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ABIA STATE UNIVERSITY, UTURU DIVISION OF GENERAL STUDIES IMESTER EXAMINATION FUR 2019/2020 SESSION 1 Of 4 Jesti0s-citzenship education’ TIME ALLOWED: HOUR Fin and shade tn rom the options lettered A-D, thesanswer that best eorresponds to the or otenr? 1. The early history of Igbo people have been difficult because they are seen as “preliterate and — aurbasi b.acephalous ¢.modern _d. none of the above 2. Igbo land is a forest area with dense__a. crops b. yam c.cocoayam d. vegetation 3. In Igbo political system, the ofc and ofo-ala of the akpara and eze-ala were seen as ritual symbols of__and___a. justice b-equity cAandB — d. justice, equity and fairness. 4. The Sudanic ecosystem presented : a. pastural b. swimming, of the above 5. Linguistically, the Igbo language was said to belong to.the __of the Niger Congo family of languages a. kwara subfamily \ Brazzaville c. kwa sub family d. all of the above The main river is _ which empties into the Atlantic Ocean through the Easter Delta c.poultry —d. none a. River 6. Niger b. River Benue c. Ogwashiukwu River d. all of the above -7. The Edo people are today referredtoas__ a. Benin © —_—b. Bens c.allofthe above d. none of the above 8. IA political system of Isoko people, the traditional Head is called_ a.Oba b.Eze c¢.Aboh d. Ovie : 9. tnpre-colonial 'soko __ system was the ba i's of the social political organization a. age grade b.umuada _c. guild system d. none of the above . 10. Marriage in pre-colonial soko was a. Patrilocal and descent patrilineal b. matrilocal and patrilocal c, matrilineal. d. none of the above 11. The Isoko people beltev: «2 tina: ___are symbols of purification and identification a. b. festivals c. marriages —_d. all of the above cultural activities is__ a. hunting b. oil palm tree c. farming 12. The Isoko economy in pre-colonial peri d. all of the above The judicial agents of the Ibibio land are _ except 13. a, Ekpe b. okorocha —¢. Idiong B d. Onogie 14. Another name for clans in ljaw language is__ a. Ibes b.Ijos c. patani d. none of the above: Aun 15. Simple marriage in Kabowei is known as an, Ekie-ere d. none of the above 16. There are _ types of marriage in Kabowei 47. The colony of Lagos maintained its unique ‘egal system which continued to__ c. 1960 d. 1999 b. fet-ere c. tebe tiemo a.6 b8 10 45 a. 1920 b. 1951 » 18. The factors that aroused nationalism in Nigeria isa. the rise of the press. the rise a the political parties <. po...ical development d. all the above 19. The period of effective occupation was in__ year a. 1918 b. 1960¢. 1951 d, 1914 20. Factors that promoted inter-group rela‘.>ns in pre-colonial Nigeria a. migrations -_b, waterways ¢, trading routes d. all of the above 21. The most important denominator of inter group relations in pre-colonial Nigeria was __ a. religion b. social c. economic activities _d. political 22. Generally speaking, at death a man becomes an (a) _to his children and descendants a. spirit b. ghost ¢. orisa d. ancestor . 23. The name “Benin City” was given by __a. French b. Portuguese c. British d. indians . 24, The coming of Oranmiyan heralded the second period ofthe —._&. Benin Dynasty b. Oba ©, Benin Kingdom 4d. Benin City 25. The banishment of the last Ogiso inthe person of__ a. Qwoso b. Erian c Osanego d. Eriam 2 26. The name “Benin city” z= a.Edo b.cityofwar c.cityofwitches _. of hlood 27. The name “Ubini” a farmer name of Berin was ‘Given by_ a.Oba b.Oranivan c. Eware d. Erian 28. The economic mainstay of the Edo people before the interaction with the people are__and _ a. fishery and hunting. Poultry and farming c. farming and fishery. farming and hunting FREANY! EMEKA 29. The Ogiso in Benin Kingdom is known as___a.rulers of the land _b. King of the sky c.wonderer — d. none of the above ao £ 4€.0nd «i command or lieutenants to the supreme God is__ a. Ogiso b. Ifa c. Orisa d. sango : 31. The supreme God in Yoruba religion is __ a. Olodurnare b. Olorun c. Olitwa d. all of the above 32. The Original home of the Yorupa nation Is__ a. Oyo b. Ogun. c. He Ife d. Sudan 33. The father of Eweka 1 and also the father of the first Alafin 1 Jyo is known as __ a. Prince of Oranmiyan b. Oba c. Eware d. Oni of Ife 34, The general name for the deities is__ . Ogisos b. gous c. agbara d, orisa 35. The indigenous religion among the Yoruba can be described as _ a. monotheistic b, Hindus c. polytheistic d okpo 36. The founder of NNDP was__ a. Herbert Marculey —_b. Aminu Kanu cc. Nnamdi Azikiwe d. Arthor Nzeribe 37. The igbo was said to have a population of about__ a.5-6 million b.120 million c. 35 million d. none of the above 38. itis about __ Km from Ibibiaiand te atlantic ocean a.130 b.13 43 d.23 39. The 1962 plebiscite gave birth to____ a .outh-west Cameroon b. north Cameroon ¢. north south Camerov!: d. none of the apove 2 card OME eae 40. __ saw land as th gl eir mother . Ht 41. In Nigeria, we have about fates nee me c. Hausa ¢. Benin 42, Affiann ti Groups a, 209 b.230 ¢.250 d.450 8 the reasons for the widowhood practice in Ohaozara includ itis péeale kine: : jude a, itis the culture of the . res iti ftom tie ite ne pee cad love c. itis a way of separating the deceased! 43. Ikeji in Abam signi " tie seine senting — a. a perlod farmers embark on atest harvest b. a climax of da Tadic fed new yam festival c. all of the above d, none of the above ae afaein Means all but one a. administration through the use of existence = _b. asystem used by the colonial masters to rule their subjects ¢. @ systemofa ‘ative administration d. none of the above 45, The ‘ Thee ni except one a. efforts made by the colonial masters to Pe nish their subjects _b. nationalist efforts to gain independence ¢. nationalist ovement towards self ruled. nationa'ist efforts to realize their people, economy, political and cultural independence 46. The first political party was formed in Nigeriai____ a. 1914 b. 1960 c. 1923 d. 1945 47. One of these serve as the king of the festival in Igbo land a, crying b. new yam festival ¢.okonko ceremony —_d.all of the above 48, People who died a bad death are buried in a. evilforest bb. burial ground c cemetery 4. family land 49, Tie high god in Hausa landis called a. allah b, emir <, bawa d. Ubangiji + 50. The motion for self rule in Nigeria was in a. 1923 b. 1914 c. 1960 d.1954 51. The amalgamation of the southern protectorate and Lagos colony was ‘inthe year a. 1900 : b, 1906 ¢.1914 d. 1960 52. Omume-Ngba festival refersto__ a. time old stock are disposed _b. period maidens are initiated into womanhoce c.the end of famine 4 all of the above 53, inter-group relations refers to all but one —_ a, socio-cultural activities ». political activities _c. economic activities d. none of the above 54, The fourth largest ethnic group in Nigeria is___ a. the bom b. the Hausa Fulani nation c.the tbibio dd. the Igbo 55. The Istamic law officially approves__ wives a4 b6 C3 48 56. The Hausa land was made up of _ nationality a10 b4 6 d-allofthe above FFEANY EMEKA 57. New yam festival serves one of these purposes a, political b. socio-cultural *c.economic all of the above 58. One of these nations is ranked as one of the largest in the whole Africa a. Igbo nation b. Yoruba nation c. Ibibio nation d. Ijaw nation 59. The ijaw in Niger Delta state ismade upof__clans a7 b.10 © 15 d.none of the above 60. The early Benin monarch was called__ a. Ogisos b.Oba c. Ovie d. none of the above 61. The Edo political system was said to be_ ‘a. monarchical v. anarchical c. stateless d. none of the above b.edo c. Niger 82, ss etline en 2. One of these ettinlc Breups believe in the te-"ncarnation of infants a. Uh Delta d.Isoko ol Yhe clan Head In tsoke land is eaiied __ 2. Ovie b.tmir ¢. Oba d. Sarit ae 1c er these Aationality is mace up of 19 clan a. Isoko b.ljaw c. Edo 1. ibio i. Tre Akwa- . - ! zn language of th. Aig... Congo family is spuken by _. tue Isoko people —b. the enin people c. the liaw peuple d. The Edo people 66. eater 6 Te exe ‘cutive functions in tiaw pre-colon’.." politica: system were.performed by a. the o oldest nai _b, the age grade c.the youngleadars — d. the youths ‘ 62: otros hal in tbibio land was bety a. 7-10 years b.5-7ycsrs ¢. 8-10 years d. none of the above : SS. The God thet come from above ia Yoruba is called a. Olodurnei Bb. ota 6 Clodumare — d. olussoro 62, Tine Hausa {and and the sihadist movement is associated with Teracve », Usuman Ganfodio of Toradbe c, Usuman Danyaro of Toradbe 8. Usuman Banfedio of Toradbe 76. One ef the inajor groups found in Hausa wer 9, Kanu Flan a. Usuman Dankaso of bTivs ¢.Midlie belts d b. Kafan Chan c. Kano da. 72. Cieth weaving was very elaborate in.__a. Katina Xatin3 center for commerce and weait! : _ a. Bini Xana b. inti Birni Yola_—d. Birni Kebbi b. Kala aut & Tne cay stimulant permitted by the mos. d. cocoa nu [EAN NVI MEK, a a. Many ods. “5. No Ele ime gods sod believes in__ 2 found in today’s__ i. Bayelsa state: d, cross river was reputed to be the highest thibie +: c.cke sdcizty d. ekpu society ibio economy hinged to a great extent on _ m preduction a. Ekpe society b. ekpo society sak in a. Kernel production b. pelp 77, The production c. paper production — 4. p’ 72. it is contended tivat the Hause are provably & mixture of ___and _ and Arab immigrants b. indigznous Africans and Berber isamigrants and Birni immigrants d. indiges:ous setters and better inimigrants 79. The “Hausa banea" cout a. Yoruba (Iloci=! c. Yoruba (Ibadan) 80. The Hausa ere __ a. vegeterians 5. Nomads 81. The names of the Igbo people are _. theophilous 82. The god of smaii pox in Yoruba is__ 83. The new yam festival starts in earae a. indigenous people ¢. indigenous Nigerians tree din b. Yoruba (Abevkuta) ruba Lagos nan wine teppers c. iunu producer d. a. theology b. themacic c.theoplorous d. d. sango. b.Oya c.Ogca b.afor cekfé é. nkwo a, orig ust ac the last__ markets.

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