Business Ethics

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Name: __________________________________________________________ Date: ____/____/____

Grade and Section: ______________________________ Score: ____/50


First Quarter Examination- Second Semester

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Instructions: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write your
final answer on the notebook you have provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ON THE FINAL
1. It is a business venture by two or more people.
A. Corporation B. Sole Proprietorship C. Business D. Partnership
2. It is an independent entity distinct from its owners.
A. Corporation B. Sole Proprietorship C. Business D. Partnership
3. It is a business owned by one person only.
A. Corporation B. Sole Proprietorship C. Business D. Partnership
4. This act should be done accurately to the company’s investors.
A. Transparency B. Reporting C. Fairness D. Accountability
5. It is the explication and justification process.
A. Transparency B. Reporting C. Fairness D. Accountability
6. These are mental abilities that managers must have to better understand analyze and diagnose complex
A. Human Skills B. Technical Skills C. Conceptual Skills D. Management
7. his refers to all books, records, files, business records and plans, reports, correspondence, documentation in
respect of the agreement, and other financial and customer data.
A. Code of Ethics B. Marketing C. Documentation D. Decorum
8. It refers to the activities of a company that undertakes to promote the buying and selling of its product and
A. Code of Ethics B. Marketing C. Documentation D. Decorum
9. This is referred to as an “ethical code”, that may encompass areas such as business ethics, a code of professional
practice, and an employee code of conduct.
A. Code of Ethics B. Marketing C. Documentation D. Decorum
10. Jews believe that there is one God, and their written laws rely on the ____.
A. Qur’an B. Torah C. Holy Bible D. Talmud
11. Buddhists follow the teachings of ____.
A. Indira Gandhi B. Pratimoksa C. Siddhartha Gautama D. Brahman
12. Hindus believe in ____.
A. Indira Gandhi B. Pratimoksa C. Siddhartha Gautama D. Brahman
13. It helps you identify your business' strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
A. Specific B. SWOT Analysis C. Webinars D. Trend Analysis
14. It uses business data collected over time to identify consistent results or trends.
A. Specific B. SWOT Analysis C. Webinars D. Trend Analysis
15. It provides useful information to help develop your business skills.
A. Specific B. SWOT Analysis C. Webinars D. Trend Analysis
16. A corporation is a separate entity distinct from all the owners.
A. True B. False C. Maybe D. None of the above
17. The liability of a shareholder is only limited to the amount of his/her investment.
A. True B. False C. Maybe D. None of the above
18. Transparency is shown when one hides the records from the other shareholders of the company.
A. True B. False C. Maybe D. None of the above
19. Accountability is shown when one admits his/her mistake and is responsible for it.
A. True B. False C. Maybe D. None of the above
20. Fairness is shown when one listens to the two sides of a story.
A. True B. False C. Maybe D. None of the above
21. -25. Read each sentence below and classify each according to describe philosophers.
A. Confucius B. Plato C. Epicurus D. Socrates E. Aristotle
21. He is best known for the Socratic method of question and answer. He is known for his classic philosophy, “HAVE
22. He is famous for his golden rule and his famous classic philosophy is “LIVE A CONTENTED, MORAL AND HAPPY
23. He was the most practical and business oriented of all philosophers. His classic philosophy is “LET PEOPLE SEEK
24. He was a fourth century Greek philosopher who taught that the aim of life was simply to be as happy as possible
here on Earth. He is very famous for his “ART OF HAPPINESS.”
25. His prime belief was that a person must study themselves in order to find out their level of character. His classic
philosophy is “THE POWER TO RULE.”
26. Business should be conducted in accordance with the rules of nature which God governs.
A. Islam B. Christianity C. Hinduism D. Judaism
27. They have a positive attitude towards business and wealth creation.
A. Islam B. Christianity C. Hinduism D. Judaism
28. Manana habit is practiced when one put-off something until another time.
A. True B. False C. Maybe D. None of the above
29. A person practices ningas-cogon when he/she is eager at the beginning but is quick to lose interest.
A. True B. False C. Maybe D. None of the above
30. Padrino system means always remember the good acts that others did.
A. True B. False C. Maybe D. None of the above
31. While fixing his table, Arthur accidentally dropped the electronic calculator provided by the company.
A. Fairness B. Accountability C. Transparency D. None of the above
32. Sonia and Rita fought inside the office. Hence, both were suspended for three days.
A. Fairness B. Accountability C. Transparency D. None of the above
33. The employee discovered that his/her salary was short by P1,000 and asked the payroll officer who, in turn,
showed him/her the records.
A. Fairness B. Accountability C. Transparency D. None of the above
34. The boss shows the receipt to the accountant.
A. Fairness B. Accountability C. Transparency D. None of the above
35. – 38. Read each sentence below and classify each according to the ethical issue where it belongs.
A. Ethical Issues in Finance C. Ethical Issues in Marketing
B. Ethical Issues in Human Resource Management D. Ethical Issues in Production
35. XYZ Company does not accept members of LGBTQIA+ community.
36. Diggie’s hotdogs are made under strict processing standards.
37. The company accountant orders office supplies from her husband’s store.
38. Strawberry, a new brand of computer, launched its new laptops at an overpriced amount.
39. All of these are advantages of a partnership, except:
A. There is sharing of burden. C. There is better decision-making because two heads decide.
B. The partners both own and control the business. D. It has lower start-up cost.
40. The following are the advantages of a sole proprietorship, except:
A. There could be difficulty in raising capital. C. the sole proprietor can pass the business down to his/her
B. Tax preparation is a lot faster. D. Handling money for the business is easier.
41. Which is not a role of a corporation?
A. Corporation provides benefits such as connections with suppliers, etc.
B. Corporation makes massive quantities of goods.
C. Corporation hires huge number of workers.
D. Corporation finds it difficult to raise capital.
42. Which is not true of a corporation?
A. The life of a corporation has no limit.
B. The business does not have any independent legal status.
C. The business operates even without any real oversight from the owners.
D. Corporation files taxes separately from its owners.
43. As an office employee, you need to _____.
i. wear the prescribed office uniform ii. wear something you are comfortable with
A. i only B. ii only C. Both i and ii D. Neither of the two.
44. With the “No Smoking” policy of the company, Elvis, being a smoker, _____.
i. will not follow because it makes him uncomfortable
ii. will follow because it could irritate the people around him
A. i only B. ii only C. Both i and ii D. Neither of the two.
45. In observing the office hour, I _____.
i. will report to my workplace before the time
ii. will report any time I want, anyway there is salary deduction
A. i only B. ii only C. Both i and ii D. Neither of the two.
46. -48. Read the situation below and answer each question in two to three sentences.
Pia, the proprietress of XYZ Enterprises, had to borrow extra capital from her friend, Bea, for her business
expansion. Bea willingly lent her friend the money with no interest. The business grew and had several branches
that Pia had to hire more workers and, she had even paid Bea in full! One day, Bea approached Pia and asked for
a favor. Bea had cancer and she needed money for medication. Pia declined and told Bea that all her money was
in the business and that she came at a wrong time.

 What kind of friend is Pia?
 If you were Bea, what would you do?

49. – 50. Assuming that you are a proprietor of a car company, what are the strategies/ways to make your business
unique from other car companies? How can you be a S.M.A.R.T. proprietor? (2-3 sentences.)

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