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Department of Computer Science and Engineering


Total Marks
Subject EE223- DLD 35
Marks Obtained
Faculty Aatka Ali Spring 2024
Class BSCS II Semester
Student Name Roll# Submission

Special Instructions:

1. Submit your assignment on the mentioned date. Meet the deadline.

2. Provide the answer for each question in the available space.

Question #01: [2+1+2*7=35 Points]: Given in the Figure below is seven Segment Display
with its truth table to display decimal digit from 0 to 9.

a) Draw the K-map for each segment a, b, c, d, e, f, g and find the simplified Boolean
expression for each segment.

b) Draw the circuit for each segment using its Boolean expression
Segment a :

Segment b:
Segment c:

Segment d:
Segment e:

Segment f:
Segment g:

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