CAN DO Statements - YLE

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Can Do summary
The tables below give some examples at each Cambridge English: Young Learners level of typical general ability, plus ability in each of the skill areas and
in a range of contexts (social & leisure and school). These statements are linked to the CEFR.

Typical abilities Listening & Speaking Reading & Writing
Overall general ability CAN understand simple sentences about things around CAN recognise the letters of the English alphabet.
them, like ‘This is a chair’, ‘I like my school’, ‘That’s my
CAN write the letters of the English alphabet and spell
their name and simple words.
CAN respond to personal questions on topics such as age,
family and their home.
Social & Leisure CAN understand simple expressions of communication, CAN read short, simple words and the names of some
such as ‘Hello’, ‘How are you?’, ‘Thank you’. objects, such as animals, toys, clothes.
CAN respond to simple expressions of communication CAN write simple sentences about themselves and their
with ‘Yes, please’, ‘Sorry’, ‘I don’t understand’. family.
School CAN understand and follow simple classroom instructions CAN understand simple written instructions, for example
given by the teacher, such as ‘Open your book’, ‘Read the how they should do an exercise in their course book.
question’, ‘Listen to me’.
CAN recognise and copy words, phrases and short
CAN listen to and repeat words and phrases appropriate sentences from a text, a book, or the board in the
to the level after their teacher. classroom.

Typical abilities Listening & Speaking Reading & Writing
Overall general ability CAN agree or disagree with someone, using phrases such CAN understand simple sentences if they read them
as ‘I think so’, ‘You are right’, ‘I don’t think so’. slowly and several times.
CAN ask questions and use fixed expressions, such as CAN write simple sentences, using words given to them.
‘How much is/are …?’, ‘What’s the matter?’, ‘I’m good
at …’.
Social & Leisure CAN understand when somebody talks about their family CAN understand simple stories and shorter texts with the
or friends in simple sentences. help of pictures and drawings.
CAN ask somebody about how they are and what they like CAN write about what they like doing in their free time,
doing and answer similar questions. using words given to them.
School CAN understand instructions given by the teacher in the CAN understand signs and simple notices.
classroom, such as ‘You must do this’, ‘Take off your coats’.
CAN continue a story or text that has been started in
CAN ask questions about school activities, for example English or add words that are missing.
classroom tasks, homework, holidays.

Typical abilities Listening & Speaking Reading & Writing
Overall general ability CAN say that they do not understand something or cannot CAN understand longer texts about everyday topics, even
do something, and ask for help, using expressions such as if they do not know all the words.
‘Could you say it again, please?’.
CAN use a dictionary to help them understand a word
CAN talk about a problem in simple terms. they do not know.
Social & Leisure CAN arrange with friends to do something or play CAN write a short message on a postcard or in an email.
CAN write about how they feel and give reasons why, in
CAN make and respond to invitations, suggestions, simple sentences.
apologies and requests.
School CAN understand audio and video clips used in the English CAN write short dialogues, for example in speech bubbles,
lesson. picture stories, comics.
CAN talk briefly about things they have done, for example CAN make up a story in English using ideas, pictures or
about their favourite holiday. words that the teacher gives them.


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