Notes On Baby Egg To Baby

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Fertilisation and development

 The scientific study of prenatal development is called embryology.

 The prenatal (before birth) stage of development is called gestation.
 Fertilisation is the fusion of the nucleus of the haploid (n) sperm cell with the nucleus of
the haploid (n) ovum to form a zygote.
 The zygote begins mitotic division and, in about three days, a ball of cells are formed called
a morula.
 The morula continues dividing to form a hollow ball called a blastocyst.
 The blastocyst is implanted into the lining of the uterus and this is called implantation.
 The blastocyst consists of an inner cell mass and a outer layer of cells. Each cell in this
mass has the ability to begin the development of a new individual and is known as an
embryonic stem cell. The blastocyst is one source of an embryonic stem cell. Other
locations are found in bone marrow and blood.
 Stem cells are used to treat some diseases.
 The outer layers of cells of the blastocyst are called trophoblast which will form the extra-
embryonic membranes and the placenta.
 There are three extra-embryonic membranes the allantois, amnion and the chorion.
 The allantois contributes to the formation of the umbilical cord.
 The amnion forms a fluid filled sac called the amniotic sac which protects the embryo from
physical shocks and prevents it from drying out.
 The chorion forms a protective membrane around the embryo and the other membranes.
 The placenta is a structure that is responsible for the gas, nutrient and waste exchange
between the circulatory system of the embryo and the circulatory system of the mother.
 From week nine to birth, the foetus increases in size and then birth takes place
 A foetal ultrasound procedure uses high frequency sound waves to scan a pregnant
woman’s abdomen and pelvic cavity, creating a picture (sonogram) of the developing foetus
and placenta.
 Bonding is the natural process where parents get to know their baby.
 The female breast contains mammary glands, which produce milk for the baby.
 The production of milk by the mammary gland is called lactation, and starts a few days after
the baby is born. Amniotic sac
Amniotic fluid
Sperm-cell Ball of cells

Egg-cell Fertilized egg- Foetus


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