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Discovering Knowledge

comments/feedback on
Suggestions/Comments (Plrose provide your Chapter.wise
thesis Please you may use ext ra sheet, if required)

Chapter # Suggestions/Comments
Table of
List of figure is missing in document
hapter l Hg 1 is not clear,. Please replace it with a higher quality image of
SU0 dpi resolution. The caption for Figure 1 should be positioned
belowthe figure and needs updating
Chapter I References are missing in background study (Page 1 and 2), The
author should provide the appropriate references.
Chapter 1 In problem statement in line no 5 there is a reference (Simith et al.
2020) this is different stvle.The author should ensure consistency
in referencing throughout the document.
hapter 2 Page 5, Line 14, the author should use the term "proposed
research" don't use term "ln this paper." This change should also
be applied to other chapters.
Chapter 2 On Page 6, Line 11, "he earth" is incorrect. The author should
|make the necessary correction.

Chapter 2 The references in the document are not in sequential order. Please
Cnsure that all reference numbering follows a sequential order.

Chapter 2 npage number 12 Intable 2.1,the reterence style is changed

buthor should use same format (eg. |1|, [2|,|3|)

Chapter2 Manyleading caption is missing

Khapter3 Mny llead1ng and heading caption is missing

hapter i The roncept presented in Chapter3is unclear. Rewrite this

chapterwith clear explanations and imclude retetences. It seems ay haveutilized Al t0ols.

Tquaton numbers are missiny, andhe author snot reterenced

eeton withn the paragraphs
haptet Tr bo lioyrmotthe propo odothodoloy isuot .adequately
Chapter 4 The results and table have not been define properly Describe all
resultsand figures in detail.

hapter 4 Tnere is nocomparison with the performance of the related work,

|Must compare the result with existing works
Chapter 4 The experiments are not satisfactory. The finding of table 4.2 etc,
Imake n0 sense.
Chapter 4 The result table do not add anyvalue if they are not referenced in
the text.Therefore fully utilize the resultsto discuss the
Chapter 4
classification and highlightedresult in bold fromin each table
Please check for grammatical mistakes in the document. The
author is advised to use Grammarly or similar tools.
References Link of data is missing
References In the References section,the author should provide the access
date of web links.
References The reference formats are inconsistent.

References In page no 85 reference numbering is incorrect.

Signature of Examiner: Date:


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