Cities and Urban

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Cities and Urban Land Use

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Urbanized population the proportion of a country's population living in cities
An increase in the percentage and in the number of people living
in urban settlements.
this type of settlement pattern refers to the way in which most cities
nucleated form of settlement
grow, which is form a core area outward
The territorial nucleus from which a country grows in an area and
core area over time, often containing the national capital and the main center
of commerce, culture, and industry.
type of settlement pattern found in rural reas where houses are far
dispersed form of settlement
threshold The minimum number of people needed to support the service
Commercilization The selling of goods and services to make profit
Industries that sell their products or services primarily to con-
basic industry
sumers outside the settlement
Industries that sell their products primarily to consumers in the
Non-basic industries
how the workforce is divided up between the three main employ-
Employment structure
ment sectors - primary, secondary, and tertiary
A city where manufacturing has declined and the focus of the city
Post Industrial City
is service industries.
process by which companies move industrial jobs to other regions
with cheaper labor.
When too many workers are employed and layoffs occur.
Also when someone is overqualified for a job but takes it anyway.
areas that were once considered urban areas, even though only
unincorporated areas
two or three families live there today
hamlets smallest of urban settlements with counted population
A small number of people who live in a cluster of houses in a rural
area, slightly larger than a hamlet
a nucleated settlement that contains a CBD but that is small and
less functionally complex than a city
The area surrounding a central place, from which people are
Hinterland (Market Area)
attracted to use the place's goods and services.
densely populated areas with commercial, industrial, and residen-
tial sections. Has tens of thousands of people
An area of over 50,000 people where they have large incorporated
An overgrown urban area created by the gradual merging of
several metropolitan areas
A ranking of settlements (hamlet, village, town, city, metropolis)
urban hierarchy
according to their size and economic functions.
A group of cities that form an interconnected, internationally dom-
World Cities
inant system of global control of finance and commerce
The first tier of world cities. London, New York, and Tokyo- each
is the largest city in one of the 3 main regions of the developed
Alpha World City
world. Contains the largest concentration of financial and related
business centers.
This second tier of world cities applies to those that play an
important but lesser role in world politics and economics than
Beta World Cities their larger alpha counterparts. Such global cities include San
Francisco, Toronto, Mexico City, Madrid, and Brussels. Moscow
and Seoul are sometimes included in this group.

Cities and Urban Land Use
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This third tier of world cities applies to those that play an important
but lesser role in world politics and economics than their larger al-
Gamma World Cities
pha and beta counterparts. Such global cities include Amsterdam,
Dallas, Geneva, Johannesburg, Melbourne, and Prague.
City currently without much population but increasing in size at a
Emerging cities
fast rate both in population and economy
Gateway Cities connect two areas and serve as a gateway between them
space within an urban environment that can accommodate a large
Festival landscape
number of people
Central Business District (CBD) the commercial and business center of a city
The theory that only commercial landlords can afford the land
Bid rent theory
within the CBD
A shopping center with stores and businesses facing a system of
shopping mall
enclosed walkways
The four consecutive 15-minute periods in the morning and
Rush Hours
evening with the heaviest volumes of traffic.
This type of city planning comprises a street system in which the
Grid Street System streets are oriented along east-west and north-south axes so that
they form a kind of grid.
Residential areas surrounding a city. Shops and businesses
moved to suburbia as well as people.
laws in a city or town that designate certain areas, or zones, for
zoning laws
residential and business use
residential zoning system of land-use regulation for housing
Industrial Zoning The system of land-use regulation for the production of materials.
The system of land use for government structures (schools, court-
institutional zoning
rooms, government offices)
dendritic pattern a stream system that resembles the pattern of a branching tree
A ring of land maintained as parks, agriculture, or other types of
open space to limit the sprawl of an urban area.
the use of vacant land and property within a built-up area for
In filling
further construction or development
Urban growth rate the rates at which individual cities increase their populations
An area within a city in a less developed country in which people
Squatter Settlement illegally establish residences on land they do not own or rent and
erect homemade structures.
Favelas Large slums around Brazilian cities
Squatter settlements found in the periphery of Latin American
A cluster of office buildings, usually located along an interstate,
Office Park
often forming the nucleus of an edge city
the geographic position of a place in relation to other places or
features of a larger region
Site The advantage of periphery advantages to a place
Entrepot Big commercial center for importing and exporting commodities.
Megacities cities with more than 10 million people
Use the principle of agglomeration to their benefit - instrumental
High-tech corridors in providing the world with the computer equipment needed to run
its operations on a daily basis
Jani - Primary mosque in an Islamic city

Cities and Urban Land Use
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Colonial CDB The headquarters of a colonial government
Traditional CDB The current commercial center of a city
Market/bazaar CBD Like a farmers market in the US.
The three modeled process for classifying people usually by eco-
Social Structure
nomic status
Class The basic economic outcome of an economy
A model of the internal structure of cities in which social groups
Concentric Zone Model are spatially arranged in a series of rings. Usually the lower class
lives in the center and the rich move to the outer rings.
The region within a settlement with the greatest land value and
commerce. As such, it is usually located in the central business
Peak land value intersection
district of a town or city, and has the greatest density of transport
links such as roads and rail
Usually containing a great deal of slums. The zone outside of the
Zone in Trasition
A high-density informal urban settlement with inadequate housing
and services
Urban apartment buildings that served as housing for poor factory
workers. Often poorly constructed and overcrowded.
the outer most zone of the Concentric Zone Model that represents
Commuter Zone people who choose to live in residential suburbia and take a daily
commute in the CBD to work.
continued expansion of central business district and continual
push outward of zones, causing zones to rebuild infrastructures so
invasion and succession
that areas that were once low-income residences are converted
into apartments
A model that shows cities develop in a series of sectors radiating
Sector Model (Hoyt)
out from a CBD
Type of urban form wherein cities have numerous centers of
Multiple Nuclei Model
business and cultural activity instead of one central place.
A large node of office and retail activities on the edge of an urban
edge cities
An effect in economics in which an increase in spending produces
multiplier effect an increase in national income and consumption greater than the
initial amount spent.
Zones in cities are randomly placed but are separated from each
Keno-Capitalism Model
other by walls.
A suburban ethnic neighborhood, sometimes home to relatively
affluent immigration populations
Theory proposed by Walter Christaller that explains how and
Central Place Theory where central places in the urban hierarchy should be functionally
and spatially distributed with respect to one another.
The maximum distance people are willing to travel to use a ser-
An area delineated by the U.S. Bureau of the Census for which
statistics are published; in urbanized areas, census tracts corre-
Census Tract
spond roughly to neighborhoods. Used by businesses to deter-
mine location.
A mathematical formula that describes the level of interaction
Gravity Model between two places, based on the size of their populations and
their distance from each other.
In a model urban hierarchy, the idea that the population of a city
rank-size rule
or town will be inversely proportional to its rank in the hierarchy.

Cities and Urban Land Use
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The largest settlement in a country, if it has more than twice as
primate city
many people as the second-ranking settlement.
An underground cemetery, esp. one consisting of tunnels and
rooms with recesses dug out for coffins and tombs.
a type of landscape painting that features scenes of streets, build-
ings, and other city features.
landscapes that express values, beliefs, and meanings of a par-
Symbolic Landscape
ticular culture.
The process of population movement from within towns and cities
to the rural-urban fringe.
working and middle-class white people move away from racial-mi-
White Flight nority suburbs or inner-city neighborhoods to white suburbs and
A group in society prevented from participating in the material
Underclass benefits of a more developed society because of a variety of social
and economic characteristics.
The process of urban areas expanding outwards, usually in the
Urban Sprawl
form of suburbs, and developing over fertile agricultural land.
an area where developers can plot out each house in the devel-
Planned Community
opment and build the community from scratch
a restricted access subdivision or neighborhood, often surrounded
by a barrier, with entry permitted only for residents and their
gated community
guests; usually totally planned in land use and design, with "resi-
dents only" limitations on public streets
Outlined by a group of architects, urban planners, and developers
from over 20 countries, an urban design that calls for development,
New Urbanism
urban revitalization, and suburban reforms that create walkable
neighborhoods with a diversity of housing and jobs.
Counterurbanization net migration from urban to rural areas
Degree to which decision-making authority is given to lower levels
in an organization's hierarchy.
Degree to which decision-making authority is restricted to higher
levels of management in an organization.
How a city deals with getting clean water to its citizens, removing
Urban Hydrology dirty water and cleaning it, and then putting it back into the worlds
rivers and oceans
the heat that cities generate as a result of having many buildings
urban heat island effect
and few trees or other vegetation
Urban Morphology The study of the physical form and structure of urban places
A process of converting an urban neighborhood from a pre-
Gentrification dominantly low-income renter-occupied area to a predominantly
middle-class owner-occupied area.
the practice in which real estate brokers guide prospective home
racial steering buyers towards or away from certain neighborhoods based on
their race
Segregation Separation of people based on racial, ethnic, or other differences
A discriminatory real estate practice in North America in which
members of minority groups are prevented from obtaining money
to purchase homes or property in predominantly white neighbor-
hoods. The practice derived its name from the red lines depicted
on cadastral maps used by real estate agents and developers.
Today, redlining is officially illegal.
Postmodern Architecture blends historical foundations with modern touches

Cities and Urban Land Use
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Point of view, wherein cities and building are though to act like
well-oiled machines, which little energy spent on frivolous details
Modern Architecture or ornate designs. Efficient, geometrical structures made of con-
crete and glass dominated urban forms for half a century while
this view prevailed.
Illegal practice of inducing homeowners to sell their properties by
Blockbusting telling them that a certain people of a certain race, national origin
or religion are moving into the area
A statement written into a property deed that restricts the use of
Restrictive Covenants the land in some way; often used to prohibit certain groups of
people from buying property


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