Clinical Methods

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A Visit To The Doctor

Doctor: Well, what is the trouble? You are looking rather unwell, I must say.
Mr. Brown. You had better ask me what is not trouble with me, sir. It seems to me I am suffering all the
illnesses imaginable: headache, earache, insomnia, indigestion, pains in the stomach, muscle
pain, appetite loss. And to make things worse I’ve caught a cold, I’ve got a sore throat, so I am
sneezing and coughing all the time. I feel hot and feverish. I got short of breath. Actually, I
feel more dead than alive.
Doctor: I am sorry to hear that. Anyway, I don’t think things are so bad as you can imagine. Let me have a
look at you. I’d like to sound your chest. Your heart, chest and lungs seem to be not bad. Now let
me see your throat. Yes, it looks a bit sore. Show me your tongue. Have you taken your
Mr. Brown. Not yet, but I guess I should.
Doctor: Well, I don’t find anything radically wrong with you. But it is clear that you’re down, and if you
don’t take care of yourself, you may have a nervous breakdown. So, first of all I advise you to
stop worrying. Take some rest, have regular meals, keep off alcohol. If possible, give up
smoking, at least for a time. Have this tonic made up and take 1 tablespoon three times a day
before meals.
Mr. Brown. What about diet, doctor?
Doctor: Well, keep to a diet of salads and fruit, and a bit meat. If you do this I can promise you soon full
Mr. Brown. But if I don’t?
Doctor: You have to decide what is the lesser evil – to follow my advice or prepare for a better world! And
one more thing. Keep off accidents so that your neck, arms and legs were not hurt!
Task 2. Find the translation of the following word-combinations
1. What’s the trouble? 1. Мені здається, …
2. It seems to me … 2. Дозвольте на вас поглянути
3. to make things worse 3. В чому справа?
4. Let me have a look at you 4. Я швидше мертвий, ніж живий
5. I feel more dead than alive 5. Погіршити становище
6. I guess I should stop worrying 6. Я думаю, що мені не варто хвилюватися
7. if possible 7. Підтримувати дієту
8. give up smoking 8. Кинути палити
9. at least for a time 9. Якщо можливо
10. keep a diet 10. Хоча б на час
11. what is the lesser evil 11. Що меньше зло
12. keep off accidents 12. Уникай нещасних випадків
Task 3. Make up questions
- I am suffering all the illnesses imaginable
- Yes? I have a sore throat
- I feel hot and feverish
- Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals
- Come to me in some days
Task 1. Read the following terms
1. symptom 12. tuberculosis
2. auscultation 13. roentgenologic
3. palpation 14. ultrasound
4. percussion 15. biopsy
5. crepitation
6. hypertension
7. hypotension
8. tonometer
9. cytologic
10. allergy test
11. Mantoux’s test
Task 2. Learn words and word-combinations.
1. method of examination метод обстеження, дослідження
2. clinical examination клінічне обстеження
3. physical examination фізикальне обстеження
4. treatment лікування
5. to make diagnosis поставити діагноз
6. cause of a disease причина захворювання
7. to reveal виявляти
8. complete повний
9. inquiry опитування
10. inspection обстеження
11. to count pulse rate вимірювати частоту пульсу
12. to measure blood pressure вимірювати артеріальний тиск
13. X-ray examination рентгенівське дослідження
14. laboratory study лабораторне дослідження
15. to complain of скаржитися на
16. complaint скарга
17. onset початок, приступ (захворювання)
18. past history анамнез перенесених хвороб
19. family history сімейний анамнез
20. hereditary спадковий
21. disorder розлад, порушення
22. immediate relatives близькі родичі
23. to assess, assessment оцінювати, оцінка
24. mental розумовий
25. valuable цінний
26. appearance зовнішній вигляд
27. build будова тіла, статура
28. skin кожа
29. mucous membrane слизова оболонка
30. tongue язик
31. pupil зіниця
32. salivary gland слина залоза
33. elasticity пружність
34. rigidity нерухомість
35. outline контур
36. swelling припухлість
37. oedema набряк
38. growth новоутворення, пухлина
39. heart sound серцевий тон
40. crepitation хруст
41. râle хрип (в легенях)
42. dullness притупленість (звуку)
43. to ascertain встановити, виявити
44. to suffer from страждати від
45.method of investigation метод дослідження
46. blood кров
47. urine сеча
48. sputum мокротиння
49. bile жовч
50. swab, smear мазок
51. cytologic examination цитологічне дослідження
52. allergy алергія
53. biopsy біопсія
54. specimen зразок
55. to specify уточнити
56. tumour пухлина
57. investigation дослідження
58. shape контур
59. internal внутрішній
60. patient’s case history історія хвороби пацієнта
Task 3. Read and translate the text
Before the treatment of a disease it is necessary to make diagnosis, to determine the cause of the
disease, and all symptoms by which it can be revealed.
Correct diagnosis must be based on a complete clinical examination of the patient.
The usual methods of physical examination which doctors use in daily practice are: inquiry,
inspection, auscultation, palpation, percussion, taking the temperature, counting the pulse rate, taking the
blood pressure, making X-ray examinations and various laboratory studies.
By questioning the patient the doctor learns about his complaints, the onset and duration of
present illness. It is important to take a careful past history, family history, to reveal hereditary disorders
and causes of death of immediate relatives. Assessment of mental and emotional state of a patient may
also give valuable information to the doctor.
Inspection is the method by which doctor reveals the appearance of the patient, his build, the state
of his skin, mucous membranes, tongue, pupils, etc. Doctor must observe the patient’s hands, feet, shape
of the chest. He must palpate lymphatic and salivary glands.
By palpation the doctor determines elasticity or rigidity of the abdomen, the outlines or the
enlargement of the abdominal organs, swelling, edema and existence of growth.
While auscultating the patient, the physician can determine the abnormal heart sounds,
crepitations and râles in the lungs.
Percussion reveals dullness of sound and distribution of fluids in the body.
The temperature is taken by means of thermometer to ascertain whether the patient has or has no
The blood pressure is measured by means of tonometer to find out whether the patient is suffering
from hypertension or hypotension.
The patient’s pulse is counted to assess its rate and rhythm. The normal pulse rate is 65-70 beats
per minute.
In diagnostics of diseases various laboratory and instrumental methods of investigation are
The laboratory investigations such as various blood and urine tests, sputum studies, bile
examinations may be very informative.
Patient’s swabs or smears are taken for cytologic examination. If the patient suffers from any kind
of allergy it is necessary to make allergy tests. Mantoux’s test is used to detect the presence of
tuberculous infection.
Biopsy specimens are taken to specify the character of tumour.
Valuable information may be obtained using modern roentgenologic, endoscopic and ultrasound
methods of investigation. With the help of these investigations it is possible to determine position, shape,
size, structure and pathology of the internal organs.
The methods of instrumental investigations require special preparation of the patients.
The results of physical examination, laborаtоry and instrumental investigations аre recorded into
the patient’s case history.
Task 1. Answer the questions
1. What is correct diagnosis based on?
2. What are the usual methods of patient’s examination?
3. What does inquiry reveal?
4. What does inspection reveal?
5. What can be determined by palpation, auscultation and percussion?
6. How does the doctor take the patient’s temperature, blood pressure?
7. What is the patient’s normal pulse?
8. Which are the usual laboratory studies?
9. In what case is it necessary to make biopsy?
10. What modern methods of investigation do you know?
Task 2. Translate into English
Огляд пацієнта, частота пульсу, пальпувати лимфатичні та слинні залози, скарги пацієнта,
страждати від, цитологічне дослідження, початок захворювання, рентгенологічне дослідження,
внутрішні органи, зовнішній вигляд пацієнта, мокротиння, причина смерті, виявляти, сучасні
методи дослідження.
Task 3. Choose the necessary word or word-combination to finish these sentences
1. Inquiry reveals … (past history, patient’s appearance, family history).
2. Palpation reveals … (edema, family history, growth).
3. Counting the pulse reveals … (blood count, pulse rate, respiratory rate).
4. X-ray examination reveals … (hypertension, bone lesions).
5. Inspection reveals … (heart sounds, past history, appearance of the patient).
Task 4. Answer the questions using the model
Model: A.: - When do we ask the patient “How old are you?”
B.: - We ask it if we want to find out his age.
1. Who are you? – (name).
2. What are you? – (occupation).
3. When did you fall ill? – (date of the onset of the disease).
4. What are you complaining of? – (patient’s symptoms and complaints).
5. What diseases have you had? – (patient’s past history).
Task 5. According to the model, name the instruments which are used during examination of the patient
Model: a) Bronchoscope – to inspect the interior of the bronchi.
b) A broncoscope is an instrument used for inspecting the interior of the bronchi.
1. Gastroscope – to inspect the interior of the stomach.
2. Phonendoscope – to perform auscultation.
3. Cystoscope – to examine the bladder.
4. Otoscope – to inspect the ear.
5. Thermometer – to take the patient’s temperature.
6. Opthalmoscope – to visualize the eyeground.
7. Reflex hammer – to check the patient’s reflexes.
Task 1. Read the words
1. vital(ly) життєвий
2. device прилад, механізм
3. accurate точний
4. screen екран
5. to stress підкреслювати
6. to possess володіти
7. to enable давати можливість, дозволяти
8. proper потрібний, необхідний
Task 2. Translate the text
Great progress of medical science and technology made it possible to control over the vitally
important functions of the human organism using advanced diagnostic apparatuses and instruments.
Computer ultrasound devices make an accurate diagnosis of a great variety of diseases of the
heart, blood vessels, lungs, stomach, etc.
Everything happening in the patient’s organs is immediately registered and shown on screens and
indicators. By studying the results of these investigations the physician can make a correct diagnosis and
plan the necessary treatment. For example, doctors know much about cardiovascular diseases thanks to
radiographic examination of the heart and other methods of ultrasound diagnostics.
It must be stressed that each hospital now possesses new ultrasonic apparatuses, which enable
physicians to make diagnosis and administer proper treatment.
Task 3. Answer the questions
1) What diagnostic apparatuses help doctors to control over the functions of the human organism?
2) Do you know the examples of using ultrasonic devices for diagnostics?
3) Are there any ultrasonic apparatuses in hospitals and clinics in your town?
Task 1. Read the dialogue in pairs
Patient: - How do you do, Doctor?
Doctor: - How do you do. Sit down. What is the matter with you?
P.: - You see, I feel a bad pain in the substernal area and I have temperature and bad cough.
D.: - Please, take the temperature. Oh, it is 37.8°C! Now I want to listen to your lungs and heart. Strip
to the waist, please.
(Doctor listens to his lungs and heart).
P.: - Tell me, Doctor, is it very serious?
D.: - It will be serious, if you don’t follow my instructions. You have only caught a bad cold. I want
you to make blood and urine analyses and X-ray examination.
P.: - All right. I shall.
D.: - I’ll give you a prescription. Take a dose of this drug three times a day. You must follow a bed
regimen. Come and see me again in 3-4 days. Good-bye for the present.
P.: - Good-bye, Doctor. Thank you very much.

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