusion
Second/ secondly Moreover On the other hand For instance Finally
Third/ thirdly Besides While Such as To sum up
Finally Furthermore Whereas Including All in all


You and some other friends are planning for a surprise birthday party for your best
friend, and you don‟t know where to celebrate it. Three places have been considered:
at your house, at a coffee shop or at a big restaurant. Which place do you think is the
best choice for the party?

At your house At a coffee shop At a big restaurant


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Sample answer
At your house At a coffee shop At a big restaurant
- It‟s cheap to hold a - The coffee shops are - Big restaurants are
party at home. often decorated in prestigious for their
- Home provides a various styles, which delicious food and
comfortable provide a special professional serving
atmosphere where atmosphere. staff. As a result,
guests can fully - Some coffee shops offer holding a party in a

enjoy the special live music for people to big restaurant will
moments. enjoy. offer a great
- The flexibility is - The host doesn‟t need to convenience for both
also a strong point prepare much things the host and the
here as there is no because there are good guests.
limit of closing service. He/ She can - The host doesn‟t need
time and outsiders. fully spend time on to worry about party
welcoming the guests. planning and cleaning
up afterwards.

- Time is one of the - The coffee shops usually - It usually costs a great
major have small space so the amount of money for
disadvantages here summer of guests parties in big
as the host has to coming to the party can restaurants. Especially

prepare all things be limited. in case the host invites

by himself/ herself. - It‟s hard to get the whole many guests.
- There will be less coffee shop chartered so - The opening time is
time for the host to there will be other limited.
welcome his/ her people at the party. The
guests result of this is that the
guests won‟t fell private.

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Order Addition Contrast Illustration Conclusion
First / firstly In addition However For example In
Second/ Moreover On the other hand For instance conclusion
secondly Besides While Such as Finally
Third/ thirdly Furthermore Whereas Including To sum up
Finally All in all

Your friend is going to get married and have three choices to make: living with her
husband‟s family, living with her parents or living independently in a rent house? Which
place do you think is the best choice?

Living with her Living with her parents Living independently in a

husband’s family rent house

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A group of girl friends are discussing to set up a routine to stay healthy. Three options are
considered: jogging, dancing, and doing aerobics. Which one do you think is the best
Jogging Dancing Doing aerobics

Order Addition Contrast Illustration Conclusion
First / firstly In addition However For example In conclusion
Second/ secondly Moreover On the other hand For instance Finally
Third/ thirdly Besides While Such as To sum up
Finally Furthermore Whereas Including All in all


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In part 3 of the speaking test, you will be given a topic related to big issues happening
around you under a mind map format. As suggested by the name of this part, you have
to develop a given topic by discussing the main ideas provided. You may be interested
in adding other major ideas to your discussion. Also in this part, you will be speaking
most of the time, so not only language accuracy but fluency will be highly evaluated.
The examiner will listen to your talk and raise further questions around the topic when
you have finished. You will have 1 minute to prepare and then you will have to talk
within 2 minutes.
Topic: children should not be allowed to watch so much TV.

Neglect study

Affect behavior Negative effects of Your own ideas

watching TV

Be harmful to
Further questions:
1. How much TV should children watch?
2. What TV programs should children watch? Why?
3. What are the differences between going to the cinema and watching a movie on

How to answer:
Step 1: Try to understand the topic as well as the given ideas
Step 2: Decide on which main ideas to be included in your talk. You can add your
own ideas!
Step 3: Outline your talk either in your mind or on your given draft paper,
looking for details, examples, explanations of the main ideas. The ‘Thesis’
statement should be a ‘Paraphrase’ of the given topic.
Step 4: Think of a sound ending for your talk.
Step 5: Let’s get started!

Task: Brainstorm supporting details for the main ideas.

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Negative effects of TV on studying

Negative effects of TV on behavior

Negative effects of TV on health

Useful vocabulary Useful Expressions

- cause / lead to / result in …. - As a result, …
- have a positive (negative) effect on … - As a result of A, B …
- destroy / ruin / affect one‟s health - A may result in / lead to B
- do harm to (eyes / brain …) - Consequently, …
- make people stressed / exhausted - As a consequence, …
- distract one‟s attention from (doing - A may negatively affect B …
- neglect one‟s work / study
- lose concentration on …

Sample answer
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Children nowadays seem to be more interested in watching TV than playing outside with
their friends. As a result, most of them are addicted to TV than doing meaningful or
creative activities. Therefore, I think there are negative effects of watching TV.
Firstly, watching TV can affect the children‟s behavior because there are variety of
programs on TV which are violent and unsuitable for young children. They tend to imitate
the characters‟ behavior on TV and they act in their real lives. For example, when they
play with their friends, sometimes they act violently with them.
Secondly, children will neglect their study because they spend a lot of time on watching
TV, so they do not have enough time to finish their homework. As a result, some children
do not dare to go to school. Moreover, they lose concentration on their study because
watching TV too much make children exhausted and sleepy during the classroom.
Last but not lead, watching TV can be harmful to the children‟s health. If they watch too
much TV and sit in front of TV with a short distant for a long time, their eyes will be
harmful and some children have obesity, headache because they do not move and do
In summary, it is clear that children should not be allowed to watch too much TV because
it has bad effects on their health, study and behavior in their daily lives.

Further questions
1. How much TV should children watch?
Studies have shown that kids who watch too much TV are more likely to be overweight
and more aggressive, so parents should allow children to watch suitable TV programs
about 30-45 minutes.
2. What TV programs should children watch? Why?
Some TV programs which are suitable for young children are cartoons, music
programs and animal world. Children enjoy ‘Tom and Jerry’, ‘Barbie’, ‘Cinderella’
and Disney series because these programs are funny.
3. What are the differences between going to the cinema and watching a movie on
In my opinion, when you go to see a movie in a cinema, you are able to enjoy the full-
qualified movies with surround sound, whereas when you watch something on
television, the screen is small and the sound is not that good.

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Task 1: Look at the following mindmap and the three given main ideas. Work with your
partner. Which of them would you like to use in your talk? Why?
Task 2: What idea would you like to add to your talk? Why do you think it is important to
do so?
Task 3: Discuss in pair and together note down details to support each idea given in the
chart about the benefits of playing sports.
Topic: Playing sports brings several benefits.

Improve health

Reduce pressure Benefits of playing Your own ideas


Useful expressions: Develop relationships

- improve health
- boost one‟s immune system
- strengthen your muscles
- stay healthy
- blood circulation
- mentally and physically healthy
- widen one‟s relationships
- make new friends
- social clubs
- heavy workload
- overcome / release
- feel relaxed / energetic
Skill focus: presenting advantages / disadvantages
Useful language:
- The main benefit of playing sports is that …
- One advantage / disadvantage is …
- Another benefit is …
- First, …
- Second, …
- Last but not least, …
Task 1: Look at the following mindmap and the three given main ideas. Work with your
partner. Which of them would you like to use in your talk? Why?

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Task 2: What idea would you like to add to your talk? Why do you think it is important to
do so?
Task 3: Discuss in pair and together note down details to support each idea given in the

Topic: It is necessary for young people to travel regularly.

Increase knowledge

Relax and regain Reasons for Your own ideas

energy travelling

Develop confidence

Useful expressions:
- comprehend cultures from different countries
- increase understanding
- meet interesting people
- relax one‟s mind
- widen one‟s relationships
- make new friends
- widen one‟s knowledge
- overcome / release the fear of meeting strange people
- feel relaxed / energetic
Skill focus: Justifying a statement / opinion
Useful language:
- One reason is that …
- Another reason is …
- It‟s necessary / important to …
- Travelling really helps young people to …
- It could be justified that …
- There is a strong argument for …


1. Which one do you prefer: swimming or playing football? Why?

Task: Work in pairs and prepare to answer this question.
Useful phrases:
- I prefer A to B because …

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- If I have a choice, I will … (a real possibility)
- If I had a choice, I would … (an unreal possibility, just imaginary)
- For me, A is much more attractive / interesting / preferable than B because …
2. Can you describe the benefits of working online?
Task: Work in pairs and prepare to answer this question.
Useful phrases:
- The good thing about … is that …
- The main advantage of … is that …
- One of the positive sides of … is that …
- Another advantage of … is that …
- … is among the greatest benefits of …
3. Why do most children don’t like to read nowadays?
Task: Work in pairs and prepare to answer this question.
Useful phrases:
- A reason for this is because …
- The reason behind this is because …
- The reason why … is because …
- What accounts for the fact that … is because …
4. In your opinion, should we force our children to read about what they don’t
Task: Work in pairs and prepare to answer this question.
Useful phrases:
- In my opinion, …
- It seems to me that …
- I strongly believe that …
- Many people believe that but I disagree for reasons.
5. What should parents do to encourage children to read more?
Task: Work in pairs and prepare to answer this question.
Useful phrases:
- If you want my advice, I think … should …
- I highly recommend that …
- I‟d strongly advise to / not to …
- I believe it‟s time … should …


Task: Discuss with a partner. What do you say when you …

1. Don‟t know an exact word
2. Give opinions
3. Show agreeing and disagreeing
4. Show interest
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5. Give suggestions
6. Ask for clarification when you don‟t understand the question.
Sample answers
1. Don’t know an exact Using general words
word If you can‟t remember the word „desk‟, you can say a more
general word like „table‟.
Using examples
If you don‟t know the word „cutlery‟, you can give examples
such as „knife, fork and spoon”.
Using relative clauses to give a description (It‟s a person
who ………………………….)
(It‟s a thing that ……………………………)
(It‟s a place where …………………………)
Example: If you don‟t know the word „dentist‟, you can say
“It‟s a person who treats people‟s teeth.
Using ‘It’s used to + V / for + V-ing’ to describe the
purpose or function.
Example: If you don‟t know the word „knife‟, you can say „It
is used to cut vegetables or fruit‟.
Using ‘Synonyms’ (words that mean the same)
Example: if you don‟t know the word „enormous‟, you can
say „huge‟.
Using Antonyms (words that have opposite meaning)
Example: if you don‟t know the word „ugly‟, you can say
„not beautiful‟.
2. Give opinions Using the following structures:
I think … / I don‟t think …
I believe … / I don‟t believe …
In my opinion, …
For me, …

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3. Show agreeing and Using the following structures to show:
disagreeing ‘Agreeing’
Me too!
Yes, I agree!
That‟s right!
I totally agree!
I don‟t agree!
I‟m not sure about that.
That‟s not right!
I totally disagree!
‘Partly agreeing’
I see your point, but …
I‟m not sure about that, but …

4. Show interest Using the following phrases to show interest:

Wow! That‟s amazing!
That‟s incredible!
You‟re joking!

5. Give suggestions Using the following structures to give suggestions:

Why don‟t we + Vo …?
Shall we + Vo …?
Let‟s + Vo …?
Would you like + to + Vo …?
How about + V-ing …?
What about + V-ing …?

6. Ask for clarification Using the following sentences:

when you don’t Sorry, could you repeat that please?
understand the
question. I‟m sorry. I don‟t understand. Can you repeat the question

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Beginning Middle Ending
- first / firstly - second / secondly - finally
- first of all - third / thirdly - at the end / in the end
- in the beginning - then - lastly
- to begin - next - afterward
- to start - later - eventually
- further more - in conclusion
- moreover - to summarize

Sequencing the first Adding supporting Adding a contrasting
idea ideas idea
- The main reason is … - Another reason is … - On the other hand, …
- First of all, … - Furthermore, … - Nevertheless,
- The most important - In the same vein, … - Although, …
consideration is …


Giving an explanation Giving examples
- The reason for this is … - This is clearly illustrated by …
- This is because … - A clear example of this is …
- This is due to …


To express cause To express effect To draw a conclusion
- Due to the fact that … - As a result, … - All things considered, I
- For the reason that … - For this reason, … firmly believe …
- Owing to … - Taking everything into
account I am inclined to
believe that …


To give advantages To give disadvantages
- A major advantage of this is … - One major drawback is …
- Another important merit is … - Another disadvantage is …
- The final benefit is … - The final limitation is that …

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Part 1: Social Interaction (3 minutes)
Let’s talk about Internet.
1. Do you like watching TV?
2. Do you use the internet for fun or for your work / study?
3. Have you ever shopped online?
Let’s talk about travelling.
1. Do you usually go on holiday every year?
2. Do you like to travel alone or with other people?
3. What different places have you been to on holiday?
Part 2: Solution Discussion (4 minutes)
You are choosing a birthday gift for your friend. There are three suggestions: a book, a
music show ticket, and a shopping coupon. Which do you think is the best choice?
Part 3: Topic Development (5 minutes)
Topic: There are some important holidays / festivals in Vietnam.

Teacher’s Day

Holidays /
Mid-autumn Your own ideas
Festivals in
festival Vietnam

Lunar New Year

(Tet Holiday)

Further questions:
1. What is the most popular holiday / festival in your country?
2. Are there any international festivals that you would like to attend?
3. What is the difference between how people celebrate special events today compared
with the past?

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Part 1: Social Interaction (3 minutes)
Let’s talk about sports
1. Do you like playing sports in your spare time?
2. How do you feel after playing sports?
3. Do you enjoy watching sports in the stadium or on TV?
Let’s talk about music.
1. Do you like music?
2. What kind of music do you like?
3. When do you usually listen to music?
Part 2: Solution Discussion (4 minutes)
You are thinking about how to spend your evening. There are three options: hanging
out with friends, reading books, and surfing the internet. Which do you think is the best
Part 3: Topic Development (5 minutes)
Topic: There are several ways for people to make friends

Attending parties

How to make
Joining social Your own ideas

Forming interest-
based groups
Further questions:
1. Should people trust online friends? Why or why not?
2. What factors can contribute to a friend ship?
3. Which one is more important: family or friends?

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Part 1: Social Interaction (3 minutes)
Let’s talk about your work / study.
1. Have you ever had a part-time job?
2. What do you like about your job?
3. Is there a job that you would not like to do?
Let’s talk about holidays and celebrations.
1. What is your favorite holiday?
2. What do you do to celebrate birthdays in your country?
3. Do you enjoy public holidays and celebrations?
Part 2: Solution Discussion (4 minutes)
You are planning a trip to Dalat and considering a means of transport to go there: by a
motorbike, by plane, or by an express bus. Which do you think is the best choice?
Part 3: Topic Development (5 minutes)
Topic: People listen to music for various reasons.

reduce stress

make new friends Benefits of music Your own ideas

learn foreign languages

Further questions:
1. When is the best time to listen to music? Why?
2. Who is your favorite singer?
3. What makes a good singer?

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