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Table of Contents
1. Describe the Research Tradition..............................................................................................1
2. Does the Introduction Provide Adequate Background and Provide a Compelling Justification
for the Research?.............................................................................................................................1
3. Ethical considerations for the research.....................................................................................2
4. Overall research design............................................................................................................2
5. Is The Research Design of Investigation Appropriate For The Objectives The Paper Seeks
To Address?.....................................................................................................................................3
6. To what degree is the discussion provided at the end of the paper warranted given the results
7. Possibly most importantly, does the research follow best/good practices about their chosen
research tradition?............................................................................................................................4
8. Is Research Paper Worthwhile?...............................................................................................5

1. Describe the Research Tradition

The article is figured within the social science domain specifically in the areas of

organizational psychology, human resource management, and the law academy. The

epistemological position is concerned with capturing the subjective experiences and perceptions

of the individuals involved in workplace bullying complaints constructivist position. A journal

dedicated to organizational behavior, the development of Human Resource Management, and

workplace psychology were published.

The article targeted individuals, witnesses, and HR specialists who were

involving workplace bullying issues. The writer advises practical implication through

using HR practices, the aim to put subjective experiences under scrutiny and find some

application in practical issues finds support in the constructivist understanding.

2. Does the Introduction Provide Adequate Background and Provide a Compelling

Justification for the Research?

The opening of the paper exhibits all-embracing broad pictures of the background and a

credible explanation of the research. It introduces context by discussing bullying at work

including prevalence and all effects. The essay starts by listing a gap in the literature and that

there is no evidence for how HR practitioners handle workplace bullying complaints.

The research question and the objective of the paper are delicately and indirectly laid down. Yet

the objectives of the leading of the research become apparent in the very first paragraph and in

the successive sections to explain the role of the HR employees in the resolution of complaints,

that is, the workplace bullying issue.

3. Ethical considerations for the research

This study's Ethical considerations focus on protecting the antonyms and

confidentiality of individuals who are subjects of legal cases. Remaining aware that

reports must not be traceable to names of any complainant, alleged bully, witness, or

organization involved in a case is essential for privacy protection. Moreover, the

preservation of ethical standards of lawsuits and the defense of all parties' rights should

be watched out for. In addition to this, researchers ought to observe the ethical policy for

data gathering, analyzing, and reporting to wipe away any bias.

The second important point involves gathering informed consent from the

subjects, at the time necessary, and applying to a relevant ethical review board from the

institution in respect of this matter.

4. Overall research design

The research method involves collecting data from the court cases performed to

assess the hurdles that face human resource practitioners (HRP) when they manage

bullying complaints. The study adopts qualitative research methodology with the case

study approach, which sheds light on the intricacies through several court cases that

illustrate the reactions and non-reactions of HR practitioners towards workplace bullying


The research design also embraces some components of thematic analysis, which

gives the overall picture of the common problem and molds it into a model of the right

approach to the complaint management procedure. This will entail a rigorous

assessment process that identifies critical areas and concerns that arise while working

as an HR professional, as well as potential implications for the theory and practical

manner of workplace bullying.

5. Is The Research Design of Investigation Appropriate For The Objectives The Paper
Seeks To Address?
The research method used to investigate is appropriate in helping the paper to

achieve its objectives. Through undertaking qualitative studies and reviewing the

respective legal cases, the researchers would be in a position to gain a more in-depth

understanding of the problems human resources face with bullying reports at work. The

case study method helps to scrutinize and analyze the real-life situation information

and, contributes to a higher level of detail from where different themes or patterns can

be identified. In this aspect, the study design is well-suited to obtain the research goal of

an overall comprehension of the complaint management process from a systems

approach and its obstacles.


6. To what degree is the discussion provided at the end of the paper warranted given
the results reported?
This paper has presented a good conclusion that required a discussion in the

end because of the outcomes mentioned. The study reveals that HRPs [Human

Resource Practitioners] are confronted with several struggles in managing dismissal

complaints, among which are the question of their worth, way of informing complainants

about the result, and respondents' reluctance to comply with the findings. Herein, this

section of discussion will explain the significance of these findings for the act of theory

building, performing additional empirical research work, and the progress of HR


7. Possibly most importantly, does the research follow best/good practices about their
chosen research tradition?

The paper adheres to the qualitative research tradition, using the best practices

available. Embracing a qualitative paradigm approach, the researchers use legal cases

as a data source ensuring their findings are authentic with the context. The worked

methods of these events allow practitioners to have a deep insight into the challenges

that they may usually face when they are negotiating with cases of bullying, in line with

the characteristics of a qualitative research tradition focused on understanding issues in

context instead of the quantitative tradition that favors measurement. In the end, the

research is based on rigor and within the validity specifications qualified inquiry is aimed

8. Is Research Paper Worthwhile?

This research paper is worthy as it penetrates the intricate operations of

workplace bullying, thus, it uncovers the challenges involved in the management of

complaints by HRPs. The analysis that provides specific information about the

complaint process through legal cases is an essential tool that is useful for theory

building and improvement of human resource practice



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observed workplace bullying”, Applied Psychology, Vol. 60 No. 3, pp. 475-495.

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